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so:text James A. Garfield must be our president. I know. Colored man, he is right on our questions, take my word for it. He is a typical American all over. He has shown us how man in the humblest circumstances can grapple with man, rise, and win. He has come from obscurity to fame, and we'll make him more famous. Has burst up through the incrustations that surround the poor, and has shown us how it is possible for an American to rise. He has built the road over which he traveled. He has buffeted the billows of adversity, and tonight, he swims in safety where Hancock, in despair, is going down. (en)
so:description Meeting of Colored Citizens (1880) (en)
so:description 1880s (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context440575
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qkg:Quotation846297 qkg:hasMention
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