The Patanjala Yoga used the word klesa for the principle of impurity in the soul which keeps it in bondage.... Following Samkhya the Patanjala Yoga enumerates five klesas. IOn the descending order of subtlety and potency, they are avidya, asmita, raga, dvesha and abhinivesa... According to Samkhya philsophy, there are two principles: Purusha and Prakriti.... According to Samkhya even chitta or buddhi is material and is Prakriti's first modification. It is also called mahat..... Chitta or buddhi thinks it is conscioiius or a seer, but it is only an instrument of seeing. This is called asmita klesa and gies rise to a false sense of personality.... How to conquer klesas is the cental problem of Yoga... (en) |