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so:text Donald Trump : I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding. Meredith Vieira : You have people now, down there searching— Trump : Absolutely. Vieira : I mean, in Hawaii? Trump : Absolutely. And they cannot believe what they're finding. Wolf Blitzer: All right, tell us what your people who were investigating in Hawaii, what they found. Trump: Oh, we don't have to go into old news. That's old news. Blitzer: Well, what did they find? Trump: There's been plenty found. You can call many people. You can read many, many articles on the authenticity of the certificate. You can read many articles from just recently as to what the publisher printed in a brochure as to what Obama told him, as to where his place of birth is. And that's fine, Wolf. Now, it's appropriate, I think, that we get to the subject of hand, which is — at hand, which is jobs, which is the economy, which is how our country is not doing well at all under this leadership, which is how are we going to do something about energy, which is really that things that I wanted to talk to you about, but you like to keep going back to the place of birth. (en)
so:description 2012 (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context472180
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