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so:text Rudolph Hess must rightfully be honored as a martyr among martyrs. He was a greater influence in the Third Reich than most know. Some say he was even the major writer of Mein Kampf, although graciously allowing all credit to go to Adolf Hitler. Over nearly a half century of unjustified imprisonment, much of it in solitary confinement, Hess never betrayed his race, or his leader or his comrades. His attempt to bring peace between the then Aryan countries of Germany and Britain ran counter to the Zionist aim of genocide through fratricidal war. So, he was hated with passion by the world's talmudic rulers. Finally, as an old man he was severely beaten and hanged in his solitary prison, as a final act of cruelty. May the name Hess be reverenced as long as the Aryan race lives! (en)
so:description Focus Fourteen (en)
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