The Influence of the Rays Today. First: The most obvious and powerful force in the world today is that of the first Ray of Will and Power. It works out in two ways: 1. As the will of God in world affairs, which is ever the will-to-good. Steadily — if you study human history intelligently — you will see that there has been a regular and rhythmic progression toward unity and synthesis in all departments of human affairs. This unity in multiplicity is the Eternal Plan — a unity in consciousness, a multiplicity in form. 2. As the destructive element in world affairs. This refers to man's use of this force of will which is seldom as yet the will-to-good in active expression, but something which leads to self-assertion and to war with its accompaniments — separation, selfish diplomacy, hate and armaments, disease and death.This is the force which pours into the world from the major world centre, Shamballa. Little is known of Shamballa. More will be known as you study... Chapter 1, p. 13 (en) |