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so:text The show is called 'Wind'. I tried here to make work which looks like wind, and it is the most difficult thing to do; I was thinking of Leonardo da Vinci – as he was, for instance, always wanting to fly. And then, this hand of Michael Jackson is like 'ffffffff', 'I'm leaving' . Not in a sad way, but.. a way a little bit sad too. And then I said 'Isa Genzken', because I always liked him so much. For instance, I would always have jackets like this one. This is my favourite kind of style, and so I said 'ffff' 'Now I'm coming'.. .It's like 'don't be afraid, don't be sad, you know.. .I'm here.' (en)
so:description Quotes of Isa Genzken (en)
so:description 2001 - 2010 (en)
so:description 'Out to Lunch with Isa Genzken' (2009) (en)
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