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so:text It stimulates the good, and people look at the good and see the good, but it also stimulates the bad, and people look at the bad, and see the bad... But at the same time, if they would look with educated eyes they would see a new world, they would see differences: more tolerance, new ideas, people like Nelson Mandela released after 27 years in prison, the end of apartheid, the reunification of Germany, the division into autonomous states in the Soviet Union where ‘unity’ was imposed by an elite on the people of Russia. The world has dramatically changed.... All of this is the action of the Law of Love. This creates the Sword of Cleavage so that humanity will see clearly what the choice is: do we share and recreate the world, make it possible for all people to live together in peace and plenty, “where no man lacks; where no two days are alike; where the Joy of Brotherhood manifests through all men”, as Maitreya said.. Or do we continue with the corruption and misery and eventually see the annihilation of our world? p. 102 (en)
so:description The Art of Living: Living within the Laws of Life (2006) (en)
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