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so:text Shit scared them . Shit and arseholes. Yet, what was more human and more needful of transcending! From that moment, I know I would keep on obsessing them with what they most dreaded. And when I invented Surrealist objects, I had the deep inner fulfillment of knowing, while the group went into ecstasies over their operation, that these objects very exactly reproduced the contradictions of a rectal sphincter at work, so that what they were thus admiring was their own fear. (en)
so:description Quotes of Salvador Dali (en)
so:description 1971 - 1980 (en)
so:description 'Comment on deviant Dali, les aveux inavouables de Salvador Dali' (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context448012
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qkg:Quotation860796 qkg:hasMention
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