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so:text Life is no negative, or superficial or worldly existence. Our steps are evermore haunted with thoughts, far beyond their own range, which some have regarded as the reminiscences of a preesistent state. So it is with us all, in the beaten and worn track of this worldly pilgrimage. There is more here, than the world we live in. It is not all of life to live. An unseen and infinite presence is here; a sense of something greater than we possess; a seeking, through all the void wastes of life, for a good beyond it; a crying out of the heart for interpretation; a memory of the dead, touching continually some vibrating thread in this great tissue of mystery. (en)
so:description Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (1871) (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context461506
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qkg:Quotation886536 qkg:hasMention
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