Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) (RDF)


Positive Negative Neutral



Year Texts
  • de: German
    Das Wort Gottes ist für mich nicht mehr, als der Ausdruck und das Produkt menschlicher Schwächen. Die Bibel ist eine Sammlung ehrbarer, aber dennoch primitiver Legenden, welche doch ganz schön kindisch sind. Keine Interpretation, wie feinsinnig sie auch sein mag, kann das ändern. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Das Wort Gott ist für mich nichts als Ausdruck und Produkt menschlicher Schwächen, die Bibel eine Sammlung ehrwürdiger, aber doch reichlich primitiver Legenden. Für mich ist die unverfälschte jüdische Religion wie alle anderen Religionen eine Incarnation des primitiven Aberglaubens. Und das jüdische Volk, zu dem ich gern gehöre und mit dessen Mentalität ich tief verwachsen bin, hat für mich doch keine andersartige Dignität als alle anderen Völker. Soweit meine Erfahrung reicht, ist es auch um nichts besser als andere menschliche Gruppierungen, wenn es auch durch Mangel an Macht gegen die schlimmsten Auswüchse gesichert ist. Sonst kann ich nichts 'Auserwähltes' an ihm wahrnehmen. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can change this. ... For me the Jewish religion like all others is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Sana Jumala ei ole minulle mitään muuta kuin inhimillisen heikkouden ilmaisu ja tuote; Raamattu on kokoelma kunniallisia, mutta silti alkukantaisia legendoja, jotka ovat melko lapsellisia. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Minulle juutalainen uskonto, kuten kaikki muutkin uskonnot, on lapsellisten taikauskojen ruumiillistuma. Edes hienostuneet tulkinnat eivät voi tätä muuttaa. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    המילה 'אלוהים' היא בעבורי שום דבר פרט לתוצר של חולשה אנושית, והתנ"ך הוא אוסף של אגדות נכבדות אך עדיין פרימיטיביות – ואף על פי כן ילדותיות. אף פירוש שלו, מעודן ככל שיהיה, לא יוכל לשנות זאת מבחינתי. הפירושים המעודנים הללו הם כל כך מגוונים בטבעם עד שכמעט ואין להם קשר לטקסט המקורי. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La parola Dio per me non è nulla se non l'espressione di un prodotto della debolezza umana, la Bibbia una collezione di onorevoli, ma pur sempre puramente primitive, leggende che sono comunque piuttosto infantili. Nessuna interpretazione, per quanto sottile, può per me cambiare questo fatto. Per me la religione ebraica, così come tutte le altre religioni, è una incarnazione delle più infantili superstizioni. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    내게 신이라고 하는 단어는 인간의 약점을 드러내는 표현이나 산물에 불과하다. 성경은 명예롭지만 상당히 유치하고 원시적인 전설들의 집대성이며 아무리 치밀한 해석을 덧붙이더라도 이 점은 변하지 않는다. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Ordet Gud er for meg intet mer enn et uttrykk og et produkt av menneskelige svakheter, bibelen er en samling hederlige, men likevel primitive legender som er ganske barnslige. Ingen tolkning, uansett hvor subtil den er, kan forandre dette for meg. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Słowo „Bóg” jest dla mnie niczym więcej niż wyrazem i wytworem ludzkiej słabości, a Biblia zbiorem dostojnych, ale jednak prymitywnych, legend, które są ponadto dość dziecinne. Żadna interpretacja, niezależnie od tego, jak subtelna, nie może tego zmienić. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A palavra Deus para mim é nada mais que a expressão e produto da fraqueza humana, a Bíblia é uma coleção de lendas honradas, mas ainda assim primitivas, que são bastante infantis. Nenhuma Interpretação, por mais sutil que seja, pode mudar isso. Para mim, a religião judaica é, como todas as outras, uma coletânea de superstições infantis. E o povo judeu, ao qual eu pertenço e cuja mentalidade eu tenho grande ligação, não possui para mim nenhuma qualidade que outros povos não tenham. Por minha experiência, eles não são melhores que outro grupo de pessoas, apesar de protegidos das piores doenças pela falta de poder. Por isso não vejo nada que os torne "escolhidos. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Слово "Бог" для меня всего лишь проявление и продукт человеческих слабостей, а Библия — свод почтенных, но всё же примитивных легенд, которые, тем не менее, являются довольно ребяческими. Никакая, даже самая изощрённая, интерпретация не сможет это изменить. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Tanrı kəlməsi mənim üçün insanın zəifliyinin bir ifadəsi və məhsulundan başqa bir şey deyil. İncil də ulu bir kitabdır, amma primitiv əfsanələrdən ibarət bir kolleksiyadır və eyni zamanda olduqca uşaq dilindədir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mənim üçün "Allah" sözü yalnız insan zəifliyinin təzahürü və məhsuludur, İncil isə hörmətli, lakin yenə də uşaqlıqdan bəhs edən ibtidai əfsanələr toplusudur. Heç bir, hətta ən mürəkkəb şərh belə mənim fikrimi dəyişə bilməz (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Tanrı sözcüğü benim için insan zaaflarının bir ifadesi ve ürünü olmanın ötesinde bir anlam ifade etmiyor. Kutsal Kitap saygı duyduğum, ancak yine de ilkel ve bir hayli çocuksu bulduğum bir söylenceler topluluğu. Hiçbir yorum, ne denli incelikli olursa olsun, bu görüşümü değiştiremez. En incelikli yorumlamalar birbirlerinden oldukça farklılar ve bunların özgün metinle hemen hemen hiçbir ilgisi yok. Bana göre Yahudilik, öteki tüm dinler gibi, en çocuksu boş inançların nesneleştirilmesidir ve üyesi olmaktan mutluluk duyduğum, düşünce yapısına son derece yakın olduğum Yahudi halkı da benim için öteki insanlardan farklı bir niteliğe sahip değildir... Bu insanlarda ‘seçilmiş’ olduklarını gösteren hiçbir şey görmüyorum. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    無論透過何種巧妙的方式詮釋,都不會改變我的看法。 (RDF)
  • en: English
    In the temple of science are many mansions, and various indeed are they that dwell therein and the motives that have led them thither. Many take to science out of a joyful sense of superior intellectual power; science is their own special sport to which they look for vivid experience and the satisfaction of ambition; many others are to be found in the temple who have offered the products of their brains on this altar for purely utilitarian purposes. Were an angel of the Lord to come and drive all the people belonging to these two categories out of the temple, the assemblage would be seriously depleted, but there would still be some men, of both present and past times, left inside. Our Planck is one of them, and that is why we love him. I am quite aware that we have just now lightheartedly expelled in imagination many excellent men who are largely, perhaps chiefly, responsible for the buildings of the temple of science; and in many cases, our angel would find it a pretty ticklish job to decide. But of one thing I feel sure: if the types we have just expelled were the only types there were, the temple would never have come to be, any more than a forest can grow which consists of nothing but creepers. For these people any sphere of human activity will do if it comes to a point; whether they become engineers, officers, tradesmen, or scientists depends on circumstances. Now let us have another look at those who have found favor with the angel. Most of them are somewhat odd, uncommunicative, solitary fellows, really less like each other, in spite of these common characteristics, than the hosts of the rejected. What has brought them to the temple? That is a difficult question and no single answer will cover it. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Man tries to make for himself in the fashion that suits him best a simplified and intelligible picture of the world; he then tries to some extent to substitute this cosmos of his for the world of experience, and thus to overcome it. This is what the painter, the poet, the speculative philosopher, and the natural scientist do, each in his own fashion. Each makes this cosmos and its construction the pivot of his emotional life, in order to find in this way the peace and security which he cannot find in the narrow whirlpool of personal experience. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Höchste Aufgabe des Physikers ist also das Aufsuchen jener allgemeinsten elementaren Gesetze, aus denen durch reine Deduktion das Weltbild zu gewinnen ist. Zu diesen elementaren Gesetzen führt kein logischer Weg, sondern nur die auf Einfühlung in die Erfahrung sich stützende Intuition. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The supreme task of the physicist is to arrive at those universal elementary laws from which the cosmos can be built up by pure deduction. There is no logical path to these laws; only intuition, resting on sympathetic understanding of experience, can reach them. In this methodological uncertainty, one might suppose that there were any number of possible systems of theoretical physics all equally well justified; and this opinion is no doubt correct, theoretically. But the development of physics has shown that at any given moment, out of all conceivable constructions, a single one has always proved itself decidedly superior to all the rest. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La missione più alta del fisico è dunque la ricerca di queste leggi elementari, le più generali, dalle quali si parte per raggiungere, attraverso semplici deduzioni, la immagine del mondo. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The state of mind which enables a man to do work of this kind is akin to that of the religious worshiper or the lover; the daily effort comes from no deliberate intention or program, but straight from the heart. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Proto būsena, kuri leidžia žmogui atlikti tokio pobūdžio darbą, yra panaši į religinio maldininko arba įsimylėjėlio. Kasdieninės pastangos atsiranda be sąmoningo ketinimo ar programos, o tiesiai iš širdies. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Com pot ser que les matemàtiques, essent després de tot un producte humà, independent de l'experimentació, s'adaptin admirablement als objectes de la realitat? (RDF)
  • en: English
    How can it be that mathematics, being, after all, a product of human thought which is independent of experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects of reality? Is human reason, then, without experience, merely by taking thought, able to fathom the properties of real things? (RDF)
  • en: English
    One reason why mathematics enjoys special esteem, above all other sciences, is that its laws are absolutely certain and indisputable, while those of other sciences are to some extent debatable and in constant danger of being overthrown by newly discovered facts. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Uma razão pela qual a matemática desfruta de estima especial, acima de todas as outras ciências, é que suas leis são absolutamente certas e indisputáveis, enquanto as de outras ciências são, até certo ponto, passíveis de discussão e em perigo constante de serem descartadas por fatos descobertos mais recentemente. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am. When two expeditions of scientists, financed by the Royal Academy, went forth to test my theory of relativity, I was convinced that their conclusions would tally with my hypothesis. I was not surprised when the eclipse of May 29, 1919, confirmed my intuitions. I would have been surprised if I had been wrong. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If I was not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. ... I cannot tell if I would have done any creative work of importance in music, but I do know that I get most joy in life out of my violin. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ha nem fizikus lennék, akkor valószinűleg zenész lennék. Gyakran gondolkozom zenében. Ábrándjaimat a zenében élem. Zenében kifejezve látom az életem... Tudom, hogy a legtöbb örömöt az életemben a hegedűmből csalom elő. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Se não fosse físico, acho que seria músico. Eu penso em termos de músicas. Vejo minha vida em termos de música. (RDF)
  • en: English
    As a child, I received instruction both in the Bible and in the Talmud. I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene. (RDF)
  • en: English
    No man can visualize four dimensions, except mathematically ... I think in four dimensions, but only abstractly. The human mind can picture these dimensions no more than it can envisage electricity. Nevertheless, they are no less real than electro-magnetism, the force which controls our universe, within, and by which we have our being. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    من آن قدر هنرمند هستم که در خیالم آزادانه ترسیم کنم. خیال مهم‌تر از دانش است. دانش محدود است اما خیال همهٔ دنیا را دربرمی‌گیرد.. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Savo vaizduotėje aš galiu piešti kaip dailininkas. Vaizduotė svarbiau už žinias. Žinios ribotos. Vaizduotė apima visą pasaulį. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Jesus is too colossal for the pen of phrasemongers, however artful. No man can dispose of Christianity with a bon mot. (RDF)
  • en: English
    No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nessuno può leggere i Vangeli senza avvertire la presenza reale di Gesù. La sua personalità pulsa in ogni parola. Nessun mito è così pieno di vita. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Невозможно, читая Евангелие, не почувствовать реальное присутствие Иисуса. Его личность дышит в каждом слове. Никакой миф не обладает столь мощной жизненной силой. (RDF)
  • en: English
    But to return to the Jewish question. Other groups and nations cultivate their individual traditions. There is no reason why we should sacrifice ours. Standardization robs life of its spice. To deprive every ethnic group of its special traditions is to convert the world into a huge Ford plant. I believe in standardizing automobiles. I do not believe in standardizing human beings. Standardization is a great peril which threatens American culture. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am fascinated by Spinoza's pantheism, but I admire even more his contribution to modern thought because he is the first philosopher to deal with the soul and body as one, and not two separate things. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sono affascinato dal panteismo di Spinoza, ma ammiro ancor di più il suo contributo al pensiero moderno perché è il primo filosofo ad aver trattato corpo e anima come un tutt'uno, e non come due cose separate. (RDF)
  • en: English
    We Jews have been too adaptable. We have been too eager to sacrifice our idiosyncrasies for the sake of social conformity. ... Even in modern civilization, the Jew is most happy if he remains a Jew. (RDF)
  • en: English
    My own career was undoubtedly determined, not by my own will but by various factors over which I have no control—primarily those mysterious glands in which Nature prepares the very essence of life, our internal secretions. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It is quite possible to be both. I look upon myself as a man. Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Our time is Gothic in its spirit. Unlike the Renaissance, it is not dominated by a few outstanding personalities. The twentieth century has established the democracy of the intellect. In the republic of art and science, there are many men who take an equally important part in the intellectual movements of our age. It is the epoch rather than the individual that is important. There is no one dominant personality like Galileo or Newton. Even in the nineteenth century, there were still a few giants who outtopped all others. Today the general level is much higher than ever before in the history of the world, but there are few men whose stature immediately sets them apart from all others. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am not an Atheist. I do not know if I can define myself as a Pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. May I do not reply with a parable? The human mind, no matter how highly trained, cannot grasp the universe. We are in the position of a little child, entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations. I am fascinated by Spinoza's Pantheism. I admire even more his contributions to modern thought. Spinoza is the greatest of modern philosophers because he is the first philosopher who deals with the soul and the body as one, not as two separate things. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I refuse to make money out of my science. My laurel is not for sale like so many bales of cotton. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The meaning of relativity has been widely misunderstood. Philosophers play with the word, like a child with a doll. Relativity, as I see it, merely denotes that certain physical and mechanical facts, which have been regarded as positive and permanent, are relative with regard to certain other facts in the sphere of physics and mechanics. It does not mean that everything in life is relative and that we have the right to turn the whole world mischievously topsy-turvy. (RDF)
  • en: English
    In America, more than anywhere else, the individual is lost in the achievements of the many. America is beginning to be the world leader in a scientific investigation. American scholarship is both patient and inspiring. The Americans show an unselfish devotion to science, which is the very opposite of the conventional European view of your countrymen. Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves. It is not true that the dollar is an American fetish. The American student is not interested in dollars, not even in success as such, but in his task, the object of the search. It is his painstaking application to the study of the infinitely little and the infinitely large which accounts for his success in astronomy. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I claim credit for nothing. Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible player. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הכל נקבע מראש, ההתחלה וגם הקץ, על ידי כוחות שאין לנו שליטה עליהם, הכל נקבע מראש לחרק ולכוכב. בני אנוש, ירקות ואבק כוכבים – כולם רוקדים לפי מנגינה מסתורית, הנשמעת ברקע מפי חלילן נעלם. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Tutto è determinato da forze sulle quali non abbiamo alcun controllo. Lo è per l'insetto come per le stelle. Esseri umani, vegetali o polvere cosmica, tutti danziamo al ritmo di una musica misteriosa, suonata in lontananza da un pifferaio invisibile. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Viskas yra nulemta… jėgų, kurių mes negalime kontroliuoti. Viskas nulemta, vabzdžiui iš anksto nustatyta taip pat kaip ir žvaigždėms. Žmonės, daržovės, kosminės dulkės – visi šoką pagal tą pačią paslaptingą melodiją, tolumoje intonuota nematomo fleitininko. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Whereas materialistic historians and philosophers neglect psychic realities, Freud is inclined to overstress their importance. I am not a psychologist, but it seems to me fairly evident that physiological factors, especially our endocrines, control our destiny ... I am not able to venture a judgment on so important a phase of modern thought. However, it seems to me that psychoanalysis is not always salutary. It may not always be helpful to delve into the subconscious. The machinery of our legs is controlled by a hundred different muscles. Do you think it would help us to walk if we analyzed our legs and knew exactly which one of the little muscles must be employed in locomotion and the order in which they work? ... I am not prepared to accept all his conclusions, but I consider his work an immensely valuable contribution to the science of human behavior. I think he is even greater as a writer than as a psychologist. Freud's brilliant style is unsurpassed by anyone since Schopenhauer. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am happy because I want nothing from anyone. I do not care about money. Decorations, titles or distinctions mean nothing to me. I do not crave praise. The only thing that gives me pleasure, apart from my work, my violin, and my sailboat, is the appreciation of my fellow workers. (RDF)
  • en: English
    We are inclined to overemphasize the material influences in history. The Russians especially make this mistake. Intellectual values and ethnic influences, tradition and emotional factors are equally important. If this were not the case, Europe would today be a federated state, not a madhouse of nationalism. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I believe with Schopenhauer: We can do what we wish, but we can only wish what we must. Practically, I am, nevertheless, compelled to act as if freedom of the will existed. If I wish to live in a civilized community, I must act as if man is a responsible being. I know that philosophically a murderer is not responsible for his crime; nevertheless, I must protect myself from unpleasant contacts. I may consider him guiltless, but I prefer not to take tea with him. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I do not think that religion is the most important element. We are held together rather by a body of tradition, handed down from father to son, which the child imbibes with his mother's milk. The atmosphere of our infancy predetermines our idiosyncrasies and predilections. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The only progress I can see is progress in the organization. The ordinary human being does not live long enough to draw any substantial benefit from his own experience. And no one, it seems, can benefit by the experiences of others. Being both a father and teacher, I know we can teach our children nothing. We can transmit to them neither our knowledge of life nor of mathematics. Each must learn its lesson anew. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am a determinist. As such, I do not believe in free will. The Jews believe in free will. They believe that man shapes his own life. I reject that doctrine philosophically. In that respect, I am not a Jew. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sono un determinista. Non credo nel libero arbitrio. Gli ebrei credono nel libero arbitrio. Credono che l'uomo decida della propria vita. Io respingo questa dottrina. Per questo aspetto non sono ebreo. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš esu deterministas. Taigi, aš netikiu laisvos valios koncepcija. Žydai tiki laisva valia, jie mano, kad žmogus pats kuria savo gyvenimą. Aš atmetu šią doktriną filosofiškai, tad šiuo atžvilgiu aš nesu žydas. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It is, therefore, quite natural that the churches have always fought against science and have persecuted its supporters. But, on the other hand, I assert that the cosmic religious experience is the strongest and noblest driving force behind scientific research. No one who does not appreciate the terrific exertions, and, above all, the devotion without which pioneer creations in scientific thought cannot come into being, can judge the strength of the feeling out of which alone such work, turned away as it is from immediate practical life, can grow. What a deep faith in the rationality of the structure of the world and what a longing to understand even a small glimpse of the reason revealed in the world there must have been in Kepler and Newton to enable them to unravel the mechanism of the heavens in long years of lonely work! Any one who only knows scientific research in its practical applications may easily come to a wrong interpretation of the state of mind of the men who, surrounded by skeptical contemporaries, have shown the way to kindred spirits scattered over all countries in all centuries. Only those who have dedicated their lives to similar ends can have a living conception of the inspiration which gave these men the power to remain loyal to their purpose in spite of countless failures. It is the cosmic religious sense which grants this power. A contemporary has rightly said that the only deeply religious people of our largely materialistic age are the earnest men of research. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It is easy to follow in the sacred writings of the Jewish people the development of the religion of fear into the moral religion, which is carried further in the New Testament. The religions of all civilized peoples, especially those of the Orient, are principally moral religions. An important advance in the life of a people is the transformation of the religion of fear into the moral religion. But one must avoid the prejudice that regards the religions of primitive peoples as pure fear religions and those of the civilized races as pure moral religions. All are mixed forms, though the moral element predominates in the higher levels of social life. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I have only two rules which I regard as principles of conduct. The first is: Have no rules. The second is: Be independent of the opinion of others. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Everything that men do or think concerns the satisfaction of the needs they feel or the escape from pain. This must be kept in mind when we seek to understand spiritual or intellectual movements and the way in which they develop. For feelings and longings are the motive forces of all human striving and productivity—however nobly these latter may display themselves to us. (RDF)
  • en: English
    How can this cosmic religious experience be communicated from man to man, if it cannot lead to a definite conception of God or to a theology? It seems to me that the most important function of art and of science is to arouse and keep alive this feeling in those who are receptive. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Every man knows that in his work he does best and accomplishes most when he has attained a proficiency that enables him to work intuitively. That is, there are things which we come to know so well that we do not know how we know them. So it seems to me in matters of principle. Perhaps we live best and do things best when we are not too conscious of how and why we do them. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I do not believe in a God who maliciously or arbitrarily interferes in the personal affairs of mankind. My religion consists of an humble admiration for the vast power which manifests itself in that small part of the universe which our poor, weak minds can grasp! (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    En yritä kuvitella henkilöitynyttä Jumalaa; riittää kun ihmettelee maailman rakennetta sikäli kun sitä voidaan ymmärtää riittämättömillä aisteillamme. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אינני יכול להבין את הרעיון של אל אישי, המשפיע במישרין על מעשיהם של בני־אדם." ~ מתוך "אלברט אינשטיין, הצד האנושי (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אינני יכול להבין את הרעיון של אל אישי, המשפיע במישרין על מעשיהם של בני־האדם... הדתיות שלי מתבטאת בהערצה כנועה של הרוח הנעלה לאינסוף, המגלה את עצמה באותו מעט מזעיר שאנו... מסוגלים להבין מתוך המציאות. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem tudok elképzelni egy személyes Istent, aki közvetlenül befolyásolná az egyének cselekedeteit... Vallásosságom a végtelenül felsőbbrendű szellem alázatos csodálata. E szellem a kis dolgokban nyilvánul meg, hogy megérthessük valóságát. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La mia religione consiste in una umile ammirazione dello spirito superiore e infinito, il quale si rivela nei dettagli minuti che riusciamo a percepire con le nostre menti fragili e deboli. Ecco la mia idea di Dio, la convinzione profondamente emotiva della presenza di una razionalità suprema che si rivela nell'universo incomprensibile. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš pavadinčiau tai kosminės religijos pojūčiu. Tai sunku išaiškinti tiems, kurie neturi patirties tame, kadangi tai neapima antropomorfinės Dievo idėjos; individas jaučia žmonių troškimų ir tikslų tuštybę, kilnumą ir žavingą tvarką, kuri atsiskleidžia gamtoje ir minčių pasaulyje. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš negaliu įsivaizduoti asmeninio dievo, kuris tiesiogiai įtakoja individo veiksmus. Mano religingumas susideda iš kuklaus susižavėjimo žymiai aukštesne dvasia, kuri atsiskleidžia tik nežymioje sferoje, kurią mes suvokiame kaip mūsų pažįstamą pasaulį. Gilus emocinis įsitikinimas dėl aukštesnės jėgos buvimo, kuri yra atsiskleidusi nesuvokiamoje visatoje, formuoja mano Dievo supratimą. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The longing for guidance, for love and succor, provides the stimulus for the growth of a social or moral conception of God. This is the God of Providence, who protects, decides, rewards and punishes. This is the God who, according to man's widening horizon, loves and provides for the life of the race, or of mankind, or who even loves life itself. He is the comforter in unhappiness and in unsatisfied longing, the protector of the souls of the dead. This is the social or moral idea of God. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Common to all these types is the anthropomorphic character of the idea of God. Only exceptionally gifted individuals or especially noble communities rise essentially above this level; in these there is found a third level of religious experience, even if it is seldom found in a pure form. I will call it the cosmic religious sense. This is hard to make clear to those who do not experience it, since it does not involve an anthropomorphic idea of God; the individual feels the vanity of human desires and aims, and the nobility and marvelous order which are revealed in nature and in the world of thought. He feels the individual destiny as an imprisonment and seeks to experience the totality of existence as a unity full of significance. Indications of this cosmic religious sense can be found even on earlier levels of development—for example, in the Psalms of David and in the Prophets. The cosmic element is much stronger in Buddhism, as, in particular, Schopenhauer's magnificent essays have shown us. The religious geniuses of all times have been distinguished by this cosmic religious sense, which recognizes neither dogmas nor God made in man's image. Consequently there cannot be a church whose chief doctrines are based on the cosmic religious experience. It comes about, therefore, that we find precisely among the heretics of all ages men who were inspired by this highest religious experience; often they appeared to their contemporaries as atheists, but sometimes also as saints. Viewed from this angle, men like Democritus, Francis of Assisi, and Spinoza are near to one another. (RDF)
  • en: English
    For any one who is pervaded with the sense of causal law in all that happens, who accepts in real earnest the assumption of causality, the idea of Being who interferes with the sequence of events in the world is absolutely impossible. Neither the religion of fear nor the social-moral religion can have any hold on him. A God who rewards and punishes is for him unthinkable, because man acts in accordance with an inner and outer necessity, and would, in the eyes of God, be as little responsible as an inanimate object is for the movements which it makes. Science, in consequence, has been accused of undermining morals—but wrongly. The ethical behavior of man is better based on sympathy, education and social relationships, and requires no support from religion. Man's plight would, indeed, be sad if he had to be kept in order through fear of punishment and hope of rewards after death. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    למדען אין שום תועלת בדת של פחד, או בדת חברתית או מוסרית. אל שמתגמל ומעניש הוא בשבילו בלתי מתקבל על הדעת מהסיבה הפשוטה שפעולותיו של אדם נקבעות על פי מחויבות חיצונית ופנימית, כך שבעיני האלוהים האדם לא יכול להיות אחראי על פעולותיו, יותר משעצם דומם יכול להיות אחראי על התנודות שהוא חווה. המדע הואשם עקב כך בחתירה תחת המוסר - אך האשמה זו אינה צודקת. התנהגותו המוסרית של האדם צריכה להיות מבוססת על דאגה, חינוך, וקשרים וצרכים חברתיים; אין צורך באף בסיס דתי. אין ספק שהאדם יחיה באופן מעורר חמלה אם יצטרך להיות מרוסן ע"י פחד מעונש ותקווה לתגמול לאחר המוות. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az ember, aki alaposan meggyőződött az okság törvényének egyetemes működéséről, egy pillanatra sem tudja elfogadni egy létező gondolatát, aki beleavatkozik az események folyamába. Számára nincs értelme a félelem vallásának, és ugyanilyen kicsi a társadalmi és erkölcsi vallásnak. Egy Isten, aki jutalmaz és büntet, elképzelhetetlen számára annál az egyszerű oknál fogva, mivel az emberi cselekedeteket külső és belső szükségletek határozzák meg, így Isten szemében az ember nem tehető felelőssé jobban, mint amennyire egy élettelen tárgy felelős azokért a mozgásokért, amelyeket végez. Egy ember erkölcsi magatartása rokonszenven, neveltetésen, szociális kapcsolatokon és szükségszerűségeken kell, hogy alapuljon; semmi vallásos alap nem szükséges. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Einen Gott, der die Objekte seines Schaffens belohnt und bestraft, der überhaupt einen Willen hat, nach Art desjenigen, den wir an uns selbst erleben, kann ich mir nicht einbilden. Auch ein Individuum, das seinen körperlichen Tod überdauert, mag und kann ich mir nicht denken; mögen schwache Seelen aus Angt oder lächerlichem Egoismus soche Gedanken nähren. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own — a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    من نمی‌توانم خدایی را تصور کنم که مخلوقات خود را کیفر یا پاداش می‌دهد و اهدافش طبق مقاصد ما انسانها شکل گرفته‌است. خدایی که انعکاسی از ضعف و ناتوانی ما انسان هاست. من همچنین نمی‌توانم باور کنم که انسان می‌تواند پس از مرگ ورای جسم مادی اش زنده بماند هر چند که روح‌های ناتوان به دلیل جهل و نادانی این عقاید را با خود حمل می‌کنند. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    من نمی‌توانم خدایی را تصور کنم که مخلوقات خود را پاداش یا کیفر می‌دهد و اهدافش طبق مقاصد ما انسان‌ها شکل گرفته‌است. خدایی که بطور خلاصه انعکاسی از ضعف و ناتوانی ما انسان‌هاست. من هم چنین نمی‌توانم باور کنم که انسان می‌تواند پس از مرگ، ورای جسم مادی‌اش زنده بماند، هر چند که روح‌های ناتوان به دلیل ترس و جهل چنین افکاری را با خود حمل کنند. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אינני יכול לדמיין אל שמתגמל ומעניש את ברואיו, שמטרותיו מעוצבות כמו מטרותינו, אל שהוא השתקפות השבריריות האנושית. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Saya tidak bisa membayangkan Tuhan yang menghadiahi dan menghukum makhluk ciptaannya. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non posso concepire un Dio che premia e punisce le sue creature, o che possiede una volontà del tipo che noi riconosciamo in noi stessi. Un individuo che sopravvivesse alla propria morte fisica è totalmente lontano dalla mia comprensione, né vorrei che fosse altrimenti; tali nozioni valgono per le paure o per l'assurdo egoismo di anime deboli. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    나는 자신의 창조물을 포상하고 징벌하거나, 우리와 이해할 수 있는 의지를 지난다는 신을 상상할 수 없다. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš negaliu įsivaizduoti dievo, kuris apdovanoja ir baudžia savo kūrinius, arba turi tokio tipo norus, kuriuos mes patiriame savyje. Nei galiu, nei norėčiau įsivaizduoti individą, kuris išgyveną savo fizinę mirtį; išlaisvinkit silpnas sielas nuo baimės ir beprasmiško egoizmo. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie potrafię sobie wyobrazić Boga, który karze i nagradza stworzone przez siebie istoty i którego zamiary wzorowane są na ludzkich – słowem – Boga, który jest odbiciem ludzkich ułomności. Nie wierzę też, by człowiek mógł przetrwać po śmierci swego ciała, choć ludzie słabego ducha wierzą w takie rzeczy, kierowani strachem lub pożałowania godnym egotyzmem. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Não consigo conceber um deus que recompensa e pune suas criaturas ou que tem uma vontade como a nossa própria. Tampouco consigo nem quero conseguir conceber um indivíduo que sobrevive a sua morte física; deixe almas enfraquecidas pelo medo ou por um egoísmo absurdo alimentarem tais pensamentos. Estou satisfeito com o mistério da eternidade da vida e com a percepção e o vislumbre de uma estrutura maravilhosa do mundo existente, junto ao devoto esforço para compreender uma porção, quão mínima seja, da Razão que se manifesta na natureza. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən mükafatlandıran və cəzalandıran, məqsədləri bizim məqsədlərimizlə bağlı olan Allaha inanmıram. Qorxu və gülünc eqoizmdən əziyyət çəkən zəif zehinlər bu imana sığınsalar da, mən ruhun əbədiliyinə inanmıram. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Yaratdıqlarını cəzalandıran və mükafatlandıran, ya da bizim yaşayacağımız bir iradə növünə sahib bir Tanrı düşünə bilmirəm. Cismani ölümdən sonra adamın həyatını davam etdirdiyinə nə inanıram, nə də inanacağam... (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Kendi yarattıklarını cezalandıran ya da ödüllendiren, biz insanlarınkine benzer istekleri olan bir Tanrı'yı benim aklım almaz. Bedeni ile öldükten sonra yaşayabilecek bir insan da düşünemem. Zayıf yürekliler, korku ya da gülünç bir bencillikle bu çeşit düşünceleri beslesinler istedikleri kadar. (RDF)
  • en: English
    How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people — first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving... . (RDF)
  • en: English
    How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people — first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving... (RDF)
  • en: English
    I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves — this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. Without the sense of kinship with men of like mind, without the occupation with the objective world, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific endeavors, life would have seemed empty to me. The trite objects of human efforts — possessions, outward success, luxury — have always seemed to me contemptible. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    In questo senso non ho mai considerato non ho mai considerato l'agiatezza e la felicità come fini in se stessi, una tale base etica la ritengo più adatta a un branco di porci. Gli ideali che hanno illuminato il mio cammino, e che via via mi hanno dato coraggio per affrontare la vita con gioia, sono stati la verità, la bontà e la bellezza. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš niekada nemaniau, kad patogumas ir laimė yra kiekvieno žmogaus gyvenimo tikslas – tokius moralinius idealus aš vadinu „kiaulidės idealais“; idealai, kurie vedė mane gyvenimo keliu ir laikas nuo laiko suteikdavo energijos drąsiai sutikti gyvenimą, buvo geranoriškumas, grožis ir tiesa. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Bro's before hoes, thy hoes shall never be there for you in every condition but a bro will always be there for you - through fire, pain, hell and war (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am strongly drawn to the simple life and am often oppressed by the feeling that I am engrossing an unnecessary amount of the labour of my fellow-men. I regard class differences as contrary to justice and, in the last resort, based on force. I also consider that plain living is good for everybody, physically and mentally. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I gang my own gait and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart; in the face of all these ties I have never lost an obstinate sense of detachment, of the need for solitude — a feeling which increases with the years. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Zahlreich sind die Lehrkanzeln, aber selten die weisen und edlen Lehrer. Zahlreich und groß sind die Hörsäle, doch wenig zahlreich die jungen Menschen, die ehrlich nach Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit dürsten. Zahlreich spendet die Natur ihre Dutzendware, aber das Feinere erzeugt sie selten. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    A me basta il mistero dell'eternità della vita e la vaga idea della meravigliosa struttura della realtà, insieme allo sforzo individuale per comprendere un frammento, anche il più piccino, della ragione che si manifesta nella natura. (RDF)
  • en: English
    In human freedom in the philosophical sense I am definitely a disbeliever. Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity. Schopenhauer's saying, that "a man can do as he will, but not will as he will," has been an inspiration to me since my youth up, and a continual consolation and unfailing well-spring of patience in the face of the hardships of life, my own and others'. This feeling mercifully mitigates the sense of responsibility which so easily becomes paralyzing, and it prevents us from taking ourselves and other people too seriously; it conduces to a view of life in which humor, above all, has its due place. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I do not believe in freedom of the will. Schopenhauer's words: "Man can do what he wants, but he cannot will what he wills" accompany me in all situations throughout my life and reconcile me with the actions of others even if they are rather painful to me. This awareness of the lack of freedom of will preserves me from taking too seriously myself and my fellow men as acting and deciding individuals and from losing my temper. (RDF)
  • en: English
    My passion for social justice has often brought me into conflict with people, as has my aversion to any obligation and dependence I did not regard as absolutely necessary. I have a high regard for the individual and an insuperable distaste for violence and fanaticism. All these motives have made me a passionate pacifist and antimilitarist. I am against any chauvinism, even in the guise of mere patriotism. Privileges based on position and property have always seemed to me unjust and pernicious, as does any exaggerated personality cult. I am an adherent of the ideal of democracy, although I know well the weaknesses of the democratic form of government. Social equality and economic protection of the individual have always seemed to me the important communal aims of the state. Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice keeps me from feeling isolated. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Особено изглежда нашето положение на тази земя. Всеки от нас се появява тук не по собствено желание и без да е молил за кратък престой, без да знае защо и за какво, във всекидневния живот ние само чувстваме, че човек е тук заради другите, заради тези, които обича, и много други, свързани с него човешки същества. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Our situation on this earth seems strange. Every one of us appears here involuntarily and uninvited for a short stay, without knowing the whys and the wherefore. In our daily lives we only feel that man is here for the sake of others, for those whom we love and for many other beings whose fate is connected with our own. I am often worried at the thought that my life is based to such a large extent on the work of my fellow human beings and I am aware of my great indebtedness to them. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    이곳 지구에서 우리는 입장이 좀 묘하다. 우리 각자는 잠시 이곳에 들를 뿐이며, 이유는 모르겠지만 때로는 신성한 목적을 지닌 채 이곳에 들르는 듯이 보이기도 한다. 그러나 일상생활의 관점에서 볼 때 우리가 아는 것이 하나 있다. 사람은 다른 사람들을 위해 여기에 있다는 것이다. 무엇보다도 우리 자신에게 행복을 주는 사람들의 웃음과 안녕을 위해서. (RDF)
  • en: English
    According to my conviction it cannot be doubted that the severe economic depression is to be traced back for the most part to internal economic causes; the improvement in the apparatus of production through technical invention and organization has decreased the need for human labor, and thereby caused the elimination of a part of labor from the economic circuit, and thereby caused a progressive decrease in the purchasing power of the consumers. - as quoted in Robert Shiller's 2020 lecture at Princeton (RDF)
  • en: English
    All knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it. Propositions arrived at by purely logical means are completely empty as regards reality. Because Galileo saw this, and particularly because he drummed it into the scientific world, he is the father of modern physics – indeed, of modern science altogether. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il pensiero logico, da solo, non ci può fornire conoscenze sul mondo dell'esperienza e termina in essa. Le proposizioni puramente logiche sono vuote davanti alla realtà. È grazie a questa conoscenza e soprattutto per averla fatta penetrare a colpi di martello nel mondo della scienza, che Galileo è diventato il padre della fisica moderna e soprattutto delle scienze naturali moderne. (RDF)
  • en: English
    In the judgment of the most competent living mathematicians, Fräulein Noether was the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced since the higher education of women began. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. One seeks the most general ideas of operation which will bring together in simple, logical and unified form the largest possible circle of formal relationships. In this effort toward logical beauty spiritual formulas are discovered necessary for the deeper penetration into the laws of nature. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The efforts of most human-beings are consumed in the struggle for their daily bread, but most of those who are, either through fortune or some special gift, relieved of this struggle are largely absorbed in further improving their worldly lot. Beneath the effort directed toward the accumulation of worldly goods lies all too frequently the illusion that this is the most substantial and desirable end to be achieved; but there is, fortunately, a minority composed of those who recognize early in their lives that the most beautiful and satisfying experiences open to humankind are not derived from the outside, but are bound up with the development of the individual's own feeling, thinking and acting. The genuine artists, investigators and thinkers have always been persons of this kind. However inconspicuously the life of these individuals runs its course, none the less the fruits of their endeavors are the most valuable contributions which one generation can make to its successors. (RDF)
  • en: English
    anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in non-Jews by the Jewish group. This is a normal social reaction. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The Jews as a group may be powerless, but the sum of the achievements of their individual members is everywhere considerable and telling, even though those achievements were made in the face of obstacles. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Gli ebrei come gruppo possono essere privi di potere, ma l'insieme delle conquiste dei loro singoli componenti è ovunque considerevole e proficuo, anche se a tali conquiste si è arrivati tra mille ostacoli. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Nobody, certainly, will deny that the idea of the existence of an omnipotent, just, and omnibeneficent personal God is able to accord man solace, help, and guidance; also, by virtue of its simplicity it is accessible to the most undeveloped mind. But, on the other hand, there are decisive weaknesses attached to this idea in itself, which have been painfully felt since the beginning of history. That is, if this being is omnipotent, then every occurrence, including every human action, every human thought, and every human feeling and aspiration is also His work; how is it possible to think of holding men responsible for their deeds and thoughts before such an almighty Being? In giving out punishment and rewards He would to a certain extent be passing judgment on Himself. How can this be combined with the goodness and righteousness ascribed to Him? The main source of the present-day conflicts between the spheres of religion and of science lies in this concept of a personal God. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It would not be difficult to come to an agreement as to what we understand by science. Science is the century-old endeavor to bring together by means of systematic thought the perceptible phenomena of this world into as thoroughgoing an association as possible. To put it boldly, it is the attempt at the posterior reconstruction of existence by the process of conceptualization. But when asking myself what religion is I cannot think of the answer so easily. And even after finding an answer which may satisfy me at this particular moment, I still remain convinced that I can never under any circumstances bring together, even to a slight extent, the thoughts of all those who have given this question serious consideration. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Even though the realms of religion and science in themselves are clearly marked off from each other, nevertheless there exist between the two strong reciprocal relationships and dependencies. Though religion may be that which determines the goal, it has, nevertheless, learned from science, in the broadest sense, what means will contribute to the attainment of the goals it has set up. But science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and understanding. This source of feeling, however, springs from the sphere of religion. To this there also belongs the faith in the possibility that the regulations valid for the world of existence are rational, that is, comprehensible to reason. I cannot conceive of a genuine scientist without that profound faith. The situation may be expressed by an image: science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. Though I have asserted above that in truth a legitimate conflict between religion and science cannot exist, I must nevertheless qualify this assertion once again on an essential point, with reference to the actual content of historical religions. This qualification has to do with the concept of God. During the youthful period of mankind's spiritual evolution human fantasy created gods in man's own image, who, by the operations of their will were supposed to determine, or at any rate to influence, the phenomenal world. Man sought to alter the disposition of these gods in his own favor by means of magic and prayer. The idea of God in the religions taught at present is a sublimation of that old concept of the gods. Its anthropomorphic character is shown, for instance, by the fact that men appeal to the Divine Being in prayers and plead for the fulfillment of their wishes. (RDF)
  • en: English
    A person who is religiously enlightened appears to me to be one who has, to the best of his ability, liberated himself from the fetters of his selfish desires and is preoccupied with thoughts, feelings, and aspirations to which he clings because of their superpersonal value. It seems to me that what is important is the force of this superpersonal content and the depth of the conviction concerning its overpowering meaningfulness, regardless of whether any attempt is made to unite this content with a divine Being, for otherwise it would not be possible to count Buddha and Spinoza as religious personalities. Accordingly, a religious person is devout in the sense that he has no doubt of the significance and loftiness of those superpersonal objects and goals which neither require nor are capable of rational foundation. They exist with the same necessity and matter-of-factness as he himself. In this sense religion is the age-old endeavor of mankind to become clearly and completely conscious of these values and goals and constantly to strengthen and extend their effect. If one conceives of religion and science according to these definitions then a conflict between them appears impossible. For science can only ascertain what is, but not what should be, and outside of its domain value judgments of all kinds remain necessary. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The more a man is imbued with the ordered regularity of all events the firmer becomes his conviction that there is no room left by the side of this ordered regularity for causes of a different nature. For him neither the rule of human nor the rule of divine will exists as an independent cause of natural events. To be sure, the doctrine of a personal God interfering with natural events could never be refuted, in the real sense, by science, for this doctrine can always take refuge in those domains in which scientific knowledge has not yet been able to set foot. But I am persuaded that such behavior on the part of the representatives of religion would not only be unworthy but also fatal. For a doctrine which is able to maintain itself not in clear light but only in the dark, will of necessity lose its effect on mankind, with incalculable harm to human progress. In their struggle for the ethical good, teachers of religion must have the stature to give up the doctrine of a personal God, that is, give up that source of fear and hope which in the past placed such vast power in the hands of priests. In their labors they will have to avail themselves of those forces which are capable of cultivating the Good, the True, and the Beautiful in humanity itself. This is, to be sure, a more difficult but an incomparably more worthy task. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Più un uomo è consapevole dell'ordinata regolarità di tutti gli eventi, più si rinsalda nella convinzione che non c'è posto, accanto a questa ordinata regolarità, per cause di natura differente. Per lui non esisterà né regola dell'umano né regola del divino come causa indipendente dagli eventi naturali. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If it is one of the goals of religion to liberate mankind as far as possible from the bondage of egocentric cravings, desires, and fears, scientific reasoning can aid religion in yet another sense. Although it is true that it is the goal of science to discover rules which permit the association and foretelling of facts, this is not its only aim. It also seeks to reduce the connections discovered to the smallest possible number of mutually independent conceptual elements. It is in this striving after the rational unification of the manifold that it encounters its greatest successes, even though it is precisely this attempt which causes it to run the greatest risk of falling a prey to illusions. But whoever has undergone the intense experience of successful advances made in this domain is moved by profound reverence for the rationality made manifest in existence. By way of the understanding he achieves a far-reaching emancipation from the shackles of personal hopes and desires, and thereby attains that humble attitude of mind toward the grandeur of reason incarnate in existence, and which, in its profoundest depths, is inaccessible to man. This attitude, however, appears to me to be religious, in the highest sense of the word. And so it seems to me that science not only purifies the religious impulse of the dross of its anthropomorphism but also contributes to a religious spiritualization of our understanding of life. The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge. (RDF)
  • en: English
    A conflict arises when a religious community insists on the absolute truthfulness of all statements recorded in the Bible. This means an intervention on the part of religion into the sphere of science; this is where the struggle of the Church against the doctrines of Galileo and Darwin belongs. On the other hand, representatives of science have often made an attempt to arrive at fundamental judgments with respect to values and ends on the basis of scientific method, and in this way have set themselves in opposition to religion. These conflicts have all sprung from fatal errors. (RDF)
  • en: English
    When the number of factors coming into play in a phenomenological complex is too large, scientific method in most cases fails us. One need only think of the weather, in which case prediction even for a few days ahead is impossible. Nevertheless no one doubts that we are confronted with a causal connection whose causal components are in the main known to us. Occurrences in this domain are beyond the reach of exact prediction because of the variety of factors in operation, not because of any lack of order in nature. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It is easier to denature plutonium than it is to denature the evil spirit of man. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I just want to explain what I mean when I say that we should try to hold on to physical reality. We are ... all aware of the situation regarding what will turn out to be the basic foundational concepts in physics: the point-mass or the particle is surely not among them; the field, in the Faraday-Maxwell sense, might be, but not with certainty. But that which we conceive as existing should somehow be localized in time and space. That is, the real in one part of space, A, should somehow "exist" independently of that which is thought of as real in another part of space, B. If a physical system stretches over A and B, then what is present in B should somehow have an existence independent of what is present in A. What is actually present in B should thus not depend the type of measurement carried out in the part of space A; it should also be independent of whether or not a measurement is made in A. If one adheres to this program, then one can hardly view the quantum-theoretical description as a complete representation of the physically real. If one attempts, nevertheless, so to view it, then one must assume that the physically real in B undergoes a sudden change because of a measurement in A. My physical instincts bristle at that suggestion. However, if one renounces the assumption that what is present in different parts of space has an independent, real existence, then I don't see at all what physics is supposed to be describing. For what is thought to be a "system" is after all, just conventional, and I do not see how one is supposed to divide up the world objectively so that one can make statements about parts. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am very smart. But not as strong-hearted as all the workers on earth for he toils endlessly and does it all to feed his family while I do it merely for solving an impossible puzzle. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth. I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Defalarca söylediğim gibi bana göre kişileşmiş bir Tanrı çocukça bir şey. Beni bir agnostik olarak adlandırabilirsin... Ben, kendi var oluşumuzu ve doğayı kavrayarak anlamayabilmemiz hususundaki zayıflığımızla uyumlu tevazulu bir tutum almayı tercih ediyorum. (RDF)
  • en: English
    A new idea comes suddenly and in a rather intuitive way. But intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Had I known that the Germans would not succeed in producing an atomic bomb, I would not have lifted a finger. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Gdybym wiedział, że Niemcom nie uda się wyprodukować bomby atomowej, nie kiwnąłbym nawet palcem. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Se soubesse que a Alemanha não teria sucesso na construçao da bomba, não teria levantado um dedo. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Today the atomic bomb has altered profoundly the nature of the world as we know it, and the human race consequently finds itself in a new habitat to which it must adapt its thinking. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Når jeg ser på mig selv og mine tankemetoder, må jeg konkludere at fantasiens gave har betydet mere for mig, end evnen til at tilegne mig ny viden. (RDF)
  • en: English
    When I examine myself and my methods of thought I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Quando rifletto su di me e sui miei metodi intellettuali, mi sembra quasi che il dono della fantasia mi sia servito più della capacità di impadronirmi della conoscenza assoluta. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kai tyrinėju savo sugebėjimą mąstyti, prieinu prie išvados, kad vaizduotės ir fantazijos dovana reiškė man daugiau negu sugebėjimai abstrakčiai mąstyti. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Khi tôi xem xét chính mình và các phương pháp tư tưởng của tôi, tôi đi tới kết luận rằng tài năng kỳ ảo có ý nghĩa đối với tôi hơn là tài năng hấp thụ kiến thức thực tế. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I agree with your remark about loving your enemy as far as actions are concerned. But for me the cognitive basis is the trust in an unrestricted causality. "I cannot hate him, because he must do what he does." That means for me more Spinoza than the prophets. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Egyetértek az ellenség szeretetéről szóló megjegyzésével, ameddig az a tettekre vonatkozik. De számomra a megismerhetőség alapja a bizalom a korlátlan ok-okozati viszonyban. 'Nem utálhatom azért, mert azt kell tennie, amit tesz.' (RDF)
  • en: English
    A theory is something nobody believes, except the person who made it. An experiment is something everybody believes, except the person who made it. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Er ist eine Skala der Proportionen, die das Schlechte schwierig und das Gute leicht macht. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az arányok mércéje, ami a rosszat nehézzé, a jót pedig könnyűvé teszi. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È una scala di proporzioni che rende difficile il brutto e facile il bello. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The reciprocal relationship of epistemology and science is of noteworthy kind. They are dependent on each other. Epistemology without contact with science becomes an empty scheme. Science without epistemology is — insofar as it is thinkable at all — primitive and muddled. However, no sooner has the epistemologist, who is seeking a clear system, fought his way through to such a system, than he is inclined to interpret the thought-content of science in the sense of his system and to reject whatever does not fit into his system. The scientist, however, cannot afford to carry his striving for epistemological systematic that far. He accepts gratefully the epistemological conceptual analysis; but the external conditions, which are set for him by the facts of experience, do not permit him to let himself be too much restricted in the construction of his conceptual world by the adherence to an epistemological system. He therefore must appear to the systematic epistemologist as a type of unscrupulous opportunist: he appears as realist insofar as he seeks to describe a world independent of the acts of perception; as idealist insofar as he looks upon the concepts and theories as free inventions of the human spirit ; as positivist insofar as he considers his concepts and theories justified only to the extent to which they furnish a logical representation of relations among sensory experiences. He may even appear as Platonist or Pythagorean insofar as he considers the viewpoint of logical simplicity as an indispensible and effective tool of his research. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Senza un contatto con la scienza l'epistemologia diventa uno schema vuoto. La scienza senza epistemologia, se pure la si può concepire, è primitiva e confusa. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity, I do not understand it myself anymore. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    از وقتی که ریاضی‌دانان از سر و کول «نظریه نسبیت» بالارفته‌اند، دیگر خودم هم از آن سر درنمی‌آورم. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Mióta a matematikusok megtámadták a relativitás-elméletet, azóta én magam sem értem. (RDF)
  • en: English
    A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The moral attitudes of a people that is supported by religion need always aim at preserving and promoting the sanity and vitality of the community and its individuals, since otherwise this community is bound to perish. A people that were to honor falsehood, defamation, fraud, and murder would be unable, indeed, to subsist for very long. (RDF)
  • en: English
    While religion prescribes brotherly love in the relations among the individuals and groups, the actual spectacle more resembles a battlefield than an orchestra. Everywhere, in economic as well as in political life, the guiding principle is one of ruthless striving for success at the expense of one's fellow men. This competitive spirit prevails even in school and, destroying all feelings of human fraternity and cooperation, conceives of achievement not as derived from the love for productive and thoughtful work, but as springing from personal ambition and fear of rejection. There are pessimists who hold that such a state of affairs is necessarily inherent in human nature; it is those who propound such views that are the enemies of true religion, for they imply thereby that religious teachings are Utopian ideals and unsuited to afford guidance in human affairs. The study of the social patterns in certain so-called primitive cultures, however, seems to have made it sufficiently evident that such a defeatist view is wholly unwarranted. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Science, in the immediate, produces knowledge and, indirectly, means of action. It leads to methodical action if definite goals are set up in advance. For the function of setting up goals and passing statements of value transcends its domain. While it is true that science, to the extent of its grasp of causative connections, may reach important conclusions as to the compatibility and incompatibility of goals and evaluations, the independent and fundamental definitions regarding goals and values remain beyond science's reach. As regards religion, on the other hand, one is generally agreed that it deals with goals and evaluations and, in general, with the emotional foundation of human thinking and acting, as far as these are not predetermined by the inalterable hereditary disposition of the human species. Religion is concerned with man's attitude toward nature at large, with the establishing of ideals for the individual and communal life, and with mutual human relationship. These ideals religion attempts to attain by exerting an educational influence on tradition and through the development and promulgation of certain easily accessible thoughts and narratives which are apt to influence evaluation and action along the lines of the accepted ideals. (RDF)
  • en: English
    While it is true that scientific results are entirely independent from religious or moral considerations, those individuals to whom we owe the great creative achievements of science were all of them imbued with the truly religious conviction that this universe of ours is something perfect and susceptible to the rational striving for knowledge. If this conviction had not been a strongly emotional one and if those searching for knowledge had not been inspired by Spinoza's Amor Dei Intellectualis, they would hardly have been capable of that untiring devotion which alone enables man to attain his greatest achievements. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The great moral teachers of humanity were, in a way, artistic geniuses in the art of living. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Does there truly exist an insuperable contradiction between religion and science? Can religion be superseded by science? The answers to these questions have, for centuries, given rise to considerable dispute and, indeed, bitter fighting. Yet, in my own mind there can be no doubt that in both cases a dispassionate consideration can only lead to a negative answer. What complicates the solution, however, is the fact that while most people readily agree on what is meant by "science," they are likely to differ on the meaning of "religion. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It is this mythical, or rather this symbolic, content of the religious traditions which is likely to come into conflict with science. This occurs whenever this religious stock of ideas contains dogmatically fixed statements on subjects which belong in the domain of science. Thus, it is of vital importance for the preservation of true religion that such conflicts be avoided when they arise from subjects which, in fact, are not really essential for the pursuance of the religious aims. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society. Nevertheless, it is necessary to remember that a planned economy is not yet socialism. A planned economy as such may be accompanied by the complete enslavement of the individual. The achievement of socialism requires the solution of some extremely difficult socio-political problems: how is it possible, in view of the far-reaching centralisation of political and economic power, to prevent bureaucracy from becoming all-powerful and overweening? How can the rights of the individual be protected and therewith a democratic counterweight to the power of bureaucracy be assured? (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    من به‌این موضوع اعتقاد راسخ دارم که تنها یک‌راه برای خلاصی از شر سرمایه‌داری وجود دارد: برقراری اقتصادِ سوسیالیستی به‌یاری آموزش و پرورشی درخورِ تحقق اهداف سوسیالیستی. در چنین ساختاری ابزار تولید وفرآورده‌های آن، به‌کل جامعه تعلق داشته و مصرف آن نیز طبق برنامه خواهد بود. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sono convinto che ci sia un unico modo per eliminare tali gravi malanni, vale a dire l'istituzione di una economia socialista, accompagnata da un sistema educativo orientato al perseguimento di obiettivi sociali. In un'economia del genere, i mezzi di produzione saranno posseduti dalla società stessa e utilizzati in maniera pianificata. Un'economia di piano, che adeguasse la produzione ai bisogni della comunità, distribuirebbe il lavoro fra tutti coloro che fossero in grado di lavorare e garantirebbe i mezzi di sussistenza a ciascuno, uomo, donna o bambino che fosse. L'istruzione dell'individuo, oltre a promuovere le capacità innate, si sforzerebbe di sviluppare in lui un senso di responsabilità verso i propri simili anziché la glorificazione del potere e del successo che caratterizzano la nostra società attuale. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Historic tradition is, so to speak, of yesterday; nowhere have we really overcome what Thorstein Veblen called "the predatory phase" of human development. The observable economic facts belong to that phase and even such laws as we can derive from them are not applicable to other phases. Since the real purpose of socialism is precisely to overcome and advance beyond the predatory phase of human development, economic science in its present state can throw little light on the socialist society of the future. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I have now reached the point where I may indicate briefly what to me constitutes the essence of the crisis of our time. It concerns the relationship of the individual to society. The individual has become more conscious than ever of his dependence upon society. But he does not experience this dependence as a positive asset, as an organic tie, as a protective force, but rather as a threat to his natural rights, or even to his economic existence. Moreover, his position in society is such that the egotistical drives of his make-up are constantly being accentuated, while his social drives, which are by nature weaker, progressively deteriorate. All human beings, whatever their position in society, are suffering from this process of deterioration. Unknowingly prisoners of their own egotism, they feel insecure, lonely, and deprived of the naive, simple, and unsophisticated enjoyment of life. Man can find meaning in life, short and perilous as it is, only through devoting himself to society. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The individual has become more conscious than ever of his dependence upon society. But he does not experience this dependence as a positive asset, as an organic tie, as a protective force, but rather as a threat to his natural rights, or even to his economic existence. Moreover, his position in society is such that the egotistical drives of his make-up are constantly being accentuated, while his social drives, which are by nature weaker, progressively deteriorate. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil. We see before us a huge community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving to deprive each other of the fruits of their collective labor — not by force, but on the whole in faithful compliance with legally established rules. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Gospodarcza anarchia społeczeństwa kapitalistycznego w jego obecnej formie jest moim zdaniem prawdziwym źródłem zła. Widzimy przed sobą ogromną społeczność producentów, której członkowie nieustannie usiłują pozbawić się nawzajem owoców swojej wspólnej pracy – nie siłą, lecz ogólnie rzecz biorąc zgodnie z legalnie ustanowionymi regułami. Nieograniczona konkurencja powoduje ogromne marnotrawstwo pracy i okaleczenie społecznej świadomości jednostek, o którym wspomniałem wcześniej. Owo okaleczenie świadomości jednostek uważam za najgorsze zło kapitalizmu. Jestem przekonany, że jest tylko jeden sposób wyeliminowania całego tego zła, a mianowicie stworzenie gospodarki socjalistycznej i systemu edukacyjnego ukierunkowanego na cele społeczne. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A anarquia econômica da sociedade capitalista de hoje em dia é, em minha opinião, a verdadeira fonte dos males. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Production is carried on for profit, not for use. There is no provision that all those able and willing to work will always be in a position to find employment; an "army of unemployed" almost always exists. The worker is constantly in fear of losing his job. Since unemployed and poorly paid workers do not provide a profitable market, the production of consumers' goods is restricted, and great hardship is the consequence. Technological progress frequently results in more unemployment rather than in an easing of the burden of work for all. The profit motive, in conjunction with competition among capitalists, is responsible for an instability in the accumulation and utilization of capital which leads to increasingly severe depressions. Unlimited competition leads to a huge waste of labor, and to that crippling of the social consciousness of individuals. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The owner of the means of production is in a position to purchase the labor power of the worker. By using the means of production, the worker produces new goods which become the property of the capitalist. The essential point about this process is the relation between what the worker produces and what he is paid, both measured in terms of real value. In so far as the labor contract is free what the worker receives is determined not by the real value of the goods he produces, but by his minimum needs and by the capitalists' requirements for labor power in relation to the number of workers competing for jobs. It is important to understand that even in theory the payment of the worker is not determined by the value of his product. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The abstract concept "society" means to the individual human being the sum total of his direct and indirect relations to his contemporaries and to all the people of earlier generations. The individual is able to think, feel, strive, and work by himself; but he depends so much upon society — in his physical, intellectual, and emotional existence — that it is impossible to think of him, or to understand him, outside the framework of society. It is "society" which provides man with food, clothing, a home, the tools of work, language, the forms of thought, and most of the content of thought; his life is made possible through the labor and the accomplishments of the many millions past and present who are all hidden behind the small word "society. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Eine Theorie ist desto eindrucksvoller, je größer die Einfachheit ihrer Prämissen ist, je verschiedenartigere Dinge sie verknüpft, und je weiter ihr Anwendungsbereich ist. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    תיאוריה היא מרשימה יותר, ככל שהנחותיה פשוטות יותר, ככל שהיא מקשרת בין יותר סוגי דברים שונים וככל שתחום הישימות שלה רחב יותר. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information . It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Reflections of this type made it clear to me as long ago as shortly after 1900, i.e., shortly after Planck's trailblazing work, that neither mechanics nor electrodynamics could claim exact validity. By and by I despaired of the possibility of discovering the true laws by means of constructive efforts based on known facts. The longer and the more despairingly I tried, the more I came to the conviction that only the discovery of a universal formal principle could lead us to assured results. . . . How, then, could such a universal principle be found? After ten years of reflection such a principle resulted from a paradox upon which I had already hit at the age of sixteen: If I pursue a beam of light with the velocity c , I should observe such a beam as a spatially oscillatory electromagnetic field at rest. However, there seems to be no such thing, whether on the bases of experience or according to Maxwell's equations. From the very beginning it appeared to me intuitively clear that, judged from the stand-point of such an observer, everything would have to happen according to the same laws as for an observer who, relative to the earth, was at rest. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Socialism is directed towards a social-ethical end. Science, however, cannot create ends and, even less, instill them in human beings; science, at most, can supply the means by which to attain certain ends. But the ends themselves are conceived by personalities with lofty ethical ideals and — if these ends are not stillborn, but vital and vigorous — are adopted and carried forward by those many human beings who, half unconsciously, determine the slow evolution of society. For these reasons, we should be on our guard not to overestimate science and scientific methods when it is a question of human problems; and we should not assume that experts are the only ones who have a right to express themselves on questions affecting the organization of society. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La scienza, tuttavia, non può creare fini e ancora meno inculcarli negli esseri umani; la scienza, al massimo, può fornire i mezzi con cui perseguire eventuali fini. Ma i fini in sé sono concepiti da personalità dotate di alti ideali etici . (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am very conscious of the fact that our feelings and strivings are often contradictory and obscure and that they cannot be expressed in easy and simple formulas. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It is quite clear to me that the religious paradise of youth, which was thus lost, was a first attempt to free myself from the chains of the "merely-personal," from an existence which is dominated by wishes, hopes and primitive feelings. Out yonder there was this huge world, which exists independently of us human beings and which stands before us like a great, eternal riddle, at least partially accessible to our inspection and thinking. The contemplation of this world beckoned like a liberation, and I soon noticed that many a man whom I had learned to esteem and to admire had found inner freedom and security in devoted occupation with it. The mental grasp of this extrapersonal world within the frame of the given possibilites swam as highest aim half consciously and half unconsciously before my mind's eye. Similarly motivated men of the present and of the past, as well as the insights which they had achieved, were the friends which could not be lost. The road to this paradise was not as comfortable and alluring as the road to the religious paradise; but it has proved itself as trustworthy, and I have never regretted having chosen it. (RDF)
  • en: English
    One had to cram all this stuff into one's mind for examinations, whether one liked it or not. This coercion had such a deterring effect that, after I had passed the final examination, I found the consideration of any scientific problems distasteful to me for an entire year. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Man is, at one and the same time, a solitary being and a social being. As a solitary being, he attempts to protect his own existence and that of those who are closest to him, to satisfy his personal desires, and to develop his innate abilities. As a social being, he seeks to gain the recognition and affection of his fellow human beings, to share in their pleasures, to comfort them in their sorrows, and to improve their conditions of life. Only the existence of these varied, frequently conflicting, strivings accounts for the special character of a man, and their specific combination determines the extent to which an individual can achieve an inner equilibrium and can contribute to the well-being of society. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I now imagine a quantum theoretician who may even admit that the quantum-theoretical description refers to ensembles of systems and not to individual systems, but who, nevertheless, clings to the idea that the type of description of the statistical quantum theory will, in its essential features, be retained in the future. He may argue as follows: True, I admit that the quantum-theoretical description is an incomplete description of the individual system. I even admit that a complete theoretical description is, in principle, thinkable. But I consider it proven that the search for such a complete description would be aimless. For the lawfulness of nature is thus constituted that the laws can be completely and suitably formulated within the framework of our incomplete description. To this I can only reply as follows: Your point of view — taken as theoretical possibility — is incontestable. For me, however, the expectation that the adequate formulation of the universal laws involves the use of all conceptual elements which are necessary for a complete description, is more natural. It is furthermore not at all surprising that, by using an incomplete description, only statistical statements can be obtained out of such description. If it should be possible to move forward to a complete description, it is likely that the laws would represent relations among all the conceptual elements of this description which, per se, have nothing to do with statistics. (RDF)
  • en: English
    A wonder of such nature I experienced as a child of 4 or 5 years, when my father showed me a compass. That this needle behaved in such a determined way did not at all fit into the nature of events, which could find a place in the unconscious world of concepts . I can still remember—or at least believe I can remember—that this experience made a deep and lasting impression upon me. Something deeply hidden had to be behind things. What man sees before him from infancy causes no reaction of this kind; he is not surprised over the falling of bodies, concerning wind and rain, nor concerning the moon or about the fact that the moon does not fall down, nor concerning the differences between living and non-living matter. At the age of 12 I experienced a second wonder of a totally different nature: in a little book dealing with Euclidean plane geometry, which came into my hands at the beginning of a schoolyear. Here were assertions, as for example the intersection of the three altitudes of a triangle in one point, which—though by no means evident—could nevertheless be proved with such certainty that any doubt appeared to be out of the question. This lucidity and certainty made an indescribable impression upon me. That the axioms had to be accepted unproved did not disturb me. In any case it was quite sufficient for me if I could peg proofs upon propositions the validity of which did not seem to me to be dubious. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Even when I was a fairly precocious young man the nothingness of the hopes and strivings which chases most men restlessly through life came to my consciousness with considerable vitality. Moreover, I soon discovered the cruelty of that chase, which in those years was much more carefully covered up by hypocrisy and glittering words than is the case today. By the mere existence of his stomach everyone was condemned to participate in that chase. Moreover, it was possible to satisfy the stomach by such participation, but not man in so far as he is a thinking and feeling being. As the first way out there was religion, which is implanted into every child by way of the traditional education-machine. Thus I came—despite the fact that I was the son of entirely irreligious parents—to a deep religiosity, which, however, found an abrupt ending at the age of 12. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentionally being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression. Suspicion against every kind of authority grew out of this experience, a skeptical attitude towards the convictions which were alive in any specific social environment—an attitude which has never again left me, even though later on, because of a better insight into the causal connections, it lost some of its original poignancy. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The very fact that the totality of our sense experience is such that by means of thinking it can be put in order, this fact is one which leaves us in awe, but which we shall never understand. One may say "the eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility." . . . In speaking here concerning "comprehensibility," the expression is used in its most modest sense. It implies: the production of some sort of order among sense impressions, this order being produced by the creation of general concepts, relations between these concepts, and by relations between the concepts and sense experience, these relations being determined in any possible manner. It is in this sense that the world of our sense experience is comprehensible. The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Potremmo dire che «l'eterno mistero del mondo è la sua comprensibilità». È una delle grandi intuizioni di Immanuel Kant che senza tale comprensibilità l'assunzione di un mondo esterno reale sarebbe assurda. Per quanto riguarda la «comprensibilità», l'espressione è qui utilizzata nel suo senso più banale. Vuole riferirsi a: produzione di una qualche sorta di ordine fra le impressioni dei sensi, un ordine prodotto dalla creazione di concetti generali, di relazioni tra questi concetti, e dalle relazioni tra i concetti e l'esperienza sensoriale, relazioni a loro volta determinate in qualunque possibile modo. È in questo senso che il mondo delle nostre esperienze sensoriali è comprensibile. Il fatto che sia comprensibile è un miracolo. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I do not see any reason to assume that the heuristic significance of the principle of general relativity is restricted to gravitation and that the rest of physics can be dealt with separately on the basis of special relativity, with the hope that later on the whole may be fitted consistently into a general relativistic scheme. I do not think that such an attitude, although historically understandable, can be objectively justified. The comparative smallness of what we know today as gravitational effects is not a conclusive reason for ignoring the principle of general relativity in theoretical investigations of a fundamental character. In other words, I do not believe that it is justifiable to ask: What would physics look like without gravitation? (RDF)
  • en: English
    Intelligence makes clear to us the interrelation of means and ends. But mere thinking cannot give us a sense of the ultimate and fundamental ends. To make clear these fundamental ends and valuations, and to set them fast in the emotional life of the individual, seems to me precisely the most important function which religion has to perform in the social life of man. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Intelligence makes clear to us the interelationship of means and ends. But mere thinking cannot give us a sense of the ultimate and fundamental ends. To make cler these fundamental ends and valuations and to set them fast in the emotional life of the individual, seems to me precisely the most important function which religion has to form in the social like of man. (RDF)
  • th: Thai
    เชาว์ปัญญาทำให้เรามีความกระจ่างชัดในเรื่อง ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างกันของวิธีการกับเป้าหมาย แต่ลำพังการคิดหาเหตุผลนั้นมิอาจทำให้เรามีความรู้สึกเกี่ยวกับเป้าหมายพื้นฐานและเป้าหมายสุดท้ายได้ การทำความกระจ่างชัดเกี่ยวกับเป้าหมายพื้นฐานเหล่านี้ และการประเมินค่าก็ดี, ทั้งการทำให้เป้าหมายพื้นฐานเหล่านี้แน่นเหนียวในชีวิตทางอารมย์ความรู้สึกของปัจเจกบุคคลก็ดี สำหรับข้าพเจ้าแล้วดูเหมือนเป็นที่แน่นอนว่าหน้าที่สำคัญที่สุด ซึ่งศาสนาต้องแสดงบทบาทในชีวิตทางสังคมของมนุษย์ (RDF)
  • en: English
    One strength of the communist system of the East is that it has some of the character of a religion and inspires the emotions of a religion. Unless the concept of peace based on law gathers behind it the force and zeal of a religion, it can hardly hope to succeed. (RDF)
  • en: English
    原文:Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population. (RDF)
  • en: English
    This freedom of communication is indispensable for the development and extension of scientific knowledge, a consideration of much practical import. In the first instance it must be guaranteed by law. But laws alone cannot secure freedom of expression; in order that every man may present his views without penalty there must be a spirit of tolerance in the entire population. Such an ideal of external liberty can never be fully attained but must be sought unremittingly if scientific thought, and philosophical and creative thinking in general, are to be advanced as far as possible. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Lait eivät yksin voi turvata sananvapautta; jotta jokainen ihminen voisi rangaistuksetta ilmaista mielipiteensä, täytyy yleisen suvaitsevaisuuden hengen vallita koko kansassa. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    法律本身并不能保证言论自由;要做到这一点,必需要所有的人都有着包容的心。 (RDF)
  • en: English
    And certainly we should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality. It cannot lead, it can only serve; and it is not fastidious in its choice of a leader. This characteristic is reflected in the qualities of its priests, the intellectuals. The intellect has a sharp eye for methods and tools, but is blind to ends and values. So it is no wonder that this fatal blindness is handed on from old to young and today involves a whole generation. (RDF)
  • en: English
    There exists a passion for comprehension, just as there exists a passion for music. That passion is rather common in children, but it gets lost in most people later on. Without this passion, there would be neither mathematics nor natural science. Time and again the passion for understanding has led to the illusion that man is able to comprehend the objective world rationally, by pure thought, without any empirical foundations—in short, by metaphysics. I believe that every true theorist is a kind of tamed metaphysicist, no matter how pure a "positivist" he may fancy himself. The metaphysicist believes that the logically simple is also the real. The tamed metaphysicist believes that not all that is logically simple is embodied in experienced reality, but that the totality of all sensory experience can be "comprehended" on the basis of a conceptual system built on premises of great simplicity. The skeptic will say that this is a "miracle creed." Admittedly so, but it is a miracle creed which has been borne out to an amazing extent by the development of science. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Esiste una passione per la comprensione proprio come esiste una passione per la musica; è una passione molto comune nei bambini, ma che poi la maggior parte degli adulti perde. Senza di essa non ci sarebbero né la matematica né le altre scienze. Più volte la passione per la comprensione ha condotto all'illusione che l'uomo sia in grado di comprendere razionalmente il mondo oggettivo, attraverso il pensiero puro, senza nessuna fondazione empirica; in breve attraverso la metafisica. Sono convinto che ogni teorico vero sia una sorta di metafisico addomesticato, indipendentemente da quanto possa immaginare di essere un puro «positivista». Il metafisico crede che il logicamente semplice sia anche reale. Il metafisico addomesticato crede che non tutto ciò che è logicamente semplice sia incorporato nella realtà esperita, ma che la totalità di tutta l'esperienza sensoriale possa essere «compresa» sulla base di un sistema concettuale costruito su premesse di grande semplicità. Lo scettico dirà che questo è un «credo del miracolo». È proprio così, ma è un credo del miracolo che è nato e cresciuto in maniera straordinaria grazie allo sviluppo della scienza. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I advocate world government because I am convinced that there is no other possible way of eliminating the most terrible danger in which man has ever found himself. The objective of avoiding total destruction must have priority over any other objective. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני תומך בממשלה עולמית משום שאני משוכנע כי אין שום דרך אפשרית אחרת לחסל את הסכנה הנוראה ביותר שמולה עמד האדם מימיו. המטרה למנוע חורבן טוטלי חייבת לקבל עדיפות על פני מטרה אחרת." ~ תשובה למכתב פתוח של מדען רוסי בניו יורק טיימס, 1948, "כמו שאיינשטיין אמר", עמוד 127 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Difendo il governo mondiale perché sono convinto che non ci sia altra via percorribile per eliminare il più tremendo pericolo a cui l'uomo si sia mai trovato esposto. L'obiettivo di evitare la distruzione totale deve avere la priorità su qualunque altro obiettivo. (RDF)
  • en: English
    What is significant in one's own existence one is hardly aware, and it certainly should not bother the other fellow. What does a fish know about the water in which he swims all his life? (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מה הדג יודע על המים שהוא שוחה בהם כל ימיו? (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Di ciò che è importante nella propria esistenza non ci si rende quasi conto, e certamente questo non dovrebbe interessare il prossimo. Che ne sa un pesce dell'acqua in cui nuota per tutta la vita? (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O que um peixe sabe sobre a água da qual nada a vida inteira? (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Что может знать рыба о воде, в которой плавает всю жизнь? (RDF)
  • en: English
    I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Vivo in quella solitudine che è dolorosa in gioventù, ma deliziosa negli anni della maturità. (RDF)
  • en: English
    This is the reason why all attempts to obtain a deeper knowledge of the foundations of physics seem doomed to me unless the basic concepts are in accordance with general relativity from the beginning. This situation makes it difficult to use our empirical knowledge, however comprehensive, in looking for the fundamental concepts and relations of physics, and it forces us to apply free speculation to a much greater extent than is presently assumed by most physicists. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The highest principles for our aspirations and judgments are given to us in the Jewish-Christian religious tradition. It is a very high goal which, with our weak powers, we can reach only very inadequately, but which gives a sure foundation to our aspirations and valuations. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Törekvéseink és döntéseink legfőbb elvét a zsidó-keresztény vallásos hagyomány adja. Nagyon magasztos az a cél, amit gyarló erőfeszítéseinkkel, csak elégtelenül tudunk elérni, de ami a törekvéseinknek és értékeinket a biztos talaját biztosítja. (RDF)
  • en: English
    For scientific endeavor is a natural whole the parts of which mutually support one another in a way which, to be sure, no one can anticipate. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Ethical axioms are founded and tested not very differently from the axioms of science. Truth is what stands the test of experience. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Os axiomas éticos são encontrados e testados não muito diferentemente dos axiomas da ciência. A verdade aparece com o teste da experiência. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die Majorität der Dummen ist unüberwindbar und für alle Zeiten gesichert. Der Schrecken ihrer Tyrannei ist indessen gemildert durch Mangel an Konsequenz. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Quenqueira que colla para si e se invista como xuíz de verdade e coñecemento é afundido polo riso dos deuses.Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Wenige sind imstande, von den Vorurteilen der Umgebung abweichende Meinungen gelassen auszusprechen; die Meisten sind sogar unfähig, überhaupt zu solchen Meinungen zu gelangen. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions that differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Tik nedaugelis žmonių sugeba šaltakraujiškai išreikšti savo nuomonę, kuri skiriasi nuo iš anksto visuomenės sudarytos. Dauguma žmonių netgi nesugeba suformuoti tokių nuomonių. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Cəmiyyətdə hakim olan xurafata zidd fikirləri sakitcə ifadə etməyə çox az adam qadirdir. İnsanların əksəriyyəti hətta belə bir fikir formalaşdıra bilmirlər. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Man usually avoids attributing cleverness to somebody else—unless it is an enemy. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The attempt to combine wisdom and power has only rarely been successful, and then only for a short while. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Näkemisen ja ymmärtämisen ilo on luonnon kaunein lahja. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Džiaugsmas matyti ir suprasti yra pati gražiausia gamtos dovana. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The contrasts and contradictions that can permanently live peacefully side by side in a skull make all the systems of political optimists and pessimists illusory. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Um ein tadelloses Mitglied einer Schafherde sein zu können, muß man vor allem ein Schaf sein. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Um ein tadelloses Mitglied einer Schafherde sein zu können, muss man vor allem ein Schaf sein. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kad taptum nepriekaištingu avių bandos nariu, turi pirma būti avis. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Qoyun sürüsünün qüsursuz üzvü olmaq üçün ilk növbədə qoyun olmaq lazımdır. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Hail to the man who went through life always helping others, knowing no fear, and to whom aggressiveness and resentment are alien. Such is the stuff of which the great moral leaders are made. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Sveikinimai žmogui, kuris gyvenimą pragyveno padėdamas kitiems, nežinodamas baimės jausmo, o agresyvumas ir apmaudas jam buvo svetimi jausmai. Šias savybes turi visi didūs dvasiniai lyderiai. (RDF)
  • en: English
    We are speaking on this occasion, not as members of this or that nation, continent, or creed, but as human beings, members of the species Man, whose continued existence is in doubt. The world is full of conflicts; and, overshadowing all minor conflicts, the titanic struggle between Communism and anti-Communism...we want you, if you can, to set aside such feelings and consider yourselves only as members of a biological species which has had a remarkable history, and whose disappearance none of us can desire. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It is feared that if many H-bombs are used there will be universal death, sudden only for a minority, but for the majority a slow torture of disease and disintegration. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war? (RDF)
  • en: English
    My religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality. Morality is of the highest importance — but for us, not for God. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Physics is essentially an intuitive and concrete science. Mathematics is only a means for expressing the laws that govern phenomena. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Where the world ceases to be the scene of our personal hopes and wishes, where we face it as free beings admiring, asking, observing, there we enter the realm of Art and Science. If what is seen and experienced is portrayed in the language of logic, we are engaged in science. If it is communicated through forms whose connections are not accessible to the conscious mind but are recognized intuitively as meaningful, then we are engaged in art. Common to both is love and devotion to that which transcends personal concerns and volition. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Body and soul are not two different things, but only two different ways of perceiving the same thing. Similarly, physics and psychology are only different attempts to link our experiences together by way of systematic thought. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Der Unterschied zwischen Kant und Einstein besteht nicht darin, daß der eine einen euklidischen und der andere einen nicht-euklidischen Raum annahm, sondern vor allem in der Beziehung, die sie zwischen der Mathematik und der Wirklichkeit herstellten. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Who would have thought around 1900 that in fifty years time we would know so much more and understand so much less. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Кто бы мог подумать в 1900 году , что через пятьдесят лет мы будем знать так много и понимать так мало. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Philosophy is like a mother who gave birth to and endowed all the other sciences. Therefore, one should not scorn her in her nakedness and poverty, but should hope, rather, that part of her Don Quixote ideal will live on in her children so that they do not sink into philistinism. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Measured objectively, what a man can wrest from Truth by passionate striving is utterly infinitesimal. But the striving frees us from the bonds of the self and makes us comrades of those who are the best and the greatest. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Never before have I lived through a storm like the one this night. ... The sea has a look of indescribable grandeur, especially when the sun falls on it. One feels as if one is dissolved and merged into Nature. Even more than usual, one feels the insignificance of the individual, and it makes one happy. (RDF)
  • en: English
    There has been an earth for a little more than a billion years. As for the question of the end of it I advise: Wait and see! (RDF)
  • de: German
    Es war natürlich eine Lüge, was Sie über meine religiösen Überzeugungen gelesen haben, eine Lüge, die systematisch wiederholt wird. Ich glaube nicht an einen persönlichen Gott und ich habe dies niemals geleugnet, sondern habe es deutlich ausgesprochen. Falls es in mir etwas gibt, das man religiös nennen könnte, so ist es eine unbegrenzte Bewunderung der Struktur der Welt, so weit sie unsere Wissenschaft enthüllen kann. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Era, por suposto, unha mentira que leu sobre as miñas conviccións relixiosas, unha mentira que está a ser sistemáticamente repetida. Non creo nun Deus persoal e nunca o neguei e téñoo expresado claramente. Se algo hai en min que poda ser chamado relixioso é a admiración sen límite pola estructura do mundo ata onde a ciencia pode revelárnola. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    البته آنچه دربارهٔ اعتقادات دینی من گفته‌اند دروغ است. دروغی که به‌طور سیستماتیک تکرار شده‌است. من به خدایی شخص‌وار اعتقاد ندارم و هرگز منکر این بی‌اعتقادی‌ام نمی‌شوم بلکه آن را آشکارا بیان می‌کنم. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Uskonnollisisista vakaumuksistani lukemanne oli tietysti valhe, jota toistetaan järjestelmällisesti. En usko henkilöityneeseen Jumalaan enkä ole sitä koskaan kieltänyt vaan ilmaissut sen selvästi. Jos sisälläni on jotakin, jota voidaan sanoa uskonnolliseksi, niin se on maailman rakenteen rajaton ihailu sellaisena kuin luonnontiede pystyy sen paljastamaan. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מה שקראת על אמונתי הדתית היה, כמובן, שקר – שקר שחוזרים עליו באופן שיטתי. אינני מאמין בהשגחה פרטית ומעולם לא הכחשתי זאת, אלא הבעתי זאת בבהירות. אם יש בי משהו שניתן לכנותו דתי, זוהי ההערצה בלתי מוגבלת למבנה העולם ככל שהמדע שלנו יכול לגלותו." ~ מתוך "אלברט איינשטיין, הצד האנושי (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem hiszek a személyes Istenben, s ezt a felfogásomat sohasem titkoltam el, hanem mindig világosan kifejezésre juttattam. Ha van valami bennem, ami vallásosnak nevezhető, az az a határtalan csodálat, amelyet világunk szerkezete ébreszt bennem, világunké, amennyire azt tudományunk feltárni képes. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    나는 인격신을 믿지 않는다. 나는 그 점을 결코 부정하지 않고 명확히 표현해왔다. 내 안에 종교적인 무언가가 있다면, 그것은 우리 과학이 밝혀낼 수 있는 세계의 구조에 관한 무한한 찬탄이다. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    To oczywiście kłamstwo, co czytałaś o mojej religijności; kłamstwo, które jest raz po raz powtarzane. Nie wierzę w osobowego Boga i zawsze otwarcie się do tego przyznawałem. Gdybym jednak musiał znaleźć w sobie coś, co miałoby aspekt religijny, to byłaby to bezgraniczna fascynacja strukturą świata, jaką ukazuje nam nauka. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jestem głęboko religijnym niewierzącym. Idea osobowego Boga jest mi raczej obca, a nawet wydaje mi się naiwna. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Foi, é claro, uma mentira o que você leu sobre minhas convicções religiosas, uma mentira que está sendo sistematicamente repetida. Eu não acredito em um deus pessoal e nunca neguei isso; ao contrário, expressei claramente. Se existe algo em mim que pode ser chamado de religioso, esse algo é a minha admiração ilimitada pela estrutura do mundo até onde a ciência nos pode revelá-lo. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    То, что вы читали о моих религиозных убеждениях — разумеется, ложь. Ложь, которую систематически повторяют. Я не верю в Бога как в личность и никогда не скрывал этого, а выражал очень ясно. Если во мне есть что-то, что можно назвать религиозным, то это, несомненно, беспредельное восхищение строением вселенной в той мере, в какой наука раскрывает его. Идея персонифицированного божества никогда не была мне близка и кажется довольно наивной. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Сообщения о моей религиозности являются чистейшей ложью. Ложью, которая настырно повторяется! Я не верю в персонализированного Бога. Своё отношение к богу я выражал ясно и никогда не отказывался от своих слов. Если же что-то из моих высказываний может показаться кому-то религиозными, то это, вероятно, — моё безграничное восхищение структурой мироздания, насколько наша наука может её постичь. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mənim dindarlığım haqqında xəbərlər ağ yalandır. O yalan ki, inadla təkrarlanır! Mən şəxsi Allaha inanmıram. Allaha olan münasibətimi aydın şəkildə ifadə etmişəm və heç vaxt da sözlərimdən imtina etmirəm. Əgər mənim fikirlərimdən nəsə dini görünürsə, bu, elmin bizə açdığı dünya və onun quruluşuna sonsuz heyranlığımla izah edilə bilər. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am the one to whom you wrote in care of the Belgian Academy... Read no newspapers, try to find a few friends who think as you do, read the wonderful writers of earlier times, Kant, Goethe, Lessing, and the classics of other lands, and enjoy the natural beauties of Munich's surroundings. Make believe all the time that you are living, so to speak, on Mars among alien creatures and blot out any deeper interest in the actions of those creatures. Make friends with a few animals. Then you will become a cheerful man once more and nothing will be able to trouble you. Bear in mind that those who are finer and nobler are always alone — and necessarily so — and that because of this they can enjoy the purity of their own atmosphere. I shake your hand in heartfelt comradeship, E. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I do not believe in immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern with no superhuman authority behind it. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    من نمی‌توانم فرضیهٔ بی‌اخلاقی فرد را بپذیرم من اخلاق را منحصراً یک امر انسانی و متعلق به انسان می‌دانم که هیچ نوع قدرت مافوق انسانی در پشت ان وجود ندارد. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    من نمی‌توانم فرضیه «بی‌اخلاقی انسان» را بپذیرم، و من اخلاق را منحصراً امری انسانی و متعلق به انسان می‌دانم که هیچ نوع قدرت مافوق انسانی در پشت آن وجود ندارد. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אינני מאמין בנצחיותו של הפרט, ואני רואה באתיקה עניין אנושי בלבד שאין שום אוטוריטה על־אנושית או על־טבעית העומדת מאחוריו. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem hiszek az egyén halhatatlanságában, és az etikát kizárólag emberi ügynek tartom, ami fölött nem áll emberfeletti hatalom. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie wierzę w nieśmiertelność i uważam moralność za sprawę czysto ludzką, bez konieczności odwoływania się do jakiegokolwiek nadprzyrodzonego autorytetu. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Eu não acredito na imortalidade do indivíduo, e considero a ética algo que diz respeito somente aos homens, sem qualquer relação com uma autoridade supra-humana. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Wenn die Bekenner der gegenwärtigen Religionen sich ernstlich bemühen würden, im Geiste der Begründer dieser Religionen zu denken, zu urteilen und zu handeln, dann würde keine auf den Glauben gegründete Feindschaft zwischen den Bekennern verschiedener Religionen existieren. Noch mehr, sogar die Gegensätze im Glauben würden sich als unwesentlich herausstellen. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If the believers of the present-day religions would earnestly try to think and act in the spirit of the founders of these religions then no hostility on the basis of religion would exist among the followers of the different faiths. Even the conflicts and the realm of religion would be exposed as insignificant. (RDF)
  • en: English
    For the most part we humans live with the false impression of security and a feeling of being at home in a seemingly trustworthy physical and human environment. But when the expected course of everyday life is interrupted, we are like shipwrecked people on a miserable plank in the open sea, having forgotten where they came from and not knowing whither they are drifting. But once we fully accept this, life becomes easier and there is no longer any disappointment. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Науката е великолепно нещо, ако човек не е принуден да изкарва хляба си чрез нея. Всеки трябва да печели препитанието си, след като избере професия, за която е сигурен, че е в състояние да овладее. Само когато не сме длъжни да даваме отчет някому, можем да намерим радост в научните занимания. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    علم زیباست وقتی هزینهٔ گذران زندگی از آن تأمین نشود. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Znanost je prelijepa stvar kada ne moraš zarađivati za život od nje. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A tudomány egy csodálatos dolog, amíg nem abból kell megélned. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mokslas yra nuostabus dalykas, jei tau nereikia iš jo pragyventi. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Анонимността не е извинение за глупостта. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Anonymity is no excuse for stupidity. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Das Studium und allgemein das Streben nach Wahrheit und Schönheit ist ein Gebiet, auf dem wir das ganze Leben lang Kinder bleiben dürfen. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Study and in general the pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El estudio y, en general, la búsqueda de la verdad y la belleza conforman un área donde podemos seguir siendo niños toda la vida. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The mystical trend of our time, which shows itself particularly in the rampant growth of the so-called Theosophy and Spiritualism, is for me no more than a symptom of weakness and confusion. Since our inner experiences consist of reproductions and combinations of sensory impressions, the concept of a soul without a body seem to me to be empty and devoid of meaning. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הנטייה המיסטית של זמננו, המראה עצמה בעיקר בהתפשטות של מה שנקרא תיאוסופיה וספיריטואליזם, היא עבורי לא יותר מאשר סימפטום של חולשה ובלבול. כיוון שחוויותינו הפנימיות מורכבות משחזור וצירוף של רשמים חושיים, המושג של נשמה ללא גוף נראה בעיני ריק לגמרי מתוכן. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Mivel belső élményeink érzékeléssel szerzett benyomásaink reprodukcióiból és kombinációiból állnak, a lélek fogalma test nélkül számomra üresnek és értelmetlennek tűnik. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kadangi mūsų vidiniai potyriai susidaro iš jutiminių įspūdžių kombinacijų ir reprodukcijos, sielos koncepcija be kūno man atrodo tuščia vieta ir beprasme. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A tendência ao misticismo de nossa época, que se mostra especialmente no crescimento desenfreado das tais Teosofia e Espiritualismo, é, para mim, nada mais que um sintoma de fraqueza e confusão. Como nossas experiências internas consistem em reproduções e combinações de impressões sensoriais, o conceito de uma alma sem um corpo parece-me ser vazio e desprovido de sentido. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The most important tool of the theoretical physicist is his wastebasket. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Our time is distinguished by wonderful achievements in the fields of scientific understanding and the technical application of those insights. Who would not be cheered by this? But let us not forget that human knowledge and skills alone cannot lead humanity to a happy and dignified life. Humanity has every reason to place the proclaimers of high moral standards and values above the discoverers of objective truth. What humanity owes to personalities like Buddha, Moses, and Jesus ranks for me higher than all the achievements of the enquiring and constructive mind. What these blessed men have given us we must guard and try to keep alive with all our strength if humanity is not to lose its dignity, the security of its existence, and its joy in living. (RDF)
  • en: English
    In the past it never occurred to me that every casual remark of mine would be snatched up and recorded. Otherwise I would have crept further into my shell. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Nothing truly valuable arises from ambition or from a mere sense of duty; it stems rather from love and devotion towards men and towards objective things. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I have never imputed to Nature a purpose or a goal, or anything that could be understood as anthropomorphic. What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of "humility." This is a genuinely religious feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מעולם לא ייחסתי לטבע תכלית או מטרה, או שום דבר שאפשר להבינו כאנתרופומורפי. מה שאני רואה בטבע זה מבנה רב־הוד שאנו יכולים להבינו רק באופן מאוד לא מושלם, ודבר זה חייב למלא את האדם החושב רגשות ענווה. זו היא תחושה דתית אמיתית שאין לה מאומה מיסטיציזם." ~ מתוך "אלברט אינשטיין, הצד האנושי (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    나는 지극히 종교적인 불신자다. 이것은 다소 새로운 종류의 종교다. 나는 자연에 목적이나 목표 또는 의인화라고 이해할만한 것을 전혀 갖다 붙인 적이 없다. 우리는 자연을 매우 불완전하게만 이해할 수 있고, 이는 생각하는 인간이 겸손으로 채워야 하는 장엄한 구조다. 그것은 신비주의와는 아무런 관련이 없는, 진정으로 종교적인 감정이다. 인격신이라는 개념은 내게 아주 이질적이며 심지어 소박하게까지 보인다. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Jamais imputei à natureza um propósito ou um objetivo, nem nada que possa ser entendido como antropomórfico. O que vejo na Natureza é uma estrutura maravilhosa que só conseguimos compreender imperfeitamente, e isso deve preencher um ser humano pensante com um sentimento de humildade. Esse é um sentimento religioso genuíno que nada tem a ver com misticismo. (RDF)
  • en: English
    In my opinion, condemning the Zionist movement as "nationalistic" is unjustified. Consider the path by which Herzl came to his mission. Initially he had been completely cosmopolitan. But during the Dreyfus trial in Paris he suddenly realized with great clarity how precarious was the situation of the Jews in the western world. And courageously he drew the conclusion that we are discriminated against or murdered not because we are Germans, Frenchmen, Americans, etc. of the "Jewish faith" but simply because we are Jews. Thus already our precarious situation forces us to stand together irrespective of our citizenship. Zionism gave the German Jews no great protection against annihilation. But it did give the survivors the inner strength to endure the debacle with dignity and without losing their healthy self respect. Keep in mind that perhaps a similar fate could be lying in wait for your children. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Visdom er ikke resultatet af en uddannelse, men et livslangt forsøg på at opnå det. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Something there is that can refresh and revivify older people: joy in the activities of the younger generation—a joy, to be sure, that is clouded by dark forebodings in these unsettled times. And yet, as always, the springtime sun brings forth new life, and we may rejoice because of this new life and contribute to its unfolding; and Mozart remains as beautiful and tender as he always was and always will be. There is, after all, something eternal that lies beyond reach of the hand of fate and of all human delusions. And such eternals lie closer to an older person than to a younger one oscillating between fear and hope. For us, there remains the privilege of experiencing beauty and truth in their purest forms. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Vielleicht ist das Scheitern des Versuchs Einsteins, eine allgemeine Feldtheorie aufzustellen, für die Physik sein wichtigster Beitrag. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Einstein pflegte so oft von Gott zu reden, daß ich beinahe vermute, er sei ein verkappter Theologe gewesen. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Es scheint hart, dem Herrgott in die Karten zu gucken. Aber dass er würfelt und sich telepathischer Mittel bedient , kann ich keinen Augenblick glauben. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It seems hard to sneak a look at God's cards. But that He plays dice and uses "telepathic" methods... is something that I cannot believe for a single moment. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The basic laws of the universe are simple, but because our senses are limited, we can't grasp them. There is a pattern in creation. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The world needs new moral impulses which, I'm afraid, won't come from the churches, heavily compromised as they have been throughout the centuries. Perhaps those impulses must come from scientists in the tradition of Galileo, Kepler and Newton. In spite of failures and persecutions, these men devoted their lives to proving that the universe is a single entity, in which, I believe, a humanized God has no place. The genuine scientist is not moved by praise or blame, nor does he preach. He unveils the universe and people come eagerly, without being pushed, to behold a new revelation: the order, the harmony, the magnificence of creation! And as man becomes conscious of the stupendous laws that govern the universe in perfect harmony, he begins to realize how small he is. He sees the pettiness of human existence, with its ambitions and intrigues, its "I am better than thou" creed. This is the beginning of cosmic religion within him; fellowship and human service become his moral code. And without such moral foundations, we are hopelessly doomed. (RDF)
  • en: English
    School failed me, and I failed the school. It bored me. The teachers behaved like Feldwebel . I wanted to learn what I wanted to know, but they wanted me to learn for the exam. What I hated most was the competitive system there, and especially sports. Because of this, I wasn't worth anything, and several times they suggested I leave. This was a Catholic School in Munich. I felt that my thirst for knowledge was being strangled by my teachers; grades were their only measurement. How can a teacher understand youth with such a system? . . . from the age of twelve I began to suspect authority and distrust teachers. I learned mostly at home, first from my uncle and then from a student who came to eat with us once a week. He would give me books on physics and astronomy. The more I read, the more puzzled I was by the order of the universe and the disorder of the human mind, by the scientists who didn't agree on the how, the when, or the why of creation. Then one day this student brought me Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Reading Kant, I began to suspect everything I was taught. I no longer believed in the known God of the Bible, but rather in the mysterious God expressed in nature. (RDF)
  • en: English
    First you must have faith in an eternal world independent of you; then you must have faith in your ability to perceive it, and finally you must try to explain it by means of concepts or mathematical constructions. But don't always accept traditional concepts without reexamining them. Even overthrow my relativity theory, if you find a better one. . . . You must believe that the world was created as a unified whole which is comprehensible to man. Of course, it's going to take an infinitely long time to investigate this unified creation. But to me that is the highest and most sacred duty—unifying physics. Simplicity is the criterion of the universe. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I cannot conceive of anything after my physical death—perhaps it will end it all. The knowledge that I am now on this earth and a mysterious part of eternity is enough for me. My death will be an easy one, too, for since early youth I have always detached myself from family, friends, and surroundings. And should I live on, I have no fear of the next life. Whatever good I did helped to free me from myself. What a miserable creature man would be if he were good not for the sake of being good, but because religion told him that he would get a reward after this life, and that if he weren't good he'd be punished. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Wait a minute! I am not a mystic. Trying to find out the laws of nature has nothing to do with mysticism, though in the face of creation I feel very humble. It is as if a spirit is manifest infinitely superior to man's spirit. Through my pursuit in science I have known cosmic religious feelings. But I don't care to be called a mystic. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I believe that I have cosmic religious feelings. I never could grasp how one could satisfy these feelings by praying to limited objects. The tree outside is life, a statue is dead. The whole of nature is life, and life, as I observe it, rejects a God resembling man. I like to experience the universe as one harmonious whole. Every cell has life. Matter, too, has life; it is energy solidified. Our bodies are like prisons, and I look forward to be free, but I don't speculate on what will happen to me. I live here now, and my responsibility is in this world now. . . . I deal with natural laws. This is my work here on earth. (RDF)
  • en: English
    You must warn people not to make the intellect their God. The intellect knows methods but it seldom knows values, and they come from feeling. If one doesn't play a part in the creative whole, he is not worth being called human. He has betrayed his true purpose. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I do not need any promise of eternity to be happy. My eternity is now. I have only one interest: to fulfill my purpose here where I am. This purpose is not given me by my parents or my surroundings. It is induced by some unknown factors. These factors make me a part of eternity. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Nur das Leben im Dienste anderer ist ein lebenswertes Leben. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I believe in one thing—that only a life lived for others is a life worth living. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Vain toisten vuoksi eletty elämä on elämisen arvoinen. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    परोपकाराय जीवनमात्रं भवेत् सार्थकं जीवनम् । (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Soltanto una vita vissuta per gli altri è una vita che vale la pena vivere. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    오직 남을 위해 살아온 인생만이 가치 있는 삶이다. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Verta gyventi tik dėl kitų. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Tik gyvenimas, gyvenamas dėl kitų, yra vertas gyventi. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kažko vertas tik toks gyvenimas, kuris nugyventas dėl kitų. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Tylko życie poświęcone innym warte jest przeżycia. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Tylko życie przeżyte dla innych jest warte zachodu. (RDF)
  • th: Thai
    มีเพียงชีวิตเพื่อผู้อื่นเท่านั้น ที่มีคุณค่าแก่การมีชีวิต (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Ayrıca bir insanın həyatı yalnız başqalarının həyatını daha gözəl və daha nəcib etməyə kömək etdiyi dərəcədə mənalı olur. Həyat müqəddəsdir; necə deyərlər, bütün başqa dəyərlərin tabe olduğu ali dəyərdir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Ancaq başqaları üçün yaşanılan həyat,yaşamağa dəyər həyatdır. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həyatın mənası yalnız başqalarına həsr olunmuş həyatdadır. (RDF)
  • en: English
    But then, after all, we are all alike, for we are all derived from the monkey. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I have faith in the universe, for it is rational. Law underlies each happening. And I have faith in my purpose here on earth. I have faith in my intuition, the language of my conscience, but I have no faith in speculation about Heaven and Hell. I'm concerned with this time—here and now. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Indeed, it is not intellect, but intuition which advances humanity. Intuition tells man his purpose in this life. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If we want to improve the world we cannot do it with scientific knowledge but with ideals. Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and Gandhi have done more for humanity than science has done. We must begin with the heart of man—with his conscience—and the values of conscience can only be manifested by selfless service to mankind. In this respect, I feel that the Churches have much guilt. She has always allied herself with those who rule, who have political power, and more often than not, at the expense of peace and humanity as a whole. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It is not a religion that teaches that man is made in the image of God—that is anthropomorphic. Man has infinite dimensions and finds God in his conscience. This religion has no dogma other than teaching man that the universe is rational and that his highest destiny is to ponder it and co-create with its laws. There are only two limiting factors: first, that what seems impenetrable to us is as important as what is cut and dried; and, second, that our faculties are dull and can only comprehend wisdom and serene beauty in crude forms, but the heart of man through intuition leads us to greater understanding of ourselves and the universe. My religion is based on Moses: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. And for me God is the First Cause. David and the prophets knew that there could be no love without justice or justice without love. I don't need any other religious trappings. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Science is never finished because the human mind only uses a small portion of its capacity, and man's exploration of his world is also limited. If we look at this tree outside whose roots search beneath the pavement for water, or a flower which sends its sweet smell to the pollinating bees, or even our own selves and the inner forces that drive us to act, we can see that we all dance to a mysterious tune, and the piper who plays this melody from an inscrutable distance—whatever name we give him—Creative Force, or God—escapes all book knowledge. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Many people think that the progress of the human race is based on experiences of an empirical, critical nature, but I say that true knowledge is to be had only through a philosophy of deduction. For it is intuition that improves the world, not just following a trodden path of thought. Intuition makes us look at unrelated facts and then think about them until they can all be brought under one law. To look for related facts means holding onto what one has instead of searching for new facts. Intuition is the father of new knowledge, while empiricism is nothing but an accumulation of old knowledge. Intuition, not intellect, is the 'open sesame' of yourself. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Certainly there are things worth believing. I believe in the brotherhood of man and in personal originality. But if you asked me to prove what I believe, I couldn't. You can spend your whole life trying to prove what you believe; you may hunt for reasons, but it will all be in vain. Yet our beliefs are like our existence; they are facts. If you don't yet know what to believe in, then try to learn what you feel and desire. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value. Look around at how people want to get more out of life than they put in. A man of value will give more than he receives. Be creative, but make sure that what you create is not a curse for mankind. (RDF)
  • en: English
    What do you think of Spinoza? For me he is the ideal example of the cosmic man. He worked as an obscure diamond cutter, disdaining fame and a place at the table of the great. He tells us the importance of understanding our emotions and suggests what causes them. Man will never be free until he is able to direct his emotions to think clearly. Only then can he control his environment and preserve his energy for creative work. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If I hadn't an absolute faith in the harmony of creation, I wouldn't have tried for thirty years to express it in a mathematical formula. It is only man's consciousness of what he does with his mind that elevates him above the animals, and enables him to become aware of himself and his relationship to the universe. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The God Spinoza revered is my God, too: I meet Him everyday in the harmonious laws which govern the universe. My religion is cosmic, and my God is too universal to concern himself with the intentions of every human being. I do not accept a religion of fear; My God will not hold me responsible for the actions that necessity imposes. My God speaks to me through laws. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I believe that we don't need to worry about what happens after this life, as long as we do our duty here—to love and to serve. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Since others have explained my theory, I can no longer understand it myself. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I believe the main task of the spirit is to free man from his ego. (RDF)
  • en: English
    What a betrayal of man's dignity. He uses the highest gift, his mind, only ten percent, and his emotions and instincts ninety percent. (RDF)
  • en: English
    My God may not be your idea of God, but one thing I know of my God — he makes me a humanitarian. I am a proud Jew because we gave the world the Bible and the story of Joseph. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If I had foreseen Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I would have torn up my formula in 1905. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Jika saya bisa meramalkan Hiroshima dan Nagasaki, saya sudah merobek-robek formula saya di tahun 1905. (RDF)
  • en: English
    But we have higher mathematics, haven't we? This gives me freedom from my senses. The language of mathematics is even more inborn and universal than the language of music; a mathematical formula is crystal clear and independent of all sense organs. I therefore built a mathematical laboratory, set myself in it as if I were sitting in a car, and moved along with a beam of light. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Matter is real to my senses, but they aren't trustworthy. If Galileo or Copernicus had accepted what they saw, they would never have discovered the movement of the earth and planets. (RDF)
  • en: English
    And the traditional religions worry me. Their long history proves that they have not understood the meaning of the commandment: Thou shalt not kill. If we want to save this world from unimaginable destruction we should concentrate not on the faraway God, but on the heart of the individual. We live now in an international anarchy in which a Third World War with nuclear weapons lies before our door. We must make the individual man aware of his conscience so that he understands what it means that only a few will survive the next war. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Electromagnetic fields are not of the mind... Creation may be spiritual in origin, but that doesn't mean that everything created is spiritual. How can I explain such things to you? Let us accept the world is a mystery. Nature is neither solely material nor entirely spiritual. Man, too, is more than flesh and blood; otherwise, no religions would have been possible. Behind each cause is still another cause; the end or the beginning of all causes has yet to be found. Behind each cause is still another cause; the end or the beginning of all causes has yet to be found. Yet, only one thing must be remembered: there is no effect without a cause, and there is no lawlessness in creation. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Philosophy is empty if it isn't based on science. Science discovers, philosophy interprets. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It's not as simple as that. Knowledge is necessary, too. An intuitive child couldn't accomplish anything without some knowledge. There will come a point in everyone's life, however, where only intuition can make the leap ahead, without ever knowing precisely how. One can never know why, but one must accept intuition as a fact. (RDF)
  • en: English
    America is a democracy and has no Hitler, but I am afraid for her future; there are hard times ahead for the American people, troubles will be coming from within and without. America cannot smile away their Negro problem nor Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There are cosmic laws. (RDF)
  • en: English
    To take those fools in clerical garb seriously is to show them too much honor. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The bigotry of the nonbeliever is for me nearly as funny as the bigotry of the believer. (RDF)
  • en: English
    One has a feeling that one has a kind of home in this timeless community of human beings that strive for truth. ... I have always believed that Jesus meant by the Kingdom of God the small group scattered all through time of intellectually and ethically valuable people. (RDF)
  • en: English
    A man who is convinced of the truth of his religion is indeed never tolerant. At the least, he is to feel pity for the adherent of another religion but usually it does not stop there. The faithful adherent of a religion will try first of all to convince those that believe in another religion and usually he goes on to hatred if he is not successful. However, hatred then leads to persecution when the might of the majority is behind it. In the case of a Christian clergyman, the tragic-comical is found in this: that the Christian religion demands love from the faithful, even love for the enemy. This demand, because it is indeed superhuman, he is unable to fulfill. Thus intolerance and hatred ring through the oily words of the clergyman. The love, which on the Christian side is the basis for the conciliatory attempt towards Judaism is the same as the love of a child for a cake. That means that it contains the hope that the object of the love will be eaten up... (RDF)
  • en: English
    The fact that man produces a concept "I" besides the totality of his mental and emotional experiences or perceptions does not prove that there must be any specific existence behind such a concept. We are succumbing to illusions produced by our self-created language, without reaching a better understanding of anything. Most of so-called philosophy is due to this kind of fallacy. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If I would follow your advice and Jesus could perceive it, he, as a Jewish teacher, surely would not approve of such behavior. (RDF)
  • en: English
    We followers of Spinoza see our God in the wonderful order and lawfulness of all that exists and in its soul as it reveals itself in man and animal. It is a different question whether belief in a personal God should be contested. Freud endorsed this view in his latest publication. I myself would never engage in such a task. For such a belief seems to me preferable to the lack of any transcendental outlook of life, and I wonder whether one can ever successfully render to the majority of mankind a more sublime means in order to satisfy its metaphysical needs. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The mere formulation of a problem is far more often essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and makres real advances in science (RDF)
  • en: English
    The idea of a personal God is quite alien to me and seems even naive. However, I am also not a "Freethinker" in the usual sense of the word because I find that this is in the main an attitude nourished exclusively by an opposition against naive superstition. My feeling is insofar religious as I am imbued with the consciousness of the insufficiency of the human mind to understand deeply the harmony of the Universe which we try to formulate as "laws of nature." It is this consciousness and humility I miss in the Free-thinker mentality. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropomorphic concept which I cannot take seriously. I feel also not able to imagine some will or goal outside the human sphere. My views are near to those of Spinoza: admiration for the beauty of and belief in the logical simplicity of the order and harmony which we can grasp humbly and only imperfectly. I believe that we have to content ourselves with our imperfect knowledge and understanding and treat values and moral obligations as a purely human problem—the most important of all human problems. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הרעיון של אלוהים אישי הוא זר לי לגמרי, ואפילו נראה נאיבי." ~ מתוך "אלברט אינשטיין, הצד האנושי (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הרעיון של אלוהים אישי נראה לי כמו מושג אנתרופומורפי שאיני יכול להתייחס אליו ברצינות. בנוסף איני יכול להעלות בדעתי רצון או יעד המצויים מחוץ למעגל הקיום האנושי. השקפותיי קרובות לאלו של שפינוזה: התפעלות מן היופי ואמונה בפשטות הלוגית של סדר והרמוניה, שאנו יכולים לקלוט בצניעות הראויה ורק באופן בלתי מושלם." ~ מתוך "איינשטיין והדת", עמוד 92 (RDF)
  • en: English
    Speaking of the spirit that informs modern scientific investigations, I am of the opinion that all the finer speculations in the realm of science spring from a deep religious feeling, and that without such a feeling they would not be fruitful. I also believe that, this kind of religiousness, which makes itself felt today in scientific investigations, is the only creative religious activity of our time. The art of today can hardly be looked upon at all as expressive of our religious instincts. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Scientific research is based on the assumption that all events, including the actions of mankind, are determined by the laws of nature. Therefore, a research scientist will hardly be inclined to believe that events could be influenced by a prayer, that is, by a wish addressed to a supernatural Being. However, we have to admit that our actual knowledge of these laws is only an incomplete piece of work , so that ultimately the belief in the existence of fundamental all-embracing laws also rests on a sort of faith. All the same, this faith has been largely justified by the success of science. On the other hand, however, every one who is seriously engaged in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that the laws of nature manifest the existence of a spirit vastly superior to that of men, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble. The pursuit of science leads therefore to a religious feeling of a special kind, which differs essentially from the religiosity of more naive people. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    تحقیقات علمی بر این پایه استوار است که همه اتفاقاتی که می‌افتد معین شده توسط قوانین طبیعت هستند و این در مورد اعمال مردم نیز صادق است برای همین یک محقق علمی به سختی می‌تواند تمایل به این عقیده داشته باشد که اتفاقات را می‌توان با دعا خواندن تحت تأثیر قرار داد مثلاً با آرزو کردن یا تمنا کردن از یک موجود ماورای طبیعت بتوان به تغییری دست یافت. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    تحقیقات علمی بر روی این پایه استوار است که همهٔ اتفاقاتی که می‌افتند معین شده توسط قوانین طبیعت هستند و این در مورد اعمال مردم نیز صادق است. به همین دلیل است که یک محقق علمی به سختی می‌تواند تمایل به این عقیده داشته باشد که اتفاق‌ها را می‌توان با دعا خواندن تحت تأثیر قرار داد؛ مثلاً با آرزو کردن و تمنا کردن از یک موجود ماورای طبیعت بتوان به تغییری دست یافت. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מדענים מאמינים שכל התרחשות, כולל ענייניהם של בני האנוש, כפופים לחוקי הטבע; לכן מדען לא יכול להאמין שהאירועים מושפעים מתפילות המוגדרות כבקשות המתגשמות בצורה על-טבעית. עם זאת, אנחנו חייבים לקבל את העובדה שהידע שלנו לגבי התופעות לא מושלם כך שבסופו של דבר, האמונה בקיומו של כוח רוחני אולטימטיבי מבוססת על אמונה . האמונות האלה ממשיכות להיות נפוצות למרות כל ההתקדמויות של המדע אבל מדענים שבאמת עיקשים במסעם להבין איך הדברים פועלים משוכנעים שיש רוח חיה בחוקי היקום, הגדולה יותר מכל אדם. לכן המחקר המדעי מוביל להתרוממות רוח דתית מסוג אחר." ~ בתשובה למכתב של ילדה בכיתה ו', 24 בינואר 1936. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Professor Smith has kindly submitted his book to me before publication. After reading it thoroughly and with intense interest I am glad to comply with his request to give him my impression. The work is a broadly conceived attempt to portray man's fear-induced animistic and mythic ideas with all their far-flung transformations and interrelations. It relates the impact of these phantasmagorias on human destiny and the causal relationships by which they have become crystallized into organized religion. This is a biologist speaking, whose scientific training has disciplined him in a grim objectivity rarely found in the pure historian. This objectivity has not, however, hindered him from emphasizing the boundless suffering which, in its end results, this mythic thought has brought upon man. Professor Smith envisages as a redeeming force, training in objective observation of all that is available for immediate perception and in the interpretation of facts without preconceived ideas. In his view, only if every individual strives for truth can humanity attain a happier future; the atavisms in each of us that stand in the way of a friendlier destiny can only thus be rendered ineffective. His historical picture closes with the end of the nineteenth century, and with good reason. By that time it seemed that the influence of these mythic, authoritatively anchored forces which can be denoted as religious, had been reduced to a tolerable level in spite of all the persisting inertia and hypocrisy. Even then, a new branch of mythic thought had already grown strong, one not religious in nature but no less perilous to mankind — exaggerated nationalism. Half a century has shown that this new adversary is so strong that it places in question man's very survival. It is too early for the present-day historian to write about this problem, but it is to be hoped that one will survive who can undertake the task at a later date. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I was barked at by numerous dogs who are earning their food guarding ignorance and superstition for the benefit of those who profit from it. Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is of the same kind as the intolerance of the religious fanatics and comes from the same source. They are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who—in their grudge against the traditional "opium for the people"—cannot bear the music of the spheres. The Wonder of nature does not become smaller because one cannot measure it by the standards of human moral and human aims. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I have found no better expression than "religious" for confidence in the rational nature of reality as it is accessible to human reason. Wherever this feeling is absent, science degenerates into uninspired empiricism. ... I cannot accept your opinion concerning science and ethics or the determination of aims. What we call science has the sole purpose of determining what is. The determining of what ought to be is unrelated to it and cannot be accomplished methodically. Science can only arrange ethical propositions logically and furnish the means for the realization of ethical aims, but the determination of aims is beyond its scope. At least that is the way I see it. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non ho trovato una parola migliore di "religione" per definire la fiducia nella natura razionale della realtà, per quanto sia accessibile alla ragione. Ogni volta che questo sentimento è assente, la scienza degenera in un piatto empirismo. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A horoszkóp egy olyan jóslat, melyet sorsunk kisebb-nagyobb eltérésekkel egyébként is bevált egyszer. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A bomba atômica mudou tudo exceto a natureza do homem. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Con la teoria della relatività che si avvicina di più allo scopo scientifico per eccellenza, che è di abbracciare per deduzione logica, a mezzo di un minimo di ipotesi e di assiomi, un massimo di contenuto sperimentale. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Wie lieb ich diesen edlen Mann Mehr als ich mit Worten sagen kann. Doch fürcht' ich, dass er bleibt allein Mit seinem strahlenden Heiligenschein. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Logika akan membawa Anda dari A ke B. Imajinasi akan mengantarkan Anda ke semua tempat. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Inoiz ez gorde buruan poltsikoan sartzen zaizuna. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Barcha dinlar, san'atlar va fanlar bir daraxtning shoxlaridir. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    la scienza può solo accertare ciò che è, ma non ciò che dovrebbe essere, e fuori dal suo ambito tutti i tipi di giudizi di valore restano necessari. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Meidän tulisi varoa tekemästä älystä jumalaamme; sillä on totta kai voimakkaat lihakset, mutta ei lainkaan luonnetta. (RDF)
  • fr: French
    Si la Lune alors qu'elle accomplit sa course éternelle autour de la Terre, était douée de conscience d'elle-même, elle serait profondément convaincue qu'elle se meut de son propre chef, en fonction d'une décision prise une fois pour toutes. De même un être doué d'une perception supérieure et d'une intelligence plus parfaite, regardant l'homme et ses œuvres, sourirait de l'illusion que cet homme nourrit d'agir selon sa propre volonté libre. C'est ma conviction, quoique je sache qu'elle n'est pas pleinement démontrable. S'ils pensaient jusque dans leurs dernières conséquences ce qu'ils savent et ce qu'ils comprennent, peu d'êtres humains resteraient insensibles à cette idée, pour autant que l'amour de soi-même ne les cabre pas contre elle. L'homme se défend de l'idée qu'il est un objet impuissant dans le cours de l'univers. Mais le caractère légal des événements qui s'affirme de manière plus ou moins claire dans la nature inorganique, devrait-il cesser de se vérifier face aux activités de notre cerveau ? (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Można być jednym i drugim . Myślę o sobie jako o jednostce. Nacjonalizm jest chorobą wieku dziecięcego. To odra ludzkości. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Teorije določajo, kaj lahko merimo. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Lieber Habicht! / Es herrscht ein weihevolles Stillschweigen zwischen uns, so daß es mir fast wie eine sündige Entweihung vorkommt, wenn ich es jetzt durch ein wenig bedeutsames Gepappel unterbreche... / Was machen Sie denn, Sie eingefrorener Walfisch, Sie getrocknetes, eingebüchstes Stück Seele...? (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Sual verməyə son qoymayın.Hər şeyi bilmək həvəsi insana elə-belə verilməyib. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Soyuq yoxdur! Bu sözü istilik olmayanda keçirdiyimiz hissi təsvir etmək üçün yaratdıq. Qaranlıq da yoxdur. Qaranlıq əslində işığın olmamasıdır. Qaranlıq, insanın işıq olmayanda nə baş verdiyini təsvir etmək üçün istifadə etdiyi bir anlayışdır. Pislik yoxdur! Pislik, sadəcə Allahın olmamasıdır. Pislik, insan qəlbində ilahi sevginin olmamasının nəticəsidir. Bu bir növ istilik olmayanda düşən soyuğa, işıq olmayanda isə düşən qaranlığa bənzəyir. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Non podes de xeito simultáneo previr e prepararte para a guerra. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Et voi valmistautua sotaan ja estää sitä samaan aikaan. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אי־אפשר להתכונן למלחמה ובו בזמן למנוע אותה. (RDF)
  • en: English
    : ——1931年所寫的〈我的世界觀〉(The World As I See It) (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    To je lestvica o sorazmerjih, ki naredi slabo težavno in dobro lahko . (o zlatem rezu v pusmu Le Corbusieru, 1946; v: Modulor, 1953. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Possiamo distinguere vari tipi di teorie nella fisica. Per la maggior parte sono costruttive. Tentano di ricavare un quadro dei fenomeni più complessi dai materiali di uno schema formale relativamente semplice, da cui prendono le mosse. Così la teoria cinetica dei gas cerca di ridurre i processi meccanici, termici e di propagazione a movimenti di molecole, cioè a ricavarli dalle ipotesi del moto molecolare. Quando diciamo che siamo riusciti a comprendere un insieme di processi naturali, invariabilmente intendiamo dire che abbiamo trovato una teoria costruttiva che copre i processi in questione. Insieme a questa classe di teorie assai importante ne esiste una seconda, che chiamerò delle «teorie dei principi». Queste impiegano il metodo analitico, anziché quello sintetico. Gli elementi che ne costituiscono la base e il punto di partenza non sono stati costruiti per via ipotetica, ma vi si è giunti in modo empirico; essi sono caratteristiche generali di processi naturali, principi che danno origine a criteri formulati in modo matematico, che i processi separati o le loro rappresentazioni teoriche devono saper soddisfare. Così la scienza della termodinamica cerca di dedurre con mezzi analitici i nessi necessari – che gli eventi separati devono soddisfare – del fatto universalmente provato che il moto perpetuo è impossibile. I vantaggi della teoria costruttiva sono la completezza, l'adattabilità e la chiarezza, quelli della teoria dei principi sono la perfezione logica e la sicurezza dei fondamenti. La teoria della relatività appartiene a quest'ultima classe. Al fine di coglierne la natura, occorre prima di tutto acquisire dimestichezza con i principi su cui si fonda. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nella fase giovanile dell'evoluzione spirituale dell'uomo la fantasia umana creò a propria immagine divinità che supponeva dovessero determinare, o quantomeno influenzare con le direttive della loro volontà, il mondo fenomenologico. L'uomo cercava di modificare a proprio vantaggio l'atteggiamento di tali divinità con la magia e con la preghiera. L'idea di Dio nelle religioni insegnate oggi, è una sublimazione di quell'antica concezione degli dèi. Il suo carattere antropomorfico è dimostrato, per esempio, dal fatto che gli uomini si rivolgano all'Essere Divino con preghiere, e ne implorino l'esaudimento dei propri desideri. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    На ранних этапах духовной эволюции человечества человеческая фантазия создала по образу и подобию человека богов, которые, действуя по своей воле, должны были определять мир явлений или, во всяком случае, повлиять на него. Люди считали, что можно изменить предначертания богов в свою пользу посредством магии или молитвы. Идея Бога, как её подаёт религия, в настоящее время является сублимацией этой старой концепции богов. Её антропоморфный характер вытекает, например, из того факта, что человек обращается к божеству в молитве и просит его о выполнении своих желаний… В своей борьбе за этическое добро, учителя от религии должны иметь мужество отказаться от доктрины Бога как личности, то есть отказаться от этого источника страха и надежды, который в прошлом дал такую всеобъемлющую власть в руки служителей церкви. В своих работах они должны будут посвятить себя тем силам, которые способны культивировать Божественность, Истину и Красоту в самом человечестве. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non riuscirei a vivere, se non avessi il mio lavoro . Per fortuna, sono già vecchio e non credo mi aspetti un lungo futuro. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    به کاشتن بذر ادامه دهید، چون هیچگاه نمی‌دانید کدام یک رشد خواهد کرد. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O único lugar em que o sucesso vem antes do trabalho é no dicionário, por força da ordem alfabética! (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    世界永恆的奧秘在於其可理解性。 (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    اگه نمرهٔ تستت تک شد ناراحت نشو! (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sono due i modi in cui la scienza influenza le faccende umane. Il primo è a tutti familiare: quello diretto. Ma in maniera ancora più estesa, quella indiretta, la scienza fornisce aiuti che hanno trasformato completamente l'esistenza umana. Questo secondo modo è di natura educativa: agisce sulla mente. Benché possa apparire meno ovvio al nostro esame superficiale, non meno incisivo del primo. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Никто не чешется, если у него не зудит. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nessun fine mi sembra così elevato da indurmi a giustificarne il perseguimento attraverso metodi indegni. (RDF)
  • de: German
    A.Einstein: Briefe an Maurice Solovin (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jest dla mnie zaiste zagadką, dlaczego ludzie traktują swą pracę tak piekielnie poważnie. Dla kogo? Dla siebie? Przecież wkrótce nas tu nie będzie. Dla rodziny? Dla potomności? Nie. Zatem zagadka pozostaje zagadką. (RDF)
  • en: English
    All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom. It is no mere chance that our older universities developed from clerical schools. Both churches and universities — insofar as they live up to their true function — serve the ennoblement of the individual. They seek to fulfill this great task by spreading moral and cultural understanding, renouncing the use of brute force. The essential unity of ecclesiastical and secular institutions was lost during the 19th century, to the point of senseless hostility. Yet there was never any doubt as to the striving for culture. No one doubted the sacredness of the goal. It was the approach that was disputed. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Si a l'univers existeix un Déu i la bondat, ha d'actuar i expressar-se a través nostre. No podem quedar-nos al marge i deixar que Déu actuï. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Korunkat megkülönböztetik a csodálatos eredmények a tudományos megértés területein és ezen területeken a technika alkalmazása. Ki ne örülne ennek? De ne feledjük, hogy az emberi tudás és a szakértelem egymagában nem képes az emberiséget egy boldog és méltóságteljes életre vezetni. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Nếu chúng ta biết rằng chúng ta đang làm gì, thì công việc đó đã không còn được gọi là nghiên cứu. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Tylko Kościół autentycznie stał na drodze Hitlerowi w jego kampanii na rzecz wyparcia prawdy. Nigdy wcześniej się Kościołem nie interesowałem, ale teraz odczuwam wielkie wzruszenie i podziw, ponieważ tylko jeden Kościół miał odwagę i upór by stać po stronie intelektualnej prawdy i duchowej wolności. Przez to jestem zmuszony przyznać, że to, czym kiedyś pogardzałem, dziś wychwalam bez powściągliwości (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El arte es la expresión de los más profundos pensamientos por el camino más sencillo. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Umetnost je preprosto izražanje najglobljih misli. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Fizikalni pojmi so proste stvaritve človeškega duha in niso, kakorkoli že to zveni, enolično določeni z zunanjim svetom. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    יהודי פלשתינה לא נלחמו למען עצמאות מדינית לשמה, אלא כדי להשיג עלייה חופשית ליהודים מארצות רבות, היכן שעצם קיומם היה נתון בסכנה." ~ שידור ברדיו NBC ב־27 בנובמבר 1949 (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    對日本人的看法: (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Mida kaugemale liigub inimkonna vaimne evolutsioon, seda ilmsemana tundub mulle, et tee tõelise religioossuse juurde ei lähe mitte eluhirmu, surmahirmu või pimeduse usu kaudu, vaid läbi püüdluse ratsionaalse teadmise poole. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Minél inkább fejlődik az emberiség vallásos világképe, annál inkább úgy tűnik, hogy az őszinte vallásosság nem az élettől, haláltól való félelemben, a vak hitben rejlik, hanem abban a törekvésben, hogy racionális ismereteket szerezzünk. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Più l'uomo avanza nella sua evoluzione spirituale, più mi appare certo che il sentiero verso una religiosità genuina non passa per la paura della vita e la paura della morte, o per una fede cieca, ma attraverso gli sforzi compiuti in direzione di una conoscenza razionale. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bəşəriyyətin mənəvi təkamülü inkişaf etdikcə, mənə bir daha aydın olur ki, həqiqi dindarlığa gedən yol həyat, ölüm qorxusundan və ya kor-koranə inamdan yox, rasional biliyə səy göstərməkdən ibarətdir. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Fintanto che esistono degli eserciti, ogni lite più seria porterà alla guerra. Un pacifismo che non prova di fatto a impedire alle nazioni di armarsi è e deve rimanere impotente. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Tak długo jak długo istnieją armie, każdy poważniejszy konflikt będzie prowadził do wojny. Pacyfizm, który nie przeciwstawia się aktywnie zbrojeniom, jest i w dalszym ciągu będzie bezsilny. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Բոլոր մարդիկ խաբում են, բայց դա սարսափելի չէ. մարդիկ չեն լսում միմյանց։ (RDF)
  • en: English
    It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Dokončni cilj vsake teorije je, da naredi neodpravljive osnovne elemente tako preproste in tako maloštevilne, kot je to le mogoče, ne da bi s tem žrtvovala ustreznost opisa kateregakoli izkustvenega podatka. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Teisybė, kad mano tėvai jaudinosi, nes aš kalbėti pradėjau gana vėlai, jie net konsultavosi su daktaru. Negaliu pasakyti, kokio tada buvau amžiaus – tačiau tikrai ne mažesnio nei trejų. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    هر فردی که زیاد کتاب می خواند و از مغز خود استفاده می کند خیلی کم به عادات تنبلی فکر می کند. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    היהדות הוכיחה שהתבונה היא הנשק הטוב ביותר הקיים בהיסטוריה... מחובתנו, אנו היהודים להציע לעולם את ניסיוננו העצוב בן אלפי השנים, ותוך נאמנות למסורת המוסרית של אבותינו – להיות חיילים במאבק על השלום, שכם אחד עם הכוחות הנעלים ביותר בכל החוגים התרבותיים והדתיים." ~ מתוך נאום לפני כינוס יהודי בברלין, 1929 (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem csak egy egyszerű pacifista vagyok, hanem egy harcos pacifista. Hajlandó vagyok harcolni a békéért. Semmi nem vet véget a háborúnak, hacsak nem maguk az emberek tagadják meg a hadba vonulást. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən sülh üçün müharibə etmək istəyirəm. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Sadece barışçı değil, militan bir barışçıyım. Barış için savaşmaya hazırım. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Někdy se ptám sám sebe, jak se mohlo stát, že právě já jsem vymyslel teorii relativity. Důvod je myslím v tom, že normální mládenec se nikdy nezatěžuje přemýšlením o problémech prostoru a času. Na takové věci si udělal názor už jako dítě. Můj intelektuální vývoj byl však zpožděný, což způsobilo, že jsem se začal trápit prostorem a časem, až když jsem dospíval. (RDF)
  • en: English
    How it happened that I in particular discovered the relativity theory, it seemed to lie in the following circumstance. The normal adult never bothers his head about space-time problems. Everything there is to be thought about it, in his opinion, has already been done in early childhood. I, on the contrary, developed so slowly that I only began to wonder about space and time when I was already grown up. In consequence I probed deeper into the problem than an ordinary child would have done. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Quando mi domando come mai sia stato proprio io ad elaborare la teoria della relatività, la risposta sembra essere legata a questa particolare circostanza: un normale adulto non si preoccupa dei problemi dello spaziotempo, tutte le considerazioni possibili in merito alla questione sono già state fatte nella prima infanzia, secondo la sua opinione. Io, al contrario, mi sono sviluppato così lentamente che ho cominciato a interrogarmi sullo spazio e sul tempo solo dopo essere cresciuto e di conseguenza ho studiato il problema più a fondo di quanto un normale bambino avrebbe fatto. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Dlaczego właśnie ja sformułowałem zasadę względności? Ile razy zadaję sobie to pytanie, wydaje mi się, że przyczyna jest następująca: normalny dorosły człowiek w ogóle nie rozmyśla nad problemami czasu i przestrzeni. W jego mniemaniu przemyślał to już w dzieciństwie. Ja jednak rozwijałem się intelektualnie tak powoli, że czas i przestrzeń zajmowały moje myśli nawet wtedy, gdy stałem się już dorosły. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Kedves Utókor, ha nem lettetek igazságosabbak, békeszeretőbbek és általában véve értelmesebbek, mint amilyenek mi vagyunk - no, akkor vigyen el benneteket az ördög. Ezzel a jókívánsággal maradok tisztelettel: Albert Einstein. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    親愛的後世:如果你們沒有變得更和平、更有公義,而且大致上比我們更明理,那麼就下地獄去吧!在此表達這一點熱切期盼的是在下愛因斯坦。 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non credo che la signorina Curie sia assetata di potere o di alcunché. È una persona senza pretese e onesta che ha avuto più responsabilità e fatiche del dovuto. Ha un'intelligenza scintillante ma nonostante la sua natura passionale non è tanto carina da rappresentare un pericolo per chicchessia. (RDF)
  • en: English
    New York Times (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Irudimena ezagutza baino garrantzitsuagoa da. Ezagutza mugatua da, irudimenak mundua inguratzen du. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Era una delle persone migliori che io abbia mai conosciuto ma non capiva proprio niente di fisica perché durante l'eclissi del 1919, è rimasto in piedi tutta la notte per vedere se sarebbe stata confermata la curvatura della luce dovuta al campo gravitazione. Se avesse capito davvero, avrebbe fatto come me e sarebbe andato a letto. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Përderisa shumica e njerëzve turpërohen se vishen dobët, e se kanë mobilie të këqija, por shumë më tepër do të duhej të turpëroheshin nga idetë e liga dhe paragjykimet që kanë për Botën. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Mi sono acclimatato benissimo qui. Me ne sto come un orso nella tana; mai, nella mia vita avventurosa, mi sono sentito tanto a casa mia. La mia orsaggine si è acuita dopo la morte della mia compagna, che era più legata di me agli altri esseri umani. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš esu atsiskyrėlis. Mano širdis niekada nepriklausė nei valstybei, nei tėvynei, nei šeimai, nei draugams. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    En el desorden, encuentra simplicidad; en la discordia, encuentra armonía; en medio de la dificultad yace la oportunidad. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az összevisszaságban találd meg az egyszerűséget, a hangzavarban a harmóniát. A nehézségek közt mindig ott van a lehetőség. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Da desordem encontro a simplicidade. Da discórdia a harmonia. No centro da dificuldade repousa a oportunidade. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər ağıla qarşı günah işlədilməsə, heç nəyə nail olmaq olmaz. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Jeg har verken den naturlige evnen eller erfaringen som kreves for å håndtere mennesker. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Igazán értékesnek az emberi üzemben nem az államot találom, hanem az alkotó és érző egyént, a személyt: ő egyedül alkot nemeset és finomat... (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Qayda axmaqlar üçündür. Dahi xaos üzərində hakimlik edir. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Laikas yra tai, ką rodo laikrodis. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Tid er det som vises på en klokke.' (RDF)
  • de: German
    Der Glaube an ein vom wahrnehmenden Subjekt unabhängige Außenwelt liegt aller Naturwissenschaft zugrunde. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Der Glaube an eine vom wahrnehmenden Subjekt unabhängige Außenwelt liegt aller Naturwissenschaft zugrunde. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Verovanje v zunanji svet, ki je neodvisen od opazujočega subjekta, je temelj naravoslovnih znanosti. (RDF)
  • en: English
    On quantum theory I use up more brain grease than on relativity. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ho pensato ai problemi quantistici cento volte di più che alla teoria della relatività generale. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אינני משתוקק כלל לנסוע לאמריקה, אבל אני עושה זאת לטובת הציונים, שמוכרחים לפשוט יד לדולרים כדי לבנות מוסדות חינוכיים בירושלים ושאני משמש להם כהן גדול ופיתיון כאחד." ~ מכתב למוריס סולובין, 8 במרץ 1921 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non ho affatto voglia di andare in America, ci vado unicamente nell'interesse dei sionisti, che devono elemosinare dollari per costruire un'università a Gerusalemme, per i quali fungo da grande sacerdote e da esca . Ma faccio quello che posso per aiutare quelli della mia tribù: vengono talmente bistrattati altrove. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    לאומיות, אשר מטרתה אינה כוח אלא כבוד עצמי." ~ מגזין ניו יורק טיימס, 12 במרץ 1944 (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    봄이 자신은 양자 이론을 결정론적 용어로 해석할 수 있다는 소식을 들었나요? 그의 방식은 제게는 너무 유치하게 보입니다. 물론 당신이 저보다는 그것을 더 잘 평가하실 수 있겠지만요. (RDF)
  • so: Somali
    Nasabim - yahudiy, fuqaroligim - shveysariyalik, tashqi koʻrinishim - odamniki, va men faqatgina insonman, hech qaysi davlat yoki millatga bogʻliq emasman. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    از همه افرادی که در زندگیم دست رد به سینه‌ام زدند سپاس گذارم. به همان علت بود که کارهایم را خودم انجام دادم و الان در این جایگاه قرار دارم (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני אסיר תודה לכל מי שאמר 'לא' - הם הסיבה שעשיתי זאת בעצמי. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš esu dėkingas visiems, kurie man pasakė „Ne“. Tik dėl jų aš viską pasidarau pats. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    עיקר החיים – לא לתת לחוקים מתים להרוג רגש בריא. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Çətinliklərin və problemlərin arasında əlverişli imkan gizlənir. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    سؤالی که گاهی مرا گیج می‌کند این است که آیا من دیوانه هستم، یا دیگران. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A kérdés, ami néha elbizonytalanít: én vagyok őrült, vagy mindenki más? (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Ar aš, ar visi kiti yra bepročiai? (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Zawsze dręczyło mnie pytanie, czy to ja jestem szalony, czy wszyscy inni. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Məni dalana dirəyən sual: mən dəliyəm, yoxsa ətrafımdakılar? (RDF)
  • en: English
    I think that only daring speculation can lead us further and not accumulation of facts. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Никога не мисля за бъдещето. То така или иначе идва достатъчно бързо. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Jeg tænker aldrig på fremtiden. - Den kommer tidsnok. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Ποτέ δε σκέφτομαι το μέλλον - έρχεται πολύ γρήγορα. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. (RDF)
  • en: English
    :I never think of the future, it comes soon enough. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Yo nunca pienso en el futuro; llega demasiado aprisa. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Ma ei mõtle tulevikule - see saabub piisavalt kiiresti. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    به آینده نمی‌اندیشم چون به زودی فرا خواهد رسید. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    En koskaan ajattele tulevaisuutta. Se tulee kyllin pian. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני אף פעם לא חושב על העתיד – הוא מגיע מספיק מהר. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Aku tidak pernah berpikir masa depan, karena itu akan datang segera. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non mi preoccupo mai del futuro, arriva sempre abbastanza presto. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    私は将来について悩まない。すぐにやって来るから。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš niekada negalvojau apie ateitį – ji ir pati ateina pakankamai greitai. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Jeg tenker aldri på fremtiden. Den kommer tidsnok. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    భవిష్యత్తు గురించి ఆలోచించాను, త్వరలోనే వస్తుంది కాబట్టి. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən gələcəyi düşünmürəm - kifayət qədər tez gəlir onsuz da. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əslində mən gələcəyi heç düşünmədim və düşünmürəm çünki gələcək düşünməsək də gələcək... (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən heç vaxt gələcək haqqında düşünmürəm. O özü, həm də kifayət qədər tez gəlir. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Tôi chẳng bao giờ nghĩ về tương lai cả, nó luôn tới sớm hơn tôi tưởng. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I lie on the beach like a crocodile and let myself be roasted by the sun. I never see a newspaper and don't give a damn for what is called the world. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    נכון שאדם שניחן בחופש פנימי אפשר להשמידו, אך לעולם לא ניתן לשעבדו או להופכו למכשיר עיוור." ~ הצהרה ב"אימפקט", יונסקו 1950 (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Hər hansı bir sahədə uğur qazanmaq işdən, oyundan və dilini saxlamaq bacarığından ibarətdir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Nəhəngin çiyinlərinə dırmaşmış cırtdanlar nəhəngdən uzağı görürlər, lakin onların ürəyi nəhəng ürəyi deyil. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Müharibə udulub, sülh yox. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Gizakiaren arazoa ez dago bonba atomikoan, bere bihotzean baizik. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    האמנות העליונה של המורה היא לעורר בתלמיד שמחה בהבעתו וידיעה שיש בהבעתו זו מהיצירה. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    La crisi és la millor benedicció que pot succeir a persones i països perquè la crisi porta progressos. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    ככל שאתה רודף אחרי הקוונטים, כן הם מיטיבים להתחבא." ~ מכתב אל פאול ארנפסט, 12 ביולי 1924 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il locale pubblico è un luogo che dà alla gente l'occasione per scambiare opinioni e idee sulle questioni dello Stato. Per quanto io possa vedere, qui la gente non ha la possibilità di farlo e ne segue che la stampa, principalmente controllata da precisi interessi, ha un'influenza eccessiva sulle opinioni della gente. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Rat se sastoji u tome, da se ljudi, mada jedni druge ne poznaju, međusobno ubijaju na zapovijed ljudi koji se vrlo dobro poznaju, a uzajamno se ne ubijaju. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Oʻylaymanki, vegeterianlikning odam temperamentiga ta'siri odamzotga katta naf kelitirshi mumkin. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The standard bearers have grown weak in the defense of their priceless heritage, and the powers of darkness have been strengthened thereby. Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character; it becomes lack of power to act with courage proportionate to danger. All this must lead to the destruction of our intellectual life unless the danger summons up strong personalities able to fill the lukewarm and discouraged with new strength and resolution. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    : 出处:《爱因斯坦文集》第三卷 (RDF)
  • de: German
    Es ist kaum zu glauben, wie wenig die Menschen selbst aus den härtesten Erfahrungen lernen. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    ראוי שנחלוק כבוד לכל אדם – כאישיות, אך לא כאלוהים. (RDF)
  • en: English
    原文:The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La produzione dell'energia atomica non ha creato un problema nuovo. Ha semplicemente reso più urgente la necessità di risolverne uno già esistente. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se si considera la geometria come la dottrina delle leggi della posizione reciproca dei corpi praticamente rigidi, questa scienza deve essere ritenuta il ramo più antico della fisica. Essa ha potuto svilupparsi, come abbiamo già fatto notare, senza l'idea di spazio in quanto spazio, poiché si è accontentata di forme ideali, di corpi, punti, rette, piani, distanze. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Sólo es posible actuar inteligentemente si se intenta comprender los pensamientos y sentimientos de nuestro oponente, como si viéramos el mundo con sus ojos. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Elgtis protingai žmonių santykiuose yra įmanoma tik jei yra įdėta pastangų suprasti oponento mintis, motyvus ir nuogąstavimus taip pilnai, kad galėtum matyti pasaulį pro jo akis. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nel nostro caso la sola conoscenza della verità non è sufficiente; al contrario tale conoscenza va rinnovata di continuo, con sforzo incessante, se non si vuole che vada perduta. È come una statua di marmo che si erge nel deserto e sia continuamente minacciata di seppellimento dai movimenti delle sabbie. Le mani di chi si pone al servizio del prossimo non devono avere un istante di quiete, affinché il marmo possa continuare a risplendere durevolmente al sole. A tali mani pronte al servizio si uniranno sempre anche le mie. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Човек започва да живее тогава, когато разбере, че може да живее извън себе си. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Unha persoa comeza a vivir cando pode vivir fóra de si mesmo. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Moje doznania mają naturę religijną w tym sensie, iż jestem świadomy, że umysł ludzki jest zbyt ograniczony, by głębiej wniknąć w harmonię Wszechświata, którą nazywamy „prawami natury”. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Le sue idee lungimiranti e grandiose conserveranno per tutti i tempi il loro significato unico; su di esse si basa l'intero edificio dei nostri concetti nell'ambito delle scienze della natura. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Citaĵo el intervjuo kun la gazeto "New York Times", Marto 12-a,1944. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Միտքը, որը մի անգամ մեծացրել է իր սահմանները, երբեք չի վերադառնա հնին։ (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se consideriamo quella parte della teoria della relatività che può, in un certo senso, essere oggi considerata come una conoscenza fisica acquisita, notiamo due aspetti che hanno, ai fini della teoria stessa, implicazioni rilevanti. Il primo riguarda il problema dell'esistenza o meno, in natura, di stati di moto privilegiati ; è questa la chiave di volta dell'intera costruzione teoretica. Il secondo riguarda il fatto di ammettere solo concetti e distinzioni cui si possano associare, senza ambiguità, fatti osservabili . Questo postulato, che attiene all'epistemologia, si rivela di importanza fondamentale. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    نهایت فرومایگی است اگر رفتار آدمی منحصر به ترس از تنبیه یا امید به پاداش باشد. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    私は、理詰めで考えて新しいことを発見したことはない。 (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əksər insanlar səhv etməkdən qorxaraq yeni heç nə etmirlər. Amma bundan qorxmaq lazım deyil. Çünki, məğlub olan insan necə qalib gəlməyi tez uğur qazanan insandan daha çox biləcəkdir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Sizin fantaziyanız gerçəkliyə çevrilən həyatınızın müjdəçisidir. (RDF)
  • de: German
    El: Hoffmann, Dukas: Albert Einstein – Kreinto kaj ribelulo (RDF)
  • nl: Dutch
    el: Wartenweiler: A. Einstein – La moderna mondkoncepto kaj la konscienco (RDF)
  • ro: Romanian, Moldavan
    El: A. Einstein: Mia mondkoncepto (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se volete imparare qualche cosa dai fisici teorici sui metodi che essi impiegano, vi consiglio di osservare questo principio: non ascoltate i loro discorsi, ma attenetevi alle loro azioni. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie ma złego tytoniu, tak jak nie ma brzydkich kobiet. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Qarşıqlıqda sadəlik, ixtilafda harmoniya, çətinliklərdə isə imkan tapın. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər nə vaxtsa dünya ilə sevgi arasında seçim etmək məcburiyyətində qalsanız, unutmayın ki, əgər dünyanı seçsəniz, sevgisiz qalacaqsınız, sevgini seçsəniz, bütün dünyanı fəth edə bilərsiniz. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El hombre encuentra a Dios detrás de cada puerta que la ciencia logra abrir. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il matrimonio è il tentativo fallimentare di trasformare un caso in qualcosa di duraturo. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Брак — это безуспешная попытка превратить случайный эпизод в нечто долговременное. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La mia sensazione di inferiorità intellettuale nei Suoi confronti non riesce a rovinare la grande delizia delle nostre conversazioni, soprattutto perché la Sua benevolenza paterna verso tutti noi ci trattiene dal piombare nello sconforto. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Valanda sėdint ant suoliuko su mergina parke prabėga kaip minutė, bet minutė sėdint ant karštos krosnies prabėga kaip valanda. . (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È un'ironia del destino che io stesso sia stato fatto oggetto di eccessiva ammirazione e rispetto dai miei consimili, senza alcun pregio o difetto da parte mia. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Qanunların boğazına dolanıb dibə batmaqdansa, oportunist olub suyun üstündə qalmağı seçərəm. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ora sto leggendo con grande attenzione e piacere un libro sul socialismo di B. Shaw, veramente un tipo da togliersi il cappello, dotato d'uno sguardo molto acuto sull'agire umano. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bəzən müftə alınan şey üçün daha çox ödəyirlər. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Գիտությունը փակ գիրք չի և երբեք չի լինի։ Ամեն կարևոր հաջողություն բերում է նոր հարցեր։ Ամեն զարգացում ժամանակի ընթացքում նորանոր դժվարություններ է ի հայտ բերում։ (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Teadus ei ole ega hakkagi kunagi olema lõpetatud raamat. Iga tähtis edu toob endaga kaasa uusi küsimusi. Iga areng toob aja jooksul nähtavale üha uusi ja suuremaid raskusi. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mokslas nebuvo ir niekuomet nebus užbaigta knyga. Kiekvienas svarbus laimėjimas iškelia naujų klausimų, o visokia raida ilgainiui susiduria su naujais, kaskart didesniais sunkumais. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El: Vivo kaj verko de geniulo el nia tempo (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Riik on loodud inimese jaoks, mitte inimene riigi jaoks. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    המדינה קיימת למען האדם, ולא האדם למען המדינה... מכאן שהמדינה צריכה להיות שפחתנו, ולא אנחנו עבדיה." ~ מתוך האומה, 1931 (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Država je stvorena za čovjeka, a ne čovjek za državu. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Negara dibangun untuk rakyat dan rakyat tidak hidup demi negara. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Valstybė yra sukurta žmogui, o ne žmogus valstybei… Valstybė turėtų būti mūsų tarnu, o ne mes jos vergais. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Jeigu pradėčiau rūpintis išvaizda, nebebūčiau savimi. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az eljövendő generációk aligha hiszik el, hogy egy ilyen ember, hús-vér formában valaha ezen a földön járt. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Возможно, грядущие поколения просто не поверят, что такой человек из обычной плоти и крови ходил по этой грешной земле. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מזה אנו מסיקים ששעון גלגל־איזון הממוקם בקו המשווה מוכרח לנוע לאט יותר, במידה קטנה מאוד, מאשר שעון דומה לו בדיוק, הממוקם באחד הקטבים בתנאים זהים." ~ "כמו שאיינשטיין אמר", עמוד 145 (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dahiliyin mütləq bir sərhədi vardır, axmaqlığın əsla. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A jóhiszemű emberre hárul az a feladat, hogy környezetében a tiszta emberiességnek ezt a tanát tőle telhetően feléleszteni igyekezzék. Ha ezt becsületesen megkisérli – anélkül, hogy kortársai félretaszítanák vagy megsemmisítenék –, akkor magát a közösséget boldognak mondhatja. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Whether you can observe a thing or not depends on the theory which you use. It is the theory which decides what can be observed. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È la teoria a decidere che cosa possiamo osservare. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Tai yra teorija, kuri nusprendžia tai, ko mes galime laikytis. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem furcsa, hogy én, aki csupa népszerűtlen könyvet írtam, ilyen népszerű fickó lettem? (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Dio mi ha dato la cocciutaggine di un mulo e il fiuto di un buon segugio. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    いつだって、偉大な先人達は凡人達の熾烈な抵抗に遭ってきた。 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Un secondo problema che oggi è al centro dell'interesse riguarda l'identità tra campo gravitazionale e campo elettromagnetico. Una mente che aneli all'unificazione della teoria non può essere paga del fatto che debbano esistere due campi i quali, per loro natura, siano indipendenti tra loro. Si cerca una teoria del campo, unificata sotto il profilo matematico, in cui il campo gravitazionale e il campo elettromagnetico siano interpretati solo come componenti o manifestazioni diverse di uno stesso campo uniforme e in cui, se possibile, le equazioni del campo non consistano più in addendi tra loro logicamente indipendenti. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'atomo M è un ricco avaro che, finché vive, non dà via alcun denaro . Ma nel suo testamento lascia la sua fortuna in eredità ai figli M' e M", a condizione che essi ne destinino una piccola quantità a fini sociali, meno di un millesimo dell'intero patrimonio . I figli insieme hanno un po' meno di quanto avesse il padre . Ma la parte destinata alla società, benché relativamente piccola, è tuttavia così rilevante da costituire una grande minaccia. Sventare tale minaccia è diventato il più pressante problema del nostro tempo. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Si no puedo dibujarlo, es que no lo entiendo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se non posso disegnarlo, non posso capirlo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La gente comune può seguire i dettagli della ricerca scientifica solo fino a un livello modesto; ma può registrare almeno un grosso e importante guadagno: la fiducia che il pensiero umano è affidabile e la legge della natura è universale. (RDF)
  • nl: Dutch
    El Seelig: Albert Einstein – vivo kaj verko de geniulo de nia tempo. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Nedidelis būrys žmonių, šiuo metu valdančioji klasė, po savo padu turi mokyklas, žiniasklaidą ir dažniausiai bažnyčią. Tai suteikia galimybę įtakoti bei kontroliuoti daugumos žmonių emocijas. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Jovens: sabia que a geração de você não é a primeira a aspirar por uma vida plena de beleza e de liberdade? Sabia que todos aqueles que o precederam sentiam no coração aquilo que você sente hoje e que depois foram vítimas do ódio e da infelicidade? Sabia que todos aqueles desejos ardentes que você possui, somente vão se realizar se você for capaz de exercer amor e compreensão pelos homens, animais, plantas, e estrelas, de tal forma que cada alegria será também sua alegria, e cada dor também sua? Jovem, abra os olhos, o coração, abra as mãos e fuja daquele veneno que seus antecessores sugaram avidamente da História. Só então o mundo inteiro há de se tornar a pátria de todos vocês, e seu trabalho, seus esforços, se espalharão como bençãos sobre a Terra. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nel mio lavoro di ricerca sono ostacolato da difficoltà matematiche – sempre le stesse – che mi rendono impossibile la conferma o la confutazione della mia teoria generale relativistica del campo; . Non ne verrò più a capo; il problema verrà dimenticato per essere riscoperto più tardi. È già successo tante volte in passato. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həyatda rast gəldiyimiz ən gözəl hiss müəmmalıqdır. O, əsl incəsənətin, ya da elmin mənbəyidir. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    من با شهرت بیشتر و بیشتر احمق شدم. البته این یک پدیدهٔ نسبی است. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Чем больше моя слава, тем я больше тупею; и таково, несомненно, общее правило. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Én mindenkivel egyformán beszélek, a szemetessel ugyanúgy, mint az egyetem elnökével. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Të gjithëve u flas njëjtë pavarësisht nëse është pastrues apo president universiteti. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מטרתו הגדולה של המדע כולו היא לכסות את המספר הגדול ביותר של עובדות אמפיריות באמצעות דדוקציה לוגית מהמספר הקטן ביותר של השערות או אקסיומות." ~ מגזין לייף, 9 בינואר 1950 (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie przypuszczam, aby w najbliższej przyszłości filozofia i rozum stały się wyłącznymi przewodnikami człowieka, ale dla wybranych pozostanie ona najpiękniejszym azylem. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Najpiękniejsze, co jest na świecie, to pogodne oblicze. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dinsiz elm kor, elmsiz din isə topaldır. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dini inkar edən elm topal, elmi inkar edən din kordur. (RDF)
  • en: English
    There is not the slightest indication that will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Mladi imajo dandanes čudovite ideje, a jim ne verjamem niti besede. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È una sorte felice quella d'essere catturato fino all'ultimo respiro dal fascino del lavoro. Diversamente troppo si soffrirebbe della stoltezza e della demenza umana, come vengono alla luce soprattutto nella politica. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Ağıllı və yaxşı niyyətli insanlara xas bir ada olması üçün nələr verməzdim; elə bir yer olsa mən də vətənpərvər olardım. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am neither a German citizen nor do I believe in anything that can be described as a "Jewish faith." But I am a Jew and glad to belong to the Jewish people, though I do not regard it in any way as chosen. (RDF)
  • sk: Slovak
    Nie som nemeckým občanom ani neverím v nič, čo by mohlo byť označené ako „židovská viera“. Ale som Židom a som rád, že patrím medzi Židov, hoci to v žiadnom prípade nepokladám za výsledok svojej voľby. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Şöhrətdən və vəzifə hissindən başqa heç bir dəyər yarana bilməz. Dəyərlər sevgi və sədaqətdən, bu dünyanın obyektiv həqiqətlərindən yaranır. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    בחיזיון הזה של חיי אנוש מה שנראה לי בעל ערך אמיתי איננו המדינה, אלא היחיד התבוני היצירתי." ~ אמונתי, 1930 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Risalta meravigliosamente bene dai lavori mirabili ai quali Kepler ha consacrato la sua vita, che la conoscenza non può derivare dall'esperienza sola, ma che occorre il paragone fra ciò che lo spirito umano ha concepito e ciò che ha osservato. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Qohumlarla bağlı çox şey söyləmək olar ... və demək lazımdır, çünki bunu çap etmək olmaz. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Noi ebrei dovremmo essere e rimanere portatori e difensori dei valori spirituali. Ma dovremmo anche restare perennemente consapevoli del fatto che questi valori spirituali sono e sono sempre stati il fine comune di tutta l'umanità. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A szervezett vallás az előző háború során elvesztett tekintélyéből visszaszerezhet valamennyit, ha arra szenteli magát, hogy követői energiáját és jóakaratát a növekvő szűklátókörűség ellen mozgósítja. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    No sé si tornaré a Barcelona, però sí que sé que aquestes cançons ja formen part de la meva vida. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Rendo onore a Lenin come uomo che ha interamente sacrificato se stesso e dedicato tutte le proprie energie alla realizzazione della giustizia sociale. Non considero i suoi metodi funzionali, ma una cosa è certa: uomini come lui sono i guardiani e i restauratori della coscienza dell'umanità. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Newton, bocsáss meg nekem! (RDF)
  • uk: Ukrainian
    Прости меня, Ньютон. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Prefiero ser optimista y tonto que pesimista y estar en lo correcto. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    End ikke alverdens forsøg kan bevise at jeg har ret; Et enkelt eksperiment kan bevise, at jeg ikke har det. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Ninguna cantidad de experimentos podría demostrar que estoy en lo cierto, pero un solo experimento puede demostrar que estoy equivocado. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Mikään määrä kokeita ei voi osoittaa minun olevan oikeassa; yksi ainoa koe voi osoittaa minun olevan väärässä. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Végtelen számú kísérlet sem bizonyíthatja igazamat; egyetlen kísérlet is bizonyíthatja, tévedtem. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Никаким количеством экспериментов нельзя доказать теорию; но достаточно одного эксперимента, чтобы её опровергнуть. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Wenn ihr den Rundfunk höret, so denkt auch daran, wie die Menschen in den Besitz dieses wunderbaren Werkzeuges der Mitteilung gekommen sind. Der Urquell aller technischen Errungenschaften ist die göttliche Neugier und der Spieltrieb des bastelnden und grübelnden Forschers und nicht minder die konstruktive Phantasie des technischen Erfinders. Sollen sich auch alle schämen, die gedankenlos sich der Wunder der Wissenschaft und Technik bedienen, und nicht mehr davon geistig erfasst haben als die Kuh von der Botanik der Pflanzen, die sie mit Wohlbehagen frisst. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Žymaus žmogaus dorovinės savybės galbūt turi didesnę reikšmę šiai kartai ir visai istorijos eigai negu grynai intelektualiniai pasiekimai. Jie daug daugiau priklauso nuo charakterio didybės, negu tai paprastai priimta laikyti. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Diniy qarashlarim haqida oʻqiganlaringiz albatta yolgʻon, takror va takror qaytariluvchi yolgʻondir. Men shaxsiyatli Xudoga ishonmayman, va buni rad etmaganman, aksincha, aniq-tiniq ifodalaganman. Agar menda diniy deb ataluvchi tuygʻu boʻlsa ham, bu olamning fan hali ochiqlamagan qirralari va tuzilishi oldidagi cheksiz hayratdir. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Per quale ragione le civiltà prendano a imputridire dall'interno è cosa oscura. Forse la vita ordinata alla lunga distrugge le forze psichiche essenziali allo sviluppo sociale. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Միայն հիմարը կարգուկանոնի կարիք ունի. հանճարը հիանում է քաոսով։ (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die Diktatur bringt den Maulkorb und dieser die Stumpfheit. Wissenschaft kann nur gedeihen in einer Atmosphäre des Freien Wortes. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Sorsunk az lesz, amit majd megérdemlünk. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Imeli bomo usodo, ki si jo bomo zaslužili. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    שאדם מסוגל ליהנות מצעידה בסך לצלילי תזמורת, זה בלבד די בו כדי שאתעב אותו." ~ אמונתי, 1943 (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    La veritable crisi és la crisi de la incompetència. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ho fatto un errore, nella vita, quando ho firmato quella lettera al presidente Roosevelt chiedendo che venisse costruita la bomba atomica. Ma forse mi si potrà perdonare: infatti tutti noi eravamo convinti che fosse altamente probabile che i tedeschi riuscissero a costruirla, e a usarla per diventare la razza padrona. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    W życiu popełniłem jeden poważny błąd. Podpisałem list do prezydenta Roosevelta, popierając budowę bomby atomowej. Było jednak pewne usprawiedliwienie w postaci niebezpieczeństwa, że skonstruują ją Niemcy. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    לכוח מאורגן אפשר להתנגד רק בעזרת כוח מאורגן. עם כל הצער שבדבר, אין כל דרך אחרת." ~ מכתב לסטודנט פציפיסט, 14 ביולי 1941 (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    తోటి వారితో అవగాహన చాలా ముఖ్యం. ఈ అవగాహన ఫలవంతం కావాలంటే మాత్రం సంతోషంలో,భాధలో ఒకరికొకరు నిలబెట్టుకోవాలి. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    שלטון דמוקרטי אמיתי הוא אותו שלטון, המותיר בידי אדם מספיק חופש, ובו בזמן דואג לכך שלא יעשה שימוש רע בחופש הזה. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    occorre tener presente che esiste un numero infinito di spazi, i quali sono in moto gli uni rispetto agli altri. Il concetto di spazio come qualcosa che esiste oggettivamente ed è indipendente dalle cose appartiene già al pensiero prescientifico, non così però l'idea dell'esistenza di un numero infinito di spazi in moto gli uni rispetto agli altri. Quest'ultima idea è senza dubbio inevitabile da un punto di vista logico, ma per lungo tempo non svolse una parte importante nemmeno nel pensiero scientifico. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Esprime le sue opinioni come se brancolasse perennemente nel buio, e mai come chi crede di essere in possesso della verità definitiva. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Was ich zu Bachs Lebenswerk zu sagen habe: Hören, spielen, lieben, verehren und - das Maul halten! (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Lorentz è una meraviglia di intelligenza e ha un tatto squisito. Un'opera d'arte vivente! A mio avviso era il più intelligente tra i teorici presenti. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A házasság rabszolgaság - csak civilizált formában. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il matrimonio non è altro che una schiavitù travestita da civiltà. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dahiliyin 10-da 1-i qabiliyyətin 10-da 9-u çalışmaqdır. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    నేను కొత్తగా కనుగొన్నది ఏమి లేదు. సృష్టించింది ఏమి లేదు.నేను నా పూర్వీకుల భుజాలపై నుండి మరింత దూరంగా స్పష్టంగా చూడగలిగాను అంతే. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bizim hamımız dahiyik. Ancaq balığı ağaca çıxmaq qabiliyyətinə görə mühakimə etsəniz, o, özünü axmaq hesab edərək bütün həyatını yaşayacaq. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Biz hamımız dahiyik. Amma siz balığı, ağaca dırmaşmaq qabiliyyətinə görə qiymətləndirsəniz, o, bütün həyatını özünü axmaq hesab edərək keçirəcək. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Моральный прогресс общества зависит исключительно от независимости человека. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Gli americani possono essere convinti della loro determinazione a non scatenare una guerra aggressiva o preventiva e ritenere così superfluo annunciare pubblicamente che non faranno più ricorso per primi alla bomba atomica. Ma questo paese è stato invitato solennemente a rinunciare all'uso della bomba – cioè a metterla al bando – e ha declinato di farlo a meno di non vedere accettati i propri termini per un controllo sovrannazionale. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    דוגמאות מהסוג דלעיל מרמזות... שאותם חוקים של אלקטרודינמיקה ואופטיקה יהיו תקפים לכל מערכות הייחוס בהם משוואות המכניקה מתקיימות. אנו נעלה השערה זו למעמד של הנחת יסוד , ונציג הנחת יסוד נוספת שלכאורה אינה מתיישבת עם הנחת היסוד הקודמת, והיא שבמרחב ריק האור מתפשט במהירות קבועה c שאינה תלויה במצב התנועה של הגוף ממנה הוא יוצא." ~ מתוך המאמר בו תאר לראשונה את תורת היחסות הפרטית ב-1905 בתרגום לעברית (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Todos somos muy ignorantes; lo que ocurre es que no todos ignoramos las mismas cosas. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È difficile sapere cosa sia la verità, ma a volte è molto facile riconoscere una falsità. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Trudno powiedzieć, co jest prawdą, ale czasami tak łatwo rozpoznać fałsz. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Непросто сказать, в чём заключается истина, но ложь очень часто легко распознать. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wszystkie wspomnienia są złudne, bo teraźniejszość nadaje im inne barwy. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die Naturwissenschaft forscht nach Beziehungen, die unabhängig vom Forscher bestehen. Das gilt auch, wenn der Mensch selbst das Objekt ist. Objekt wissenschaftlicher Sätze können aber auch Begriffe sein, die wir selbst geschaffen haben, wie in der Mathematik. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    האם אתה באמת מאמין, שכאשר אתה אינך מסתכל על הירח הוא אינו קיים?" ~ על הפילוסופיה האקטואליסטית שנקט בה נילס בוהר, שבה תכונה פיזיקלית כגון מקום או תנע קיימת רק אחרי שנמדדה. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'uomo che è completamente convinto dell'azione universale della legge della causalità non può, nemmeno per un istante, soffermarsi sull'idea di un essere che interferisce nel corso degli eventi – cioè se prende l'ipotesi della causalità veramente sul serio. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    普通と言われる人生を送る人間なんて、一人としていやしない。いたらぜひ、お目にかかりたいものだ。 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Tutte le grandi conquiste scientifiche nascono dalla conoscenza intuitiva, vale a dire da assiomi a partire dai quali si fanno delle deduzioni . L'intuizione è la condizione necessaria per la scoperta di questi assiomi. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non vedo altra via d'uscita dalle condizioni imperanti che una politica perspicace, onesta e coraggiosa, tesa a fondare la sicurezza su basi sovrannazionali. Speriamo che si troveranno individui sufficienti per numero e per forza morale, atti a guidare la nazione su questa strada, finché le circostanze esterne le attribuiranno un ruolo di guida. Allora problemi come quelli descritti cesseranno di esistere. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Xəyal gücü bilikdən daha əhəmiyyətlidir. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Aberglaube und Priesterherrschaft sind schwere Übel. (RDF)
  • de: German
    「你知道嗎?哥德爾真的完全發瘋了」,因為「他投票給艾森豪(Dwight D. Eisenhower)!」 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Quale straordinaria situazione è quella di noi mortali! Ognuno di noi è qui per un breve soggiorno; non sa per quale scopo, sebbene talvolta pensi di percepirlo. (RDF)
  • fr: French
    L'homme et sa sécurité doivent constituer la première préoccupation de toute aventure technologique. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Ludzie są jak morze, czasem łagodni i przyjaźni, czasem burzliwi i zdradliwi. Przede wszystkim to jednak tylko woda. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Който обича да марширува, напразно има мозък в главата — гръбначният му е напълно достатъчен. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Pravo vrednost človeka spoznamo najprej, če preiščemo koliko in v kakšnem smislu se je rešil Jaza. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Was nichts kostet, ist nichts wert. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It is not enough to teach a man a specialty. Through it he may become a kind of useful machine but not a harmoniously developed personality. It is essential that the student acquire an understanding of and a lively feeling for values. He must acquire a vivid sense of the beautiful and of the morally good. Otherwise he—with his specialized knowledge—more closely resembles a well-trained dog than a harmoniously developed person. He must learn to understand the motives of human beings, their illusions, and their sufferings in order to acquire a proper relationship to individual fellow-men and to the community. These precious things are conveyed to the younger generation through personal contact with those who teach, not—or at least not in the main—through textbooks. It is this that primarily constitutes and preserves culture. This is what I have in mind when I recommend the "humanities" as important, not just dry specialized knowledge in the fields of history and philosophy. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La cosa più importante della filosofia di Kant, mi sembra, sono le sue categorie a priori che servono anche per costruire la scienza. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Elm dinsiz şikəstdir, din elmsiz kordur. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Einstein y la ciencia (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Apeluję do wszystkich mężczyzn i wszystkich kobiet, tych znanych i tych mniej znanych, aby ogłosili, że odmawiają odtąd jakiegokolwiek uczestnictwa w wojnie i przygotowaniach do wojny. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Liebe Mutter! Heute eine freudige Nachricht. H. A. Lorentz hat mir telegraphiert, dass die englischen Expeditionen die Lichtablenkung an der Sonne wirklich bewiesen haben. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Drága anyukám! Van egy örvendetes hírem. Most kaptam egy táviratot H. A. Lorentz-től, hogy az angol expedíciónak sikerült bizonyítani a fény elhajlását a nap közelében. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Newton pontos terve szerint suhan a csillag, és arra int néma pályán róva terét, ki-ki tisztelje mesterét. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kai merginiesi panelei – valanda atrodo kaip sekundė. Kai sėdi ant žarijų – sekundė atrodo kaip valanda. Tai reliatyvu. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Minél gyorsabban haladsz, annál kisebb vagy. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Cosa ci spinge, dunque, ad elaborare teoria dopo teoria? Perché, addirittura, formuliamo teorie? La risposta alla seconda domanda è semplice: perché amiamo «comprendere», ossia ridurre i fenomeni per mezzo del procedimento logico a qualcosa di già noto o evidente. Prima di tutto sono necessarie nuove teorie quando si affrontano fatti nuovi che non possono essere «spiegati» da teorie esistenti. Ma questa motivazione è, per così dire, banale, imposta dall'esterno. C'è un'altra motivazione più sottile e di non minore importanza. Si tratta dello sforzo verso l'unificazione e la semplificazione delle premesse della teoria nel suo insieme . (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Dostoevskij a me ha dato più di qualunque scienziato, più di Gauss. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Достоевский даёт мне больше, чем любой научный мыслитель, больше, чем Гаусс. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Hər kəsin fikir birliyinə çatdığı bir axşam, itirilmiş bir axşamdır. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Mi fa orrore quando una bella intelligenza è abbinata a una personalità ripugnante. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jest dla mnie czymś odpychającym, gdy subtelna inteligencja idzie w parze z przykrym charakterem. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A természet minden igaz kutatója vallásos tiszteletet érez, mert nem tudja elképzelni, hogy ő az első, aki kigondolta a rendkívül törékeny szálakat, amelyek észleléséhez kötődnek. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Πείτε μου πρώτα τι ακριβώς εννοείτε με τη λέξη Θεός και θα σας πω αν πιστεύω. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make my living, I would not try to become a scientist or scholar or teacher. I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence still available under present circumstances. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se tornassi giovane e dovessi decidere come guadagnarmi la vita, non cercherei di diventare uno scienziato, uno studioso o un insegnante. Sceglierei piuttosto di fare l'idraulico o lo straccivendolo, nella speranza di trovare un minimo di indipendenza, quel poco che nelle attuali circostanze è ancora possibile. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Gdybym był znowu młody i musiał decydować, w jaki sposób będę zarabiać na życie, nie starałbym się zostać uczonym ani nauczycielem, lecz obrałbym zajęcie hydraulika lub domokrążcy w nadziei zdobycia tego minimum niezależności, które jest osiągalne w dzisiejszym świecie. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Господь Бог вычисляет дифференциалы эмпирически. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    در برابر یک قدرت متشکل و منظم، تنها یک قدرت متشکل و منظمِ دیگر تاب ایستادگی دارد. هرچند مایهٔ تأسف است، ولی من راه دیگری نمی‌بینم. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La forza organizzata si può combattere soltanto con la forza organizzata. Per quanto ciò mi dispiaccia moltissimo, non c'è altro modo. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Zorganizowanej sile można przeciwstawić jedynie zorganizowaną siłę. Niezależnie od tego, jak bardzo bym tego żałował, nie ma innego wyjścia. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Qualche informazione storica sul mio lavoro scientifico. Non è che io sopravvaluti indebitamente l'importanza del mio sforzo: ma descrivere la storia del lavoro degli altri suppone una indagine del pensiero altrui, il che è piuttosto compito di personalità esercitate in lavori storici, mentre il dare spiegazioni sui propri pensieri anteriori sembrerebbe incomparabilmente più facile; ci si trova qui in una situazione di gran lunga più favorevole, e non si deve, per modestia, lasciar sfuggire l'occasione. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Som aquí per una breu estada; no sabem per què hi som, encara que de vegades ens sembla descobrir-ho. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    בהתפשטות קרן אור היוצאת מנקודה אין האנרגיה מחולקת התחלקות רציפה בתחומים הולכים וגדלים, אלא היא מורכבת ממספר סופי של קוונטי אנרגיה המאותרים בנקודות מרחב והנעים מבלי להתפצל, והם נבלעים ונוצרים כיחידות שלמות בלבד. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A vida de um indivíduo só faz sentido se ajuda a tornar a vida das demais criaturas mais nobres e mais bela. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    לאומיות איננה לדעתי, אלא רציונליזציה אידאליסטית למילטריזם ותוקפנות." ~ טיוטא ראשונה של נאום ברויאל אלברט הול בשנת 1933 (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Mindenki tisztában van azzal a súlyos és fenyegető helyzettel, amiben az emberi társadalom van, de csak néhányan cselekednek helyesen. (RDF)
  • en: English
    There are few enough people with sufficient independence to see the weaknesses and follies of their contemporaries and remain themselves untouched by them. And these isolated few usually soon lose their zeal for putting things to rights when they have come face to face with human obduracy. Only to a tiny minority is it given to fascinate their generation by subtle humour and grace and to hold the mirror up to it by the impersonal agency of art. To-day I salute with sincere emotion the supreme master of this method, who has delighted — and educated — us all. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    רק מי שלוקח סיכון והולך רחוק, מגלה עד כמה רחוק הוא יכול להגיע. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Ich habe auch manchen wissenschaftlichen Plan überlegt, während ich Dich im Kinderwagen spazieren schob! (RDF)
  • en: English
    Taken on the whole, I would believe that Gandhi's views were the most enlightened of all the political men in our time. We should strive to do things in his spirit... not to use violence in fighting for our cause, but by non-participation in what we believe is evil. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Hiszem, hogy korunk politikusai között Gandhi világnézete a legfelvilágosultabb. Törekednünk kell arra, hogy az ő szellemében cselekedjünk: ne használjunk erőszakot, amikor ügyünkért harcolunk, és tartózkodjunk a részvételtől olyasmiben, amit rossznak tartunk. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Credo che Gandhi abbia avuto la visione più illuminata di tutti i politici del nostro tempo. Dovremmo sforzarci di operare nel suo spirito; di non usare la violenza nel combattere per la nostra causa e di rifiutarci di partecipare a qualsiasi iniziativa che noi crediamo sia volta al male. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ci si potrebbe attendere aspettare che il mondo sia governato da leggi soltanto nella misura in cui interveniamo con la nostra intelligenza ordinatrice: sarebbe un ordine simile a quello alfabetico, del dizionario, laddove il tipo d'ordine creato ad esempio dalla teoria della gravitazione di Newton ha tutt'altro carattere. Anche se gli assiomi della teoria sono imposti dall'uomo, il successo di una tale costruzione presuppone un alto grado d'ordine nel mondo oggettivo, e cioè un qualcosa che, a priori, non si è per nulla autorizzati ad attendersi. È questo il «miracolo» che vieppiù si rafforza con lo sviluppo delle nostre conoscenze. È qui che si trova il punto debole dei positivisti e degli atei di professione, felici solo perché hanno la coscienza di avere, con pieno successo, spogliato il mondo non solo degli dei, ma anche dei «miracoli». Il fatto curioso è che noi dobbiamo accontentarci di riconoscere il «miracolo» senza che ci sia una via legittima per andare oltre. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    זה ממש פלא ששיטות ההוראה המודרניות עדיין לא החניקו לחלוטין את חדוות החקירה. זוהי טעות חמורה להניח שניתן לקדם את ההנאה מהתבוננות ובדיקה באמצעים של כפייה וחובה. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    За съжаление вече стана очевидно, че нашата технологичност задмина нашата хуманност. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Έχει καταστεί τρομακτικά προφανές ότι η τεχνολογία μας έχει υπερκεράσει την ανθρωπιά μας. (RDF)
  • en: English
    原文:It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Chegou a ser apabullantemente obvio que a nosa tecnoloxía excedeu a nosa humanidade. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    روشنفکران مشکلات را حل می‌کنند ولی نوابغ از بروز آن جلوگیری می‌کنند. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I am absolutely convinced that no wealth in the world can help humanity forward, even in the hands of the most devoted worker in this cause. The example of great and pure characters is the only thing that can produce fine ideas and noble deeds. Money only appeals to selfishness and always tempts its owners irresistibly to abuse it. Can anyone imagine Moses, Jesus, or Gandhi armed with the money-bags of Carnegie? (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sono assolutamente convinto che nessuna ricchezza al mondo possa far avanzare l'umanità, neppure se è nelle mani dei più fedeli lavoratori per questa causa. L'esempio di personaggi grandi e puri è l'unica cosa capace di produrre idee illustri e azioni nobili. Il denaro richiama solo l'egoismo e induce sempre, irresistibilmente, chi lo possiede ad abusarne. Qualcuno riesce ad immaginarsi Mosè, Gesù o Ghandi armati di borse di studio? (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    על מנת שאומה צעירה זו תשיג עצמאות אמיתית ותשמור עליה, עליה להקים מתוכה קבוצה של אינטלקטואלים ומומחים משלה." ~ ניו יורק טיימס, 25 במאי 1953 (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Jovens: sabiam que a vossa geração não é a primeira a aspirar por uma vida plena de beleza e de liberdade? (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Barmağı ilə səmanı göstərənin barmağına yalnız axmaq adam baxır. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Najbolj nerazumljivo pri vesolju je to, da je razumljivo. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A világban az a legérthetetlenebb, hogy érthető. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A világegyetemben az a leginkább felfoghatatlan, hogy meg lehet érteni. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Labiausiai nesuvokiama pasaulyje yra tai, kad tas pasaulis yra suvokiamas. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Najbardziej niepojętą rzeczą dotyczącą świata jest to, że jest on pojmowalny. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O mais incompreensível acerca do mundo é que ele seja compreensível. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Gjëja më e pakuptueshme për botën është se ajo është e kuptueshme. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bu dünyada ən anlaşılmaz şey onun anlaşılan olmasıdır. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Не знам какви оръжия ще се използват в Третата световна война, но Четвъртата ще се води с тояги и камъни. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Nevím, čím se bude bojovat ve třetí světové válce, ale ve čtvrté to budou klacky a kameny. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Ich weiß nicht mit welchen Waffen sich die Menschen im 3. Weltkrieg bekämpfen, aber im 4. werden es Keulen sein. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Δεν ξέρω με τι όπλα θα γίνει ο 3ος παγκόσμιος πόλεμος, αλλά ο 4ος θα γίνει με ξύλα και πέτρες. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. (RDF)
  • en: English
    原文:I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. (RDF)
  • en: English
    :I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Ես չգիտեմ՝ ինչ զենքով է վարվելու Երրորդ համաշխարհային պատերազմը, բայց 4-րդը լինելու է քարերով և փայտերով։ (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Ma ei tea, milliste relvadega hakatakse võitlema Kolmandas maailmasõjas, kuid Neljandas lähevad käiku kivid ja kaikad. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    من نمی‌دانم انسان‌ها با چه اسلحه‌ای در جنگ جهانی سوم با یک‌دیگر خواهند جنگید، اما در جنگ جهانی چهارم، سلاح آنها سنگ و چوب و چماق خواهد بود. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    En tiedä, millä aseilla kolmas maailmansota soditaan, mutta neljäs maailmansota tullaan sotimaan kepeillä ja kivillä. (RDF)
  • fr: French
    Je ne sais pas comment on fera la Troisième Guerre mondiale, mais je sais comment on fera la quatrième : avec des bâtons et des pierres. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני לא יודע באיזה נשק יילחמו במלחמת העולם השלישית, אבל ברביעית יילחמו במקלות ובאבנים. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ne znam kojim će se oružjem voditi treći svjetski rat, ali znam da će se četvrti voditi kolcima i kamenjem. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Četvrti svjetski rat će se voditi toljagama. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Azt nem tudom, hogy a harmadik világháborút milyen fegyverekkel fogják megvívni, de a negyediket biztos, hogy botokkal és kövekkel. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non so con quali armi si combatterà la Terza guerra mondiale, ma posso dirvi cosa useranno nella quarta: pietre! (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    第3次世界大戦では分らないが、第4次世界大戦では、人間は多分石を持って投げ合うだろう。 (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    我不知道第三次世界大战会用哪些武器,但第四次世界大战中人们肯定用的是木棍和石块。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Nežinau, kuo bus kariaujama trečiame pasauliniame kare, tačiau ketvirtajame bus naudojami pagaliai ir akmenys. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Tiems, kurie mano, kad 3-iasis pasaulinis karas išsiplės iki branduolinių sunaikinimų, galiu pasakyti, tik tiek, kad 4-ajame pasauliniame kare bus kariaujama lankais ir strėlėmis. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Jeg vet ikke hvordan den 3. verdenskrig vil se ut, men jeg vet at den fjerde vil bli utkjempet med treklubber. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie wiem, jaka broń będzie użyta w trzeciej wojnie światowej, ale czwarta będzie na maczugi. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Não sei como será a 3a Guerra Mundial, mas posso te dizer como será a Quarta: Com paus e pedras. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Я не знаю, каким оружием будет вестись Третья мировая война, но в Четвёртой будут использоваться камни! (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Ne vem, s kakšnim orožjem bo bojevana tretja svetovna vojna, toda vem s čim bo četrta... palicami in kamni, palicami in kamni! (RDF)
  • th: Thai
    ข้าพเจ้าไม่อาจทราบได้ว่าสงครามโลกครั้งที่ 3 ใช้อะไรสู้กัน แต่สงครามโลกครั้งที่ 4 จะต่อสู้กันด้วยท่อนไม้และก้อนหิน (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Üçüncü dünya müharibəsində hansı silahdan istifadə ediləcəyini bilmirəm, amma dördüncü dünya müharibəsində dəyənək və daşlardan istifadə ediləcək. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Tôi không biết những vũ khí gì sẽ được sử dụng trong thế chiến thứ ba, nhưng thế chiến thứ tư người ta sẽ đánh nhau bằng gậy gộc và đá. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Tôi không biết vũ khí nào sẽ được sử dụng trong Chiến tranh Thế giới lần thứ 3, nhưng Chiến tranh Thế giới lần thứ 4 sẽ được đánh nhau với những cây gậy và hòn đá. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Ən dəyərli insanlar təvazökar olanlardır. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sono come schiavi che ancora sentono il peso delle catene dalle quali si sono liberati dopo una lunga lotta. Essi sono creature che – nel loro rancore contro il tradizionale "oppio dei popoli" – non sopportano la musica delle sfere. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Dal mio punto di vista, uccidere in guerra non è affatto meglio che commettere un banale assassinio. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Zabicie kogoś na wojnie nie różni się niczym od popełnienia zwykłego morderstwa. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əmrlə gələn qəhrəmanlığa, şüurlu və şüursuz güc işlədilməsinə, axmaq vətənpərvərliyə nifrət edirəm. Mən döyüşü və silahları elə iyrəndirici və alçaldıcı hesab edirəm ki belə iyrənc bir hərəkətə qatılmaqdansa özümü öldürməyim daha yaxşıdır. Mənim anlayışıma görə sıravi bir cinayət, döyüşdə adam öldürməkdən daha pis deyil. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mənim anlayışıma görə, adi bir cinayət, müharibədə adam öldürməkdən daha pis deyil. (RDF)
  • tl: Tagalog
    Ilya Prigogine (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Si no chocamos contra la razón, nunca llegaremos a nada. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Unistamine on palju tähtsam kui tarkus, kuna tarkusel on piirid, aga unistamine on piiritu. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Come ai tempi di Mach dominava una concezione materialistica dogmatica, quanto mai dannosa, allo stesso modo siamo prigionieri, oggi, di una visione soggettivista rivestita di positivismo. L'esigenza di concepire la natura come realtà obiettiva viene descritta come un pregiudizio superato, mentre le magagne dei teorici dei quanti sono una virtù. Proprio vero, gli uomini sono più suggestionabili dei cavalli: ogni tempo è dominato da una moda, e i più neppure sono capaci di riconoscere il tiranno. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Mentrestant continuo gaudint de les meravelloses cançons tradicionals catalanes que vaig rebre d'alguns amics en una anterior visita a Barcelona. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Ако не можете да обясните нещо на едно дете, то това значи, че вие самият не го разбирате. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Jos et pysty selittämään asiaa selvästi, et tiedä siitä tarpeeksi. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ako nešto ne možeš objasniti na jednostavan način onda to ne razumiješ dovoljno dobro. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Jika kamu mengerti maka kamu dapat menjelaskannya secara sederhana (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jeśli nie potrafisz wytłumaczyć czegoś w prosty sposób, to znaczy, że tak naprawdę tego nie rozumiesz. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Nëse nuk mund të e sqarosh thjeshtë, nuk e ke kuptuar mjaft mirë. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Nếu bạn không thể giải thích điều nào đó một cách đơn giản, có nghĩa bạn không hiểu rõ về nó. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie dokonuje odkrycia, kto nie bada niemożliwości. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La ricerca scientifica può diminuire la superstizione incoraggiando il ragionamento e l'esplorazione causale. È certo che alla base di ogni lavoro scientifico un po' delicato si trova la convinzione, analoga al sentimento religioso, che il mondo è fondato sulla ragione e può essere compreso. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Artalde bateko kide akatsgabea izateko, lehenik eta behin ardi izan beharra dago. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die sozialen Klassenunterschiede empfinde ich nicht als gerechtfertigt und letzten Endes als auf Gewalt beruhend. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsan eşitdikləri və dedikləri ilə deyil, zəhməti və yaradıcılığı ilə kamilləşər. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Conosco ormai l'incostanza di tutti i rapporti umani e ho imparato a isolarmi dal freddo e dal caldo in modo da garantirmi comunque un buon equilibrio termico. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Inolako esperimentazio kopuruk ezin du ziur frogatu arrazoi dudala, baina esperimentu bakarrak froga dezake oker nagoela. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    A volte la violenza potrà aver sgomberato con rapidità la strada da ostacoli, ma non si è mai rivelata creativa. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אם הייתי יודע לאן תוביל תגלית האטום, הייתי נהיה שען. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnanmamaqdan inanmaq daha yaxşıdır, çünki inamla hər şey mümkün olur. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Nicholas Dawidoff, The Catcher Was a Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2011, p. 250. ISBN 0307807096 (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני לא מאמין במתמטיקה." ~ בשיחה עם המהנדס גוסטב פרייר, מתוך הספר 'אינשטיין - ביוגרפיה' מאת דניס בראיין (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Η διαφορά ανάμεσα στην ηλιθιότητα και στην ευφυΐα είναι ότι η δεύτερη έχει όρια. (RDF)
  • en: English
    原文:The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Geniaalsuse ja lolluse vahe on see, et geniaalsusel on omad piirid. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    ההבדל בין גאונות לטיפשות הוא שלגאונות יש גבולות. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Skirtumas tarp genialumo ir kvailumo yra tik toks, kad genialumas turi ribą. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dahilik ilə axmaqlıq arasındakı fərq, dahiliyin sərhədlərinin olmasıdır. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Sự khác biệt giữa thiên tài và kẻ ngu dốt là ở chỗ thiên tài luôn có giới hạn. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Tutto quello che la razza umana ha fatto e pensato è volto a soddisfare i bisogni e a placare il dolore. Lo si deve sempre ricordare se si vogliono capire i movimenti spirituali e il loro sviluppo. Sentimento e desiderio sono le forze causali dietro ogni sforzo e creazione umana, per quanto eccelsa quest'ultima ci si presenti. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Viską ką žmonių rasė sukūrė ir suvokė yra susiję su giliai glūdinčių poreikių tenkinimu bei skausmo palengvinimu. Žmogus turėtų nuolat tai prisiminti, jei nori suprasti dvasinius judėjimus bei jų vystymąsi. Jausmai ir troškimai yra visų žmonijos pastangų ir kūrinių motyvuojančios jėgos. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    היהדות חבה לציונות חוב גדול של הכרת תודה. התנועה הציונית החיתה בין היהודים את תחושת אחדות הקהילה. היא עשתה עבודה פרודוקטיבית... בפלשתינה, שיהודים מכל העולם הרימו קורבן כדי להשתתף ולתרום בה. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Estoy firmemente convencido de que la mayoría de los pueblos del mundo prefieren vivir en paz y en seguridad. El deseo de paz de la humanidad sólo puede convertirse en realidad mediante la creación de un gobierno mundial. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El: Kiel mi vidas la mondon (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    I bambini non danno retta all'esperienza dei genitori e le nazioni ignorano la storia. Le brutte lezioni vanno sempre imparate da capo. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Kiel mi vidas la mondon". 1934 (RDF)
  • de: German
    Es ist die wichtigste Kunst des Lehrers, die Freude am Schaffen und am Erkennen zu erwecken. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Didžiausias mokytojo pasiekimas yra sugebėjimas pažadinti mokinio kūrybiškumą ir žingeidumą. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Hər şey boşluqdan, forma isə qatılaşdırılmış boşluqdan ibarətdir. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    La formulación de un problema es más importante que su solución. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    درک صورت‌مسئله از حل آن مهم‌تر است، چون تشریح دقیق صورت‌مسئله، خودبه‌خود راه‌حل آن را نشان می‌دهد. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    ניסוח הבעיה חיוני לפעמים יותר מפתרונה. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Un sistema autocratico di coercizione, secondo me, degenera ben presto. Perché la forza attrae uomini di bassa moralità e io credo che sia una regola invariabili che a tiranni geniali seguano dei farabutti. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Aki nem tud csodálkozni és borzongani az élet titokzatos szentélyében, az olyan, mint a halott, akinek a szemei becsukódtak. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני לא מאמין שאדם צריך להיות מרוסן בפעולותיו היומיומיות כיוון שהוא פוחד מעונש לאחר המוות, או שהוא צריך לעשות דבר מה רק מכיוון שכך הוא יתוגמל לאחר מותו. אין בזה שום היגיון. מה שראוי שינחה את האדם במהלך חייו הוא המשקל שהוא נותן למוסריות, ומידת ההתחשבות שלו באחרים. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Če se mnogi sramujejo že revnejše obleke in stanovanja, koliko več bi se jih moralo sramovati revnih idej in nazorov. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər Allah hər şeyi yaradıbsa, deməli, Allah pisliyi də yaratmışdır, çünki o mövcuddur. Amma bizi əməllərimiz müəyyənləşdirir, bəs onda Allah pisdir? (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La signora Curie è molto intelligente ma fredda come un'aringa, intendendo con ciò che è assolutamente priva di sentimenti di gioia e di tristezza. Forse l'unico modo in cui esprime i propri sentimenti è quando si scaglia contro le cose che non le piacciono. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nacjonalizm nie jest niczym innym jak próbą usprawiedliwienia, za pomocą idei, militaryzmu i agresji. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Es ist bequem mit dem Einstein. Jedes Jahr widerruft er, was er das vorige Jahr geschrieben hat. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il giudaismo non è una dottrina: il Dio ebraico è semplicemente la negazione della superstizione, un esito immaginario della sua negazione. È altresì un tentativo di basare la legge morale sulla paura, un tentativo deplorevole e disdicevole. Eppure mi sembra che la forte tradizione morale della nazione ebraica si sia in larga parte liberata da questa paura. È chiaro anche che "servire Dio" era equiparato a "servire il vivente". I migliori del popolo ebraico, specialmente i profeti e Gesù, hanno lottato instancabilmente per questo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Noi scienziati crediamo che quello che noi e i nostri simili faremo o mancheremo di fare nel giro dei prossimi anni determinerà il destino della nostra civiltà. E consideriamo nostro dovere divulgare incessantemente questa verità, aiutando la gente a rendersi conto della posta in gioco e adoperandoci non per una tregua, ma per un'intesa e un definitivo accordo tra popoli e nazioni di differenti vedute. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    שכל-ישר הוא אותה שכבה של דעות קדומות שאנחנו רוכשים לפני שאנחנו בני שש עשרה. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    గొప్ప వ్యక్తులకు సాధారణ వ్యక్తుల నుండి తీవ్ర వ్యతిరేకత సహజం. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš labai retai mąstau žodžiais. Pirmiau šauna mintis, o tik po to aš stengiuosi išreikšti ją žodžiais. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Molte persone hanno indagato su un mio recente messaggio secondo cui "." . (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non è degno di una grande nazione stare a guardare mentre piccoli paesi dalla grande cultura vengono distrutti con cinico disprezzo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La grande superiorità della teoria cartesiana non consiste soltanto nel fatto d'aver messo l'analisi al servizio della geometria. Secondo me, il punto capitale è questo, la geometria dei greci dà la preferenza a certe forme ; altre, per esempio l'ellisse, non le sono accessibili se non in quanto costruite o definite con l'aiuto di forme come il punto, la retta e il piano. Invece nella dottrina cartesiana tutte le superfici, ad esempio, sono equivalenti per principio e la preferenza nell'edificio geometrico non è deliberatamente accordata alla forma lineare. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Penso sempre a Michelson come all'artista della scienza. Sembrava trarre la massima gioia dalla bellezza dell'esperimento in sé e dall'eleganza del metodo utilizzato. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Chi ha cari i valori della cultura non può non essere pacifista. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    문화의 가치를 소중히 여기는 사람이라면, 평화주의자가 아닐 리 없다. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nikt, komu drogie są wartości kultury, nie może nie być pacyfistą. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non sto dicendo che gli Stati Uniti non dovrebbero preparare la bomba e farne scorta, perché credo che debbano farlo; con essa devono essere in grado di scoraggiare un altro paese dal predisporre un attacco atomico una volta che anch'esso si sia procurato la bomba. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sei l'unica persona con cui mi piace avere discussioni. Quasi tutti passano dalla teoria ai fatti, e non dai fatti alla teoria. Le persone sono incapaci di uscire dall'insieme dei concetti ammessi e continuano a girarci intorno in modo grottesco. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La gente non si rende conto di quale grande influenza abbia avuto Lorentz sullo sviluppo della fisica. Non possiamo immaginare come sarebbe andata se egli non avesse dato tanti contributi impareggiabili. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    ההצלה היחידה לציוויליזציה ולמין האנושי מצויה בכינון ממשלה עולמית ובהבטחת ביטחונן של האומות על פי חוק." ~ 15 בספטמבר 1945 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non mi considero il padre della liberazione dell'energia atomica. Il mio ruolo in proposito è stato del tutto indiretto. Non prevedevo, infatti, che si sarebbe arrivati a produrla nel mio tempo. Lo credevo possibile solo sul piano teorico. È diventato un fatto concreto grazie alla scoperta accidentale della reazione a catena, cosa che non avrei potuto prevedere. È stato Hahn a scoprirla a Berlino, e lui stesso ha frainteso il senso della propria stessa scoperta. È stata Lise Meitner a fornire l'interpretazione corretta. È fuggita dalla Germania per mettere l'informazione in mano a Niels Bohr. Non credo che si possa inaugurare una grande era della scienza atomica nel modo in cui sono organizzate le grandi società per azioni. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bir insanın fikirləri kitabın köməyi ilə milyonlarla insana çatdırıla bilər. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    I concetti non acquistano un fondo interiore se non sono legati, sia pure indirettamente, con le esperienze dei sensi. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Bůh nehraje v kostky. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Gott würfelt nicht. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Gott würfelt nicht (RDF)
  • de: German
    Der Herrgott würfelt nicht. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Πιστεύω ότι ο Θεός δεν παίζει ζάρια! (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    خداوند برای اداره جهان تاس نمی‌ریزد. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    خدا، شیر یا خط نمی‌کند (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Jumala ei heitä noppaa universumilla. (RDF)
  • fr: French
    Dieu ne joue pas aux dés. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    신은 주사위 놀이를 하지 않는다. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Господ не играе на зарове. (RDF)
  • nl: Dutch
    God dobbelt niet. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Xwedê li ser gerdûnê bi qumarê naleyize. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Deus não joga dados. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Dios no juega a los dados. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Бог не играет в кости . (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Tanrı, evrenle zar atmaz. (RDF)
  • ur: Urdu
    خدا کائنات کے ساتھ پانسے نہیں کھیلتا۔ (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Mach era un ottimo studioso della meccanica, ma un pessimo filosofo. (RDF)
  • en: English
    As far as I'm concerned I prefer silent vice to ostentatious virtue. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Alimlər dua edirmi? (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    No se puede acabar con el dominio de los tontos, porque son muchos, y sus votos cuentan tanto como los nuestros. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    A parte ogni considerazione pratica, la mia consapevolezza della natura essenziale del giudaismo respinge l'idea di uno stato ebraico con propri confini, un proprio esercito e una qualche forma di potere temporale, non importa quanto modesta. Ho paura del danno interno che il giudaismo ne deriverebbe, specialmente se tra le nostre file cominciasse ad allignare un angusto nazionalismo, contro il quale abbiamo già dovuto combattere con forza anche senza che esistesse uno stato ebraico. Non siamo più gli ebrei del periodo dei Maccabei. Un ritorno a una nazione nel senso politico del termine equivarrebbe all'allontanamento della nostra comunità dalla spiritualizzazione di cui siamo debitori al genio dei nostri profeti. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מטרת החינוך צריכה להיות: אנשים המצטיינים בעצמאות – במחשבה ובמעשה – ועם זאת רואים בשירות למען הכלל את משימת חייהם העיקרית. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    si deve tendere alla formazione di individui che agiscano e pensino in modo indipendente, pur vedendo nel servizio della comunità il proprio più alto compito vitale. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Švietimo tikslas turi būti nepriklausomas mąstančių ir veikiančių individų treniravimas, kurie savo didžiausiu gyvenimo iššūkiu mato tarnavimą bendruomenei. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Può darsi che la soluzione del problema quantico richieda una trasformazione radicale delle equazioni generali, e addirittura la sostituzione di tutti i parametri con cui rappresentiamo il processo elementare: ebbene, anche in tal caso il principio di relatività non sarà mai abbandonato e le leggi da esso derivate in precedenza manterranno il loro significato almeno come leggi limite. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Naszym celem musi być wyzwolenie się… poprzez rozszerzenie kręgu współczucia na wszystkie żywe istoty i na cały cudowny świat natury. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Certain it is that a conviction, akin to religious feeling, of the rationality or intelligibility of the world lies behind all scientific work of a higher order. ... This firm belief, a belief bound up with deep feeling, in a superior mind that reveals itself in the world of experience, represents my conception of God. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    只要納粹政權存在一天,他就永不返回德國。 (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    همه دانش چیزی بیش از پالایش افکار روزمره نیست. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sono così rare le persone, in qualunque generazione, in cui una chiara comprensione della natura delle cose si unisca a un intenso sentimento per la sfida della vera umanità e a una capacità di impegno militante. Quando se ne va un uomo del genere, lascia un vuoto che sembra intollerabile a chi gli sopravviva. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Was mich eigentlich interessiert, ist, ob Gott die Welt hätte anders machen können; das heisst, ob die Forderung der logischen Einfachheit überhaupt eine Freiheit lässt. (RDF)
  • en: English
    What really interests me is whether God had any choice in creation of the world. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    O realmente interesante para min é se Deus tivo elección na creación do mundo. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Tudni akarom, hogyan teremtette Isten a világot. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ciò che veramente mi interessa è se Dio avesse potuto fare il mondo in una maniera differente, cioè se la necessità di semplicità logica lasci qualche libertà. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    真正使我感兴趣的是上帝创造世界时會否還有其他方案選擇。 (RDF)
  • nl: Dutch
    Had God een keus toen hij het heelal schiep? (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Co naprawdę mnie interesuje, to czy Bóg mógł stworzyć świat w inny sposób. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O que realmente me interessa é se Deus teve alguma escolha na criação do mundo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'uomo è nato per odiare in misura quasi maggiore d'amare: e l'odio non si stanca di afferrare qualsiasi situazione disponibile. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Eddigi tapasztalataink... arra a feltevésre jogosítanak, hogy a természet a matematikailag elgondolható legegyszerűbb megoldást valósítja meg. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    私は天才ではありません。ただ、人より長くひとつのことと付き合ってきただけです。 (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    همزمان با گسترش دایرهٔ دانش ما، تاریکی‌ای که این دایره را احاطه می‌کند نیز گسترده می‌شود. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Ashtu siç zgjerohet rrethi i diturisë sonë njashtu edhe perimetri i errësirës që rrethon atë. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Като цяло науката не е нищо повече от рафиниране на ежедневното ни мислене. (RDF)
  • en: English
    All of science is nothing more than the refinement of everyday thinking. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'intera scienza non è che un affinamento del pensiero quotidiano. (RDF)
  • ne: Nepali
    विज्ञानम् इत्येतत् प्रतिदिनस्य चिन्तनस्य संस्कारं विना नान्यत् किञ्चित् । (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A ciência, como um todo, não é nada mais do que um refinamento do pensar diário. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    శాస్త్ర విజ్ఞానమంతా ప్రతిరోజూ వచ్చేఆలోచనలకు నిర్మలత్వం. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    రోజువారీ ఆలోచనల మేలిమి రూపమే శాస్త్రం. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Déu ens ha fet perfectes i no escull els capacitats sinó que capacita els escollits. Fer o no fer, només depèn de la nostra voluntat i perseverança. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Великите мисли идват в главата на човека толкова рядко, че никак не е трудно да се запомнят. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Attualmente non c'è la benché minima indicazione in merito a quando questa energia sarà ottenibile o se sarà ottenibile del tutto. Essa infatti presupporrebbe una disintegrazione dell'atomo a comando – una frantumazione dell'atomo, e fino ad oggi ci sono davvero poche evidenze che questo sarà mai possibile. Osserviamo la disintegrazione atomica solo dove è la Natura stessa a presentarla, come nel caso del radio, la cui attività dipende dalla continua decomposizione esplosiva del suo atomo. Tuttavia, possiamo soltanto stabilire la presenza di questo processo, mentre non siamo ancora in grado di riprodurlo e, alla luce dello stato attuale della Scienza, sembra quasi impossibile che potremo mai riuscirci. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Der Wissenschaftler findet seine Belohnung in dem, was Poincaré die Freude am Verstehen nennt, nicht in den Anwendungsmöglichkeiten seiner Erfindung. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Lo scienziato trova la sua ricompensa in ciò che Henri Poincaré chiama la gioia della comprensione, e non nelle possibilità applicative delle sue scoperte. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Olen üle elanud kaks sõda, kaks naist ja Hitleri. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Я пережил две войны, двух жен и Гитлера. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən iki müharibə, iki arvad və Hitleri görmüşəm. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən dahi olmamaq üçün həddindən artıq dəliyəm. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bir xətanı ikinci dəfə təkrar etməyən ən mükəmməl insandır. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Морскую болезнь вызывают у меня люди, а не море. Но, боюсь, наука ещё не нашла лекарства от этого недуга. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dəniz xəstəliyini məndə dəniz yox, insanlar törədir. Ancaq qorxuram, çünki, elm hələ bu xəstəliyə bir çarə tapmamışdır. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Una guida per il suo popolo, non sostenuta da autorità esterna: un politico il cui successo non posa sull'artificio né sul possesso di espedienti tecnici, ma semplicemente sulla forza carismatica della sua personalità; un combattente vincitore che ha sempre disdegnato l'uso della forza; un uomo saggio e umile, armato di una determinazione e di una coerenza inflessibili, che ha dedicato tutta la propria forza all'elevazione del suo popolo e al miglioramento della sua sorte; un uomo che ha affrontato la brutalità dell'Europa con la dignità dei semplici, e quindi, assurgendo ogni volta a superiore. Può darsi che le generazioni avvenire stenteranno a credere che un individuo simile abbia mai calpestato in carne e ossa questa terra. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Cazibə qanunları aşiq olanların uçuşuna təsir etmir. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    כל ההרפתקאות מתחלקות לשתי קבוצות: איסוף בולים ופיזיקה." ~ מיוחס במקור לארנסט רתרפורד (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Una vida tranquil·la i modesta dóna més felicitat que la recerca de l'èxit lligada amb un malestar constant. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Tylus, kuklus gyvenimas suteikia daugiau laimės nei sėkmingi siekiai, susiję su nuolatiniu nerimu. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Yaşaya biləcəyimiz ən gözəl şey sirr hissidir. Heç vaxt bu hissi yaşamayan, düşünməyən insan ölü bir insana bənzəyir və onun gözləri bağlıdır. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Mundua ez dago arriskuan gizaki gaiztoengatik, gaiztakeria baimentzen dutenengatik baizik. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Życie niemal na pewno ma sens. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il rapporto più importante della sua vita fu quello con sua moglie, che gli era anche compagna di lavoro, una personalità insolitamente forte e risoluta, intellettualmente dotata quanto lui. la ripagò con una venerazione e un amore quali non mi è stato dato spesso di riscontrare nel corso della mia vita. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Jeigu idėja iš pirmo žvilgsnio neatrodo absurdiška – ji yra beviltiška. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər ideya ilk məqamda absurd görünmürsə, o ümidsizdir! (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Visi žinojo, kad to padaryti neįmanoma. Vienas to nežinojo, ir padarė atradimą. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Ką žmogus mąsto savarankiškai, neįtakotas kitų žmonių minčių ir patirties, yra geriausiu atveju apgailėtina ir monotoniška. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Posedovanje sijajnih novih sredstev za proizvodnjo ni prineslo svobode, temveč skrb in lakoto. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Səhv etməyən insan yoxdur; insanlıq bütün səhvləri qəbul etmək və onları düzəltməklə yaranır. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    התצפיות בדבר 'קרינת גוף שחור', פוטו־לומינסנסיה, יצירת קרני קתודה על ידי אור אולטרה סגול וקבוצות אחרות של תופעות הנוגעות ליצירת אור ובליעת אור נראו מובנות יותר אם מניחים שהאנרגיה של האור מחולקת התחלקות לא רציפה במרחב. (RDF)
  • sv: Swedish
    Bibeln är en samling aktningsvärda men ändå primitiva legender och hur som helst tämligen barnsliga. Einstein i ett brev 1954. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מטרת המדע היא מצד אחד, להבין באופן השלם ביותר את הקשר שבין ההתנסויות הנתפשות בכללותן, ומצד שני, להשיג את המטרה הזאת באמצעות מינימום של מושגים ראשוניים של קשרים. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non è facile definire chiaramente il termine "verità scientifica": del pari, il senso della parola "verità" è diverso a seconda che si riferisca a fatti psicologici, a una proporzione matematica o a una teoria di scienza naturale. Ma non posso proprio farmi un'idea chiara di ciò che s'intende per "verità religiosa. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Qarşılaşacağınız ən gözəl həyat bilinməyəndir. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Nesėkmė ir netekimas yra geriausi mokytojai ir apsivalymo priemonės. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dünyanı güclə saxlamaq olmaz. Buna yalnız dərk etməklə nail olmaq olar. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If one purges the Judaism of the Prophets and Christianity as Jesus Christ taught it of all subsequent additions, especially those of the priests, one is left with a teaching which is capable of curing all the social ills of humanity. It is the duty of every man of good will to strive steadfastly in his own little world to make this teaching of pure humanity a living force, so far as he can. If he makes an honest attempt in this direction without being crushed and trampled under foot by his contemporaries, he may consider himself and the community to which he belongs lucky. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Quella che chiamiamo fisica comprende quel gruppo di scienze naturali che basano i propri concetti su misurazioni; e i cui concetti e affermazioni si prestano a una formulazione matematica. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sono riuscito a dimostrare, con un calcolo semplice, che le equazioni di gravitazione valgono per ogni sistema di riferimento che soddisfi a queste condizioni. Ne consegue che esistono trasformazioni d'accelerazione di varia natura, che mutano le equazioni in sé stesse , cosicché l'ipotesi di equivalenza si conserva nella sua forma più primitiva, e perfino in misura insospettabilmente ampia. L'equivalenza rigorosa tra massa inerziale e massa gravitazionale, e anche massa del campo gravitazionale, l'avevo già dimostrata, credo, all'epoca della tua visita. A questo punto indipendentemente dal fatto che l'osservazione dell'eclisse solare abbia o non abbia successo, mi ritengo soddisfatto, e non dubito più della validità di tutto il sistema: la fondatezza della cosa è fin troppo evidente. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Fu allora che avvenne il grande sconvolgimento al quale resteranno sempre legati i nomi di, Maxwell e Hertz; ma è Maxwell che in questa rivoluzione ha avuto la parte del leone. Egli ha dimostrato che quanto si conosceva allora intorno alla luce e ai fenomeni elettromagnetici è rappresentato dal suo noto sistema doppio delle equazioni differenziali parziali, nelle quali il campo elettrico e il campo magnetico intervengono come variabili dipendenti. Maxwell a dire il vero ha cercato di dare una base a queste equazioni o di giustificarle per mezzo delle idee della meccanica. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bonba atomikoaren indarra gera zezakeen armaren bati buruz galdetu zidatenean, nik denetan onena iradoki nuen: bakea. (RDF)
  • af: Afrikaans
    'ne Laege maag is gènne gooje politieke advisäör. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az üres gyomor rossz politikai tanácsadó. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Uno stomaco vuoto non è un buon consigliere politico. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Pusty żołądek nie jest dobrym doradcą politycznym. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Spinoza è una delle personalità più profonde e pure che la nostra stirpe ebraica abbia mai prodotto. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    تا زمانی که حتی یک کودک ناخرسند روی زمین وجود دارد، هیچ کشف و پیشرفت جدی برای بشر وجود نخواهد داشت. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ne beszéljünk addig nagy felfedezésekről vagy haladásról, míg a világon egyetlen boldogtalan kisgyerek is létezik. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dünyada bir nəfər dahi uşaq bədbəxt qaldığı müddətcə, böyük icadlar və irəliləmələr yoxdur. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bu dünyada bir uşaq belə xoşbəxt olmadığı müddətcə böyük kəşflər və yüksəlişlər heçdir. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    כל האנשים מוצלחים. אבל אם ימדדו הצלחה של דג לפי יכולתו לטפס על עץ-הוא יחשוב שהוא כישלון. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kaip mokslininkas aš tikiu, kad gamta yra tobula struktūra, matoma iš priežastingumo ir loginės analizės atskaitos taško. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Dentre todas as comunidades , a única que eu gostaria de pertencer e me dedicar é a dos verdadeiros pesquisadores, que só conta com alguns raros membros vivos. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kuo daugiau šalis gamina ginklų, tuo nesaugesnė ji tampa: jei tu turi ginklų, tu tampi puolimo taikiniu. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Im więcej dany kraj produkuje broni, tym mniej bezpieczny się staje – ten, kto ma broń, stanowi cel ataku. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Não acredito que objetos assim possam existir. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Al principio todos los pensamientos pertenecen al amor. Después, todo el amor pertenece a los pensamientos. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ha a zsidóságot a prófétáktól és a kereszténységet – úgy, amint azt Jézus Krisztus tanította – a későbbiek, de különösen a papok toldalékaitól leválasztjuk, úgy olyan tant kapunk, amely alkalmas az emberiség szociális betegségeinek meggyógyítására. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən yaşayıram və xoşbəxt olmağımınn əsas səbəbi də budur. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həyat yalnız iki şey üçün gözəldir; riyaziyyatı kəşf etmə və öyrətmə. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Hər müharibə insanlığın irəliləməsini maneə törədən pislik zəncirinə bir halqa əlavə edər. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jest to właściwie jakiś cud, że nowoczesny system nauczania nie zadusił do końca świętej ciekawości badawczej. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Then I would have felt sorry for the dear Lord. The theory is correct. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    In tal caso mi spiacerebbe proprio per il buon Dio: la teoria è giusta! (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wtedy współczułbym kochanemu Bogu. Teoria jest poprawna. (RDF)
  • en: English
    When we survey our lives and endeavors we soon observe that almost the whole of our actions and desires are bound up with the existence of other human beings. We see that our whole nature resembles that of the social animals. We eat food that others have grown, wear clothes that others have made, live in houses that others have built. The greater part of our knowledge and beliefs has been communicated to us by other people through the medium of a language which others have created. Without language our mental capacities would be poor indeed, comparable to those of the higher animals; we have, therefore, to admit that we owe our principal advantage over the beasts to the fact of living in human society. The individual, if left alone from birth would remain primitive and beast-like in his thoughts and feelings to a degree that we can hardly conceive. The individual is what he is and has the significance that he has not so much in virtue of his individuality, but rather as a member of a great human society, which directs his material and spiritual existence from the cradle to the grave. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A világ örök titka a megismerhetősége (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    dove la fiducia nell'onnipotenza della forza fisica ha il sopravvento sulla vita politica, tale forza assume una vita a sé e si rivela superiore agli uomini che pensano di usare la forza come strumento. (RDF)
  • en: English
    One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitve and childlike – and yet it is the most precious we have. (RDF)
  • en: English
    One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike—and yet it is the most precious thing we have. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ho imparato una cosa nella mia lunga vita, e cioè che rispetto alla realtà tutta la nostra scienza è primitiva e infantile, eppure è la cosa più preziosa che abbiamo. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Vienas dalykas, kurio aš išmokau per ilgą gyvenimą – kad visas mūsų mokslas, palyginus jį su realybe, yra primityvus ir vaikiškas. Ir vis dėlto tai yra pats vertingiausias dalykas, kurį mes turime. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Cała nasza nauka, w porównaniu z rzeczywistością, jest prymitywna i dziecinna – ale nadal jest to najcenniejsza rzecz, jaką posiadamy. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Uma coisa que aprendi nessa longa vida: toda nossa ciência, comparada com a realidade, é primitiva e infantil- ainda assim é a coisa mais preciosa que nós temos. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Единственное, чему научила меня моя долгая жизнь: что вся наша наука перед лицом реальности выглядит примитивно и по-детски наивно — и всё же это самое ценное, что у нас есть. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Nečesa sem se naučil v dolgem življenju: v primerjavi s svetom je vsa naša znanost primitivna in otročja, a je vseeno najdragocenejše, kar imamo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Usiamo solo il 10% del nostro cervello. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A kutatót az egyetemes érvelés érzése tartja hatalmában. Vallásos érzülete a természeti törvények harmóniájának elbűvölő csodálatában ölt formát, ami egy olyan felsőbbrendű intelligenciát tükröz, melyhez képest az emberiség módszeres gondolkodása és tettei teljesen jelentéktelenek. Ez kétségtelenül hasonlít ahhoz, ami minden érában a vallásos lángelméket hatalmában tartotta. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ma lo scienziato è posseduto dal senso di causalità cosmica. Il suo sentimento religioso prende la forma di uno stupore rapito davanti all'armonia della legge naturale, che rivela un'intelligenza di tale superiorità che, al confronto, tutto il pensiero e l'agire sistematici degli esseri umani sono un riflesso assolutamente insignificante. Questo sentimento è indubbiamente molto vicino a quello che ha posseduto gli spiriti religiosi di tutti i tempi. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Quanto ai tedeschi, non ho cambiato opinione; d'altronde, è un'opinione che risale a prima del periodo nazista. Alla nascita tutti gli uomini sono più o meno uguali, ma i tedeschi hanno una tradizione più pericolosa che non gli altri popoli cosiddetti civili. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אל תדאגי מהקשיים שלך במתמטיקה – אני מבטיח לך ששלי גדולים יותר." ~ לתלמידת גימנסיה ברברה וילסון, 7 בינואר 1943 (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    اگر انسان‌ها در طول عمر خویش فعالیت مغزشان به اندازه یک میلیونیوم معده‌شان بود، اکنون کره زمین تعریف دیگری داشت. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Xəyal elmdən daha əhəmiyyətlidir, çünki elm məhduddur. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    So che per l'Italia tu nutri un'attrazione incurabile, così come molti ebrei tedeschi per la Germania. Questo genere di debolezza sentimentale è da ricondurre alla nostra nostalgia per una dimora stabile su questa terra effimera, in questo illudendoci, a torto, che i goyim ne abbiano una e solo noi no. Credo però che non sia una vera patria una terra dove un uomo di buon senso non può nemmeno aprire il becco. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš tikiu intuicija ir įkvėpimu. Kartais jaučiu esąs teisus, o ne žinau tai. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Колко жалък е физикът-теоретик, когато се изправи пред Природата — и пред студентите си! (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İntellektik inkişaf doğuşla başlamalı, ölümlə sona çatmalıdır. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Un hombre se convierte en imagen de la cosa que odia. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    si sappiano non solo tollerare le differenze tra gli individui e i gruppi, ma accettarle di buon grado e considerarle un arricchimento della nostra esistenza. È questa l'essenza della vera tolleranza; senza una tolleranza intesa in questa accezione più vasta non si potrà parlare di vera moralità. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Una vita che miri principalmente a soddisfare i desideri personali conduce prima o poi a un'amara delusione. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Gyvenimas, nukreiptas į asmenišką troškimų tenkinimą, anksčiau ar vėliau atves prie kartaus nusivylimo. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Kur është në pyetje morali, shkolla s'mund të ndihmojë shumë. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Pensiamo a un propagarsi di onde su una superficie d'acqua. Il fenomeno può essere visto in due modi differenti. Può pensarsi, cioè, che muti nel tempo la superficie ondosa che costituisce la frontiera tra acqua e aria; ma può pensarsi anche, riferendosi per esempio a corpuscoli galleggianti, che muti nel tempo la posizione di ogni singola particella liquida. Supponiamo che non si abbiano siffatti galleggianti a permetterci di osservare il moto delle particelle del fluido, e, in generale, che del fenomeno sia unicamente osservabile il cambiamento di posizione dello spazio occupato dall'acqua . In tali condizioni non avremmo modo alcuno di supporre che l'acqua sia composta di particelle mobili, e tuttavia potremmo considerarla comunque un buon mezzo. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I believe, indeed, that overemphasis on the purely intellectual attitude, often directed solely to the practical and factual, in our education, has led directly to the impairment of ethical values. I am not thinking so much of the dangers with which technical progress has directly confronted mankind, as of the stifling of mutual human considerations by a "matter-of-fact" habit of thought which has come to lie like a killing frost upon human relations. ... The frightful dilemma of the political world situation has much to do with this sin of omission on the part of our civilization. Without "ethical culture," there is no salvation for humanity. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Dal momento che non prevedo che l'energia atomica potrà risultare di grande vantaggio ancora per molto tempo, debbo dire che attualmente essa costituisce una minaccia. Forse è bene che sia così. Potrà agire da deterrente per la razza umana spingendola a mettere ordine nei propri affari internazionali, cosa che, senza la pressione della paura, di sicuro essa non farebbe. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    il giudaismo ha un grande debito di riconoscenza verso il Sionismo. Il movimento sionista ha risvegliato tra gli ebrei il senso della comunità. Ha svolto una proficua attività superando qualunque aspettativa. Questo proficuo lavoro in Palestina, a cui hanno contribuito ebrei di ogni parte del mondo pronti all'abnegazione, ha sollevato un gran numero di nostri fratelli dal bisogno più atroce. In particolare è stato possibile avviare una parte non esigua dei nostri giovani a una vita di lavoro gioioso e creativo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Senza dubbio, anche qui, il fatto sperimentale è la guida onnipossente; ma il suo verdetto non è applicabile che basandosi su un lavoro potente e delicato, che ha in primo luogo stabilito i vincoli fra gli assiomi e gli eventi verificabili. E il teorico deve eseguire questo lavoro gigantesco con la chiara coscienza di essere forse chiamato a giustificare la condanna a morte della sua teoria. Non si deve biasimare, tacciandolo di soverchia fantasia, il teorico che intraprende questo studio: ma bisogna al contrario provare la sua fantasia, perché, tutto ben considerato, non c'è per lui altro cammino per arrivare allo scopo: in ogni caso non è una fantasia senza disegno, ma una ricerca eseguita in vista di possibilità logicamente più semplici e delle loro conseguenze. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Personalmente ho provato il piacere più grande a contatto con le opere d'arte. Mi danno una felicità che non riesco a trovare altrove. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Bisogna tenersi lontani dalle imprese dubbie anche quando portano un nome altisonante. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    I tedeschi sono responsabili come intero popolo di questi assassini di massa e come popolo vanno puniti, se nel mondo c'è giustizia e se nelle nazioni la coscienza della responsabilità collettiva non deve sparire definitivamente dalla terra. Dietro il partito nazista c'è il popolo tedesco, che ha eletto Hitler dopo che questi aveva manifestato con chiarezza e senza alcuna possibilità di fraintendimento nel suo libro e nei suoi discorsi le sue vergognose intenzioni. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    citaĵo el intervujo per G. S. Viereck, 1929 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ma nulla è stato fatto per scongiurare la guerra, mentre molto è stato fatto per rendere la guerra atomica ancora più orribile; non ci sono giustificazioni, di conseguenza, per aver ignorato il pericolo. Dico che non è stato fatto nulla per scongiurare la guerra a partire dalla messa a punto della bomba atomica, malgrado gli Stati Uniti abbiano avanzato alle Nazioni Unite la proposta di un controllo sovrannazionale dell'energia atomica. Si è trattato di una proposta condizionale, e a condizioni che l'Unione Sovietica è adesso determinata a respingere. Il che consente di addossare ai russi la colpa del fallimento. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Per aconseguir amb total seguretat una resposta favorable d'algú, el millor que es pot fer és oferir-li alguna cosa per a l'estómac, en comptes de per al cervell. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Biz gerçəkliyi dərk etmək cəhdimizlə bağlı saatın mexanizmini öyrənməyə çalışan adamı xatırladırıq. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    la ricerca della sicurezza internazionale implica che ogni Stato rinunci, entro certi limiti, alla propria libertà d'azione, vale a dire alla propria sovranità, ed è incontestabilmente vero che non v'è altra strada per arrivare a siffatta sicurezza. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Dzisiejszemu światu jest potrzebna nie tyle energia termojądrowa, ile raczej energia zamknięta w ludzkim sercu, którą trzeba wyzwolić. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    A moderna antropoloxía dinos, a través de investigacións comparativas das chamadas culturas primitivas, que o comportamento social dos seres humanos pode diferir grndemente, dependendo dos esquemas culturais que prevalezan e dos tipos de organización que predominen na sociedade. Así naqueles casos nos que están quenes tratan de impoñer que o conxunto dos homes poden baixar as súas esperanzas: os seres humanos non son condenados, a causa da súa constitución biolóxica, para aniquilarse mutuamente ou para estar baixo o imperio dun destino cruel e auto inflixido (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Senza il pensiero di te non vorrei più vivere in mezzo a questo miserabile gregge umano. Avere te mi rende fiero, e il tuo amore mi rende felice. Sarò doppiamente felice quando potrò tenerti nuovamente stretta stretta al cuore e rivedere quegli amorosi occhi che brillano solo per me e baciare la tua tenera bocca che vibra di gioia solo per me. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ho sempre mangiato la carne con un pizzico di cattiva coscienza. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš visada valgiau gyvūnų mėsą jausdamas sąžinės graužatį. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Ben her zaman vicdan azabı ile hayvan eti yedim. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Moksliniai tyrimai yra pagrįsti prielaida, kad visi įvykiai, įskaitant žmonijos veiksmus, yra nulemti gamtos dėsnių. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İntellekti ilahiləşdirmək lazım deyil. O, güclü əzələyə malik, lakin simasız bir şəxsiyyətdir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Xəyal ən vacib şeydir, o, həyatımıza cəlb etdiklərimizin əksidir. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A Heisenberg-Bohr-féle megnyugtatási filozófia - vagy vallás? - kieszeli, hogy a hívőknek puha párnát szolgáltat, ahonnan nem könnyű őket felriasztani. Hagyja tehát feküdni őket. Rám azonban ez a vallás kevéssé hat... (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La consolante filosofia di Heisenberg e Bohr e così ben congegnata che, per il momento, offre ai suoi credenti un soffice cuscino di piume dal quale non è facile staccarli. E allora lasciamoceli riposare. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non m'è riuscito di leggerlo: il cervello umano non è complesso fino a questo punto. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    No rehuyamos la lucha cuando se trata de preservar el derecho o la dignidad del hombre; sólo así podremos congratularnos de pertenecer a la humanidad. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ha valaki arra vállalkozik, hogy megítélje, mi igaz és való, vállalkozását az istenek nevetése futtatja zátonyra. (RDF)
  • en: English
    One may say "the eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Cada uno debe ser respetado como una persona y nadie debe ser divinizado. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Kaikkien pitäisi olla kunnioitettuja henkilöinä, mutta kenenkään ei pitäisi olla palvottu. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həll sadə olduqda, buna Allah cavab verir. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Considero importante, aínda urxente necesidade, para os traballadores intelectuais ir xuntos, tanto para protexer o seu propio status económico como, falando de xeito xeral, asegurar a súa influencia no campo político. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    In Germania sono stato promosso al rango di bestia feroce e mi sono state confiscate tutte le mie sostanze. Mi consolo pensando che presto se ne sarebbero andate ugualmente. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Nicht auf Personen kommt es an, sondern auf Werke im Dienste der Gemeinschaft. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Jika orang menjadi baik karena mereka takut hukuman dan mengharapkan hadiah, maka kita berada dalam penyesalan yang besar. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    오로지 처벌이 겁나서 그리고 보상을 바라기 때문에 사람들이 선한 것이라면 우리는 정말로 딱한 존재가 아닐 수 없다. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Force always attracts men of low morality. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Jõud köidab alati madalate moraalsete omadustega inimesi. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Güc həmişə əxlaqı aşağı olan insanları cəlb edir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Təcrübə yeganə bilik mənbəyidir. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nel considerare la natura specifica della teoria della relatività, tengo a mettere in evidenza che questa teoria non è di origine speculativa, ma che la scoperta è dovuta completamente e unicamente al desiderio di adattare, quanto meglio possibile, la teoria fisica ai fatti osservati. Non si tratta di un atto rivoluzionario, ma dell'evoluzione naturale di una linea seguita da secoli. Non è a cuor leggero che si sono abbandonate certe idee, considerate fino ad allora come fondamentali, sullo spazio, il tempo e il movimento; il che è stato imposto unicamente dall'osservazione di alcuni fatti. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The development during the present century is characterized by two theoretical systems essentially independent of each other: the theory of relativity and the quantum theory. The two systems do not directly contradict each other; but they seem little adapted to fusion into one unified theory. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Elm atom bombasını kəşf etdi,lakin əsl pislik insanların beyinlərində və qəlblərindədir. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    توجه به انسان و سرنوشتش همواره باید انگیزه اصلی در تلاش‌های فنی باشد. هیچ‌گاه این را در رسم نمودارها و حل معادله‌ها فراموش نکنید. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אם הרעיון של ממשלה עולמית איננו מציאותי, כי אז יש תחזית מציאותית אחת בלבד של עתידנו: רצח בסיטונאות של אדם בידי אדם." ~ הערה על הסרט "היכן תסתתרו", 1948, "כמו שאיינשטיין אמר", עמוד 127 (RDF)
  • de: German
    Was ich an ihm besonders bewundre, ist seine charaktervolle Haltung nicht nur gegen die Unterdrücker seines Volkes, sondern auch gegen alle jene Opportunisten, die immer bereit sind, mit dem Teufel zu paktieren. Er hat klar erkannt, daß die Welt mehr bedroht ist durch die, die das Übel dulden und ihm Vorschub leisten, als durch die Übeltäter selbst. (RDF)
  • en: English
    What I particularly admire in him is the firm stand he has taken, not only against the oppressors of his countrymen, but also against those opportunists who are always ready to compromise with the Devil. He perceives very clearly that the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Es una locura pensar que el mundo pueda cambiar, sin que cambien nuestros modelos mentales. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Ein Mensch ist ein räumlich und zeitlich beschränktes Stück des Ganzen, was wir „Universum" nennen. Er erlebt sich und sein Fühlen als abgetrennt gegenüber dem Rest, eine optische Täuschung seines Bewusstseins. Das Streben nach Befreiung von dieser Fesselung ist der einzige Gegenstand wirklicher Religion. Nicht das Nähren der Illusion sondern nur ihre Überwindung gibt uns das erreichbare Maß inneren Friedens. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Un ser humanoa é unha parte de un todo, chamado por nós Universo, unha parte limitada en temp e espacio. El ten unha experiencia propia, os seus pensamentos e sentementos, como algo separado do resto --unha especie de ilusión óptica da súa consciencia. Esta ilusión é un tipo de prisón para nós, restrinxindo os nosos desexos personais e de afecto a unhas poucas persoas próximas. A nosa tarefa debe ser liberarnos desta prisón pola ampliación dos nosos círculos de compasión para abrazar todas as critaturas vivas e o conxunto da natureza na súa beleza. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'essere umano è una parte di quel tutto che noi chiamiamo "Universo", una parte limitata nello spazio e nel tempo. L'uomo sperimenta sé stesso, i suoi pensieri e i suoi sentimenti scissi dal resto — una sorta di illusione ottica della propria coscienza. Lo sforzo per liberarsi di questa illusione è l'unico scopo di un'autentica religione. Non per alimentare l'illusione ma per cercare di superarla: questa è la strada per conseguire quella misura raggiungibile della pace della mente. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Žmogus – tai dalis visumos, kurią vadiname visata, ir yra apribotas laiko bei erdvės. Save, savo mintis ir jausmus jis suvokia atskirai nuo visumos – savotiškos savo sąmonės optinės apgaulės. Ši apgaulė – lyg tam tikra mūsų norų apribojimo, prisirišimo prie nedidelio ir netoli mūsų esančio žmonių skaičiaus prizmė. Mūsų užduotis yra iš tos priklausomybės išsilaisvinti taip, kad atjauta pasiektų visus gyvus sutvėrimus ir visą prigimties grožį. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O ser humano vivencia a si mesmo, os seus pensamentos como algo separado do resto do universo , numa espécie de ilusão de óptica da sua consciência. E essa ilusão é uma espécie de prisão que nos restringe aos nossos desejos pessoais, conceitos e ao afecto por pessoas mais próximas. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Человек — это часть целого, которое мы называем Вселенной, часть, ограниченная во времени и в пространстве. Он ощущает себя, свои мысли и чувства как нечто отдельное от всего остального мира, что является своего рода оптическим обманом. Эта иллюзия стала темницей для нас, ограничивающей нас миром собственных желаний и привязанностью к узкому кругу близких нам людей. Наша задача — освободиться из этой тюрьмы, расширив сферу своего участия до всякого живого существа, до целого мира, во всем его великолепии. Никто не сможет выполнить такую задачу до конца, но уже сами попытки достичь эту цель являются частью освобождения и основанием для внутренней уверенности. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsan, Kainat adlandırdığımız, zaman və məkanla məhdudlaşırılan vahidin bir hissəsidir. O özünü, düşüncələrini və hisslərini bütün dünyadan ayrı hiss edir. Bu isə optik bir illüziyadır. Bu illüziya arzularımızı, bizə yaxın olan insanlara bağlılığımızı məhdudlaşdırılan bir zindana çevrilib. Bizim vəzifəmiz hər bir canlıya, bütün dünyaya qədər iştirak dairəmizi genişləndirmək və bu həbsxanadan azad olmaqdır. Heç kim belə bir işi sona qədər başa çatdıra bilməz, ancaq bu məqsədə çatmaq üçün edilən cəhdlər azad olmanın bir hissəsi və daxili inamın əsasıdır. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsan - özünü, düşüncələrini və hisslərini bütün dünyadan ayrı hiss edir - və bu onun optik illüziyasıdır. Bu illüziya istəklərimizi məhdudlaşdıraraq bizim üçün bir zindan oldu. Bizim vəzifəmiz hər bir canlıya, bütün dünyaya qədər iştirak dairəmizi genişləndirərək bu həbsxanadan azad olmaqdır. Heç kim bu işi sona qədər başa çatdıra bilməz, ancaq bu məqsədə çatmaq üçün cəhdlər qurtuluşun bir hissəsidir. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מנהיגים הם אלה שגורמים לאנשים ממוצעים לעשות עבודה יוצאת דופן. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    La política tiene un valor pasajero, mientras que una ecuación vale para toda la eternidad. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Heldutasuna besteengatik geuregatik baino gehiago kezkatzen garela sentitzen dugunean hasten da agertzen. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Nə edirsinizsə, onu bacardığınız qədər sadə edin, amma qətiyyən bəsit yox. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הדבר שהכי חשוב לאיש מדע, זה לא התעודות, לא מספר שנות הלימוד, וגם לא הניסיון שלו, אלא האינטואיציה שלו. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Najvažnije za znanstvenika nisu njegove diplome, niti broj godina njegovog znanstvenog rada, pa niti iskustvo, nego posve jednostavno – njegova intuicija. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ma queste ricerche, piene di presentimenti, perseguite nell'ombra per lunghi anni, quell'ardente desiderio di raggiungere lo scopo, quelle alternative di fiducia e di stanchezza, quell'improvviso irrompere della verità luminosa, tutto questo insomma non può essere veramente conosciuto che da colui che l'ha vissuto. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il matrimonio fa sì che due persone si trattino come oggetti di proprietà e non più come esseri umani liberi. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Avevo già saputo della morte di Langevin. Era uno dei miei conoscenti più cari, un vero santo, e di grande talento per di più. È vero che i politici hanno sfruttato la sua bontà, perché era incapace di penetrare le motivazioni squallide, troppo estranee alla sua natura. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bəzi kişilər qadınları anlamağa çalışar, digərləri özlərini daha sadə mövzulara həsr edərlər. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Come nessun altro ha mai fatto prima o dopo di lui, Newton ha indicato il cammino al pensiero, allo studio e alla formazione pratica dell'occidente. Egli non è soltanto il creatore geniale di particolari metodi direttivi, egli ha anche dominato in modo singolare gli elementi empirici conosciuti nel suo tempo e il suo spirito è apparso meravigliosamente ingegnoso nell'argomentazione matematica e fisica. Per tutte queste ragioni egli è degno della nostra alta venerazione. Ma questa nobile figura ha un'importanza anche maggiore di quella dovuta alla sua autorità di maestro perché la sorte lo ha collocato a una svolta dello sviluppo dello spirito umano. Per rendercene esattamente conto, non dobbiamo dimenticare che, prima di Newton, non esisteva alcun sistema ben definito di causalità fisica capace di cogliere i tratti più profondi del mondo dell'esperienza. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Al di fuori della Russia Lenin e Engels non sono ovviamente dei pensatori scientifici apprezzati e non potrebbe interessare a nessuno confutarli come tali. Può darsi che lo stesso sia in Russia, ma lì nessuno si azzarda a dirlo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La seguente derivazione della legge dell'equivalenza, mai pubblicata prima, ha due vantaggi. Benché utilizzi il principio di relatività ristretta, non presuppone il meccanismo formale della teoria, ma si avvale soltanto di tre leggi precedentemente note: 1. La legge della conservazione della quantità di moto. 2. L'espressione per la pressione della radiazione; cioè, la quantità di moto di un complesso di radiazioni che si muovano in direzione fissa. 3. La ben nota espressione per la deviazione della luce . (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kiek daug žmonių gyvena kasdienių įpročių spąstuose – pusiau sustingę, pusiau išsigandę, pusiau abejingi. Jei norime vertingesnio gyvenimo, privalome nuolat rinktis, kaip gyventi. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Es ist schon ein Erfolg, wenn man die Natur dazu zwingen kann, einem die Zunge herauszustrecken. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kodėl šis didingas taikomasis mokslas, kuris tausoja darbą bei palengviną gyvenimą, atneša tiek mažai laimės? Paprastas atsakymas: nes mes neišmokome protingai to panaudoti. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Qui supera la crisi se supera a si mateix sense quedar "superat. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È un vero peccato che, così giovane, debba passare la vita senza poter sperare in una esistenza normale. Per parte mia, non ho più alcuna fiducia nell'assistenza medica da quando ho visto definitivamente fallire la cura d'insulina. Nel complesso ho pochissima stima di tutta la combriccola, e insomma mi sembra meglio lasciar la natura indisturbata. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    దేవుడు జగత్తుతో పాచిక లాడుతాడు. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Vienintelis būdas pabėgti nuo kenksmingo pagyrų poveikio yra eiti dirbti. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Et menneskes sande værdi skal ses i dets evne til at frigøre sig fra sig selv. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained to liberation from the self. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El verdadero valor de un hombre se determina examinando en qué medida y en qué sentido ha logrado liberarse del yo. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Prava vrijednost čovjeka sastoji se u tome, u kojoj mjeri je i u kom smislu mogao da se oslobodi svoga ja. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az ember igazi értékét úgy lehet meghatározni, hogy megvizsgáljuk, mily mértékben és milyen értelemben tudta Énjétől felszabadítani magát. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il vero valore di un essere umano è determinato, in prima istanza, dalla misura e dal senso in cui ha raggiunto la liberazione dal sé. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Tikroji žmogaus vertė yra tai, kokiu laipsniu ir kokia prasme jis pajėgė išsivaduoti iš savojo „aš”. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsanın əsl dəyəri, ilk növbədə, özünün "Mən"indən imtina edə bildiyi ölçü və məna ilə müəyyən edilir. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Pagal paveldą esu žydas, pagal pilietybę – šveicaras, o pagal sandarą – tik žmogus, neturintis jokių sąsajų su valstybe ar nacionaliniu subjektu apskritai. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Gəlir vergisi bəyannaməsi vermək üçün bir filosof olmaq lazım. Bir riyaziyyatçı öhdəsindən gələ bilməz. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Zoria ez da existitzen; Jainkoak ez du dadoetara jolasten. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həqiqət və Biliyi hakim etməyə cəhd edənlər allahların gülüşünə səbəb olacaq. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    I crimini di cui gli ebrei sono stati incolpati nel corso della storia – crimini intesi a giustificare le atrocità perpetrate contro di essi – sono mutati in rapida successione Le accuse contro di loro, accuse della cui falsità gli istigatori erano ogni volta perfettamente consapevoli, superavano ogni immaginazione, ma hanno influenzato ripetutamente le masse. In questo caso, si può parlare di antisemitismo latente. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Riyaziyyat, özünü aldatmağın ən mükəmməl üsuludur. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Od vseh znamenitih ljudi je Marie Curie edina, ki je slava ni pokvarila. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən ölümə nə vaxtsa qaytarılacaq köhnə borc kimi baxmağı öyrəndim. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Raffiniert ist der Herrgott, aber boshaft ist er nicht (RDF)
  • de: German
    Raffiniert ist der Herrgott, aber boshaft ist er nicht. (RDF)
  • en: English
    God is subtle but He is not malicous. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    خداوند زیرک است اما بدخواه نیست. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Isten ravasz, de sohasem rosszindulatú. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Dievas yra ekstravagantiškas, bet ne piktavalis. (RDF)
  • nl: Dutch
    Godis subtiel, maar hij is niet boosaardig. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Pan Bóg jest wyrafinowany, ale nie jest perfidny. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Chúa trời tinh tế nhưng không xảo quyệt. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    E=mc²" ~ הקשר בין אנרגיה לחומר, כאשר E מסמל אנרגיה, m – מסה ו־c מסמל את מהירות האור. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A régi törvények érvényüket vesztik, mihelyt a mozgó test sebessége megközelíti a fényét... A tömeg tulajdonképpen energia, viszont az energiának is van tömege. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Posem fi d'una vegada a l'única crisi amenaçadora, que és la tragèdia de no voler lluitar per superar-la. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    ولی فراموش نشود که در این بین، عدهٔ قلیلی از افراد و اجتماعات یافت می‌شوند که یک معنای واقعی از وجود خدا را در ماورای اوهام دریافته‌اند که واقعاً دارای خصایص و مشخصات بسیار عالی و تفکرات عمیق و معقول بوده، و به هیچ وجه قابل قیاس با عقیده عموم نیست. اما یک عقیده و مذهب ثالث بدون استثناء در بین همه وجود دارد، گر چه با شکل خالص و یک دست، در هیچ‌کدام یافت نمی‌شود. من آن را احساس مذهبیِ آفرینشِ وجود می‌دانم. بسیار مشکل است که این احساس را برای کسی که کاملاً فاقد آن است، توضیح دهم. به خصوص که در اینجا دیگر از آن خدایی که به اشکال مختلف تظاهر می‌کند، بحثی نیست. در این مذهب، فرد کوچکیِ آمال و هدف‌های بشر و عظمت و جلالی که در ماورای امور و پدیده‌ها در طبیعت و افکار تظاهر می‌نماید، حس می‌کند. او وجود خود را یک نوع زندان می‌پندارد، چنان‌که می‌خواهد از قفس تن پرواز کند و تمام هستی را یکباره بعنوان یک حقیقت واحد دریابد. ابتدایِ این مذهب و آثارِ شروع آن، به اوایل شروع تمدن بشری می‌رسد … نوابغِ اعصار گذشته، به وسیلهٔ این نوع احساس مذهبی که نه به اصول دین کار دارد و نه با خدایی که به تصور آدمیان درآید، مشخص شده‌اند، بطوری که اکنون هیچ کلیسایی وجود ندارد که اصول آموزش آن، متکی بر این عقیده باشد. به این معنی که فقط در بین بدعت گذاران قرون، می‌توان بطور صریح، اشخاصی را یافت که مملو از عالیترین احساساتِ این مذهب بوده و در احوال مختلف، مورد احترامِ معاصرینِ خویش قرار گرفته‌اند، بی دینان و گاهی بعضی مقدسان، مردانی نظیر دموکریتوس، فرانسیس آسی سی و اسپینوزا -که تقریباً همه شبیه یکدیگرند- از این راه گذشته‌اند … به نظر من، این مهمترین وظیفه هنر و علم است که این حس را برانگیزد و آن را در وجودِ کسانی که صلاحیت دارند، زنده نگاه دارد… از طرف دیگر، من تأیید می‌کنم که این مذهب وجود، یا مذهبِ عالمِ هستی، قویترین و عالیترین محرک تحقیقات و مطالعات علمی بوده‌است. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Tuttavia c'è un terzo stato di esperienza religiosa che li riguarda tutti, sebbene solo raramente si trovi nella sua forma pura, e che chiameremo sentimento religioso cosmico. È molto difficile spiegare questo sentimento a chi ne sia totalmente privo, specialmente perché non c'è alcun concetto antropomorfico di Dio che vi corrisponde. L'individuo percepisce l'inutilità dei desideri e degli scopi umani e la sublimità e l'ordine meraviglioso che si manifestano in natura e nel mondo del pensiero. Considera l'esistenza individuale come una sorta di prigione e vuole indagare l'universo come un tutto unico pieno di significato. Grandi spiriti religiosi di tutti i tempi si sono distinti per questo tipo di sentimento religioso che non conosce né dogmi né un Dio concepito a immagine dell'uomo; così non vi può essere una Chiesa i cui insegnamenti centrali vi siano basati. Secondo me, la funzione più importante dell'arte e della scienza è proprio quella di risvegliare questo sentimento e tenerlo vivo in quelli che non sono in grado di sentirlo. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Devemos muito aos indianos, que nos ensinaram a contar, técnica sem a qual nenhuma descoberta científica relevante poderia ter sido feita (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Ако моята теория за относителността се потвърди, немците ще кажат, че съм немец, а французите — че съм гражданин на света; но ако теорията ми бъде опровергана, французите ще ме обявят за немец, а немците — за евреин. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Se a miña teoría da relatividade é correcta, Alemania reclamarame como alemán e Francia dirá que son un home do mundo. Se se manifesta errónea, Francia dirá que son alemán e Alemania dirá que son xudeo. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    اگر نظریه نسبیت من به اثبات برسد آلمان مدعی آلمانی بودنم می‌شود و فرانسه اعلام می‌کند من شهروند جهانم. اما اگر نظریه‌ام درست نباشد فرانسه مرا آلمانی و آلمان یهودی ام خواهند خواند. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Jos suhteellisuusteoriani todistetaan oikeaksi, Saksa pitää minua saksalaisena ja Ranska maailmankansalaisena. Jos teoriani osoittautuu vääräksi, Ranska sanoo minua saksalaiseksi ja Saksa juutalaiseksi. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אם תורת היחסות שלי תוכח כנכונה, הגרמנים יקראו לי גרמני, השווייצרים יקראו לי שווייצרי והצרפתים יקראו לי מדען גדול. אם היחסות תוכח כלא נכונה הצרפתים יקראו לי שווייצרי, השווייצרים יקראו לי גרמני והגרמנים יקראו לי יהודי. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se verrà dimostrato che la mia teoria della relatività è valida, la Germania dirà che sono tedesco e la Francia che sono cittadino del mondo. Se la mia teoria dovesse essere sbagliata, la Francia dirà che sono un tedesco e la Germania che sono un ebreo. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jeżeli teoria względności okaże się prawdziwa to Niemcy nazwą mnie wielkim Niemcem, Szwajcarzy Szwajcarem, a Francuzi wielkim uczonym. Jeżeli natomiast teoria względności okaże się błędna, wtedy Francuzi nazwą mnie Szwajcarem, Szwajcarzy Niemcem, a Niemcy Żydem. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Se a minha teoria da relatividade estiver correta, a Alemanha dirá que sou alemão, e a França, que sou cidadão do mundo. Mas se eu estiver errado, a França sustentará que sou alemão, e a Alemanha garantirá que sou judeu. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Благодаря тому, что сегодня теория относительности удовлетворяет вкусам читателей, в Германии меня называют немецким учёным, а для Англии я являюсь швейцарским евреем. Если же дойдёт до моего очернения, то характеристики поменяются местами, и для Германии я стану швейцарским евреем, а для Англии — немецким учёным. (RDF)
  • sk: Slovak
    Nech sú dobrí a spravodlíví ľudia akíkoľvek, už len kvôli nim sa oplatí žiť. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'eletto del popolo eletto. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Moksliniame mąstyme visuomet esama poezijos elemento. Tikras mokslas ir tikra muzika reikalauja vienatipio mąstymo. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mano karjera neabejotinai nulemta ne mano paties valia, bet įvairių aplinkybių, kurių aš negalėjau kontroliuoti. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    איני רוצה ואיני יכול לחשוב על אדם המוסיף להתקיים אחרי מותו הגופני; נניח לנשמות חלשות לטפח מחשבות כאלה מתוך פחד או מתוך אנוכיות מגוחכת." ~ מתוך 'אלברט איינשטיין-רעיונות ודעות', עמוד 7. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həyat, velosiped sürmək kimidir. Tarazlığını saxlamaq üçün hərəkət etməlisən. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Per quel che riguarda l'uomo primitivo è soprattutto la paura a evocare nozioni religiose . (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wolność nauczania i wyrażania opinii w książkach i prasie stanowi podstawę zdrowego i naturalnego rozwoju każdego społeczeństwa. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər sizdə toplama pis alınırsa, o zaman o vurulacaq. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Miłość jest lepszym nauczycielem niż obowiązek. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Eşq, vəzifədən daha yaxşı bir müəllimdir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Sevgi, vəzifədən daha yaxşı bir müəllimdir. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Matematika – tobulas būdas vedžioti save už nosies. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Η γεωμετρία δεν ασχολείται με τη σχέση που υπάρχει μεταξύ των εννοιών της και των αντικειμένων της πείρας, αλλά μόνον με τη λογική σχέση που υπάρχει μεταξύ των εννοιών της. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Bất cứ ai cho mình quyền phán xét thế nào là Sự thật và Tri thức đều trở thành hề đối với Chúa trời. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The moral decline we are compelled to witness and the suffering it engenders are so oppressive that one cannot ignore them even for a moment. No matter how deeply one immerses oneself in work, a haunting feeling of inescapable tragedy persists. Still, there are moments when one feels free from one's own identification with human limitations and inadequacies. At such moments, one imagines that one stands on some spot of a small planet, gazing in amazement at the cold yet profoundly moving beauty of the eternal, the unfathomable: life and death flow into one, and there is neither evolution nor destiny; only being. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ma non è necessario immaginare che un'esplosione stellare distrugga la terra come una Nova per capire con chiarezza la crescente distruttività di una guerra atomica e riconoscere che, a meno di impedire un'altra guerra, è probabile che si arrivi a devastazioni su scala mai ritenuta possibile prima d'ora, e a stento concepibili anche adesso, e che ad esse sopravviverebbe ben poco della nostra società. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אינני פציפיסט בלבד, אלא פציפיסט לוחם. אני מוכן להילחם למען השלום... האם לא מוטב לו לאדם למות למען מטרה שהוא מאמין בה כמו השלום, מאשר לסבול למען מטרה שאינו מאמין בה, כמו המלחמה?" ~ מתוך ריאיון בביקור בארצות הברית (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Žmogaus vertė turi būti matuojama tuo, ką jis duoda, o ne tuo, ko jis gali pasiekti. Stenkitės tapti ne sėkmingu, o vertingu žmogumi. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsanın dəyəri verdikləri ilə ölçülür, nail olduqları ilə yox. Çalışın, bəxtəvər insan yox, dəyərli insan olun. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Prawda to dążenie do wyznaczenia z niewiadomej. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    התבונן בטבע, ואז תבין דברים טוב יותר. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    प्रकृति में गहराई तक देखें और तब आप सब कुछ बेहतर समझ पाएँगे। (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Žvelk giliau, giliau į gamtą, ir tada suprasi viską geriau. (RDF)
  • sv: Swedish
    För mig är Gud inget annat än ett uttryck för och en produkt av människans svagheter. Einstein i ett brev 1954. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Alt hvad der findes, findes fordi der er brug for det. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Դու երբեք չես լուծի խնդիրը, եթե մտածես նույն կերպ, ինչ այն ստեղծելիս։ (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər problemi yaradan kimi düşünürsənsə, o problemi heç vaxt həll edə bilməyəcəksən. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La paura o la stupidità sono sempre state alla base della maggior parte delle azioni umane. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Baimė ir kvailumas visada buvo žmonių veiksmų pagrindai. (RDF)
  • en: English
    When a man after long years of searching chances on a thought which discloses something of the beauty of this mysterious universe, he should not therefore be personally celebrated. He is already sufficiently paid by his experience of seeking and finding. In science, moreover, the work of the individual is so bound up with that of his scientific predecessors and contemporaries that it appears almost as an impersonal product of his generation. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Men nafaqat patsifistman, balki jangovar patsifistdirman. Odamlarning oʻzlari urushga borishdan bosh tortishishmasa, urush hech qachon tugamaydi. (RDF)
  • en: English
    You will hardly find one among the profounder sort of scientific minds without a peculiar religious feeling of his own. But it is different from the religion of the naive man. For the latter God is a being from whose care one hopes to benefit and whose punishment one fears; a sublimation of a feeling similar to that of a child for its father, a being to whom one stands to some extent in a personal relation, however deeply it may be tinged with awe. But the scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation. The future, to him, is every whit as necessary and determined as the past. There is nothing divine about morality, it is a purely human affair. His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection. This feeling is the guiding principle of his life and work, in so far as he succeeds in keeping himself from the shackles of selfish desire. It is beyond question closely akin to that which has possessed the religious geniuses of all ages. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nehezen találsz olyan komoly gondolkodású elmét, akinek ne lenne egyéni vallásos világképe. De ez a vallásosság különbözik a naiv emberétől. Az utóbbiak Isten gondoskodásából hasznot várnak, félnek haragjától; egy olyan érzés szublimálása ez, ami hasonlít az apa és gyerek közötti kapcsolathoz. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Fra le menti scientifiche più profonde difficilmente ne troverete una priva di un particolare sentimento religioso tutto suo. Tuttavia è diverso dalla religione dell'uomo semplice. Per quest'ultimo Dio è un essere dalla cui attenzione si spera di trarre beneficio e di cui si teme la punizione; una sublimazione di un sentimento simile a quello di un figlio verso il padre, un essere con cui in qualche modo si ha una relazione personale, per quanto profondamente possa essere mista a paura. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La curiosità è una piantina delicata che, a parte gli stimoli, ha bisogno soprattutto di libertà. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Sotasankaruus, sokea väkivalta ja kaikki se vastenmielinen roska, joka kulkee isänmaallisuuden nimessä - kuinka paljon niitä vihaankaan! (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Heroizmas pagal komandą, bejausmis smurtas ir visas pasibjaurėtinas absurdas, kuris eina po patriotizmo vardu – kaip aistringai aš jo nekenčiu! (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Bohaterstwo na rozkaz, bezsensowna przemoc i cała ta obmierzła paplanina, którą nazywa się patriotyzmem – jakże serdecznie tego wszystkiego nienawidzę! Wojna jest niska i godna pogardy. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    我々という言葉に疑問を感じる。誰も隣の人間と同じではない。 (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Տեսությունն այն է, երբ ամեն ինչ հայտնի է, բայց ոչինչ չի աշխատում։ Պրակտիկան այն է, երբ բոլորն աշխատում են, բայց ոչ ոք չգիտի՝ ինչու։ Մենք միավորում ենք տեսությունն ու պրակտիկան։ Ոչինչ չի աշխատում, և ոչ ոք չգիտի՝ ինչու։ (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    בתיאוריה – יודעים הכל אבל שום דבר לא עובד. בפועל – הכל עובד אבל לא יודעים למה. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Nəzəriyyə - hər şey məlumdur, amma heç nə işləmir. Praktika- hər şey işləyir, amma niyə işlədiyini heç kim bilmir. Biz nəzəriyyəni və praktikanı birləşdiririk: heç nə işləmir... və niyə işləmədiyini də heç kim bilmir! (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    悪に感化される人がいる事よりも、悪を看過する人がいる事の方が危ないのです。 (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Szintén sok tudományos elképzelésen elmélkedtem, miközben a babakocsidat tologattam (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    le idee si riferiscono alle esperienze dei sensi, ma non possono mai derivarne logicamente. Per questa ragione non ho mai potuto comprendere la questione della priori nel senso di Kant. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Why does this magnificent applied science which saves work and makes life easier bring us so little happiness? The simple answer runs: Because we have not yet learned to make sensible use of it. In war it serves that we may poison and mutilate each other. In peace it has made our lives hurried and uncertain. Instead of freeing us in great measure from spiritually exhausting labor, it has made men into slaves of machinery, who for the most part complete their monotonous long day's work with disgust and must continually tremble for their poor rations. ... It is not enough that you should understand about applied science in order that your work may increase man's blessings. Concern for the man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavours; concern for the great unsolved problems of the organization of labor and the distribution of goods in order that the creations of our mind shall be a blessing and not a curse to mankind. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kas nepripažįsta, jog esama neištiriamos paslapties, tas net ir negali būti mokslininkas. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Přehnaně soutěživý postoj je vštěpován do studenta, který je vychováván k uctívání zištného úspěchu jako příprava na jeho budoucí kariéru. Náš celý vzdělávací systém tímto zlem strádá. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Considero tale storpiamento della coscienza dei singoli il peggiore dei mali del capitalismo. Tutto il nostro sistema educativo ne è contagiato. Si inculca un atteggiamento di esagerata competizione negli studenti, che vengono esortati all'adorazione del successo acquisitivo in preparazione della loro carriera futura. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həyatınızda kiçik bir şeyi dəyişdirmək istəyirsinizsə-münasibətinizi, böyük dəyişikliklər istəyirsinizsə, düşüncənizi dəyişdirin. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Kütlənin ardınca gedən kütlənin çatdığı yerə qədər gedə bilər, amma ondan uzağa yox. Təkbaşına isə heç kimin heç vaxt getmədiyi yerlərə gedib çıxmaq olar. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I never failed in mathematics. Before I was fifteen I had mastered differential and integral calculus. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Weder geschrieben noch gesprochen scheinen Wörter und Sprache irgendeine Rolle in meinem Denkprozeß zu spielen. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Słowa czy język, tak jak je piszemy czy wymawiamy, wydają się nie odgrywać żadnej roli w mechanizmie mojego myślenia. Psychiczne całostki, które wydają się służyć jako elementy tego myślenia, to pewne znaki czy obrazy, mniej lub bardziej wyraziste, można je jednak „dowolnie” odtwarzać czy łączyć. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Elfogadhatjuk az éter létezését, csak fel kell hagynunk a konkrét mozgásállapotának meghatározásával, azaz el kell vennünk az utolsó mechanikai tulajdonságát is, amelyet még Lorentz meghagyott. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Уравненията са най-важни за мен, защото политиката се занимава с настоящето, а уравненията са за вечността. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Yes, we now have to divide up our time like that, between politics and our equations. But to me our equations are far more important, for politics are only a matter of present concern. A mathematical equation stands forever. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Si, temos que dividir o noso tempo así, entre a nosa política e as nosas ecuacións. Pero para min a nosas ecuacións son de lonxe máis importantes. A política é só algo que concerne ó presente. Unha ecuación matemática permanece por sempre. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Bisogna spartire il proprio tempo tra la politica e le equazioni. Ma per me, le nostre equazioni sono molto più importanti, perché la politica è per il presente, ma le nostre equazioni sono per l'eternità. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    As equações são mais importantes para mim, porque a política é para o presente, mas uma equação é algo para a eternidade. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Các phương trình quan trọng hơn đối với tôi, vì chính trị là để cho hiện tại, còn các phương trình là để cho muôn đời. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Eyni şeyi dəfələrlə edib fərqli nəticələr gözləyən insan axmaqdır. Axmaqlarla dolu dünya dözülməzdir. Çünki dahiliyin mütləq bir sərhəddi vardır, lakin axmaqlığın isə əsla … (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Solo coloro che tentano cose assurde possono raggiungere l'impossibile. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Yalnız absurd cəhdlər göstərənlər mümkünsüz şeylərə nail ola bilərlər. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Es ist das schönste Los einer physikalischen Theorie, wenn sie selbst zur Aufstellung einer umfassenden Theorie den Weg weist, in welcher sie als Grenzfall weiterlebt. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The most beautiful fate of a physical theory is to point the way to the establishment of a more inclusive theory, in which it lives on as a limiting case. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nessuna teoria fisica potrebbe avere in sorte un destino più benigno, che quello di indicare la strada per la costruzione di una teoria più ampia, in cui essa continua a vivere come caso limite. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Žmogus privalo išmokti suprasti kitų žmonių motyvus, jų iliuzijas ir kančias. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Divarı alınla deşmək üçün ya böyük sürət, ya da çoxlu alın lazımdır. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Insofern sich die Sätze der Mathematik auf die Wirklichkeit beziehen, sind sie nicht sicher, und insofern sie sicher sind, beziehen sie sich nicht auf die Wirklichkeit. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Όσο οι νόμοι των μαθηματικών ανταποκρίνονται στην πραγματικότητα, δεν είναι σαφείς και όσο είναι σαφείς, δεν ανταποκρίνονται στην πραγματικότητα. (RDF)
  • en: English
    In so far as theories of mathematics speak about reality, they are not certain, and in so far as they are certain, they do not speak about reality. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    قوانین ریاضیات در آنجایی که به واقعیت وابسته است، قطعی نیستند؛ آنگاه قطعی انگاشته می‌شوند که به واقعیت وابسته نشود. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Amennyiben a matematika törvényei a valóságra vonatkoznak, nem biztosak, ha pedig biztosak, nem a valóságra vonatkoznak. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Finché le leggi della matematica si riferiscono alla realtà, non sono certe, e finché sono certe, non si riferiscono alla realtà. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kiek matematikos dėsniai atitinka realybę, jie yra neabejotini. O kai jie yra neabejotini, neatitinka realybės. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Законы математики, имеющие какое-либо отношение к реальному миру, ненадёжны; а надёжные математические законы не имеют отношения к реальному миру. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Khi liên quan tới thực tế, các định luật toán học trải rộng tới đâu thì càng thấy không chắc chắn, một khi các định luật này chắc chắn thì lại không liên quan tới thực tế. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Jos matematiikka kuvaa todellisuutta, se ei ole puhdasta. Jos matematiikka on puhdasta, se ei kuvaa todellisuutta. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jeżeli zabałaganione biurko jest znakiem zabałaganionego umysłu, znakiem czego jest puste biurko? (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Najcudowniejsze jest to, że wszechświat czuje. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Man begreift schwer beim Erleben dieser "großen Zeit", daß man dieser verrückten, verkommenen Spezies angehört, die sich Willensfreiheit zuschreibt. Wenn es doch irgendwo eine Insel der Wohlwollenden und Besonnenen gäbe! Da wollte ich auch glühender Patriot sein. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    i capitalisti privati controllano inevitabilmente, in modo diretto o indiretto, le fonti principali d'informazione . Per cui è estremamente difficile e nella maggior parte dei casi del tutto impossibile, che il singolo cittadino possa arrivare a conclusioni oggettive e avvalersi in modo intelligente dei propri diritti politici. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Człowiek zajmujący się nauką nigdy nie zrozumie, dlaczego miałby wierzyć w pewne opinie tylko dlatego, że znajdują się one w jakiejś książce. Nigdy również nie uzna swych własnych wyników za prawdę ostateczną. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər siz nəyisə altı yaşlı uşağa başa sala bilmirsinizsə, siz özünüz də bunu başa düşmürsünüz. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Matematikaren legeak errealitateaz ari direnean, ez dira benetakoak; benetakoak direnean, ez dira errealitateaz ari. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ha valaki örömét leli abban, hogy négyes sorokban zenére masírozzon, az épp elég ok arra, hogy megvessem. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Per quanto riguarda Mach, è bene distinguere tra l'influenza che ebbe in generale e quella che esercitò su di me in particolare. Mach ha compiuto significative ricerche sperimentali ; ma non di questo vogliamo discutere, bensì di come influenzò la visione generale dei concetti di base della fisica. In questa prospettiva il suo grande merito sta, a mio parere, nell'aver allentato il dogmatismo che dominava in quell'ambito nei secoli XVIII e XIX. Egli ha cercato di mettere in luce, specialmente nei campi della meccanica e della teoria del calore, il modo in cui i concetti hanno avuto origine dall'esperienza; Mach sosteneva in maniera convincente l'opinione che finanche i più basilari tra i concetti fisici si fondano sui dati empirici e, da un punto di vista logico, non sono in alcun modo necessari. Evidenziando come nella fisica siano cruciali i problemi connessi ai concetti di base, più che quelli d'ordine logico-matematico, egli ha esercitato un'influenza particolarmente salutare. Il suo punto debole stava, a mio modo di vedere, nel considerare l'attività scientifica all'incirca un semplice «mettere ordine» nei materiali empirici. Egli, insomma, non rese giustizia all'elemento di libera volontà costruttiva presente nella formazione dei concetti. Riteneva, in certo modo, che all'origine delle teorie vi fossero «scoperte» e non «invenzioni», spingendosi addirittura a vedere, nelle sensazioni, unità costitutive del mondo reale piuttosto che semplici oggetti di comprensione; pensava di poter colmare in tal modo lo iato fra psicologia e fisica. Fosse stato coerente fino in fondo, avrebbe dovuto rifiutare non solo l'atomismo, ma l'idea stessa d'una realtà fisica. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I believe that whatever we do or live for has its causality; it is good, however, that we cannot see through to it. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Ο χρόνος είναι μία ανθρώπινη επινόηση/εφεύρεση που εξυπηρετεί μόνο ανθρώπινους σκοπούς. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    何かを学ぶのに、自分自身で経験する以上に良い方法はない。 (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    ప్లుటోని వంచైనా మార్చవచ్చు నేమొగాని మనిషి ఆత్మలోని పాపాన్ని మాత్రం మార్చలేము. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La ricerca del sapere fine a se stesso, un amore quasi fanatico per la giustizia e il desiderio di indipendenza personale: sono questi i tratti della tradizione ebraica che mi fanno rendere grazie alle stelle perché ne faccio parte. (RDF)
  • ta: Tamil
    மரம் ஏறுவதுதான் தேர்வுமுறை என்றாகிவிட்டால், மீன்கள் அதில் தோற்றுப்போகும்; வாழ்நாள் முழுவதும் தாம் முட்டாள் என்ற என்னத்துடனேயே அவை வாழ்ந்து மடியும். (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    خشم فقط در آغوشِ احمق‌ها جای می‌گیرد. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    क्रोध मूर्खों की छाती में ही बसता है। (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Azt kérdezik tőlem, van-e noteszem, amibe feljegyzem a jó ötleteimet. Volt egy, de elhagytam... (RDF)
  • sw: Swahili
    Bu velosiped minishga oʻxshaydi. Muvozanatni saqlash uchun doimo harakatda boʻlishing kerak. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אפשר לשאול 'מדוע נחוצה אוניברסיטה יהודית?' המדע הוא בין-לאומי אבל ההישגים שלו מתקבלים במוסדות לאומיים. עד עכשיו תרמנו לתרבות העולם כיחידים ויהיה זה רק הוגן לעצמנו כעם, אם עכשיו נתרום לתרבות באמצעות מוסדות שלנו." ~ 1922 (RDF)
  • de: German
    Unbegrenzte Konkurrenz führt zu einer riesigen Verschwendung von Arbeit und zur Lähmung des sozialen Bewusstseins von Individuen. Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass es nur einen Weg gibt, diese Übel loszuwerden, nämlich den, ein sozialistisches Wirtschaftssystem zu etablieren, begleitet von einem Bildungssystem, das sich an sozialen Zielsetzungen orientiert. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Şöhrətim çox olduqca, bir o qədər də kütləşirəm və şübhəsiz ki, ümumi qayda belədir. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    ثابت کیهانی بزرگترین اشتباه من بود. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    En koskaan opeta oppilaitani. Yritän vain luoda heille olosuhteet, joissa he voivat oppia. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Einmal - nach dem Unterschied zwischen Gott und dem Teufel befragt -antwortete er, dass sie sich nur bezüglich des Vorzeichens unterscheiden. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Představujete si možná, že se dívám zpátky na své životní dílo s klidným zadostiučiněním. Ale když se na to podíváme blíž, vlastně na něm nic není. Neobsahuje jedinou koncepci, jediné pojetí, o kterém bych byl přesvědčen, že přetrvá, a já se sám sebe ptám, jestli jsem vůbec na správné cestě. Jenže současníci ve mně vidí zároveň kacíře a zároveň zpátečníka, který, abych tak řekl, přežil sám sebe. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Lei immagina che io guardi con serena soddisfazione all'opera della mia vita. Vista da vicino, però, la realtà è ben diversa. Non c'è una sola idea di cui io sia convinto che sia destinata a durare, e neppure sono sicuro d'essere sulla buona strada. Eretico per alcuni e reazionario per altri; uno che, per così dire, è sopravvissuto a sé stesso: ecco come sono visto dai miei contemporanei. Sarà certo una questione di mode e di angustia di orizzonti, ma la sensazione del fallimento mi viene da dentro. Né potrebbe essere altrimenti, per chi abbia un briciolo di spirito critico e di onestà intellettuale, e quel tanto di modestia che ti consentono un giudizio equilibrato, libero da influenze esterne. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš žiūriu į žmoniją kaip į medį su daugybe ūglių . Man neatrodo, kad kiekvienas ūglis bei šaka turėtų asmeninę sielą. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Në mesin e problemeve, dalin rastet e volitshme. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist ein Kreis mit Radius Null - und das nennen sie ihren Standpunkt. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Vedrai con i tuoi occhi come sono diventato brillante e allegro e come i miei corrucci siano ormai acqua passata. Ti amo di nuovo immensamente! È stato solo per colpa dei nervi che mi sono comportato in modo così meschino con te. Stenterai a riconoscermi, così brillante e allegro, carissima Doxerl, non vedo l'ora di rivederti. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    No sólo saber cómo es la naturaleza y cómo se llevan a cabo sus transaciones, sino también acercarse en lo posible a la utópica y aparentemente arrogante meta de saber por qué la naturaleza es así y no de otra manera. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš nesu ateistas. Aš nežinau ar galiu save laikyti panteistu. Svarstoma problema yra per daug didelė mūsų ribotam protui. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Los ludzkości, jako całości, będzie taki, na jaki ona zasługuje. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Ümumiyyətlə insanlığın taleyi, layiq olduğu olacaq! (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sta a imperituro credito della scienza l'aver permesso, agendo sulla mente umana, di superare l'insicurezza dell'uomo davanti a se stesso e davanti alla natura. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    I ungdommen dreier alle tanker seg om kjærlighet. Med årene går all kjærlighet over til tanker. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    In qualsiasi momento quest'uomo ci avesse lasciato, avremmo provato un senso di perdita irreparabile . Possa egli avere un'influenza duratura sul cuore e sulla mente degli uomini! (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsan yalnız özünə qalib gəldikdə yaşamağa başlayır. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Comienza a manifestarse la madurez cuando sentimos que nuestra preocupación es mayor por los demás que por nosotros mismos. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Diena be mokslo – tuščiai praleista diena. Tiek daug yra ko mokytis ir tiek mažai turime tam laiko. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    如果必須重新選擇一次人生,我會做個商品貿易商。 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il libro deve la sua esistenza al fatto che ho dovuto procurare a Infeld, al quale è stata rifiutata una borsa, una fonte temporanea di sostentamento. Insieme abbiamo effettuato un lavoro molto accurato, con una particolare attenzione per gli aspetti epistemologici. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die Quantenmechanik ist sehr achtung-gebietend. Aber eine innere Stimme sagt mir, daß das doch nicht der wahre Jakob ist. Die Theorie liefert viel, aber dem Geheimnis des Alten bringt sie uns kaum näher. Jedenfalls bin ich überzeugt, daß der nicht würfelt. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A kvantummechanika kifejezetten impozáns. De egy belső hangocska nekem azt súgja, hogy még nem az igazi. A teória sokat elárul, de igazán nem visz minket közelebb az „öreg” titkaihoz. Mindenesetre, meggyőződésem, hogy ő nem dobál kockákat. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La meccanica quantistica è degna di ogni rispetto, ma una voce interiore mi dice che non è ancora la soluzione giusta. È una teoria che ci dice molte cose, ma non ci fa penetrare più a fondo il segreto del Grande Vecchio. In ogni caso, sono convinto che questi non gioca a dadi col mondo. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    量子力学にはとても尊敬の念を抱いています。しかし内なる声が私に、その理論はまだ完璧ではないと言っています。量子力学はとても有益なものではありますが、古きものの秘密にはほとんど迫っていません。少なくとも私には、古きものは賽を投げないという確信があるのです。(直訳) -- マックス・ボルン宛の1926年12月4日付の手紙 (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Mechanika kwantowa… dostarcza wiele, ale tak naprawdę nie przybliża nas do sekretu Starego . W każdym razie jestem przekonany, że On nie gra w kości. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Квантовая механика действительно впечатляет. Но внутренний голос говорит мне, что это ещё не идеал. Эта теория говорит о многом, но всё же не приближает нас к разгадке тайны Всевышнего. По крайней мере, я уверен, что Он не бросает кости. (RDF)
  • th: Thai
    กลศาสตร์ควอนตัมนั้นน่าอัศจรรย์ แต่เสียงในหัวใจของฉันบอกว่ามันยังไม่ใช่ความจริง ทฤษฎีบอกอะไรได้มากมาย แต่มันยังไม่พาเราเข้าใกล้ความลับของพระเจ้า ฉันคิดว่า พระเจ้าไม่ได้ทอยลูกเต๋าหรอก (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Kuantum mekaniği konusunda çok çalışmak gerekir. Ama, içimden bir ses bana bunun her şeyin çözümü olmadığını söylüyor. Bu teoriyle birçok şey açıklanıyor; ama hala O'nun sırrını çözebilmiş değiliz. Ben yine de, O'nun zar atıp kumar oynadığını, hiç mi hiç zannetmiyorum. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Come facevo prima a vivere da solo, mio piccolo tutto? Senza di te perdo la fiducia, la passione per lo studio e la gioia di vivere, insomma, senza di te, la vita non è vita. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Fred kan ikke bevares med makt; den kan bare oppnåes ved forståelse. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding. (RDF)
  • en: English
    原文:Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Rauhaa ei voi ylläpitää voimakeinoin. Sen voi saavuttaa vain ymmärryksen avulla. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Mir se ne može održavati silom; može se postići samo razumijevanjem. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Perdamaian tidak dapat dijaga dengan kekuatan. Hal itu hanya dapat diraih dengan pengertian. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    武力不能维持和平。只有互相理解才可以。 (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Pokój nie może być utrzymywany siłą. Może być tylko osiągnięty poprzez wzajemne zrozumienie. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A paz não pode ser mantida pela força. Ela só pode ser obtida pelo entendimento. (RDF)
  • th: Thai
    ไม่สามารถรักษาสันติได้ด้วยกำลัง หากแต่ด้วยความเข้าใจ (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Прощайте, Альберт Эйнштейн, мудрец.Ваш не успев осмотреть дворец,в Вашей державе слагаю скит:Время ― волна, а Пространство ― кит. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    A livello di logica pura tutti gli assiomi sono arbitrari, compresi gli assiomi dell'etica. Ma essi non sono affatto arbitrari da un punto di vista psicologico e genetico. All'individuazione e alla verifica degli assiomi etici si perviene in modo non dissimile da quello che riguarda gli assiomi della scienza. La verità è ciò che sopporta la verifica dell'esperienza. (RDF)
  • en: English
    During that year in Aarau the question came to me: If one runs after a light wave with light velocity, then one would encounter a time-independent wavefield. However, something like that does not seem to exist! This was the first juvenile thought experiment which has to do with the special theory of relativity. Invention is not the product of logical thought, even though the final product is tied to a logical structure. (RDF)
  • sv: Swedish
    En planerad ekonomi, som anpassar produktionen till samhällets behov, skulle fördela det nödvändiga arbetet bland dem som kunde arbeta och garantera livsuppehället för varje man, kvinna och barn. Genom utbildning av människan och främjande av hennes medfödda förmåga skulle man försöka utveckla hennes ansvarskänsla för medmänniskorna i stället för den glorifiering av makt och framgång som nu är vanlig i samhället. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Considero sbagliata questa linea politica. Scorgo un certo vantaggio militare nel non rinunciare per legge all'uso della bomba come deterrente volto a scoraggiare un altro paese dall'intraprendere una guerra in cui gli Stati Uniti potrebbero usarla. Ma quel che si guadagna da un lato lo si perde dall'altro. Perché si è resa più remota la comprensione dell'importanza di un controllo sovrannazionale dell'energia atomica. Che non abbiano a verificarsi inconvenienti militari finché gli Stati Uniti detengono l'esclusiva della bomba. Ma non appena un altro paese sarà in grado di produrne in quantità consistenti, l'assenza di un accordo internazionale porrà gli Stati Uniti in condizioni di forte svantaggio, a causa della vulnerabilità delle sue industrie, così concentrate nel territorio, e dell'alto sviluppo della sua vita urbana. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A nukleáris láncreakció felfedezése semmivel sem kell, hogy közelebb vigye az emberiséget a pusztuláshoz, mint a gyufa feltalálása. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    प्रकृतिः सिंहस्य पृच्छमात्रम् अस्मभ्यं दर्शयति । किन्तु तत्र सिंहः विद्यते इत्यत्र मम लेशमात्रेण अपि संशयः न विद्यते यद्यपि तस्य महतः आयामस्य कारणतः सकृत् सः आत्मानं नेत्रयोः पुरतः प्रस्तोतुं नार्हति । (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    मानवप्रकृत्तेः उपरि सस्याहारजीवनशैल्याः भौतिकपरिणामस्य अवलोकनात् मम भासते यत् ततः मानवतायाः उपरि महान् सत्परिणामः भवेदिति । (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non possiamo chiedere se sia vero che per due punti passa soltanto un'unica retta. Possiamo solamente dire che la geometria euclidea tratta di oggetti da essa chiamati «rette», attribuendo a ciascuna di queste rette la proprietà di essere univocamente determinata da due suoi punti. Il concetto di «vero» non si addice alle asserzioni della geometria pura, perché con la parola «vero» noi abbiamo in definitiva l'abitudine di designare sempre la corrispondenza con un oggetto «reale»; la geometria, invece, non si occupa della relazione fra i concetti da essa presi in esame e gli oggetti dell'esperienza, ma soltanto dalla connessione logica di tali concetti l'uno con l'altro. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Le persone sono come le biciclette: riescono a mantenere l'equilibrio solo se continuano a muoversi. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    l'uomo alberga in sé il bisogno di odiare e di distruggere. In tempi normali la sua inclinazione rimane latente, solo in circostanze eccezionali essa viene alla luce: ma è abbastanza facile attizzarla e portarla alle altezze di una psicosi collettiva. E non penso affatto solo alle cosiddette masse incolte. La mia esperienza dimostra anzi che è proprio la cosiddetta «intellighenzia» a cedere per prima a queste rovinose suggestioni collettive, poiché l'intellettuale non ha contatto diretto con la realtà, ma la vive attraverso la sua forma riassuntiva più facile, quella della pagina stampata. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    El país és com un home amb mal de panxa que encara no ha vomitat prou. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bu dağın ucuna kimi getməkdən qorxma, çünki meyvə ordadır. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsan ölümdən sonrakı cəza qorxusu və mükafat ümidi ilə idarə olunmaq məcburiyyətindədirsə, şübhəsiz o, pis yoldadır. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həyatında heç səhv etməmiş biri, demək bu həyatdan heç bir şey öyrənməmişdir. (RDF)
  • en: English
    People like you and I, though mortal of course like everyone else, do not grow old no matter how long we live... never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Žmonės, tokie kaip tu ir aš, nors ir mirtingi kaip ir visi likusieji, nesvarbu kiek begyventų – nepasensta. Aš turiu omenyje, kad mes niekada nenustojame stovėti kaip smalsus vaikas prieš didžiąją visatos paslaptį, kurioje mes visi esame gimę. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Gdy kupuje się kawałek ziemi, aby uprawiać kapustę i jabłka, trzeba go najpierw osuszyć; w ten sposób zabijamy istoty żyjące w wodzie. Później będziemy musieli zabić wszystkie gąsienice itd., gdyż inaczej zjedzą one nasze uprawy. Gdybyśmy chcieli, kierując się racjami moralnymi, uniknąć całego tego zabijania, musielibyśmy ostatecznie zabić samych siebie, aby tylko pozostawić przy życiu te wszystkie stworzenia, które nie mają najmniejszego pojęcia o zasadach moralnych. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Mia madre e mia sorella mi paiono piuttosto grette e filistee, al di là dell'affetto che provo per loro. È interessante vedere come poco alla volta la vita ci cambi nel profondo dell'anima, per cui anche i legami di famiglia più stretti si riducono a normali amicizie. Non ci si capisce più a fondo, e non si riesce più a immedesimarsi davvero con l'altra persona, a capire le emozioni che la muovono. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    כל טיפש יכול לדעת. הנקודה היא להבין. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Svaka budala može nešto znati. Cilj je razumjeti. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Każdy głupi może wiedzieć. Sedno to zrozumieć. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Sual vermək çox vacibdir. Maraq insana təsadüfən verilməmişdir. Ağıllı insanlar həmişə suallar verirlər. Həlli tapmaq üçün özünüzdən və digər insanlardan soruşun. Bu, sizin yeni bir şey öyrənməyinizə kömək edəcək, səviyyənizin təhlil edilməsinə imkan verəcəkdir. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Wenn jemand Freude daran hat, bei Musik in Reih' und Glied zu marschieren, dann verachte ich ihn schon deswegen, weil er sein Gehirn nur wegen eines Irrtums bekommen hat; ein Rückenmark hätte gereicht. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Si alguien disfruta marchando al ritmo de la música, en fila y al unísono, tiene no solo mi desprecio sino además la convinción de que le han dado un cerebro erróneamente. Con la médula espinal habría bastado. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La sua forza, la purezza della sua volontà, la sua severità con se stessa, la sua obiettività, il suo giudizio incorruttibile: erano tutte di una qualità raramente riscontrata, così riunite in un solo individuo. Una volta che avesse riconosciuto una certa strada come giusta, la percorreva senza compromessi e con tenacia estrema. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    باید شرم کنند، کسانی که بدون کم‌ترین تأمل و تفکر از پدیده‌های معجزه‌آسای علم و فن بهره می‌گیرند و سفیهانه از درک مضمون هوشمندانه آن عاجزند، همانند گاوی که از لذت نشخوار گیاهان برخوردار است ولی از علمِ گیاه‌شناسی خبری ندارد. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Ճշմարտությունն այն է, ինչ դիմանում է փորձով ստուգմանը։ (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Prawdą jest to, co wytrzyma próbę doświadczenia. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həqiqət, təcrübə sınağından keçmiş şeydir. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Δεν με ενδιαφέρει πια τίποτε άλλο, κανένα άλλο ερώτημα, εκτός από τα ερωτήματα που έχουν σχέση με το θείο. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İntellektual inkişaf doğum anından başlamalı və yalnız ölümlə dayandırılmalıdır. Məlumatın haradan alındığını və ondan necə istifadə ediləcəyini bilmək uğurun sirridir. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Politika yra laikina, o lygtis – amžina. (RDF)
  • th: Thai
    การเมืองนั้นแสนสั้น แต่สมการคงอยู่ชั่วนิรันดร์ (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    En moments de crisi, només la imaginació és més important que els coneixements. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    En los momentos de crisis, sólo la imaginación es más importante que el conocimiento. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mürəkkəbi sadə izah etmək çətin, çətin izah etmək isə sadədir. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Olam tushunarlidir, degan iddaodan tushunarsizroq gap yoʻq. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La sua statura stava tutta nella sua capacità straordinariamente sviluppata di afferrare l'essenza di un'idea teorica, nello spogliare una teoria delle sue sovrastrutture matematiche finché non emergeva con chiarezza la semplice idea di fondo. Questa capacità lo rendeva un docente senza pari. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Orang sukses mengambil lebih banyak dari kehidupan daripada yang ia berikan, sedangkan orang yang bernilai memberi lebih banyak kepada kehidupan daripada yang diambilnya . (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Agama sejati adalah hidup yang sesungguhnya, hidup dengan seluruh jiwa seseorang, dengan seluruh kebaikan dan kebajikan seseorang. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Große Geister haben stets heftige Gegnerschaft in den Mittelmäßigen gefunden. Diese letzteren können es nicht verstehen, wenn ein Mensch sich nicht gedanklos ererbten Vorurteilen unterwirft, sondern ehrlich und mutig seine Intelligenz gebraucht und die Pflicht erfüllt, die Ergebnisse seines Denkens in klarer Form auszusprechen. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    I grandi spiriti hanno sempre incontrato la violenta ostinazione delle menti mediocri. La mente mediocre è incapace di comprendere chi, rifiutando di inchinarsi ciecamente ai pregiudizi convenzionali, scelga invece di esprimere le proprie opinioni con coraggio e onestà. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    این دیگر چه معمایی است که هیچ‌کس مرا درک نمی‌کند ولی همگان مرا می‌پذیرند. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    ...אחר כך מטה, ירדנו אל חומת בית-המקדש , מקום שם אנשים קהי-מוח מהשבט שלנו התפללו בקול רם, פניהם מכוונים אל הכותל, תוך נענוע גופם לפנים ולאחור. מראה פתטי של אנשים נושאי עבר וחסרי הווה." ~ מתוך יומנו. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Le buone azioni sono come le belle poesie. È facile afferrarne il senso generale ma spesso è meno facile capirne le ragioni. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Никога не е грешал този, който никога не е опитвал нещо ново. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Който никога не е грешил, никога не е опитвал нещо ново. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Մարդը, ով երբեք սխալներ չի արել, երբեք նոր բան չի փորձել։ (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Kukaan, joka ei ole koskaan tehnyt virhettä, ei ole yrittänyt mitään uutta. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Onaj koji nikad nije pogriješio nikada nije pokušao nešto novo. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Aki még sosem követett el hibát, valószínűleg még sosem próbált semmi új dolgot. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Orang yang tidak pernah membuat kesalahan itu orang yang tidak pernah mencoba hal-hal baru. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    間違いを犯したことのない人とは、何も新しいことをしていない人だ。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kiekvienas, niekada nesuklydęs, niekada nebandė kažko naujo. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kas nėra padaręs nei vienos klaidos, niekada nebandė nieko naujo. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    De som aldri har gjort en feil, har aldri prøvd noe nytt. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Ai që s'ka bërë asnjë gabim, s'ka filluar asgjë të re. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Heç vaxt səhv etməyən insan, heç vaxt yeni şeylər sınaqdan keçirməyib. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Kẻ nào chưa từng mắc phải lỗi lầm cũng là kẻ chưa bao giờ thử làm việc gì cả. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Εσύ πιστεύεις σ' ένα Θεό που παίζει ζάρια, Εγώ πιστεύω στον αδήριτο νόμο και στην τάξη (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La guerra è vinta, ma la pace no. Le grandi potenze, unite nei combattimenti, sono ora divise nella costruzione della pace. Al mondo era stata promessa la libertà dalla paura, ma in realtà la paura è cresciuta enormemente dalla fine della guerra. Al mondo era stata promessa la libertà dalla miseria, ma gran parte del mondo si trova ad affrontare la fame mentre altri vivono in abbondanza. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    در مسیر کشف، هوش، نقش زیادی ایفا نمی‌کند. جهشی در هشیاری ایجاد می‌شود که می‌توانید آن را شم و شهود یا آرزو نام نهید؛ آن گاه راهکار، خود به خود به سوی شما می‌آید و نمی‌دانید چگونه یا چرا. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Quest'orgia impregnata di epistemologia dovrebbe esaurirsi. Ma senza dubbio sorridi di me e pensi che, dopotutto, molte giovani mignotte diventano vecchie bigotte, e che più di un giovane rivoluzionario diventa un vecchio reazionario. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Poche volte una persona mi ha dato tanta gioia con la sua sola presenza com'è stato il Suo caso. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Vuosi oli virhe. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Идеалами, освещавшими мой путь и сообщавшими мне смелость и мужество, были добро, красота и истина (RDF)
  • en: English
    The scientific organization and comprehensive exposition in accessible form of the Talmud has a twofold importance for us Jews. It is important in the first place that the high cultural values of the Talmud should not be lost to modern minds among the Jewish people nor to science, but should operate further as a living force. In the second place, The Talmud must be made an open book to the world, in order to cut the ground from under certain malevolent attacks, of anti-Semitic origin, which borrow countenance from the obscurity and inaccessibility of certain passages in the Talmud. To support this cultural work would thus mean an important achievement for the Jewish people. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Durch bloßes logisches Denken vermögen wir keinerlei Wissen über die Erfahrungswelt zu erlangen; alles Wissen über die Wirklichkeit geht von der Erfahrung aus und mündet in ihr. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Det er en fantastisk følelse at opdage, at enheden i komplekse fænomener viser sig at være ting meget langt fra den direkte synlighed. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Žmonėms būtų geriau būti panašiems į žvėris... Jie turėtų labiau pasikliauti savo intuicija. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Cento volte al giorno, ogni giorno, io ricordo a me stesso che la mia vita, interiore ed esteriore, dipende dal lavoro di altri uomini, viventi o morti, e che io devo sforzarmi per dare nella stessa misura in cui ho ricevuto e continuo a ricevere. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Šimtus kartų per dieną aš vis primenu sau, kad mano vidinis ir išorinis gyvenimas yra paremtas kitų žmonių sunkiu darbu, gyvenimu ir mirtimi, ir kad aš privalau dėti pastangas žmonių labui norint bent iš dalies atsilyginti. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Daxili və zahiri həyatımın, yaşayan, ya da ölmüş başqa insanların əməyinə söykəndiyini özümə gündə yüz dəfə xatırladıram; çox dərinlərə dalmadan gündəlik həyatdan bilirik ki, insan başqaları üçün mövcuddur. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sul ruolo che l'etere è chiamato a sostenere nella concezione del mondo fisico non si hanno ancora idee precise. Sappiamo che esso determina le relazioni metriche nel continuo spazio-temporale, per esempio le possibili configurazioni dei corpi solidi, come pure i campi di gravitazione; ma non sappiamo affatto se esso determini o meno in maniera essenziale la struttura delle particelle elettriche elementari che costituiscono la materia. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'avere avuto la concezione netta della legge differenziale è uno dei più grandi meriti del genio di Newton. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sento in lui un certo atteggiamento di condiscendenza nei confronti del lettore, una certa mancanza di quell'umile dedizione che, soprattutto, nei grandi uomini, ci è di tanto conforto. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Keplero era uno di quei rari individui semplicemente incapaci di fare altro che battersi apertamente in difesa delle proprie convinzioni in ogni ambito. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Başqalarına nəyisə öyrətməyin yeganə dəyərli üsulu, pis olsa, nümunə göstərməkdir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsanları öyrətməyin yeganə ağıllı yolu onlara nümunə göstərməkdir. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    כל מה שנעשה בעניינים בינלאומיים חייב להיעשות מנקודת המבט הבאה: האם זה יקדם את הקמתה של ממשלה בינלאומית או יעכב אותה." ~ ראיון רדיו עם שילפ ופארמלי, 29 במאי 1946 (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie wierzę w matematykę. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Sizcə hər şey çox sadədir? Bəli, hər şey sadədir. Ancaq tamamilə yox. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    התרופה היחידה לנזק שמסבה ההתקדמות המדעית היא ההתקדמות המוסרית. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Liebe Nachwelt! Wenn Ihr nicht gerechter, friedlicher und überhaupt vernünftiger sein werdet, als wir sind bzw. gewesen sind, so soll euch der Teufel holen. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Toda a minha vida lidei com matérias objetivas. Daí me faltarem tanto a aptidão natural quanto a experiência para lidar apropriadamente com as pessoas e exercer funções oficiais. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La gente cerca di minimizzare il pericolo limitando gli armamenti e promulgando leggi restrittive per la conduzione della guerra. Ma la guerra non è un gioco di famiglia in cui i giocatori sono lealmente ligi alle regole. Dove sono in ballo la vita e la morte, obblighi e regole vengono meno. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Znane są tysiące sposobów zabijania czasu, ale nikt nie wie, jak go wskrzesić. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Aldanılmağa məruz qalmayan xoşbəxtliyin nə olduğunu bilməz. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מדינה כזו קטנה, מה היא תעשה עם מחשב כזה גדול?" ~ על ויצק, המחשב הראשון במדינת ישראל. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Gli ebrei di Palestina non hanno combattuto per puro amore dell'indipendenza politica, ma per conquistare la libertà d'immigrazione per gli ebrei dei molti paesi in cui la loro stessa esistenza era in pericolo; libertà d'immigrazione anche per tutti coloro che anelavano a una vita fra la propria gente. Non è un'esagerazione dire che abbiano combattuto per rendere possibile un sacrificio forse unico nella storia. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Wer sein eigenes Leben und das seiner Mitmenschen als sinnlos empfindet, der ist nicht nur unglücklich, sondern auch kaum lebensfähig. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Žmogus, kuris savo paties ir kitų gyvenimą laiko beprasmišku, yra ne tik nelaimingas, bet ir apskritai tarsi negyvena. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Raramente la capacità di condurre una vita in armonia è congiunta a un'intelligenza acuta come la sua, ma in lui questo inusuale incontro aveva avuto luogo. Quel che più ammiravo, nell'uomo, è l'esser riuscito a vivere molti anni non solo in pace ma addirittura in accordo costante con una donna; un'impresa nella quale io per due volte ho miseramente fallito. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אתה נכשל רק כשאתה מפסיק לנסות. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Dave Armstrong, Science and Christianity: Close Partners or Mortal Enemies?,, 2012, p. 243. ISBN 1105537331 (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Czysto logiczne rozumowanie nie da nam żadnej wiedzy o realnym świecie. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Senza dubbio la gravitazione è stata riportata alla struttura dello spazio; ma, al di fuori del campo di gravitazione, c'è ancora il campo elettromagnetico; è stato necessario introdurre questo ultimo nella teoria, come una formazione indipendente dalla gravitazione. Nell'equazione di condizione per il campo si sono dovuti introdurre alcuni termini supplementari corrispondenti all'esistenza del campo elettromagnetico. Ma il pensiero teoretico non saprebbe sopportare l'idea che ci sono due strutture di spazio indipendenti l'una dall'altra: una di gravitazione metrica, l'altra elettromagnetica. S'impone la convinzione che queste due specie di campo devono corrispondere a una struttura unitaria dello spazio. Ora la «teoria del campo unitario», che si presenta come un'estensione matematicamente indipendente della teoria della relatività generalizzata, cerca di rispondere a questo postulato. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ha csak az ismert dolgok érdekelnének, lakatosnak mentem volna. (RDF)
  • fr: French
    L’anthropologie moderne nous a appris, par l’investigation des soi-disant cultures primitives, que le comportement social des êtres humains peut présenter de grandes différences, étant donné qu’il dépend des modèles de culture dominants et des types d’organisation qui prédominent dans la société. C’est là-dessus que doivent fonder leurs espérances tous ceux qui s’efforcent d’améliorer le sort de l’homme : les êtres humains ne sont pas, par suite de leur constitution biologique, condamnés à se détruire mutuellement ou à être à la merci d’un sort cruel qu’ils s’infligent eux-mêmes. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Without Russia , the German bloodhounds would have already achieved their goal, or would achive it very soon... We and our children owe a great debt of gratitude to the Russian people for having experienced such immense losses and suffering. conduct of the war has made obvious her great achievement in all industrial and technical fields... and in the limitless sacrifice and exemplary self-denial of every single individual, I see proof of a strong and universal will to defend what they have won... finally, a fact of particular importance to us Jews. In Russia the equality of all national and cultural groups is not merely nominal but is actually practiced. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Senza la Russia, questi segugi tedeschi avrebbero raggiunto i loro scopi o, in ogni caso, ci sarebbero andati vicini. Noi e tutti i nostri figli abbiamo un enorme debito di gratitudine nei confronti del popolo russo che ha pagato la sua vittoria con perdite innumerevoli e sofferenze enormi. Il modo in cui la Russia ha condotto la guerra ha reso evidenti i suoi grandi successi in tutti i campi industriali e tecnici. Nel sacrificio e nell'esemplare abnegazione di tutti, vedo la prova di una determinazione generale a difendere ciò che hanno conquistato. In Russia, l'uguaglianza di tutti i popoli e di tutte i gruppi culturali non è solo parole, ma è praticata realmente. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    In ogni società certe convinzioni e intenti comuni, certi interessi simili producono gruppi che, in un certo senso, agiscono come unità. Ci sarà sempre attrito tra tali gruppi, lo stesso tipo di contrapposizione e rivalità che esiste tra gli individui. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    이곳에서 저는 여러 책들 중에서 칸트의 《프롤레고메나》를 읽고 있는데, 이 철학자의 엄청난 제시력을 이해하기 시작하고 있습니다. 선험적 종합판단에 동의한다면, 그건 덫에 걸리는 겁니다. 저는 칸트를 오해하지 않기 위해서는 '선험적'라는 말을 '관습적'이라는 말로 대체해 그 의미를 희석시켜야 한다고 생각합니다. 물론 이렇게 한다고 해도 세부적인 것들이 들어맞지는 않겠지만 말이에요. 어쨌든 칸트 책을 재미있게 읽고 있습니다. 칸트에 앞선 흄의 저작보다는 좋지는 않지만요. 흄은 좀 더 건전한 본능을 가지고 있었습니다. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    è un po' come sparare agli uccelli di notte in un posto dove gli uccelli sono rarissimi. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Jos olen väärässä, yksikin olisi riittänyt! (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aukščiausias asmens lemtis tarnauti, o ne vadovauti. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Głównym powołaniem człowieka jest raczej służyć niż zmuszać do posłuchu. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az erkölcsi jóért folytatott küzdelemben az egyházi tanoknak fel kell adniuk az emberarcú Isten-képet. Ez azt is jelenti, hogy fel kell adniuk a remény és félelem ilyetén eredeztetését, ami a múltban óriási hatalmat adott a papok kezébe. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nella lotta per il bene morale, i maestri della religione debbono avere la capacità di rinunciare alla dottrina di un Dio personale, vale a dire rinunciare alla fonte della paura e della speranza, che nel passato ha garantito ai preti un potere così ampio. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Geriausi dalykai gyvenime apima labai aiškų tarpusavio koreliacijos suvokimą. Žmogus gali tai neigti tik labai niūriu, nihilistiniu būdu. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    In America, bisogna sempre avere un atteggiamento molto deciso, altrimenti non si viene pagati e nemmeno rispettati. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Nola esango diogu frantziar edo belgikar bati soldadutza egiteari uko egiteko alemaniarren berrarmatzearen aurrean? (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ami igazán számít, az az ihlet. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A Natureza é exatamente simples, se conseguirmos encará-la de modo apropriado... Essa crença tem-me auxiliado, durante toda minha vida, a não perder as esperanças, quando surgem dificuldades de investigação. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Học thuyết là thứ mà không ai tin vào, trừ người tạo ra nó. Thí nghiệm là thứ mà ai cũng tin vào, trừ người tạo ra nó. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Tämä menettely jätti minulle paljon vapaata aikaa kuukausia ennen tenttejä. Nautin tästä vapaudesta suunnattomasti ja siksi olin täysin valmis sietämään siitä aiheutuneet vähäiset omantunnon kolkutukset. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Ich brauche nicht zu betonen, wie sehr ich alles Streben nach Wahrheit und Wissen achte und schätze. Aber ich glaube nicht, dass der Mangel an moralischen und ethischen Werten durch rein intelektuelle Bemühungen aufgehoben werden kann. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The work on satisfactory formulation of technical patents was a true blessing for me. It compelled me to be many-sided in thought, and also offered important stimulation for thought about physics. Following a practical profession is a blessing for people of my type. Because the academic career puts a young person in a sort of compulsory situation to produce scientific papers in impressive quantity, a temptation to superficiality arises that only strong characters are able to resist. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La teoria di Newton costituisce certo la più grande conquista mai compiuta dallo spirito umano nel tentativo di stabilire un nesso causale tra i fenomeni della natura. E tuttavia questa teoria mise non poco a disagio i contemporanei di Newton, poiché sembrava in contraddizione con il principio, dedotto da altre esperienze, che limita la possibilità di azioni reciproche alle sole azioni per contatto e nega la possibilità di azioni a distanza senza un mezzo interposto. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mūsų visata yra baigtinė, ir ši mintis yra labai paguodžianti tiems, kurie amžinai pamiršta, kur padėjo savo daiktus. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I said before, the most beautiful and most profound religious emotion that we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. And this mysticality is the power of all true science. If there is any such concept as a God, it is a subtle spirit, not an image of a man that so many have fixed in their minds. In essence, my religion consists of a humble admiration for this illimitable superior spirit that reveals itself in the slight details that we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The most beautiful and deepest experience a man can have is the sense of the mysterious. It is the underlying principle of religion as well as all serious endeavor in art and science. He who never had this experience seems to me, if not dead, then at least blind. To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is a something that our mind cannot grasp and whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly and as a feeble reflection, this is religiousness. In this sense I am religious. To me it suffices to wonder at these secrets and to attempt humbly to grasp with my mind a mere image of the lofty structure of all that there is. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed. It was the experience of mystery — even if mixed with fear — that engendered religion. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, our perceptions of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which only in their most primitive forms are accessible to our minds: it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute true religiosity. In this sense, and only this sense, I am a deeply religious man. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Uskonnollisuutta on aistia, että kaiken koetun takana on jotakin, jota mielemme ei ymmärrä ja jonka kauneus ja ylevyys tavoittavat meidät vain epäsuorasti ja heikkona heijastumana. Tässä merkityksessä olen uskonnollinen. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    היכולת לחוש כי מאחורי כל דבר שאפשר לחוות נמצא משהו שמוחנו אינו מסוגל לתפוס, משהו שיופיו ושגיבותו מגיעים אלינו רק בעקיפין ובהשתקפויות רפות, זוהי דתיות. במובן הזה, ורק במובן הזה, אני דתי." ~ מתוך "איינשטיין והדת (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הרגש היפה ביותר שביכולתנו לחוות הוא המסתורין. הרגש היסודי הזה הוא המקור לכל אמנות אמיתית ולכל מדע אמיתי. מי שרגש זה זר לו ואינו יכול לעצור מהילוכו מרוב פלא ולעמוד נפעם, הוא טוב כמת, עיניו עצומות. הייתה זו החוויה של המסתורין - אף אם מהולה בפחד - שהולידו את הדת. הידע על קיומו של משהו שאיננו יכולים לרדת לעומקו; תפיסותינו את התבונה העמוקה ביותר ואת היופי הקורן ביותר, הנגישים לשכלנו רק בצורותיהם הראשוניות ביותר: ידע זה ורגש זה מכוננים את הדתיות האמיתית. במובן זה, ורק במובן זה, אני אדם דתי מאד." ~ מתוך "העולם כפי שהוא נראה בעיני. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La cosa più lontana dalla nostra esperienza è ciò che è misterioso. È l'emozione fondamentale accanto alla culla della vera arte e della vera scienza. Chi non lo conosce e non è più in grado di meravigliarsi, e non prova più stupore, è come morto, una candela spenta da un soffio. Fu l'esperienza del mistero – seppure mista alla paura – che generò la religione. Sapere dell'esistenza di qualcosa che non possiamo penetrare, sapere della manifestazione della ragione più profonda e della più radiosa bellezza, accessibili alla nostra ragione solo nelle forme più elementari – questo sapere e questa emozione costituiscono la vera attitudine religiosa; in questo senso, e solo in questo, sono un uomo profondamente religioso. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Nuostabiausias ir giliausias jausmas, kurį galime patirti yra mistiškumas. Tai visų mokslų užuomazga. Tas, kuriam šis jausmas svetimas, kurio niekuo nenustebinsi, kuris paskendęs baimėje, tolygus mirusiam. Jeigu pripažįstame, kad tai, kas neatskleista, tikrai egzistuoja ir pasireiškia aukščiausia išmintimi ir akinančių grožiu, prieinamu neišlavintiems mūsų sugebėjimams, prilygstantiems tik primityvioms formoms, tai – žinojimas. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Самое прекрасное и глубокое переживание, выпадающее на долю человека,— это ощущение таинственности. Оно лежит в основе религии и всех наиболее глубоких тенденций в искусстве и науке. Тот, кто не испытал этого ощущения, кажется мне, если не мертвецом, то во всяком случае слепым. Способность воспринимать то непостижимое для нашего разума, что скрыто под непосредственными переживаниями, чья красота и совершенство доходят до нас лишь в виде косвенного слабого отзвука,— это и есть религиозность. В этом смысле я религиозен. Я довольствуюсь тем, что с изумлением строю догадки об этих тайнах и смиренно пытаюсь мысленно создать далеко не полную картину совершенной структуры всего сущего. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Deneyimleyebileceğimiz en güzel coşku gizemli olandır. O, tüm gerçek sanat ve bilimin gücüdür. Bu coşkuya yabancı olan kişi merak hissedemez ve endişe içinde tam bir ölü gibi sürüklenir. İçini kavrayamadığımızın gerçekten varlığını bilmek… En yüksek ve en coşkun neşeyle yavaş gelişen yeteneklerimiz; bu bilgi, bu his ile en ilkel biçimlerinde iken kavranabilir ki bu gerçek dindarlığın merkezidir. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    No pretenguem que les coses canviïn si sempre fem el mateix. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Un universo infinito è possibile soltanto nell'ipotesi che la densità media della materia in esso contenuta sia nulla, ipotesi logicamente possibile ma meno probabile di quella che nell'universo vi sia una densità media finita di materia. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Leggo spesso la Bibbia, ma il suo testo originale mi è rimasto inaccessibile. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Был этот мир извечной тьмой окутан,«Да будет свет!» — И вот явился Ньютон.Но сатана недолго ждал реванша —Пришёл Эйнштейн, и стало всё как раньше. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Məntiq sizi yalnız A nöqtəsindən B nöqtəsinə aparar. Xəyal gücü isə hər yerə. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Capisco abbastanza bene i miei genitori. Pensano a una moglie come a un lusso che un uomo si può permettere solo quando si guadagna da vivere bene. È un modo di vedere il rapporto matrimoniale che non mi convince affatto, perché considera una moglie come una prostituta, con la sola differenza che la prima, grazie al rango sociale più elevato, è in grado di procacciarsi un contratto con un uomo che le dura tutta la vita. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    La nostra mort no és el final si continuem vivint en els nostres fills i en la generació més jove. Ells són nosaltres. El nostre cos només és una fulla marcida en l'arbre de la vida. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La nostra morte non è una fine se possiamo vivere nei nostri figli e nella giovane generazione. Perché essi sono noi: i nostri corpi non sono che le foglie appassite sull'albero della vita. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    నా విజ్ఞాన శాస్త్ర పరిశోధనలకు , నూతన సిద్ధాంతాలను రూపొందించడానికి నేను భగవద్గీతను ప్రధానమైన ఉత్సాహ కేంద్రంగా మార్గదర్శకంగా స్వీకరించాను. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    2%の人間が兵役拒否すれば、政府は戦争を継続できない。なぜなら、政府は兵役対象者の2%の人数を収容する刑務所を保有していないからだ。 (RDF)
  • en: English
    Why is it nobody understands me and everybody likes me? (RDF)
  • en: English
    Why is it that nobody understands me, yet everybody likes me? (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jak to się dzieje, że nikt mnie nie rozumie, a wszyscy mnie uwielbiają? (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Təxəyyül bilikdən vacibdir. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wyobraźnia bez wiedzy może stworzyć rzeczy piękne. Wiedza bez wyobraźni najwyżej doskonałe. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The United States is the most powerful technically advanced country in the world to-day. Its influence on the shaping of international relations is absolutely incalculable. But America is a large country and its people have so far not shown much interest in great international problems, among which the problem of disarmament occupies first place today. This must be changed, if only in the essential interests of the Americans. The last war has shown that there are no longer any barriers between the continents and that the destinies of all countries are closely interwoven. The people of this country must realize that they have a great responsibility in the sphere of international politics. The part of passive spectator is unworthy of this country and is bound in the end to lead to disaster all round. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Di quando in quando, ora mi ritiro per qualche settimana nella casa d'una tenuta di campagna, tutto solo, cucinandomi quel che mi occorre, come gli eremiti dell'antichità. Così noto con sorpresa quanto è lungo un giorno e quanto vano, perlopiù, l'affaccendarsi alacre e odioso che riempie il nostro tempo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La sua vita era organizzata come un'opera d'arte fin nel minimo dettaglio. La sua immancabile gentilezza, la magnanimità e il suo senso della giustizia, uniti ad una comprensione intuitiva della gente e delle cose, lo portavano a essere guida in ogni suo campo. Tutti erano contenti di seguirlo perché sentivano che non si esponeva mai per dominare, ma semplicemente per essere utile. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Обичам да пътувам, но мразя да пристигам. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I love to travel, but I hate to arrive. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    عاشق سفرم، ولی از رسیدن متنفرم. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני אוהב לטייל, אבל שונא להגיע. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Wie bei dem Mann im Märchen alles zu Gold wurde, was er berührte, so wird bei mir alles zum Zeitungsgeschrei. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Proprio come nella leggenda dell'uomo che tramutava in oro tutto ciò che toccava, con me tutto si tramuta in un gran baccano sulla stampa. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    E il governo è in se stesso un male finché reca in sé la tendenza a degenerare in tirannia. (RDF)
  • sk: Slovak
    vo svojej hlave takéto informácie nakoľko ich možno ľahko vyčítať z kníh. Hodnota vysokoškolského vzdelania nespočíva v naučení sa mnohých faktov, ale vo vycvičení mysle myslieť. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se ci domandiamo come debba venir considerato l'universo, inteso quale un tutto, la prima risposta che si presenta da sé è certamente questa: l'universo è infinito per quanto riguarda lo spazio . Esistono dovunque delle stelle, per cui la densità della materia, sebbene sia molto variabile nei particolari, è nondimeno in media dovunque la stessa. In altre parole: viaggiando attraverso lo spazio in zone comunque lontane, troveremmo dappertutto uno sciame diradato di stelle fisse all'incirca dello stesso genere e della stessa densità. Questa concezione è incompatibile con la teoria di Newton. Secondo quest'ultima l'universo deve invece avere una specie di centro in cui la densità delle stelle è massima, e man mano che ci allontaniamo da questo centro la densità delle stelle deve diminuire, finché in ultimo, a distanze immense, le succede una zona infinito di vuoto. L'universo sidereo dovrebbe costituire un'isola finita nell'oceano infinito dello spazio. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Ο κόσμος είναι μια τραγωδία γι' αυτούς που αισθάνονται και μια κωμωδία γι' αυτούς που σκέφτονται. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Dobbiamo sforzarci di discernere ciò che nella tradizione da noi assorbita è dannoso per il nostro destino e la nostra dignità, e modellare le nostre vite di conseguenza. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kiekvienas sėdi savo idėjų kalėjime. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se non c'è un prezzo da pagare, allora non ha valore. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bir qum dənəsinin sirrini bilsəydik, bütün dünyanın sirrini öyrənmiş olardıq. (RDF)
  • en: English
    In matters concerning truth and justice there can be no distinction between big problems and small; for the general principles which determine the conduct of men are indivisible. Whoever is careless with truth in small matters cannot be trusted in important affairs. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    E = mc² (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    E = mc2 (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    నా జీవితాన్ని వ్యర్ధం చేసుకున్నానని తరచూ నాకు అనిపిస్తుంది.నేను ఇంత కాలం సుదూరంగా ఉన్న నక్షత్ర మండలాన్ని అన్వేషించాను. కాని నా అంతరాలలోని 'నేను' అన్న అతి చిన్న సమీప నక్షత్రాన్ని గురించిన అన్వేషణ చేయనేలేదు. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Creating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in its place. It is rather like climbing a mountain, gaining new and wider views, discovering unexpected connections between our starting points and its rich environment. (RDF)
  • nl: Dutch
    Het opstellen van een nieuwe theorie is niet hetzelfde als het slopen van een oude schuur om op die plaats een wolkenkrabber te bouwen. Het lijkt veel meer op het beklimmen van een berg, waarbij we nieuwe en weidse gezichten aanschouwen en waarbij we onverwachte verbindingen ontdekken tussen ons uitgangspunt en zijn rijke omgeving. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The theory of relativity is a beautiful example of the basic character of the modern development of theory. That is to say, the hypotheses from which one starts become ever more abstract and more remote from experience. But in return one comes closer to the preeminent goal of science, that of encompassing a maximum of empirical contents through logical deduction with a minimum of hypotheses or axioms. The intellectual path from the axioms to the empirical contents or to the testable consequences becomes, thereby, ever longer and more subtle. The theoretician is forced, ever more, to allow himself to be directed by purely mathematical, formal points of view in the search for theories, because the physical experience of the experimenter is not capable of leading us up to the regions of the highest abstraction. Tentative deduction takes the place of the predominantly inductive methods appropriate to the youthful state of science. Such a theoretical structure must be quite thoroughly elaborated in order for it to lead to consequences that can be compared with experience. It is certainly the case that here, as well, the empirical fact is the all-powerful judge. But its judgment can be handed down only on the basis of great and difficult intellectual effort that first bridges the wide space between the axioms and the testable consequences. The theorist must accomplish this Herculean task with the clear understanding that this effort may only be destined to prepare the way for a death sentence for his theory. One should not reproach the theorist who undertakes such a task by calling him a fantast; instead, one must allow him his fantasizing, since for him there is no other way to his goal whatsoever. Indeed, it is no planless fantasizing, but rather a search for the logically simplest possibilities and their consequences. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Η επαφή με το μυστήριο είναι η ωραιότερη εμπειρία του ανθρώπου. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Séguese da Teoría Especial da Relatividade que a masa e a enerxía son ambas manifestación diferente da mesma cousa - unha concepción non familiar para a mente media-. Polo tanto, a ecuación E = mc², na que a enerxía pónse como igual á masa, multiplicada polo cadrado da velocidade da luz, amosa que cada pequeno monto de masa pode ser convertido nunha gran cantidade de enerxía e vice versa. A masa e enerxía son de feito equivalentes, en acordo coa fórmula mencionada. Esto foi amosado por Cockcroft e Walton no 1932, de xeito experimental. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מתוך תורת היחסות עולה שמסה ואנרגיה הן שתי התגלמויות שונות של אותו דבר – תפיסה מוזרה במקצת לאדם המצוי... המסה והאנרגיה שקולות למעשה." ~ הקראה בפני קהל, "כמו שאיינשטיין אמר", עמוד 157 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Dalla teoria della relatività consegue che la massa e l'energia sono entrambe manifestazioni diverse di una stessa cosa, una visione abbastanza insolita per la persona media. Inoltre, E = mc2 in cui l'energia è uguale alla massa moltiplicata per la velocità della luce al quadrato, ha mostrato che una piccolissima quantità di massa può convertita in una grandissima quantità di energia... cioè che la massa e l'energia sono di fatto equivalenti. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    קיים רק נתיב אחד לשלום ולביטחון, נתיב הארגון העל־לאומי. חימוש חד צדדי על בסיס לאומי רק מחזק את אי הביטחון והמבוכה מבלי לשמש הגנה יעילה." ~ נאום בניו יורק לרגל קבלת "פרס העולם האחד", 27 באפריל 1948 (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər bir adam marşla uyğunlaşma içində yeriyə bilirsə, o dəyərsiz bir varlıqdır. Özünə yalnız bir onurğa iliyi kafi ola biləcəyi halda, səhvən bir beyni olmuşdur onun. Sivilizasiyanın bu quru ləkəsi ən qısa müddətdə yox edilməlidir. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Технологичният прогрес е като брадва в ръцете на патологичен престъпник. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Unser ganzer gepriesener Fortschritt der Technik, überhaupt die Civilisation, ist der Axt in der Hand des pathologischen Verbrechers vergleichbar. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Përparimi i teknikes është si Sëpata, në duart e kriminelit patologjik. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Очевидна е хармонията в космоса, която аз, с моя ограничен човешки ум, успявам да схвана, но въпреки това, все още има хора, които казват, че Бог не съществува. А това, което наистина ме вбесява, е фактът, че тези хора твърдят, че аз поддържам техните възгледи. (RDF)
  • en: English
    In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognise, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support of such views. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    In considerazione di tale armonia nel cosmo, che io, con la mia mente umana limitata, sono in grado di riconoscere, ci sono ancora persone che dicono che Dio non esiste. Ma ciò che veramente mi fa più arrabbiare è che mi citano a sostegno di tali opinioni. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Descrivere ogni cosa in modo scientifico sarebbe possibile, ma assurdo. Non avrebbe senso, sarebbe come descrivere una sinfonia di Beethoven in base alla variazione della pressione dell'onda. Come si può mettere la Nona di Beethoven in un diagramma cartesiano? Ci sono delle realtà che non sono quantificabili. L'universo non è i miei numeri: è pervaso tutto dal mistero. Chi non ha il senso del mistero è un uomo mezzo morto. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ako je A uspjeh u životu, onda je A jednako x plus y plus z. X je rad, y je igra, z je držanje jezika za zubima. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ako je A uspjeh u životu, tada je A jednako X plus Y plus Z. X je rad, Y je igra, a Z je držati jezik za zubima. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Jei A gyvenimo sėkmė, tai A lygus X, Y ir Z sumai, kur X – tai darbas, Y – žaidimas, o Z – užčiaupta burna. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Dunque sto vivendo senza grassi, senza carne, senza pesce, ma in questo modo mi sento proprio bene. A me pare sempre che l'uomo non sia nato per essere un carnivoro. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Taigi išgyvenu be riebalų, be mėsos, be žuvies, ir aš jaučiuosi gana gerai. Man atrodo, kad žmogus nėra gimęs mėsėdžiu. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Tak więc żyję bez tłuszczów, bez mięsa czy ryb, ale czyniąc tak, czuję się całkiem nieźle. Zawsze wydawało mi się, że człowiek nie narodził się, aby być drapieżnikiem. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Artık yağ olmadan, et olmadan, balık olmadan yaşıyorum ve bu şekilde gayet iyi hissediyorum. Daima insanın bir etçil olarak doğmadığını düşünmüşümdür. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Xəyal bilikdən daha vacibdir. Bilik məhduddur, xəyal isə bütün dünyanı əhatə edir, təkamül yaradan tərəqqini stimullaşdırır. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    در دنیایی که دیوارها و دروازه‌ها وجود ندارند چه احتیاجی به پنجره و نرده است؟ (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əmrlə gələn qəhrəmanlıqdan, şüursuz şiddətdən, axmaqca vətənpərvərlikdən - bütün bunlardan necə də nifrət edirəm. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A Matemática pura é, à sua maneira, a poesia das ideias lógicas. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Prieš blogį vieniši žmonės dažnai būna bejėgiai. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הטעות הגדולה ביותר של חיי." ~ על הקבוע הקוסמולוגי (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    לכל בעיה יש פתרון, שאם לא כן – לא הייתה בעיה. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Soluziorik gabeko problema bat gaizki planteatutako problema bat da. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Problem var, həlli yoxdur. Bunu hamı bilir. Gözlənilmədən, problemin həllinin olmadığını bilməyən birisi meydana çıxır və problemi həll edir. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il fenomeno Gandhi è il risultato di una straordinaria forza intellettuale e morale, unita a grande abilità politica e a circostanze eccezionali. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie ma najmniejszego powodu by przypuszczać, że uda się kiedykolwiek otrzymać jakiekolwiek praktyczne wykorzystanie energii atomowej. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Ninguém conseguirá alcançar completamente esse objectivo, mas lutar pela sua realização já é por si só parte da nossa liberação e o alicerce da nossa segurança interior. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    من همیشه علیه استیلای زور مبارزه کرده‌ام. متأسفانه فرضیه‌های من، انسانیت را به‌سلاح قدرت‌طلبی مجهز نموده که برای من عذاب وجدان به‌ارمغان آورده‌است. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Məkan və zaman varlığımızın şərtləri yox, düşüncəmizin ölçüsüdür. Saat və təqvimlər vasitəsilə qəbul etdiyimiz zaman yalnız insana və dünyanın təfsirinə aid olan bir ixtiradır. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    అమలు చేయని శాసనాలు ప్రభుత్వానికి ఎక్కువ హానికరం,అగౌరవం. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il ragionamento scientifico è il perfezionamento del pensiero prescientifico. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Niekada nederėtų problemai užkarti savo išankstinio nusistatymo; geriau ją išnagrinėti, ir sprendimas atsiras savaime. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Los grandes espíritus siempre han encontrado una violenta oposición de parte de mentes mediocres. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Suured isiksused kohtavad alati keskpäraste mõistuste raevukat vastutegevust. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    המוחות הגדולים תמיד נתקלו בהתנגדות אלימה מצד המוחות הנחותים. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Möhtəşəm beyinlər daim adi beyinlərin şiddətli müxalifətiylə qarşılanmışlar. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La specializzazione in ogni campo dell'attività intellettuale sta aprendo un vuoto sempre più vasto fra gli intellettuali e i non specialisti, che rende ancor più difficile per la vita della nazione di venir fertilizzata e arricchita dai risultati ottenuti dall'arte e dalla scienza. Tuttavia il contatto fra l'intellettuale e le masse non deve andare perduto. È necessario, per il progresso della società e non di meno per rinnovare la forza dell'intellettuale; perché il fiore della scienza non cresce nel deserto. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ci sta a cuore non solo il problema tecnico dell'assicurare e preservare la pace, ma anche l'importante compito dell'istruzione e dell'illuminazione delle menti. Se vogliamo contrastare le forze che minacciano di sopprimere la libertà intellettuale e individuale dobbiamo avere chiara davanti ai nostri occhi la posta in gioco, e quanto dobbiamo a quella libertà che i nostri antenati conquistarono per noi dopo dure lotte. Senza tale libertà non ci sarebbe stato alcuno Shakespeare, o Goethe, o Newton, o Faraday, o Pasteur o Lister. Solo gli uomini liberi possono produrre le invenzioni e le opere intellettuali che a noi moderni rendono la vita degna di essere vissuta. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I have expressed an opinion on public issues whenever they appeared to me so bad and unfortunate that silence would have made me feel guilty of complicity. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Geh Recht viel spazieren, dass Du Recht gesund wirst und lies nicht gar zu viel sondern spar Dir noch was auf bis Du gross bist. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər siçan kainata baxırsa, bundan kainatın vəziyyəti dəyişərmi? (RDF)
  • de: German
    Wir glauben, dass die Wissenschaft der Menschheit am besten dient, wenn sie sich von aller Beeinflussung durch irgendwelche Dogmen freihält und sich das Recht vorbehält, alle Thesen einschließlich ihrer eigenen anzuzweifeln. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Эйнштейн: Ваш фильм «Золотая лихорадка» понятен во всём мире, и Вы непременно станете великим человеком.Чарли Чаплин: Я Вами восхищаюсь ещё больше. Вашу теорию относительности никто в мире не понимает, а Вы всё-таки стали великим человеком. (RDF)
  • en: English
    منطق شما را از A به B می‌برد، ولی تخیل شما را به همه جا می‌برد.» The New Quotable Einstein. Princeton University Press; Enl. Commemorative Ed. / edition (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sono sicuro che è più facile imparare la matematica che non il baseball. Sono sicuro che lei imparerebbe la matematica prima che io possa imparare il baseball. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il primo articolo ha per oggetto la radiazione e le proprietà energetiche della luce ed è decisamente rivoluzionario. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Doszedłem – będąc dzieckiem całkowicie niereligijnych rodziców – do głębokiej religijności, która jednak miała swój nagły koniec w wieku lat dwunastu. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Я хочу быть кремированным, чтобы люди не приходили поклоняться моим костям. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Не стоит обожествлять интеллект. У него есть могучие мускулы, но нет лица. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I see a clock, but I cannot envision the clockmaker. The human mind is unable to conceive of the four dimensions, so how can it conceive of a God, before whom a thousand years and a thousand dimensions are as one? (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Нещата трябва да са възможно най-опростени, но не и прости. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Να τα κάνεις όλα όσο πιο απλά μπορείς, αλλά όχι απλούστερα. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Se debe hacer todo tan sencillo como sea posible, pero no ‘más sencillo’. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Kaikki pitäisi tehdä niin yksinkertaiseksi kuin mahdollista, mutta ei yhtään sitä yksinkertaisemmaksi. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    יש לשאוף לפשט דברים ככל האפשר, אבל לא מעבר לכך. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Egy dolog annyira egyszerű, amennyire csak lehetséges, de semmivel sem egyszerűbb. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Hendaklah segalanya dibuat sederhana mungkin, tetapi bukan asal sederhana. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Segala sesuatu harus dibuat sesederhana mungkin, tapi tidak berarti dibuat lebih gampang. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Tutto dev'essere reso quanto più semplice possibile. Ma non più semplice di così. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    物事は全て、出来る限り単純にすべきだ。 (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    凡事都應該弄得愈簡單愈好,但是別把它簡化了。 (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Gjør alt så enkelt som mulig, men ikke enklere. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wszystko powinno zostać uproszczone tak bardzo, jak to tylko możliwe, ale nie bardziej. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wszystko powinno się konstruować w sposób możliwie najprostszy, ale nie uproszczony. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Çdo gjë duhet të jetë e thjeshtë aq sa është, por jo më e thjeshtë. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Gjithçka duhet ta thjeshtësojmë aq sa është e mundur, por jo edhe me shumë. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həddindən artıq olmamaq şərti ilə hər şey mümkün qədər sadələşdirilməlidir. (RDF)
  • ur: Urdu
    ہر شے کو جتنا ممکن ہو، سادہ بنا دو۔ (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Le NU per il momento, e il governo mondiale alla fine, dovrebbero perseguire un unico scopo: la garanzia della sicurezza, della tranquillità e del benessere per tutta l'umanità. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La domanda è: c'è un modo per liberare gli uomini dalla fatalità della guerra? È ormai sufficientemente risaputo che, col progredire della tecnica moderna, rispondere a questa domanda è diventato una questione di vita o di morte per la civiltà da noi conosciuta; eppure, nonostante la massima buona volontà, tutti i tentativi di soluzione sono miseramente falliti. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    See on ime, kui pärast kooliharidust on inimesel uudishimu. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I believe in intuition and inspiration. ... At times I feel certain I am right while not knowing the reason. When the eclipse of 1919 confirmed my intuition, I was not in the least surprised. In fact I would have been astonished had it turned out otherwise. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Sinestezina da matematikak, giza-adimenak sortua izanik, natura hain hertsiki deskribatzea. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Era così forte in lui il piacere immediato di vedere e capire – lamor dei intellectualis di Spinoza – che fino in tarda età ha guardato il mondo con gli occhi curiosi di un bambino, continuando a trovare gioia e appagamento nel capire i nessi tra le cose. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Su augančiu populiarumu aš tampu vis bukesnis, tai be abejo labai dažnas fenomenas mūsų visuomenėje. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    No permitas que tu felicidad dependa de alguien porque no siempre esa persona será como crees. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Le nostre prospettive scientifiche sono ormai agli antipodi. Tu ritieni che Dio giochi a dadi col mondo; io credo invece che tutto ubbidisca a una legge, in un mondo di realtà obiettive che cerco di cogliere per via furiosamente speculativa. Lo credo fermamente, ma spero che qualcuno scopra una strada più realistica – o meglio un fondamento più tangibile – di quanto non abbia saputo fare io. Nemmeno il grande successo iniziale della teoria dei quanti riesce a convincermi che alla base di tutto vi sia la casualità, anche se so bene che i colleghi più giovani considerano quest'atteggiamento come un effetto della sclerosi. Un giorno si saprà quale di questi due atteggiamenti istintivi sarà stato quello giusto. (RDF)
  • en: English
    To think with fear of the end of one's life is pretty general with human beings. It is one of the means nature uses to conserve the life of the species. Approached rationally that fear is the most unjustified of all fears, for there is no risk of any accidents to one who is dead or not yet born. In short, the fear is stupid but it cannot be helped. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    「當一個人乘坐電梯時,他不會感覺自己在下降,因為這時電梯和人都依照重力加速度在下降,彷彿電梯裡不存在地心引力。反之,如果電梯以不變的加速度上升,那麼人在電梯裡將覺得雙腳緊貼在地板上,就像站在地球表面一樣。」 (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az emberi lét része az egésznek, amit mi "Univerzumnak" hívunk, egy olyan rész, amelyet behatárol a tér és az idő. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    یک فرد باهوش یک مسئله را حل می‌کند اما یک فرد خردمند از رودررو شدن با آن دوری می‌کند. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Pametan čovjek rješava probleme. Mudar ih izbjegava. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Uma pessoa esclarecida resolve um problema. Uma pessoa sábia o evita. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I fully agree with you about the significance and educational value of methodology as well as history and philosophy of science. So many people today — and even professional scientists — seem to me like someone who has seen thousands of trees but has never seen a forest. A knowledge of the historic and philosophical background gives that kind of independence from prejudices of his generation from which most scientists are suffering. This independence created by philosophical insight is — in my opinion — the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Oly sok ember manapság - még hivatásos tudósok is - olyannak tűnnek nekem, mint aki már több ezer fát látott, de még soha nem látott egy erdőt. A történelmi és filozófiai háttértudás adja meg a függetlenséget a generációjának azon előítéleteitől, amelyektől a legtöbb tudós szenved. Véleményem szerint - Ez a filozófiai meglátás által megteremtett függetlenség különbözteti meg az egyszerű iparos embert az igazság igaz kutatójától. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The strange thing about growing old is that the intimate identification with the here and now is slowly lost; one feels transposed into infinity, more or less alone, no longer in hope or fear, only observing. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La cosa strana dell'invecchiare è che l'intima identificazione con il qui e ora si va lentamente perdendo. Ci si sente trasposti nell'infinito, più o meno soli. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Immer weigere ich mich, irgendetwas deswegen für wahr zu halten, weil Sachveständige es lehren, oder auch, weil alle es annehmen. Jede Erkenntnis muss ich mir selbst erarbeiten. Alles muss ich neu durchdenken, von Grund auf, ohne Vorurteile. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    我很清楚地了解,要達到一個確定的目標必須有人出來領導、啟發思想、從事指揮,並負擔大部分的責任;但被領導的人卻不應該被驅策,他們應被允許選擇他們自己的領袖。在我看來,把社會分成許多階級的種種區別都是虛假的;這些區別分析到最後都是依靠暴力的。我相信每個寡頭的暴力制度一定會造成墮落;因為暴力無可避免地會引來一些道德低下的人。基於這些理由,我堅決反對專制的軍國主義。──愛因斯坦〈我心目中的世界〉 (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A háborút nem humánusabbá kell tenni, hanem el kell törölni. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Човек трябва да живее твърде дълго, за да разбере колко кратък е животът. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Czasu nie ma, wszystko, co nas otacza, to wieczność. Bóg jest wiecznością, więc jest wszechobecny. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    تا وقتی که در فیزیک اثبات‌های ریاضی وجود دارد نیازی به آزمایش نداریم. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Mi sento talmente parte di tutto ciò che vive che non m'importano per niente l'inizio e la fine dell'esistenza concreta di una singola persona in questo flusso eterno. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš jaučiuosi didele dalimi visko kas gyva, todėl esu mažiausiai susirūpinęs dėl konkrečios žmogaus gyvybės pradžios ar pabaigos šioje amžinoje tėkmėje. (RDF)
  • de: German
    El: Wagner: Kion Einstein efektive diris (RDF)
  • de: German
    Von Gutem ist ein ernstes Wort, wenn man’s gebraucht am rechten Ort. Hast du’s zu tun jedoch mit Toren, ist jedes kluge Wort verloren. In solchem Fall, wie ihr entdeckt, hab’ ich die Zung’ herausgestreckt. Man kann es wohl nicht besser machen als blöde Leute auszulachen. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Para castigar mi desprecio por la autoridad, el destino me hizo una autoridad. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Per punirmi del mio disprezzo per l'autorità, il destino ha fatto di me un'autorità. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    為了懲罰我蔑視權威,命運也將我變成了一個權威。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Siekdamas nubausti už panieką autoritetams, likimas mane patį pavertė autoritetu. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Aby ukarać mnie za moją pogardę dla autorytetów, Los sprawił, że sam stałem się autorytetem. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Чтобы покарать меня за отвращение к авторитетам, судьба сделала авторитетом меня самого. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    مهم آن است که هرگز از پرسش بازنایستیم. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Tärkein asia on olla lopettamatta kyselemistä. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הדבר הכי חשוב, הוא לעולם לא להפסיק לשאול שאלות. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A legfontosabb dolog: Nem szabad abbahagyni a kérdezősködést. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Svarbu nenustoti kelti sau klausimus. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Điều quan trọng là người ta không ngừng hỏi. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Come sarebbe diverso, e come sarebbe meglio per l'umanità se ci fosse più gente come lui . Sembra che in ogni tempo e su ogni continente le personalità più eccelse siano costrette a stare in disparte, incapaci di influenzare gli avvenimenti del mondo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'amore porta molta felicità, molto più di quanto struggersi per qualcuno porti dolore. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Miłość niesie ze sobą wielkie szczęście, o wiele większe od bólu, który przynosi tęsknota. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    C'è, tuttavia, una macchia scura nel panorama sociale degli americani. Il loro senso dell'eguaglianza e della dignità umana si limita essenzialmente agli uomini di pelle bianca. Più mi sento americano, più questa situazione mi fa soffrire. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Cap problema pot ser resolt des de la mateixa consciència on s'ha creat. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Žádný problém nemůže být vyřešen na stejné úrovni myšlení, která jej stvořila. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Kein Problem kann durch dasselbe Bewusstsein gelöst werden, das es kreiert hat. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Ühtegi probleemi ei saa lahendada sellel tasemel, millisel ta tekkis. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    कोई भी समस्या चेतना के उसी स्तर पर रह कर नहीं हल की जा सकती है जिसपर वह उत्पन्न हुई है। (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    I problemi non possono essere risolti allo stesso livello di consapevolezza che li ha creati. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Nenhum problema pode ser resolvido pelo mesmo grau de consciência que o gerou. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    תורת היחסות (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La sola giustificazione dei nostri concetti e dei nostri sistemi di concetti è il fatto che essi servono a rappresentare l'insieme delle nostre esperienze; a parte questo, essi non hanno nessuna legittimità. Sono convinto che i filosofi hanno sempre avuto un effetto dannoso sul progresso del pensiero scientifico poiché hanno sottratto molti concetti fondamentali al dominio dell'empirismo, nel quale si trovano sotto il nostro controllo e li hanno portati alle intangibili altezze dell'a priori. Infatti, anche se dovesse risultare che il mondo delle idee non può essere dedotto dall'esperienza attraverso mezzi logici ma è, in un certo senso, una creazione della mente umana, senza la quale non è possibile nessuna scienza, il mondo delle idee risulterebbe altrettanto indipendente dalla natura delle nostre esperienze quanto lo sono i vestiti dalla forma del corpo. Questo in particolare è vero per i nostri concetti del tempo e dello spazio, che i fisici sono stati costretti dai fatti a far scendere dall'Olimpo dell'a priori per adattarli e renderli utilizzabili. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    El pensament religiós és l'intent de trobar una sortida allà on no hi ha cap porta. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    چه کم‌اند آنان که با چشمان خود می‌نگرد و با قلب‌های خود احساس می‌کنند. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מעטים הם אלו שראו במו עיניהם והרגישו בלבבם. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Hiếm có kẻ nhìn bằng con mắt của họ và cảm nhận bằng chính trái tim của họ. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    C'è una sola strada per la pace e la sicurezza: la strada dell'organizzazione sovrannazionale. Un armamento unilaterale su base nazionale accresce soltanto l'incertezza e la confusione generale senza costituire un efficace protezione. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Si è conclusa una vita che rimarrà sempre modello per le future generazioni . Non ho conosciuto nessun altro per cui il dovere e la gioia erano la stessa e identica cosa. È questa la ragione della sua vita armoniosa. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Tylko wzorowanie się na wielkich i kryształowo czystych charakterach rodzi piękne idee i szlachetne czyny. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Sóc contrari al nacionalisme però estic a favor del sionisme. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Soy contrario al nacionalismo pero estoy a favor del sionismo. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Եթե ցանկանում եք երջանիկ ապրել, ապա պետք է կապված լինեք ձեր նպատակներին և ոչ թե՝ մարդկանց ու իրերին։ (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Jei nori gyventi laimingą gyvenimą – susiek jį su tikslu, o ne su kitais žmonėmis ar daiktais. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Если вы хотите вести счастливую жизнь, вы должны быть привязаны к цели, а не к людям или к вещам. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Xoşbəxt olmaq istəyirsinizsə, insanlarla və əşyalarla yox, məqsədlərlə bağlı olun. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Uğur qazanmağa yox, həyatının mənası olmasına səy göstər. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər xoşbəxt həyat sürmək istəyirsinizsə, insanlara və şeylərə yox, məqsədə bağlanmalısınız. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    외웠는가? 그렇다면 따라할 수 있을 것이다. 외우지 않았는가? 그렇다면 창조할 수 있을 것이다. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Բոլորը գիտեն, որ դա հնարավոր չէ։ Բայց գալիս է մեկը, ում դա հայտնի չէ, և անում է այդ բացահայտումը։ (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Все с детства знают, что то-то и то-то невозможно. Но всегда находится невежда, который этого не знает. Он-то и делает открытие. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Osserviamo nondimeno che l'idea di spazio assoluto, che implica quella di riposo assoluto, era per Newton fonte di inquietudine . (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Człowiek, który uchyla się od służby wojskowej ze względów religijnych, jest rewolucjonistą. Postanawiając nie stosować się do obowiązującego prawa, poświęca bowiem swe osobiste interesy dla sprawy najważniejszej – dążenia do ulepszenia społeczeństwa. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Pentsatzeko era berri bat behar dugu, pentsatzeko era zaharrak sortutako arazoak konpontzeko. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Mozarts Musik ist so rein und schön, daß ich sie als die innere Schönheit des Universums selbst ansehe. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La musica di Mozart è così pura e bella che la considero un riflesso della bellezza interna dell'universo stesso. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Egunetik egunera gehiago dakigu eta gutxiago ulertzen dugu. (RDF)
  • th: Thai
    ความกลัวความตายเป็นความกลัวที่ไม่มีเหตุผลที่สุดของมนุษย์ (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Mając dwadzieścia lat, myślałem tylko o kochaniu. Potem kochałem już tylko myśleć. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Es un milagro que la curiosidad sobreviva a la educación reglada. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jest cudem, że ciekawość przeżywa typowe wykształcenie. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Čudo je da je znatiželja preživjela službeno obrazovanje. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Prawda nas jeszcze zadziwi. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    좀 더 신중하게 말하자면 그런 철학은 정말로 관찰하고 있는 것에 대해 주목하도록 돕는 역할을 해요. 하지만 원리적으로 보면 관찰할 수 있는 크기만을 토대로 이론을 만들려고 하는 건 잘못된 거예요. 실제로는 정반대니까요. 사실은 이론이 비로소 무엇을 관찰할 수 있을지를 결정해요. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mąstymas, kuris jus atvedė čia, kur dabar esate, nenuves ten, kur svajojate būti. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Təbliğatla zəhərlənmədikləri müddətcə, kütlələr, əsla, döyüş tərəfdarları deyil. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    ఎంతటి తుచ్చమైన దుష్టమైనది యుద్ధం. అంతటి లోతైన యుద్ధంలో పాల్గొనడం కంటే నేను ముక్కలు ముక్కలుగా చిన్నాభిన్నంగా అవడానికే అంగీకరిస్తాను. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən müharibəni elə diksinti verici və alçaldıcı görürəm ki, belə iyrənc bir hərəkətə qatılmaqdansa özümü parçalayıb yox etmək daha yaxşı. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'odio che impazza contro di noi affonda le radici nel fatto che abbiamo sostenuto l'ideale della convivenza armonica e che gli abbiamo dato espressione con parole e coi fatti tra la maggior parte del nostro popolo. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the Prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in the United States is closely connected with this. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il prestigio del governo è stato senza dubbio diminuito considerevolmente dalle leggi proibizioniste. Perché nulla è più distruttivo del rispetto per il governo e la legge del paese che promulgare delle leggi che non si possono far rispettare con la forza. È un segreto di Pulcinella che il pericoloso aumento del crimine in questo paese è strettamente connesso a queste leggi. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Detenere una scorta di bombe atomiche senza impegnarsi a non utilizzarne per primi è sfruttare a fini politici il possesso delle bombe. Può darsi che gli Stati Uniti sperino in tal modo di intimorire l'Unione Sovietica e di indurla ad accettare un controllo sovrannazionale dell'energia atomica. Ma inculcare la paura non fa che accrescere l'antagonismo e aumentare il pericolo di una guerra. Sono dell'opinione che questa politica ci abbia allontanati dalla vera soluzione moralmente accettabile, la proposta di un controllo sovrannazionale dell'energia atomica. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Žmogus buvo apdovanotas tik tokiu intelekto kiekiu, kad aiškiai galėtų pamatyti, kiek neadekvatus tas intelektas, kai susiduriama su tuo, kas egzistuoja. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Dimensionless constants in the laws of nature, which from the purely logical point of view can just as well have different values, should not exist. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nella ricerca dovette sbarazzarsi dell'approccio animistico, una modalità di pensiero orientata a fini nascosti. Dovette per prima cosa riconoscere che nemmeno la tecnica matematica più nitidamente logica offriva di per sé alcuna garanzia di verità, facendosi irrilevante se non verificata sulle più meticolose osservazioni della scienza naturale. Non fosse stato per questo orientamento filosofico, il lavoro di Keplero non sarebbe stato possibile. Lui non ne parla, ma le sue lettere riflettono tale lotta interiore. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İki atı eyni zamanda sürə bilməzsiniz. Nəsə edə bilərsiniz, amma hər şeyi edə bilməzsiniz. İndiki zamana köklənin və bütün enerjinizi bu an gördüyünüz işə sərf edin. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הקשר שאיחד את היהודים במשך אלפי שנים ושמאחד אותם היום הוא, מעל הכל, האידאל הדמוקרטי של צדק סוציאלי, בצירוף האידאל של עזרה הדדית וסובלנות בין כל בני־האדם עלי אדמות... המאפיין השני של המסורת היהודית הוא הכבוד הגדול שהיא רוחשת לכל צורה של שאיפה אינטלקטואלית ומאמץ רוחני." ~ "כמו שאיינשטיין אמר", עמוד 100 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il legame che ha unito gli ebrei per migliaia di anni e che ancora oggi li unisce è, principalmente, l'ideale democratico della giustizia sociale, assieme a quello della vicendevole solidarietà e tolleranza tra tutti gli uomini. Il secondo tratto caratteristico della tradizione ebraica è l'alta considerazione in cui è tenuta ogni forma di aspirazione intellettuale e di sforzo spirituale. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Sərhədlərini bir dəfə genişləndirən ağıl, heç vaxt əvvəlki halına qayıtmayacaqdır. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die Natur zeigt uns vom Löwen zwar nur den Schwanz. Aber es ist mir unzweifelhaft, dass der Löwe dazugehört, wenn er sich auch wegen seiner ungeheuren Dimensionen dem Blicke nicht unmittelbar offenbaren kann. Wir sehen ihn nur wie eine Laus, die auf ihm sitzt. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Gamta mums parodo tik liūto uodegą. Tačiau nėra abejonių, kad kartu su ja egzistuoja ir liūtas, net jeigu jis visas žmogaus akiai negali pasirodyti dėl savo milžiniško dydžio. (RDF)
  • en: English
    May they not forget to keep pure the great heritage that puts them ahead of the West: the artistic configuration of life, the simplicity and modesty of personal needs, and the purity and serenity of the Japanese soul. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    La teoría es asesinada tarde o temprano por la experiencia. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Gələcəkdə müvəffəqiyyətli olacaq insanlar, keçmişdən çalışaraq çatmalıdır. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    כדי לפתור בעיה כבדת משקל עלינו להגיע אל רמת חשיבה גבוהה מזו שבה היינו כשיצרנו את הבעיה. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    In epoche turbate e angosciate come la nostra, in cui è difficile trovare gioia negli uomini e nel corso degli eventi umani, è particolarmente consolante evocare il ricordo di un uomo così grande, così sereno quale Kepler. Egli viveva in un'epoca in cui l'esistenza di leggi generali per i fenomeni naturali non era affatto stabilita con certezza. Quanto grande doveva essere la sua fede in queste leggi per dargli la forza di consacrare dozzine d'anni ad un lavoro paziente e difficile, nell'isolamento, senza alcun appoggio, poco compreso dai suoi contemporanei, alla ricerca empirica del movimento dei pianeti e delle leggi matematiche di questo movimento. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Gözəl bir qızla eşqbazlıq edərkən bir saat bir saniyə kimi gəlir. Qızğın bir közün üzərində oturarkən bir saniyə bir saat kimi gəlir. Izafilik budur. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Fundamental ideas play the most essential role in forming a physical theory. Books on physics are full of complicated mathematical formulae. But thought and ideas, not formulae, are the beginning of every physical theory. The ideas must later take the mathematical form of a quantitative theory, to make possible the comparison with experiment. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Jorge õpetajanna oli öelnud, et see poiss on imelaps - et ta on otse matemaatikageenius. Seepeale pistis Danieli vennal pähe hakata kutsuma Jorget Einsteiniks - see on suure juukselakaga teadusmees, kelle pilt on entsüklopeedias, kus on öeldud, et ta on maailma suurim matemaatikageenius. Kuid Jorge sai tulivihaseks, kui teda kutsuti Einsteiniks, ja ütles isegi viimaks, et: "Hoopis su vanaema on Einstein." On väga inetu öelda niiviisi teiste vanaema kohta, sest vaene vanake pole süüdi lastelaste koerustes. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    למרבה הצער, ההתקדמות של המדע היא לרוב כמו גרזן בידיו של פושע פתולוגי. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It's a very strange book and I've even told professor Heisenberg, my fellow physicist, to get a copy and keep it on his desk. I urged him to dip into it when he's handicapped by some problem. The strangeness of this book may relax or possibly inspire him. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Meglehet, Jézusnál nagyobb dolgokat is véghez tudunk vinni, mert a Bibliában róla írottak költőien kiszínezettek. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ammirevole, nel testo democriteo, è il trattamento delle qualità sensibili. E colpiscono gli sforzi che egli fa con il senso della vista, mantenendo tenacemente l'idea fondamentale. Tra gli aforismi morali, alcuni sono veramente belli, ma molti, stranamente, hanno un'impronta piccolo-borghese . Degna di ammirazione è la ferma credenza nella causalità fisica, una causalità che non si arresta neanche di fronte alla volontà delhomo sapiens. Per quel che ne so, solo Spinoza è stato così radicale e conseguente. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Io credo con Schopenhauer che l'impulso più potente che li spinge verso l'arte e la scienza è il desiderio di evadere dalla vita d'ogni giorno con la sua dolorosa crudezza e il suo vuoto senza speranza di sfuggire alle catene dei desideri individuali più sensibili fuori del loro io individuale, verso il mondo della contemplazione e del giudizio obiettivo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Per capirci, non sono i frutti della ricerca scientifica a elevare l'uomo e ad arricchire la sua natura, ma lo stimolo a comprendere, il lavoro intellettuale, creativo o ricettivo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sono lieto che la tua vita e la tua attività siano fruttuose e soddisfacenti. Ciò aiuta a superare le follie degli uomini dai quali dipende il destino collettivo del cosiddetto homo sapiens. Non che in passato questo destino fosse migliore; ma la sua miseria non ci appariva così evidente, e le conseguenze della ciarlataneria erano meno catastrofiche che nelle circostanze attuali. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Con questa ipotesi dei quanti, egli ha capovolto la meccanica classica, nel caso in cui masse sufficientemente piccole si spostano con velocità che toccano valori assai piccoli e accelerazioni sufficientemente grandi. Di modo che oggi non possiamo più considerare valide le leggi del movimento di Galileo e di Newton se non come leggi-limite. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    On hi ha voluntat, hi ha un camí. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kur yra valia, yra ir kelias. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Parlar de crisi és promoure-la, i callar en la crisi és exaltar el conformisme. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הדתות, האמנויות והמדע הם ענפים של אותו העץ. כל השאיפות האלה מכוונות כדי להאציל את חייו של האדם. להרים אותם מעולם הקיום הגשמי ולהוביל את הפרט אל עבר החופש. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Minden vallás, művészet és tudomány egyazon fának a különböző ágai. Ezeknek a törekvéseknek a célja az ember életének megnemesítése, a pusztán fizikai létezésből való kiemelése és az egyén elvezetése a szabadsághoz. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Tutte le religioni, le arti e le scienze sono rami di uno stesso albero. Aspirano tutte a sollevare la vita dell'uomo, sollevandola dal livello della mera esistenza fisica per condurre l'individuo verso la libertà. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Tất cả tôn giáo, nghệ thuật và khoa học đều là những cành mọc ra từ một thân cây. Tất cả những khát vọng ấy đều hướng tới cái đích là làm cho cuộc sống con người cao quý hơn. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    ככל שתיאוריית הקוונטים מצליחה יותר, כן היא נראית מטופשת יותר." ~ מכתב אל היינרך זנגר, 20 במאי 1912 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Più la teoria dei quanti ha successo e più sembra una sciocchezza. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    విజ్ఞాన శాస్త్రాభివృద్ధి అనే హారంలో ఒక పూవుతో మరో పూవును కలిపే దారపు ముక్కవంటి వాడిని నేను.నేను వదిలిన స్థలం నుండి ఈ మాలను నా విద్యార్ధులు పెంచుతూ పోతారు. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Try and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of nature and you will find that, behind all the discernible concatenations, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable. Veneration for this force beyond anything that we can comprehend is my religion. To that extent I am, in point of fact, religious. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Su mūsų ribotomis galimybėmis stenkitės skverbtis į gamtos paslaptis ir atrasite, kad už įžiūrimų tarpusavio ryšių glūdi kažkas subtilaus, neapčiuopiamo ir nepaaiškinamo. Didi pagarba šiai galiai prieš viską ką mes galime suvokti yra mano religija. Šiuo požiūriu aš esu religingas. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər nisbilik nəzəriyyəsi təsdiqlənərsə, onda almanlar mənim alman, fransızlar isə dünya vətəndaşı olduğumu deyəcəklər; əgər mənim nəzəriyyəm təkzib olunarsa, fransızlar məni alman, almanlar isə yəhudi elan edəcəklər. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš pardaviau savo kūną ir sielą mokslui – skrydis nuo „Aš“ ir „Mes“ į „tai“. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    من یک شخص عمیقاً مذهبی بی اعتقاد به وجود خدا هستم. این تا اندازه‌ای نوع جدید از مذهب محسوب می‌شود. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Olen syvästi uskonnollinen uskonnoton. Tämä on jokseenkin uudenlainen uskonto. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני בלתי מאמין אדוק מאוד. זוהי דת מסוג חדש־משהו." ~ מתוך "אלברט אינשטיין, הצד האנושי (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Én egy mélységesen vallásos hitetlen vagyok; ez egy új vallásféle. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jestem głęboko wierzącym ateistą. Jest to poniekąd zupełnie nowy rodzaj religii. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    人間の邪悪な心を変えるよりはプルトニウムの性質を変えるほうが易しい。 (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Είναι ευκολότερο να διασπάσεις ένα άτομο παρά μια προκατάληψη. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    నాకు గణితం మీద నమ్మకం లేదు. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Przyszłość należy do wyobraźni. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    జీవితం సైకిల్ ప్రయాణం. అదుపు తప్పకుండా ఉండాలంటే తొక్కుతునే ఉండాలి. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    כל עוד נשאר עבדים לאמת, לצדק, ולחירות, נוסיף לייצור הערכים שיסייעו לתיקון האנושות. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    知性とは、方法や手段に対して鋭い鑑識眼を持っているが、目的や価値に対して盲目である。 (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Não existe nenhum caminho lógico para a descoberta das leis elementares do universo – o único caminho é o da intuição. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A tudomány legalapvetőbb gondolatai alapvetően egyszerűek, és szabályként bárki számára érthető nyelven megfogalmazhatóak. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Musimy być gotowi ponosić heroiczne poświęcenie dla pokoju, tak samo jak szczerze ponosimy je na wojnie. Nie ma niczego ważniejszego i bliższego memu sercu. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    fin dall'inizio è sempre stato presente il tentativo di individuare per tutte queste singole scienze, una base teoretica unitaria composta del minor numero possibile di concetti e relazioni fondamentali, da cui si potessero ricavare per sviluppo logico tutti i concetti e le relazioni delle singole discipline. È questo che intendiamo per ricerca di fondamenti comuni per la globalità della fisica. La convinta fiducia nel conseguimento di tale obiettivo finale è la principale fonte dell'appassionata dedizione che ha sempre animato i ricercatori. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La Germania ha avuto la sventura di venir avvelenata prima dalla ricchezza e poi dalla povertà. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Lettera di Einstein del 1943, (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    La única manera de educar es dando un ejemplo, a veces un ejemplo espantoso. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jedynym rozsądnym sposobem wychowania jest oddziaływanie własnym dobrym przykładem, a jeśli nie można inaczej – odstraszającym przykładem. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Nisbilik nəzəriyyəsi ilə riyaziyyatçılar məşğul olmağa başladıqdan sonra artıq mənim özüm də bu nəzəriyyəni başa düşə bilmirəm. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    El Einstein A. Kaj M. Besso Korespondado 1903-1955 (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Füüsikaline aeg on see, mida te loete oma kelladelt. (RDF)
  • en: English
    That is simple my friend: because politics is more difficult than physics. (RDF)
  • en: English
    That is simple, my friend. It is because Politics is more difficult than physics. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Teoriek behatu dezakeguna zehazten dute. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Seuraavan jälkeinen maailmansota käydään kivet aseina. (RDF)
  • en: English
    carry such information in my mind since it is readily available in books. ...The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Тайната на творческите способности е в това да знаеш как да криеш източниците си. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El secreto de la creatividad es saber cómo ocultar tus fuentes. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Luovuuden salaisuus on se, että tietää, kuinka piilottaa lähteensä. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A kreativitás titka, hogy jól tudod leplezni a forrásaidat. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kūrybiškumo paslaptis yra mokėjimas nuslėpti savo įkvėpimo šaltinius. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O segredo da criatividade é saber como esconder as fontes. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Świat Amerykanina jest tak wielki jak jego gazeta. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Rytų Europa niekada nebūtų grobis Rusijai, jei Vakarai būtų užkirtę kelią vokiečių agresyviam Fašizmui, ši rimta klaida neišvengiamai privedė prie pagalbos maldavimo iš Rusijos. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non posso prendere molto sul serio il fatto che ti senti «troppo vecchio», perché capita anche a me. È un sentimento che ogni tanto riemerge per poi scomparire di nuovo. Possiamo tranquillamente lasciare alla natura il compito di ridurci in polvere un po' alla volta, posto che non preferisca usare sistemi più rapidi. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non vedo l'ora di ricevere una lettera della mia streghina adorata. Non riesco davvero a credere che rimarremo separati ancora per tutto questo tempo: solo ora mi rendo conto di essere pazzamente innamorato di te! Lasciati viziare quanto vogliono, così tornerai un piccolo tesoro radioso e selvaggia come una monella di strada. (RDF)
  • mr: Marathi (Marāṭhī)
    वस्तुतः उत्तमं सङ्गीतं, पौर्वात्यं पाश्चात्यं वा स्यात्, विश्लेषयितुम् असाध्यम् । (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Масата на едно тяло е мярка за неговото енергийно съдържание. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The mass of a body is a measure of its energy content. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bütün insanlar yalan danışırlar. Ancaq bu qorxulu deyil. Çünki, insanlar bir-birinə qulaq asmırlar. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Einer, der nur Zeitungen liest und, wenn's hochkommt, Bücher zeitgenössischer Autoren, kommt mir vor wie ein hochgradig Kurzsichtiger, der es verschmäht, Augengläser zu tragen. Er ist völlig abhängig von den vorurteilen und Moden seiner Zeit, denn er bekommt nichts anderes zu sehen und zu hören. Und was einer selbständig denkt ohne Anlehnung an das Denken und Erleben anderer, ist auch im besten Falle Ziemlich ärmlich und monoton. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È per me una grande gioia avere un figlio che ha ereditato il tratto principale del mio carattere: la capacità di elevarsi al di sopra della mera esistenza e di sacrificarsi a lungo per uno scopo che la trascende. Questo è il modo migliore, anzi l'unico attraverso il quale riusciamo a renderci indipendenti dalla nostra sorte individuale e dagli altri esseri umani. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nigdy nie znalazłem lepszego określenia niż „religijna” dla wiary w racjonalną naturę rzeczywistości i jej szczególnej dostępności dla ludzkiego umysłu. Tam, gdzie brakuje tej wiary, nauka wynaturza się w sztampową procedurę. I nie obchodzi mnie, czy księża korzystają z tego w jakiś sposób. Tego zmienić nie można. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non sono mai stato comunista, ma se lo fossi stato non me ne vergognerei. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš niekada nebuvau komunistu, tačiau jeigu būčiau, aš nejausčiau gėdos. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    opinio de Einstein pri kvantummekaniko en letero al Max Born (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Einstein y la religión (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsan genelde birine -düşmanı olmadığı sürece- akıllılık atfetmekten kaçınır. (RDF)
  • de: German
    ich glaube an spinozas gott der sich in der harmonie des seienden offenbart stop nicht an einen gott der sich mit schicksalen und handlungen der menschen abgibt. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Ich glaube an Spinozas Gott, der sich in der gesetzlichen Harmonie des Seienden offenbart, nicht an einen Gott, der sich mit Schicksalen und Handlungen der Menschen abgibt. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I believe in Spinoza's God, Who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God Who concerns Himself with the fate and the doings of mankind. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Uskon Spinozan Jumalaan, joka paljastaa itsensä olemassaolon järjestyneessä harmoniassa, en Jumalaan, jota kiinnostavat ihmisten kohtalot ja toimet. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני מאמין באל של שפינוזה, המגלה את עצמו בהרמוניה של כל הקיים, אבל לא באל המעסיק את עצמו בגורלם ובמעשיהם של בני האדם. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Spinoza Istenében hiszek, aki a világ törvényszerű harmóniájában nyilvánul meg, és nem egy olyan Istenben, aki az emberek cselekedeteivel és végzetével foglalkozik. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Credo nel Dio di Spinoza che si rivela nell'armonia di tutto ciò che esiste, ma non in un Dio che si occupa del destino e delle azioni degli esseri umani. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    世界の法則ある調和のうちに己を顕わすスピノザの神を私は信じる。人類の運命と行為にかかずっている神ではなく。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš tikiu Spinozos Dievu, kuris atsiskleidžia harmonijoje visko kas egzistuoja, bet netikiu į Dievą, kuris nerimauja dėl žmogaus likimo bei poelgių. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Acredito no deus de Espinoza, que se revela na ordenada harmonia do que existe, não num deus que se preocupa com os destinos e as ações de seres humanos. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Tehát mélységesen vallásos voltam, de 12 éves koromban ennek hirtelen vége szakadt. Azáltal, hogy sok közismert tudományos könyvet olvastam, hamarosan arra a meggyőződésre jutottam, hogy sok bibliai történet nem lehet igaz. Ez a felismerés tett gyanakvóvá minden hatalommal szemben, és ez a hozzáállás egész életemet végigkíséri. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A leitura de obras de divulgação científica gerou em mim a convicção de que várias passagens da Bíblia não podiam ser verdadeiras. Desenvolvi assim um fanático livre-pensamento, associado ao sentimento de que o Estado emitia deliberadamente aos jovens; foi uma revelação para minha vida. Extraí dessa experiência uma desconfiança em relação a toda forma de autoridade, um ceticismo a respeito das convicções que prevaleciam na sociedade da época, posição que jamais abandonei, ainda que depois ela tenha perdido sua acuidade, graças a um melhor discernimento das relações causais. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Minha profunda religiosidade — apesar de eu ter sido criado por pais judeus totalmente irreligiosos — terminou abruptamente aos 12 anos. Através da leitura de famosos livros de ficção científica, logo cheguei à conclusão de que muitas das histórias da Bíblia não poderiam ser verdadeiras. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    С увеличаването на моята известност, аз ставам все по-глупав, което, разбира се, е обикновено явление. Съществува прекалено голямо несъответствие между това, което си, и онова, което хората мислят, че си. Или поне това, което казват, че мислят за теб. Но всичко трябва да се приема с чувство за хумор. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Bizitzako gauzarik preziatuenak ez dira diruaren truke lortzen direnak. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    我々の進もうとする道が正しいかどうか、神は前もって教えてはくれない。 (RDF)
  • en: English
    The really good music, whether of the East or of the West, cannot be analyzed. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mano Dievo suvokimas ateina iš kažkur gilumoje jaučiamo įsitikinimo apie aukštesnį intelektą, kuris atsiskleidžia mums žinomame pasaulyje. Bendrai kalbant, žmogus gali apibūdinti tai kaip „panteistinį“ . (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Esiterei a dire che saranno la filosofia e la ragione a guidare le azioni umane in un futuro prevedibile; comunque rimarranno, come sempre un bellissimo santuario per gli eletti. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Rzec można, że odwieczną tajemnicą świata jest jego poznawalność. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day. Never lose a holy curiosity. ... Don't stop to marvel. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Važno je da nikad ne prestaneš s pitanjima; znatiželja ima svoj vlastiti razlog postojanja. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La cosa importante è di non smettere mai di interrogarsi. La curiosità esiste per ragioni proprie. Non si può fare a meno di provare riverenza quando si osservano i misteri dell'eternità, della vita, la meravigliosa struttura della realtà. Basta cercare ogni giorno di capire un po' il mistero. Non perdere mai una sacra curiosità. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Ważne jest by nigdy nie przestać pytać. Ciekawość nie istnieje bez przyczyny. Wystarczy więc, jeśli spróbujemy zrozumieć choć trochę tej tajemnicy każdego dnia. Nigdy nie trać świętej ciekawości. Kto nie potrafi pytać nie potrafi żyć. (RDF)
  • th: Thai
    สิ่งสำคัญอย่างยิ่งก็คือ อย่าได้หยุดตั้งคำถาม ความกระหายใฝ่เรียนรู้นั้นมีเหตุผลในตัวมันเองที่จะต้องดำรงอยู่ ช่วยไม่ได้เลยที่เราจะรู้สึกครั่นคร้ามเมื่อได้ครุ่นคิดถึงความลึกลับแห่งนิจนิรันดร์ชีวิต และลักษณะอันน่าพิศวงของสัจจะ แค่เพียงได้คิดคำนึงถึงความลึกลับเหล่านี้วันละนิดก็เพียงพอแล้ว จงอย่าได้สูญเสียความกระหายใฝ่รู้อันศักดิ์สิทธิ์นี้ (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    जन्मना अहमस्मि ज्यू, स्वीस्देशस्य नागरिकः अस्मि । निर्माणेन मानवमात्रः अस्मि । केनापि स्थलेन सह मम नास्ति कोऽपि विशेषानुबन्धः । (RDF)
  • ro: Romanian, Moldavan
    Inoiz ez dut etorkizunean pentsatzen, bizkorregi dator. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Gəncliyimizdə düşüncələrimizi meydana gətirən bütün mövzular sevgiylə əlaqədardır. Sonraları isə bütün sevgilərimiz düşüncələrimiz olar. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    La Naturaleza esconde su secreto porque es sublime, no por astucia. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La natura nasconde i propri segreti perché è sublime, non perché imbroglia. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Przyroda skrywa swoje tajemnice, ponieważ jest wyniosła, a nie dlatego, że chce nas wywieść w pole. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Parlaq düşüncələrinizi yazmaq üçün bir dəftəriniz varmı? (RDF)
  • de: German
    Ich habe keine besondere Begabung, sondern bin nur leidenschaftlich neugierig. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Δεν έχω κανένα ιδιαίτερο ταλέντο, είμαι μόνο με πάθος περίεργος. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Mul ei ole ühtegi erilist annet. Ma olen lihtsalt uudishimulik. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    من هیچ‌گونه استعدادِ برجسته‌ای ندارم، فقط مشتاقانه کنجکاوم. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אין בי כישרון מיוחד, אבל יש בי הרבה סקרנות. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ja nemam neke posebne talente. Samo sam jako radoznao. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem vagyok különösebben tehetséges, csak szenvedélyesen kíváncsi. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non ho particolari talenti, sono soltanto appassionatamente curioso. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš nesu apdovanotas jokiu ypatingu talentu. Aš tik siaubingai smalsus. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie mam żadnych szczególnych uzdolnień. Cechuje mnie tylko niepohamowana ciekawość. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Unë nuk kam dhunti. Unë jam vetëm një kureshtar i sëmurë. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Autoritätsdusel ist der größte Feind der Wahrheit. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אמונה עיוורת בסמכות היא האויב הגדול ביותר של האמת. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Poštovanje autoriteta bez razmišljanja, najveći je neprijatelj istini. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Besąlygiška pagarba autoritetui yra didžiausias tiesos priešas. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Otoriteye gösterilen düşüncesizce saygı, doğruluğun en büyük düşmanıdır. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    మనిషి తన శరీరానికి పరిమితమై అహంకారాన్ని ప్రదర్శించ కూడదు.తాను అనంత విశ్వంలో భాగాన్నని అర్ధం చేసుకొని ఆత్మగౌరవంతో ప్రవర్తిస్తే ప్రపంచంలో శాంతి నెలకొంటుంది. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Perché si dovrebbe aprire la porta a una persona che divora il capitalismo ben cotto con lo stesso appetito e gusto del minotauro cretese che nei tempi andati divorava dolci ragazze greche, e in soprammercato è abbastanza franco da evitare ogni guerra, tranne quella inevitabile con la propria moglie? (RDF)
  • de: German
    Das müssen doch lächerliche Leute gewesen sein, die den Glauben an ein individuelles Fortleben nach dem Tode aufgebracht haben. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A képzelőerő mindennek az alapja. Ez az, ami bepillantást enged a jövőbe. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È l'unico occidentale che abbia avuto sull'attuale generazione un'influenza morale paragonabile a quella di Gandhi. Come nel caso di Gandhi, la portata della sua influenza è dovuta soprattutto all'opera esemplare alla quale ha dedicato la vita. (RDF)
  • en: English
    A truly rational theory would allow us to deduce the elementary particles and not be forced to state them a priori. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem becsülöm azt az embert, aki élvezettel tud a sorban zeneszó mellett menetelni; ez az ember agyát csak tévedésből kapta, hiszen teljesen elegendő lett volna neki a gerincvelő is. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Най-печалното при младото поколение е, че аз вече не съм част от него. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Ένα μόνο με εκνευρίζει στη νεότερη γενιά…ότι πλέον δεν αποτελώ κομμάτι της. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Science is international but its success is based on institutions, which are owned by nations. If therefore, we wish to promote culture we have to combine and to organize institutions with our own power and means. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Nëse zoti e ka krijuar botën, me siguri qëllimi i tij nuk ishte ta bëjë botën ashtu që ne ta kuptojmë. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wybitne umysły są zawsze atakowane przez miernoty, którym trudno pojąć, że ktoś może odmówić ślepego hołdowania panującym przesądom, decydując się w zamian na odważne i uczciwe głoszenie własnych poglądów. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Tizenhat éves koromban megfordult bennem egy gondolat...Ha egy fénysugáron utaznék...Ezt az utazást úgy észlelném, mint térben rezgő mágneses teret, amely valójában nem is mozog. Ez sem a tapasztalat, sem a Maxwell-egyenletek szerint nem lehetséges. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    تنها دلیل وجود زمان آن است که همه چیز با هم اتفاق نیفتد. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Ainoa syy ajalle on se, että kaikki ei tapahtuisi samaan aikaan. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az időnek egyetlen oka van: minden nem történhet egyszerre. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Zaman mövcudluğunun yeganə səbəbi hər şeyin eyni zamanda baş verməməsidir. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    ״יצירתיות היא אינטליגנציה שעושה חיים.״ - creativity is intelligence having fun (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ez duzu zerbait benetan ulertzen, zure amonari azaltzeko gai ez zaren artean. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought — before there is any connection with logical construction in words or other kinds of signs which can be communicated to others. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Fintanto che posso scegliere, voglio stare in un paese dove la libertà, la tolleranza e l'uguaglianza di tutti i cittadini davanti alla legge siano la regola. Queste condizioni non ci sono in Germania attualmente. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    बुद्धि का सही संकेत ज्ञान नहीं बल्कि कल्पनाशीलता है। (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O verdadeiro sinal de inteligência não é o conhecimento, e sim a imaginação. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Shenja e vërtetë e inteligjencës nuk është dituria, por imagjinata. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie ma rzeczywistości samej w sobie, są tylko obrazy widziane z różnych perspektyw. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Abbiamo dimostrato che la fisica induttiva pone delle questioni alla fisica deduttiva e viceversa e che la risposta a queste questioni esige la tensione di tutti gli sforzi. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    స్వార్ధం నుండి విముక్తి పొందినప్పుడే ఆ మనిషి విలువ అంచనా వేయబడుతుంది. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    siamo obbligati perciò ad ammettere che dobbiamo il nostro principale vantaggio sulle bestie al fatto che viviamo in una società umana. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie spotkałem dotąd dziewczyny, której urok nie potrzebowałby wspólnej płaszczyzny naukowej. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    ... létezik az idők szelleme, egy – a generációra jellemző– gondolkozásmód, amely emberről emberre száll, és egy társadalomnak jellegzetes bélyegét adja. E korszellem változásában kevés munkával mindenkinek részt kell vennie. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Skatt er noe av det vanskeligste å forstå. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bizi ilgilendiren konu yalnız barışı kurmanın ve korumanın teknik çareleri değil, aynı zamanda kafaları eğitmenin, aydınlatmanın yoludur. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È uno smidollato terribile e non ha un pizzico di sano buon senso. È incapace di farsi abbastanza coraggio per combinare qualcosa nella vita o negli studi; e dire che ha una testa straordinariamente fine, di cui osservo con molto piacere i caotici processi mentali. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'americano persegue l'ambizione, il futuro, molto più di quanto lo faccia l'europeo. la vita per lui non è mai essere, ma sempre diventare. è meno individualista dell'europeo – in particolare dal punto di vista psicologico, non economico. Viene data più enfasi al "noi" che all'"io. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Kant è una specie di autostrada con tante, tante pietre miliari. Poi arrivano tutti i cagnolini e ognuno deposita il suo contributo alle pietre miliari. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    secondo la teoria della relatività generale lo spazio è dotato di proprietà fisiche; in tal senso, un etere esiste, e anzi un spazio privo di etere è inconcepibile, perché non solo la propagazione della luce vi sarebbe impossibile, ma neppure avrebbe senso, per un tale spazio, parlare di regoli di misura e di orologi e neppure, di conseguenza, di distanze spazio-temporali nel senso della fisica. Non si deve tuttavia attribuire a tale etere la proprietà che caratterizza i mezzi ponderabili, quella cioè di essere costituito di parti che si possano seguire nel tempo: e neppure è lecito applicare ad esso il concetto di moto. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Nunca consideres el estudio como una obligación, sino como una oportunidad para penetrar en el bello y maravilloso mundo del saber. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    당신에게 바쳐지는 헌정 논문집을 위해 물리학을 위한 짧은 동요를 써봤습니다. 이 때문에 이미 봄과 드 브로이가 펄쩍 뒤집어졌답니다. 이 동요는 슈뢰딩거 또한 최근 회피하려고 했던 양자역학에 대한 당신의 통계적 해석의 불가결성을 증명하고자 한 것입니다. 아마 당신에게 조그만 재미를 선사할 것 같습니다. (RDF)
  • en: English
    As an eminent pioneer in the realm of high frequency currents... I congratulate you on the great successes of your life's work. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Mint a nagyfrekvenciás áram birodalmának kimagasló úttörőjének... gratulálok önnek az életművének hatalmas sikeréért. (RDF)
  • de: German
    El: Nathan, Norden: Einstein pace (RDF)
  • de: German
    el: Nathan, Norden: Einstein pace (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Atomun dərk edilməsi - uşaq oyununun tapmacalarıyla müqayisədə uşaq oyunudur. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Bo ja wolno myślę. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    In realtà egli si sentiva più infelice di chiunque altro con cui fossi in intimità. La ragione era che non si riteneva all'altezza del nobile compito che gli si parava davanti. A che serviva che tutti lo smentissero? Il suo senso di inadeguatezza, oggettivamente ingiustificato, lo tormentava senza tregua, derubandolo spesso della pace mentale necessaria per una tranquilla ricerca. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I was sitting in a chair in the patent office at Bern when all of sudden a thought occurred to me: If a person falls freely he will not feel his own weight. I was startled. This simple thought made a deep impression on me. It impelled me toward a theory of gravitation. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ero seduto nell'Ufficio brevetti a Berna quando all'improvviso mi ritrovai a pensare: se una persona cade liberamente, non avverte il proprio peso. Sobbalzai. Questo pensiero semplice mi colpì profondamente e mi spinse verso una teoria della gravitazione. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Pöytä, tuoli, hedelmäkulho ja viulu; mitä muuta ihminen tarvitsee ollakseen onnellinen? (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    एक मेज, एक कुर्सी, एक कटोरा फल और एक वायलन; भला खुश रहने के लिए और क्या चाहिए? (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אנשים לא צריכים את אלוהים כדי להיראות טיפשים, הם עושים את העבודה מצוין גם בעצמם. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    अहम् अन्तर्बोधे अन्तःप्रेरणायां च विश्वसिमि । .... कदाचित् अकारणं मम भासते यत् अहं साधुः इति । १९१९ तमस्य वर्षस्य ग्रहणेन मम अन्तर्बोधस्य स्थिरीकरणं यदा जातं तदा नाहम् आश्चर्यान्वितः । यदि तथा न स्यात् तर्हि एव अहं विस्मितः स्याम् । कल्पना ज्ञानस्य अपेक्षया मुख्या । ज्ञानं भवति परिमितं किन्तु कल्पना इत्येषा समग्रं जगत् आलिङ्गति, प्रगतिं पोषयति, विकासं जनयति च । वैज्ञानिकसंशोधने अयं भवति अत्यन्तं प्रमुखः अंशः । (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    גילוי האנרגיה האטומית שינה הכל חוץ מצורת החשיבה שלנו... הפתרון לבעיה זו שוכן בלִבה של האנושות. אילו רק הייתי יודע, הייתי צריך להיות שען. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Reading after a certain age diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking, just as the man who spends too much time in the theater is tempted to be content with living vicariously instead of living his own life. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking (RDF)
  • en: English
    Much reading after a certain age diverts the mind from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking, just as the man who spends too much time in the theaters is apt to be content with living vicariously instead of living his own life. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Skaitymas, peržengus tam tikrą amžių, per daug nukreipia protą nuo jo kūrybinių siekių. Bet kuriam per daug skaitančiam ir per mažai galvojančiam žmogui išsivysto tingėjimo mąstyti įprotis. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Công việc đọc sách, sau một tuổi tác nào đó, đã làm lệch hướng khỏi các mục tiêu sáng tạo. Một người nào đó mà đọc sách quá nhiều và dùng tới bộ óc quá ít, sẽ rơi vào các thói quen lười biếng suy nghĩ. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È tipico della mentalità militarista considerare essenziali i fattori non-umani e ritenere invece trascurabile e secondario l'essere umano, i suoi desideri e pensieri, in breve i fattori psicologici. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Apprendere e insegnare cose che non si riescono ad accettare appieno nel proprio intimo è sempre un compito difficile . (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Tenha em mente que tudo que você aprende na escola é trabalho de muitas gerações. Tudo isso é posto em sua mão como sua herança para que você receba-a, honre-a, acrescente a ela e, um dia, fielmente, deposite-a nas mãos de seus filhos. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Video disponibile su Secondo lo scienziato William C. Waterhouse lo stralcio riportato dal Time Magazine sarebbe stato estrapolato da un commento casuale rilasciato dallo scienziato ad un giornalista, durante il periodo in cui Einstein viveva ancora in Germania. L'opinione di Waterhouse trova conferma in una lettera successiva dello scienziato, risalente al 14 novembre 1950. Si tratta di una lettera di risposta ad una missiva invitagli da un pastore di una chiesa di Brooklyn, l'11 novembre 1950. Nella lettera il pastore ricordò che dopo l'avvento di Hitler, Einstein aveva rilasciato tale dichiarazione e chiese gentilmente ad Einstein di inviargli una copia manoscritta di quel brano. Einstein rispose così: «Sono colpito dal tono generoso e leale della Sua lettera dell'11 novembre. Sono tuttavia un po' imbarazzato. Le parole che Lei cita non sono mie. Poco dopo l'ascesa al potere da parte di Hitler, ebbi un colloquio con un giornalista su questi argomenti. Da allora le mie osservazioni sono state rielaborate ed esagerate: non le riconosco più. Non posso trascrivere in buona fede il brano che Lei mi manda, credendolo mio. L'argomento è ancora più imbarazzante per me perché, come Lei, sono estremamente critico nei confronti degli atteggiamenti e soprattutto delle attività politiche del clero ufficiale nel corso della storia. Quindi il brano, anche se potessi trascriverlo con le mie parole originali dà un'impressione sbagliata del mio pensiero a riguardo. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Pode que as xeracións vindeiras crean apenas que algo con sangue camiñaba sobre a Terra. falando con Mahatma Gandhi (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La vecchiaia ha i suoi momenti belli. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən özümü və özümün düşüncə tərzini araşdıranda, mən belə bir qərara gəlirəm:təsəvvür,xəyal və fantaziyalarım mənim üçün daha dəyərlidir, nəinki bütün başqa bildiklərim. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Jei moksle nori labai greitų ir apčiuopiamų rezultatų – būk geriau batsiuviu. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Նա, ով ցանկանում է իր աշխատանքի արդյունքը միանգամից տեսնել, պետք է կոշկակար դառնա։ (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Тот, кто хочет видеть результаты своего труда немедленно, должен идти в сапожники. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הדוגמה היא מורת האדם, בשום דרך אחרת לא ילמד. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Ich selber habe mich nicht gescheut, meine Überzeugung bei jeder sich darbietenden Gelegenheit offen auszusprechen, wie ich es für meine Pflicht halte. Aber die einzelne Stimme vrerschwindet in dem Gebrüll der Menge – es ist immer so gewesen. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    És bo per a tothom viure una vida senzilla i modesta tan físicament com mentalment. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Considero altresì che la vita semplice faccia bene a tutti, fisicamente e mentalmente. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    나는 간소하면서 아무 허세도 없는 생활이야말로 모든 사람에게 최상의 것. 육체를 위해서나 정신을 위해서나 최상의 것이라고 생각한다. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš tikiu, kad paprastas ir kuklus gyvenimas yra naudingas visiems ir kūniškai, ir protiškai. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It appears dubious whether a field theory can account for the atomistic structure of matter and radiation as well as of quantum phenomena. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Quando le donne stanno a casa, si attaccano ai loro mobili continuano a spostarli e a risistemarli. Quando viaggio con una donna, sono l'unico mobile di cui dispone e per tutto il giorno non riesce a impedirsi di spostarmi e di sistemarmi qualcosa. (RDF)
  • en: English
    We shall, therefore, assume the complete physical equivalence of a gravitational field and a corresponding acceleration of the reference system. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Development of Western Science is based on two great achievements, the invention of the formal logical system by the Greek philosophers, and the discovery of the possibility to find out causal relationships by systematic experiment . In my opinion one has not to be astonished that the Chinese sages have not made these steps. The astonishing thing is that these discoveries were made at all. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Preferirei senz'altro che si arrivasse a un accordo ragionevole con gli arabi sulla base di una pacifica convivenza, che alla creazione di uno stato ebraico. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El amor por la fuerza nada vale, la fuerza sin amor es energía gastada en vano. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    בעיני, הריגה במלחמה אינה טובה אפילו במעט מסתם רצח." ~ מצוטט בכתב עת יפני "Kaizo", סתיו 1952 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se consideriamo le nostre vite e i nostri sforzi osserviamo, ben presto, che quasi la maggior parte delle nostre azioni e dei nostri desideri è collegata all'esistenza di altri esseri umani. Notiamo che la nostra natura somiglia in tutto a quella degli animali sociali. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Demokratijos silpnybės glūdi tame, kad ekonominės ir politinės valdžios savininkai turi galingas priemones, kurių pagalba jie įtakoja viešąją nuomonę pagal savo interesus. Pati sistema neišsprendžia problemų, tačiau disponuoja vertingu modeliu, kurio pagalba problemos gali būti išspręstos. Viskas priklauso nuo gyventojų moralinės ir politinės kokybės. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני פציפיסט מסור, אבל לא מוחלט: זאת אומרת שאני מתנגד לשימוש בכוח בכל מצב, אלא אם כן אתה מתעמת עם אויב הרואה בהכחדת חיים מטרה בפני עצמה. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    यदि मानव जातो को जीवित रखना है तो हमें बिलकुल नयी सोच की आवश्यकता होगी। (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nessuno osa prendere posizione sulla validità o meno per un semplice motivo: non esiste modo di affermare alcunché riguardo alle soluzioni di un sistema di equazioni non lineari tanto complesso, se si escludono casi particolari. (RDF)
  • en: English
    :Before God we are all equally wise— and equally foolish. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    神の前において我々は平等に賢く、平等に愚かである。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Prieš dievą mes visi lygūs: išmintingi ir kvaili. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Перед Богом мы все одинаково мудры — или одинаково глупы. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bizim hamımız Allah qarşısında eyni dərəcədə müdrik və eyni dərəcədə axmağıq. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Чтобы выигрывать, прежде всего нужно играть. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər səni həmişəlik qapısı bağlı bir otağa salıblarsa və sən nəfəslikdən göyün bir parçasını görürsənsə və həmin o bir əlçim goy üzündə bulud topaları üzür, bir qartal hərlənib qıy vurursa, elə bircə bu mənzərə sənin ömrün boyu yazmağın üçün kifayət qədər mövzu verə bilər. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Kelkfoje oni atribuas al Albert Einstein la eldiron, ke Esperanto estas la plej bona solvo por la ideo de internacia lingvo. Plej verŝajne temas pri konfuzo kun la librotitolo de Leopold Einstein : La lingvo internacia kiel plej bona solvo de la problemo de internacia monda lingvo . (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    עיקר מהותו וערכו של היחיד אינו בזכות היותו יצור מובדל, אלא בזכות היותו חלק מציבור אנושי גדול. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Такой вариант встречается в русскоязычной среде. Можно встретить и менее популярную перефразировку: «Ты никогда не решишь проблему, если будешь думать так же, как те, кто её создал.» Ниже приведены аналогичные цитаты из сборника «The New Quotable Einstein» . В нём тоже сказано, что эти цитаты приписываются Эйнштейну, но не удалось найти источники. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Si possono avere buone ragioni per sostenere che la realtà non può essere rappresentata da un campo continuo. I fenomeni quantistici sembrano dimostrare con certezza che un sistema finito di energia finita può essere completamente descritto da un insieme finito di numeri . Questo non sembra in accordo con una teoria del continuo, e deve quindi spingere alla ricerca di una teoria puramente algebrica in grado di descrivere la realtà: Ma nessuno sa come si possono ottenere le basi per una teoria di questo tipo. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem vagyok ateista, és nem hiszem, hogy panteistának hívhatnám magamat. Egy kisgyermek helyében vagyunk, aki belép egy hatalmas könyvtárba, ami tele van különböző nyelvű könyvekkel. A gyerek tudja, hogy valakinek meg kellett írnia ezeket a könyveket. Nem tudja, hogyan. A gyermek halványan sejt valamilyen titokzatos rendet a könyvet elrendezésében, de nem tudja, hogy mi az. Nekem úgy tűnik, ez a hozzáállása akár a leginteligensebb embernek is Isten irányába. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non sono un ateo. Il problema è troppo vasto per le nostre menti limitate. Siamo nella posizione di un bimbetto che entra in un'immensa biblioteca piena di libri scritti in molte lingue. Il bambino sa che qualcuno deve aver scritto quei libri. Ma non sa come. Non capisce le lingue in cui sono scritti. Intuisce indistintamente un ordine misterioso nella disposizione dei libri, ma non sa quale sia. Questo, mi sembra, è l'atteggiamento anche del più intelligente degli esseri umani verso Dio. Vediamo un universo meravigliosamente organizzato che obbedisce a certe leggi, ma comprendiamo solo indistintamente queste leggi. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    我不是無神論者,也不知道自己算不算是泛神論者。我們就像個誤闖一座大型圖書館的小孩,裏面藏滿了不同語言寫成的書籍。那小孩知道,這些書一定是由某人所寫,只不知晓他如何寫成,隱約感覺到這些書的排列,彷彿依據某種神秘規律,卻不明所以。對我而言,似乎連世上聰明之最對於上帝的看法亦是如此。 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    A chi è piegato dall'età, la morte verrà come un sollievo. Lo sento molto fortemente ora che sono arrivato io stesso alla vecchiaia, e a considerare la morte come un vecchio debito che è giunto il momento di pagare. Ma istintivamente, facciamo di tutto per ritardare quest'ultimo adempimento. Così la natura si diverte a giocare con noi. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A nossa principal tarefa é a de nos livrarmos dessa prisão, ampliando o nosso círculo de compaixão para que ele abranja todos os seres vivos e toda a natureza. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Nikah, təsadüfi epizoddan möhkəm və uzunmüddətli nə isə yaratmaq cəhdidir. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Mluvení o víře je způsob, jak maskovat, že Židy necharakterizuje jejich víra, nýbrž příslušnost k židovské národnosti. Musíme se znovu naučit být hrdí na naši minulost a znova se dopracovat k vědomí, že jsme národ s přirozeným kulturním posláním; jen tak v sobě zase upevníme pocit vzájemné pospolitosti. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A világegyetem káosz, mégis racionális törvények uralják. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'antisemitismo è sempre stato il mezzo più economico impiegato da minoranze egoistiche per ingannare il popolo. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Guardar ressentimento é tomar veneno e esperar que o outro morra. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    ——摘自愛因斯坦親自撰寫的「類似我自己訃聞」的〈自傳筆記〉(Autobiographical notes)中 (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Sinetsita nago gaitz larri hauek guztiak konpontzeko bide bakarra dagoela: ekonomia sozialista bat ezartzea, helburu sozialetara bideraturiko hezkuntza sistema batekin lagunduta. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Eppure ogni teoria è speculativa. Quando i concetti fondamentali di una teoria sono relativamente «vicini all'esperienza» , il suo carattere speculativo non è facilmente individuabile. Se, però, una teoria è tale da richiedere l'applicazione di procedimenti logici complessi per raggiungere conclusioni, a partire dalle premesse, che possano essere confrontate con l'osservazione, chiunque acquisisce la consapevolezza della natura speculativa della teoria. In tal caso sorge un sentimento quasi irresistibile di avversione in coloro che non hanno esperienza nell'analisi epistemologica e che non sono consapevoli della natura precaria del pensiero teorico in quei campi che sono loro familiari. D'altro canto, si deve ammettere che una teoria ha un vantaggio considerevole se i suoi concetti base e le sue ipotesi fondamentali sono «vicini all'esperienza» ed è certamente giustificata una maggior fiducia in una teoria di questo tipo. Si corre meno il pericolo di andare completamente fuori strada, soprattutto perché ci vuole molto meno tempo e sforzo per invalidare tali teorie con l'esperienza. Eppure, via via che la profondità della nostra conoscenza aumenta, dobbiamo rinunciare a questo vantaggio nella nostra ricerca di semplicità logica e di uniformità nei fondamenti della teoria fisica. Si deve ammettere che la relatività è andata oltre le teorie fisiche precedenti nel rinunciare alla «vicinanza all'esperienza» dei concetti fondamentali allo scopo di raggiungere la semplicità logica. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Մարդը մեքենա չէ. եթե նրանից վերցնենք լինելիության ինքնուրույնությունը և ազատ մտածելու հնարավորությունը, նա կկործանվի։ (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O princípio criativo reside na matemática. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Se un corpo libera unha enerxía L en forma de radiación, a súa masa diminúe en L/c². (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    ישראל היא המקום היחיד עלי אדמות שבו יש ליהודים אפשרות לעצב את החיים הציבוריים שלהם על־פי האידאלים המסורתיים שלהם." ~ נאום לפני הידידים של האוניברסיטה העברית, 1954 (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אותו כתם נגוע מגפה של הציוויליזציה – יש לטהרו מהר ככל האפשר. גבורה על פי פקודה, אלימות מחוסרת היגיון, וכל הטמטום הבזוי המכונה פטריוטיזם – אני שונא את כל אלה בלהט! כמה נבזית ומתועבת היא המלחמה! הייתי מעדיף להיקרע לגזרים מלקחת חלק בעסק נתעב כזה." ~ אמונתי, 1930 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Le cose veramente originali si inventano soltanto quando si è giovani, poi si diventa più esperti, più famosi... e più stupidi. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Əsl elm və əsl musiqi eyni fikri prosesi tələb edir. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il senso di ciò che è giusto o ingiusto cresce e muore come fa un albero, e a ben poco giova qualsiasi genere di concime. Tutto ciò che il singolo può fare è di dare il buon esempio e di avere il coraggio di sostenere con serietà le convinzioni etiche in una società di cinici. Da lungo tempo mi sono sforzato di comportarmi in questo senso. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Kobieta powinna móc poddać się aborcji do określonego stadium zaawansowania ciąży. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nella stessa persona erano riuniti lo sperimentatore, il teorico, l'artigiano e, in misura non minore, il maestro nell'arte di esporre. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Sizin gerçək dəyəriniz insanlara qarşı bəslədiyiniz hisslərlə, iş və hərəkətlərinizlə, həm də özləri ilə birlikdə onlara edəcəyiniz yaxşılıqlarla ölçülür. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Hankaluuden keskellä lojuu mahdollisuus. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    U sredini svake poteškoće leži neka prilika. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Sunkumuose visada slypi galimybės. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Jos olisin tiennyt, että se johtaa tähän, olisin ryhtynyt korjaamaan käkikelloja ammatikseni." Tämän Einstein sanoi, kun Hirošiman ydinpommi pudotettiin. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Gegen organisierte Macht gibt es nur organisierte Macht; ich sehe kein anderes Mittel, so sehr ich es auch bedaure. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Зная защо има толкова много хора, които обичат да цепят дърва. В тази дейност те незабавно виждат резултатите. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wszystko, co ludzkość dotychczas uczyniła i wymyśliła, wzięło się z dążenia człowieka do zaspokojenia swych najgłębszych potrzeb i uśmierzenia bólu. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life. Either we suffer in our health, or we suffer in our soul, or we get fat. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Some recent work by E. Fermi and L. Szilard, which has been communicated to me in manuscript, leads me to expect that the element uranium may be turned into a new and important source of energy in the immediate future. Certain aspects of the situation seem to call for watchfulness and, if necessary, quick action on the part of the Administration... This new phenomenon would also lead to the construction of bombs, and it is conceivable—though much less certain—that extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this type, carried by boat or exploded in a port, might very well destroy the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory. However, such bombs might very well prove to be too heavy for transportation by air. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    در دنیا خط مستقیم وجود ندارد و تمام خطوط بدون استثناء منحنی و دایره وار است و اگر این خط کوچکی که در نظرما مستقیم جلوه می‌کند در فضا امتداد یابد خواهیم دید که منحنی است. (RDF)
  • en: English
    What lead me more or less directly to the special theory of relativity was the conviction that the electromotive force acting on a body in motion in a magnetic field was nothing else but an electric field. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ha... a valóságról szerzett tudomásunk kezdete és vége a tapasztalat, mi szerepe van a tudományban az értelemnek? (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Per grandi densità del campo e della materia, le equazioni di campo, e probabilmente anche le variabili del campo che intervengono in esse, non avranno significato reale. Pertanto, non si può supporre che le equazioni valgano per densità elevate del campo o della materia, né si può concludere che l'"inizio dell'espansione" debba corrispondere a una singolarità in senso matematico. Si deve solo ricordare che le equazioni non possono essere estese a queste regioni. Questa considerazione, tuttavia, non altera il fatto che l'"origine del mondo" costituisce realmente un inizio, dal punto di vista dello sviluppo delle stelle e dei sistemi di stelle attualmente esistenti, prima del quale tali stelle e tali sistemi di stelle ancora non esistevano come entità individuali. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    به‌سختی می‌توان در بین مغزهای متفکر جهان کسی را یافت که دارای یک‌نوع احساس مذهبی مخصوص به‌خود نباشد، این مذهب با مذهب یک شخص عادی فرق دارد. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    به سختی می‌توان در بین مغزهای اندیشمند جهان، کسی را یافت که دارای یک نوع احساس مذهبی مخصوص به خود نباشد؛ این مذهب با مذهب یک شخص عادی تفاوت دارد. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Gli oggetti comuni degli sforzi umani – proprietà, successo pubblico, lusso – mi sono sembrati spregevoli. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    L'única manera d'escapar dels efectes corruptors dels elogis és continuar treballant. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    התורה הגלית של האור המשתמשת בפונקציות מרחביות רציפות, הוכיחה את מלוא יכולתה בתיאור התופעות האופטיות הטהורות ואין להניח שתוחלף אי פעם על ידי תורה אחרת. אולם יש לזכור שהתצפיות האופטיות מתייחסות לממוצעים זמניים; ולא לערכים של רגע מסוים, ולמרות אישורה השלם של תורת העקיפה, ההחזרה, השבירה, הנפיצה וכו' על ידי הניסוי, הרי יתכן שתורת האור המשתמשת בפונקציות מרחביות רציפות תביא לידי סתירות עם הניסיון כשמפעילים אותה לגבי התופעות של יצירת אור ובליעת אור. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wszechświat Newtonowski załamał się i został zastąpiony przez wszechświat Einsteina. Tu, w Anglii, mamy go za cudownego człowieka. Nie rzuca on wyzwania faktom naukowym, lecz postępowaniu nauki. Mało tego, że rzuca wyzwanie postępowaniu nauki, ale postępowanie nauki poddało się jego wyzwaniu. Panie i panowie, proszę wstać. Piję zdrowie największego z żyjących dziś ludzi, Alberta Einsteina. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La lucidità, la convinzione e l'imparzialità che nei Suoi libri Lei applica alle questioni logiche, filosofiche e umane non hanno parallelo nella nostra generazione. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Три неща ми дават представа за вечността: "Престъпление и наказание", звездите и Дон Кихот. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אין אירוע פומבי אשר נותן לי יותר הנאה מן היוזמה להקים אוניברסיטה עברית בירושלים. לאור המסורת היהודית של לימוד והרחבת הדעת שנשמרה במשך דורות ובתנאים קשים." ~ 1921 (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    సూత్రాల వల్ల మనిషికి వాక్ స్వాతంత్ర్యం రాదు.ప్రతి వ్యక్తికీ తన అభిప్రాయాన్ని నిర్మొహమాటంగా వ్యక్తపరిచే స్వేచ్చ ఉండాలంటే ప్రజలందరిలో విమర్శను భరించే సహనం ఉండాలి. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    כל אדם צריך לבחור את דרך החשיבה שלו אם הוא לא רוצה ללכת לאיבוד במבוך האפשרויות. מצד שני, אף אחד לא בטוח שלקח את הדרך הנכונה – אני פחות מכולם. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Zsidó vagyok és örülök, hogy a zsidókhoz tartozom. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Dù sao cũng không thể quy trách nhiệm cho lực hút về việc người ta bị ai đó hút hồn. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il desiderio ardente di una visione di questa armonia prestabilita è la fonte della perseveranza e della pazienza inesauribile con la quale vediamo Planck dedicarsi ai problemi più generali della nostra scienza senza lasciarsi distogliere da mete più facilmente raggiungibili e più utilitarie. Ho sovente inteso dire che alcuni colleghi attribuivano questo modo di agire a una energia, a una disciplina straordinarie! Credo che abbiano del tutto torto. Lo stato sentimentale che rende idoneo a simili azioni rassomiglia a quello dei religiosi o degli amanti: lo sforzo giornaliero non deriva da un calcolo o da un programma, ma da un bisogno immediato. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Գիտությունը մտքի բազմադարյան անխոնջ աշխատանքն է՝ համակարգի միջոցով ընդհանրացնելու մեր աշխարհի ճանաչողական բոլոր երևույթները։ (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mokslas – tai nenuilstamas ilgaamžis minties siekis susisteminti visus pažintinus pasaulio reiškinius. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Nemůžeme ztrácet naději v lidstvo, když víme, že Mozart byl člověk. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie można wątpić w ludzkość, wiedząc że Mozart był człowiekiem. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Even on the most solemn occasions I got away without wearing socks and hid that lack of civilisation in high boots. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Hvis all utvikling var overlatt til ingeniørene ville vi hatt perfekte parafinlamper, men ingen elektrisitet. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Idealai, kurie apšvietė mano kelią ir laikas nuo laiko man suteikė drąsos, kad sutikčiau gyvenimą linksmai, buvo Geranoriškumas, Grožis ir Tiesa. Be giminystės jausmo su žmogiškomis būtybėmis, be užimtumo objektyviu pasauliu, be amžinos nepasiekiamybės mokslo ir meno srityse, gyvenimas man būtų atrodęs tuščias. Nuvalkioti žmonių dėmesio objektai – turtai, išorinė sėkmė, prabanga, – man visuomet atrodė niekingi. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    我并不假装理解宇宙——它比我大多了。 (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dünyanı təxəyyül çevirər. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הפציפיזם שלי הוא הרגשה אינסטינקטיבית, הרגשה השולטת בי מפני שרצח בני־אדם הוא דבר נתעב. עמדתי אינה נובעת משום תיאוריה אינטלקטואלית, אלא מבוססת על התיעוב העמוק שלי לכל סוג של אכזריות ושנאה. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il mio pacifismo è un sentimento istintivo, un sentimento che mi abita perché l'omicidio è ripugnante. Non nasce da una teoria intellettualistica, ma da un profondo orrore per ogni forma di odio e di crudeltà. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Harold U. Ribalow e Meir Z. Ribalow, The Growing Legend of Moe Berg '23, Princeton Alumni Weekly, 1 giugno 1984, p. 30. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Aquests alemanys són un poble estranyament divertit. Per a ells sóc una flor pestilent, però una i altra vegada em col·loquen com si fos una flor al trau. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Човек не бива да преследва цели, които са лесно осъществими, а трябва да развие инстинкт за онова, което е едва постижимо чрез най-голямото усилие, на което е способен. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Não se deve ir atrás de objetivos fáceis. É preciso buscar o que só pode ser alcançado por meio dos maiores esforços. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mənə verilən bir sirri müqəddəs bir əmanət kimi saxlayıram, lakin sirləri əlimdən gəldiyi qədər bilməməyə çalışıram. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mənə güvənilən bir sirri müqəddəs bir əmanət kimi saxlayaram, amma sirləri əlimdən gəldiyi qədər bilməməyə çalışaram. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Cəmiyyətin bütün dəyəri bir fərdin rifahı üçün yaradılan imkanlara görə ölçülür. (RDF)
  • en: English
    We often discussed his notions on objective reality. I recall that during one walk Einstein suddenly stopped, turned to me and asked whether I really believed that the moon exists only when I look at it. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    תרומתי הגדולה ביותר למתמטיקה." ~ על הסכם הסכימה (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    העולם הוא מקום הרבה יותר מוזר ממה שנוכל להעלות על הדעת. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Aby zapewnić sobie przychylność ludzi, lepiej zaoferować im coś dla żołądków niż dla umysłów. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    ఖాళీ కడుపులతో వుంచడం సరైన రాజనీతి కాదు. (RDF)
  • tl: Tagalog
    Men Spinoza'ning Xudosiga ishonaman, qaysiki oʻzini olamning qonunlarga boʻysinuvchu garmoniyasida namoyon qiladi, aslo oʻzini odamzod qilmishlari va taqdiri bilan aloqador Xudoga emas. ; Spinoza'ning Xudo haqidagi fikrlari panteistikdir) (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני רק רוצה לדעת את המחשבות של האל. כל השאר אלו פרטים קטנים. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    나는 신이 세상을 어떻게 만들었는지 알고 싶다. 이러저러한 현상이나, 이러저러한 원소의 스펙트럼에는 관심이 없다. 다만 그의 생각을 알고 싶다. 나머지는 세부적인 것에 불과하다. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš norėčiau žinoti Dievo mintis, nes visa kita yra tik detalės. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Бих искал да знам мислите на Бог; останалото са подробности. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Jeg vil vite Guds tanker... resten er detaljer. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Chcę wiedzieć, jak Bóg stworzył ten świat. Nie interesuje mnie to czy inne zjawisko. Chcę znać Jego myśli, reszta to szczegóły. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    En mand med et ur ved altid hvad klokken er. En mand med to kan aldrig være sikker. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Kunagi ära jäta meelde asju, mida saad vaadata raamatutest. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Kitabda tapa biləcəyinizi heç vaxt yadda saxlamayın. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Much later, when I was discussing cosmological problems with Einstein, he remarked that the introduction of the cosmological term was the biggest blunder he ever made in his life. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Egyszerűen semmibe vettem egy axiómát. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Wenn einer mit Vergnügen in Reih und Glied zu einer Musik marschieren kann, dann verachte ich ihn schon; er hat sein großes Hirn nur aus Irrtum bekommen, da für ihn das Rückenmark völlig genügen würde. Diesen Schandfleck der Zivilisation sollte man so schnell wie möglich zum Verschwinden bringen. Heldentum auf Kommando, sinnlose Gewalttat und leidige Vaterländerei, wie glühend hasse ich sie, wie gemein und verächtlich erscheint mir der Krieg; ich möchte mich lieber in Stücke schlagen lassen, als mich an einem so elenden Tun beteiligen! Töten im Krieg ist nach meiner Auffassung um nichts besser als gewöhnlicher Mord. (RDF)
  • en: English
    This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of the herd nature, the military system, which I abhor. That a man can take pleasure in marching in formation to the strains of a band is enough to make me despise him. He has only been given his big brain by mistake; a backbone was all he needed. This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism by order, senseless violence, and all the pestilent nonsense that does by the name of patriotism--how I hate them! War seems to me a mean, contemptible thing: I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part in such an abominable business. And yet so high, in spite of everything, is my opinion of the human race that I believe this bogey would have disappeared long ago, had the sound sense of the nations not been systematically corrupted by commercial and political interests acting through the schools and the Press. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Este tema amósame que é a peor manifestación da natureza do rabaño, o sistema militar, o que eu aborrezo. Que un home poda ter pracer en marchar en formación para a tensión dunha banda é abondo para facer que eu o despreze. Fóille dado ese gran cerebro por erro; a columna vertebral era todo o necesario. Esta praga da civilización debe ser abolida con toda a velocidade posible. O heroísmo por orde, violencia sen senso, e todo o pestilente sen senso que vai en nome do patriotismo - Como o odio! (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Questa immagine mi fa pensare al frutto peggiore della natura del branco, il sistema militare, che io aborrisco. Che un uomo possa trarre piacere dal marciare in formazione sulla scia di una banda basta a farmelo disprezzare. È stato fornito del suo grande cervello solo per sbaglio; gli sarebbe bastata la spina dorsale. Questo bubbone della civilizzazione dovrebbe essere estirpato al più presto. L'eroismo comandato, la violenza senza senso e tutto quel pestilenziale nonsenso che va sotto il nome di patriottismo – quanto lo detesto! La guerra mi pare qualcosa di meschino e spregevole: preferirei essere fatto a pezzi che partecipare a una faccenda così abominevole. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A pior das instituições gregárias se intitula exército. Eu o odeio. Se um homem puder sentir qualquer prazer em desfilar aos sons de música, eu desprezo este homem... Não merece um cérebro humano, já que a medula espinhal o satisfaz. Deveríamos fazer desaparecer o mais depressa possível este câncer da civilização. Detesto com todas as forças o heroísmo obrigatório, a violência gratuita e o nacionalismo débil. A guerra é a coisa mais desprezível que existe. Preferiria deixar-me assassinar a participar desta ignomínia. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Тот, кто довольно марширует под музыку в строю, уже заслужил мое презрение. Мозгом он был наделен по ошибке, ему вполне было бы достаточно и спинного мозга. С этим позором цивилизации должно быть покончено. Героизм по команде, бессмысленная жестокость и омерзительная бессмысленность, называющаяся патриотизмом — как сильно я ненавижу все это, какой низкой и подлой является война. Я предпочел бы быть разорванным на куски, чем быть частью этого грязного действа. Я убежден, что убийство под предлогом войны не перестает быть убийством. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Musiqi sədaları altında cərgədə addımlayanlara nifrət edirəm. Belələrinə əsas beyin səhvən verilib və onlar üçün onurğa beyni kifayət edərdi. Sivilizasiyanın bu cür rüsvayçılığına son qoyulmalıdır. Vətənpərvərlik adlanan və komanda ilə edilən qəhrəmanlığa, mənasız qəddarlığa və iyrənc mənasızlığa, müharibənin amansızlığına, mənasızlığına nifrət edirəm. Müharibə nə qədər amansız və mənasızdır. Mən tikə-tikə olmağı bu çirkin hərəkətin bir hissəsi olmaqdan üstün tuturam. Mən möhkəm əminəm ki, müharibə adı altında törədilən qətl elə qətl olaraq qalır. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    اگر واقعیات با نظریات هماهنگی ندارند، واقعیت‌ها را تغییر بده. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    לעולם אל תתייחס אל לימודיך כאל חובה אלא כהזדמנות מעוררת קנאה ללמוד ולדעת את השפעתו המשחררת של היופי בתחום הרוח. לשם אושרך שלך ולתועלת הקהילה שבתוכה תעבוד בעתיד. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    חייבת לקום ממשלה עולמית המסוגלת לפתור סכסוכים בין האומות באמצעות החלטות משפטיות... הממשלה הזאת חייבת להיות מבוססת על חוקה ברורה שתאושר על ידי הממשלות והאומות, ובידיה תהיה השליטה הבלעדית על הנשק ההתקפי." ~ ניו יורק טיימס, 30 במאי 1946 (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Не се притеснявайте за математическите затруднения, които срещате; тези, с които се сблъсквам аз, са още по-големи. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Ära muretse oma raskuste pärast matemaatikas. Ma võin kinnitada, et minu omad on ikka suuremad. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    نگران مشکلاتی که در ریاضی دارید نباشید. به شما اطمینان می‌دهم که مشکلات من در این زمینه عظیم‌تر است. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Älä huoli sinun vaikeuksistasi matematiikassa. Voin vakuuttaa, että minulla on suurempia. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ne bánkódj, ha gondjaid vannak a matematikával, biztosíthatlak, az enyémek sokkal nagyobbak! (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Nesijaudink apie tavo sunkumus su matematika, aš galiu patvirtinti, kad mano sunkumai vis tiek yra žymiai didesni. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Ikke bekymre deg over dine problemer i matematikken. Jeg kan forsikre deg om at mine er større. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie przejmuj się, jeżeli masz problemy z matematyką. Zapewniam cię, że ja mam jeszcze większe. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Não se preocupe muito com as suas dificuldades em Matemática, posso assegurar-lhe que as minhas são ainda maiores. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Sam ne verjamem v kvantno mehaniko, ker ni skladna z idejo, da fizika predstavlja realnost v prostoru in času, kjer ni fantomskih vplivov na daljavo. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die Beschränkung der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse auf eine kleine Gruppe von Menschen schwächt den philosophischen Geist eines Volkes und führt zu dessen geistiger Verarmung. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Žmonių rasės yra apgaulė. Visi šiuolaikiniai žmonės yra susimaišę tokio didžiulio kiekio etninių grupių, kad neegzistuoja nei viena grynakraujė rasė. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Einstein wprowadzając zasadę względności wykazał, że pojęcie absolutnego czasu nie ma żadnego znaczenia. Heisenberg zmusił nas do przewartościowania koncepcji przyczynowości i przypadku. Odtąd już nie możemy powiedzieć, że takie same przyczyny powodują takie same rezultaty. Możemy tylko przewidywać prawdopodobieństwo, ale nigdy nie możemy przewidzieć konkretnego zachowania się pojedynczego systemu atomów. Oba te odkrycia miały olbrzymie konsekwencje filozoficzne. Ale oni ich nie wymyślili, doprowadziła ich do tego obserwacja natury. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Každý hluboký přírodovědec musí mít určitý náboženský cit, protože si nedovede představit, že by ony neobyčejně jemné souvislosti, které odhaluje, promýšlel poprvé sám. V nepochopitelném vesmíru se projevuje nesmírný převažující rozum. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Per il gruppo nazista gli ebrei non sono soltanto un mezzo per stornare il risentimento popolare da se stessi, gli oppressori; considerano gli ebrei un elemento non ammissibile, che non potrà mai essere spinto all'accettazione acritica del dogma, e che, di conseguenza, continuerà a minacciare, finché esisterà, la loro autorità, per l'insistenza con cui gli ebrei difendono l'illuminazione popolare delle masse. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Ústřední úloha socialistické společnosti spočívá v překonání predátorské fáze lidské evoluce (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'esperienza resta naturalmente l'unico criterio per utilizzare una costruzione matematica per la fisica; ma è nella matematica che si trova il principio veramente creatore. Da un certo punto di vista, riconosco che il pensiero puro è capace di afferrare la realtà, come gli antichi pensavano. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Verjamem v Spinozovega boga, ki se odkriva v zakonitem sozvočju sveta, ne v boga, ki se ukvarja z usodo in početjem človeštva. , 24. april 1929: »Ali verjamete v Boga? Stop Odvrnite s 50 besedami.« Einstein je odgovoril z le 25 besedami. Zamisli boga Spinoze pogosto označuje kot panteizem. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La fame e l'amore sono e rimangono delle molle talmente importanti che quasi tutto può essere spiegato grazie a loro, anche trascurando altri motivi basilari. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Qualcosa di vero forse c'è, nei ragionamenti di Eddington. Mi è sempre sembrato un uomo di non comune ingegno, ma di scarso senso critico. Non obbligherei nessuno a sacrificargli tempo e fatica; disinteresse e altruismo hanno, giustamente, dei limiti. Con la sua filosofia mi ricorda una «prima ballerina», nemmeno lei in fondo convinta che i suoi eleganti saltelli abbiano una vera ragione d'essere. (RDF)
  • en: English
    A man's value to the community depends primarily on how far his feelings, thoughts, and actions are directed towards promoting the good of his fellows. We call him good or bad according to how he stands in this matter. It looks at first sight as if our estimate of a man depended entirely on his social qualities. And yet such an attitude would be wrong. It is clear that all the valuable things, material, spiritual, and moral, which we receive from society can be traced back through countless generations to certain creative individuals. The use of fire, the cultivation of edible plants, the steam engine — each was discovered by one man. Only the individual can think, and thereby create new values for society — nay, even set up new moral standards to which the life of the community conforms. Without creative, independently thinking and judging personalities the upward development of society is as unthinkable as the development of the individual personality without the nourishing soil of the community. The health of society thus depends quite as much on the independence of the individuals composing it as on their close political cohesion. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš neabejotinai atsisakyčiau tiesioginės ar netiesioginės karo tarnybos ir bandyčiau taip pat įtikinti savo draugus, nepaisant karo kilimo priežasčių. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Per capire quanto fosse difficile il compito di determinare il movimento reale di rotazione bisogna comprendere quel che segue. Non si vede mai dove si trova realmente un pianeta in un determinato momento; si vede soltanto in quale direzione esso è visto dalla Terra la quale descrive, essa stessa, una curva di natura sconosciuta intorno al Sole. Le difficoltà parevano dunque insormontabili. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Sława wielu mężów polega na tym, że mogąc zrobić wiele dobrego, ostatecznie nie zrobili nic złego. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El mundo necesita paz permanente y buena voluntad perdurable. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Musimy uczynić naszym życiowym celem doprowadzenie do tego, aby wyschły źródła wojny – fabryki amunicji. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A vallás és a tudomány közötti ellentétek jelenlegi legfőbb forrása az emberarcú Istenről alkotott felfogásból ered. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La principale fonte dei conflitti odierni tra le sfere della religione e della scienza sta tutta in questa idea di un Dio personale. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Mai fino ad ora avevo sperimentato da parte del gentil sesso un rifiuto tanto energico di tutti i tentativi di approccio; o, se mi è accaduto, mai da così tante tutte insieme. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La salute piano piano migliora. Ma sono stato vicino a tirare le cuoia, cosa che, fra l'altro, è bene non eccedere nel rimandare. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The state is made for man, not man for the state. And in this respect science resembles the state. (RDF)
  • en: English
    How does it happen that a properly endowed natural scientist comes to concern himself with epistemology? Is there not some more valuable work to be done in his specialty? That's what I hear many of my colleagues ask, and I sense it from many more. But I cannot share this sentiment. When I think about the ablest students whom I have encountered in my teaching — that is, those who distinguish themselves by their independence of judgment and not just their quick-wittedness — I can affirm that they had a vigorous interest in epistemology. They happily began discussions about the goals and methods of science, and they showed unequivocally, through tenacious defense of their views, that the subject seemed important to them. Concepts that have proven useful in ordering things easily achieve such authority over us that we forget their earthly origins and accept them as unalterable givens. Thus they might come to be stamped as "necessities of thought," "a priori givens," etc. The path of scientific progress is often made impassable for a long time by such errors. Therefore it is by no means an idle game if we become practiced in analysing long-held commonplace concepts and showing the circumstances on which their justification and usefulness depend, and how they have grown up, individually, out of the givens of experience. Thus their excessive authority will be broken. They will be removed if they cannot be properly legitimated, corrected if their correlation with given things be far too superfluous, or replaced if a new system can be established that we prefer for whatever reason. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    بدترین چیز جوانی این است که من دیگر به آن تعلق ندارم! (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Todellisuus on vain harha, tosin se on sitkeä harha. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מציאות היא אשליה בלבד, אך אחת תמידית. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A valóság csupán illúzió, bár nagyon kitartó. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La realtà è una semplice illusione, sebbene molto persistente. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Realybė yra tik iliuzija, nors ir labai įtikima. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Gerçək yalnız bir illüziyadır, amma bitmək bilməyən bir illüziya. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ako želite da djeca budu pametna, čitajte im bajke. Ako želite da budu još pametnija, čitajte im još bajki. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Nëse dëshiron fëmijët të të bëhen inteligjent, u lexo përralla. Nëse dëshiron të të bëhen edhe më inteligjent, u lexo më shumë përralla. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Anche contro di me sono state scagliate frecce di odio; ma non mi hanno mai colpito, perché in qualche modo appartenevano a un altro mondo, con il quale non ho niente da spartire. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A vallásos ember őszinte abban az értelemben, hogy nem kételkedik az olyan emberfeletti tárgyak és célok létében és jelentőségében, amelyek nem feltételeznek ésszerű alapokat, de nem is alkalmasak rá. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    На Бог не му пука за математическите трудности. Той интегрира емпирично. (RDF)
  • en: English
    God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Meie matemaatilised raskused ei sega Jumalat. Ta integreerub empiiriliselt. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    خدا به مشکلات ریاضیات ما اهمیت نمی‌دهد، او به‌طور عملی انتگرال می‌گیرد. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Наши математические затруднения Бога не беспокоят. Он интегрирует эмпирически. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    prima di Maxwell si immaginava la realtà fisica , come punti materiali le cui modifiche consistono soltanto in movimenti, regolati da equazioni differenziali parziali. Dopo Maxwell si è concepita la realtà fisica come rappresentata da campi continui, non meccanicamente spiegabili, regolati da equazioni differenziali parziali. Questo cambiamento nella concezione della realtà è il cambiamento più profondo e più fecondo che la fisica abbia subìto dopo Newton; . (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    En videnskabsmand er en mand, der ved noget om noget, som resten af verden er uvidende om, og er uvidende om det, som hele verden ved. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Uczony jest człowiekiem, który wie o rzeczach nieznanych innym i nie ma pojęcia o tym, co znają wszyscy. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Различията между минало, настояще и бъдеще са само една ужасно настойчива илюзия. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Για μας τους ορκισμένους φυσικούς η διάκριση ανάμεσα στο παρελθόν, το παρόν και το μέλλον είναι μόνο μια ψευδαίσθηση ακόμα κι αν είναι τόσο επίμονη. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Minevik, olevik ja tulevik on ainult illusioonid, kuigi väga visalt püsivad. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Fyysikoille ero menneisyyden, nykyisyyden ja tulevaisuuden välillä merkitsee vain – joskin itsepintaista – illuusiota. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A múlt, jelen és jövő közti különbség illúzió csupán, még ha oly makacs is. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Keçmiş, indiki və gələcək arasındakı fərq israrlı bir şey olsa da, sadəcə bir xəyaldır. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Nemojte slušat što govore već gledajte što rade. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Ein glücklicher Mensch ist zu zufrieden mit der Gegenwart, um sich viele Gedanken über die Zukunft zu machen. (RDF)
  • fr: French
    Un homme heureux est trop content du présent pour trop se soucier de l'avenir. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Sretan čovjek je isuviše zadovoljan sadašnjošću da bi se previše bavio budućnošću. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Laimingas žmogus yra per daug patenkintas dabartimi, kad mąstytų apie ateitį. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Człowiek szczęśliwy jest zbyt zadowolony z teraźniejszości, by oddawać się zanadto rozmyślaniom o przyszłości. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Um homem feliz é muito satisfeito com o presente para alongar muito sobre o futuro. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Счастливый человек слишком удовлетворен настоящим, чтобы слишком много думать о будущем. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Një njeri i lumtur është tepër i kënaqur me të tashmen për të banuar në të ardhmen. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Nós, seguidores de Espinoza, vemos nosso Deus na maravilhosa ordem e harmonia de tudo que existe e em sua alma como se revela para o homem e o animal. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Të shkurtosh dru, është punë e mirë sepse menjëherë e sheh rezultatin e punës tënde. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die Menschen schmeicheln mir, solange ich ihnen nicht unbequem bin. Versuche ich aber Zielen zu dienen, die ihnen unbequem sind, so gehen sie sofort zur Beschimpfung und Verleumdung über, um ihre Interessen zu verteidigen. Und die Unbeteiligten ducken sich meist in Feigheit. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La gente mi lusinga fintanto che io non intralcio il suo cammino. Ma se dirigo i miei sforzi verso obiettivi che non gli aggradano, mi rivolge immediatamente insulti e calunnie in difesa dei suoi interessi. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    :第3次世界大戦でどんな武器が使われるか聞かれた時の返答。 (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Käsittämätöntä luonnossa on sen käsitettävyys. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wiecznie niezrozumiałe w przyrodzie jest to, że można ją zrozumieć. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    調べられるものを、いちいち覚えておく必要などない。 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    In buona sostanza il mio interesse per la scienza si è sempre limitato allo studio dei principi . Perciò ho pubblicato così poco, perché il grande bisogno di afferrare i principi mi ha spinto a passare la maggior parte del tempo in imprese sterili. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It has often been said, and certainly not without justification, that the man of science is a poor philosopher. Why then should it not be the right thing for the physicist to let the philosopher do the philosophizing? Such might indeed be the right thing to do at a time when the physicist believes he has at his disposal a rigid system of fundamental laws which are so well established that waves of doubt can't reach them; but it cannot be right at a time when the very foundations of physics itself have become problematic as they are now. At a time like the present, when experience forces us to seek a newer and more solid foundation, the physicist cannot simply surrender to the philosopher the critical contemplation of theoretical foundations; for he himself knows best and feels more surely where the shoe pinches. In looking for an new foundation, he must try to make clear in his own mind just how far the concepts which he uses are justified, and are necessities. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Процесс научных открытий — это, в сущности, непрерывное бегство от чудес. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Τα καθαρά μαθηματικά, είναι με τον τρόπο τους η ποίηση των λογικών ιδεών. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Su logika nukeliausi iš taško A į tašką B, su vaizduote – visur. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Sağlam düşüncə- bu, on səkkiz yaşına qədər qazanılmış yanlış fikirlərin cəmidir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bir ölkənin gələcəyi o ölkə insanlarının alacağı təhsilə bağlıdır. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È veramente un genio . Ho una fiducia totale nel suo modo di pensare. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non posso però scrivere in inglese, per le insidie dell'ortografia: quando leggo l'inglese, sento solo il suono delle parole e non riesco a fissarne la forma. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È per questa ragione che negli ultimi tempi abbiamo dovuto assistere ripetutamente al licenziamento di degni docenti universitari contro la volontà dei loro colleghi, azioni di cui la stampa ha informato il pubblico in modo non adeguato. È sempre alla pressione di questa minoranza economicamente dominante che dobbiamo l'infausta istituzione del giuramento del docente, ideato per limitare la libertà d'insegnamento. Non c'è bisogno che mi soffermi sul fatto che la libertà d'insegnamento e di opinione nei libri o nella stampa è il fondamento di un sano e naturale sviluppo di qualsiasi popolo. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has preserved me from feeling isolated. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Nors aš esu tipinis atsiskyrėlis, tačiau mano suvokimas, jog aš priklausau beveik nepastebimai bendruomenės daliai, kuri siekia tiesos, grožio bei teisingumo, sutrukdė man jaustis vienišu. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Δεν έχεις πλήρη κατανόηση για κάτι, αν δεν μπορείς να το εξηγήσεις στη γιαγιά σου. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    No entiendes realmente algo a menos que seas capaz de explicárselo a tu abuela. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Եթե չեք կարողանում որևէ բան բացատրել ձեր տատիկին, ուրեմն ինքներդ էլ դա չեք հասկանում։ (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    هیچ وقت چیزی رو خوب نمی‌فهمی مگر اینکه بتونی به مادربزرگت توضیحش بدی! (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Artea pentsamendurik sakonenen espresioa da biderik sinpleenetik. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Armanca perwerdeyê divê fêrkirina kesan be daku bi xwe bixebitin û bipûnijin lê berztirîn mebesta jiyana wan xizmetkirina ji civakê be. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Tendremos el destino que nos hayamos merecido». y «El mundo que hemos creado es fruto de nuestra forma de pensar. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El mundo que hemos creado es fruto de nuestra forma de pensar». y «Tendremos el destino que nos hayamos merecido. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The cult of individual personalities is always, in my view, unjustified. To be sure, nature distributes her gifts variously among her children. But there are plenty of the well-endowed ones too, thank God, and I am firmly convinced that most of them live quiet, unregarded lives. It strikes me as unfair, and even in bad taste, to select a few of them for boundless admiration, attributing superhuman powers of mind and character to them. This has been my fate, and the contrast between the popular estimate of my powers and achievements and the reality is simply grotesque. The consciousness of this extraordinary state of affairs would be unbearable but for one great consoling thought: it is a welcome symptom in an age which is commonly denounced as materialistic, that it makes heroes of men whose ambitions lie wholly in the intellectual and moral sphere. This proves that knowledge and justice are ranked above wealth and power by a large section of the human race. My experience teaches me that this idealistic outlook is particularly prevalent in America, which is usually decried as a particularly materialistic country. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    به کسی که حقیقت را در امور جزئی جدی نگیرد، نمی‌توان در امور بزرگ اعتماد کرد. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    जो छोटी-छोटी बातों में सच को गंभीरता से नहीं लेता है, उस पर बड़े मसलों में भी भरोसा नहीं किया जा सकता। (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il Signore è sottile, ma non malizioso. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Gospod je vzvišen, ni pa zahrbten. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Você entende a relatividade quando vê que duas horas próximo a sua namorada parecem um minuto. Ponha sua mão num forno quente por um minuto, e isto lhe parecerá duas horas. Isto é relatividade. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Resolvi o problema. O tempo não pode ser definido de forma absoluta... (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Zəhmətinin nəticəsini dərhal görmək istəyən çəkməçi olmalıdır. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nauka w szkołach powinna być prowadzona w taki sposób, aby uczniowie uważali ją za cenny dar, a nie za ciężki obowiązek. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsan səylərindən ən mühümü-mənəviyyata cəhd etməkdir. Bizim daxili sabitliyimiz, mövcudluğumuz ondan asılıdır. Həyatımıza gözəllik və ləyaqət verən yalnız əməllərimizdəki mənəviyyatdır. Təhsilin əsas vəzifəsi onu canlı qüvvəyə çevirmək və əhəmiyyətini aydın dərk etməyə kömək etməkdir. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Senza personalità creative, che pensano e giudicano indipendentemente, il progresso della società è impensabile quanto lo sviluppo della personalità individuale senza il terreno fertile della comunità. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non possiamo disperarci per l'umanità, perché siamo noi stessi degli esseri umani. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    人間性について絶望してはならない。なぜなら我々は人間なのだから。 (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    科學之所以值得追求,是因為它揭示了自然界的美。簡單而有序,統一而和諧的自然之美,歷來是不少大科學家一生追求的目標。在一定程度上而言,科學家對自然深層次美的領悟和熱愛,以及所具備的形而上的審美判斷力決定了其研究所能企及的高度。 (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Гравитацията не е отговорна за тези, които падат в капана на любовта. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Sich verlieben ist nicht das Dümmste, was der Mensch tut - die Gravitation kann aber nicht dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    La ley de la gravedad no es responsable de que la gente caiga enamorada. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    در سقوط افراد در چاه عشق، قانون جاذبه تقصیری ندارد. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Painovoima ei ole vastuussa ihmisten rakastumisesta. (RDF)
  • fr: French
    Tomber amoureux n'est pas du tout la chose la plus stupide que font les gens — mais la gravitation ne peut en être tenue pour responsable. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    गुरुत्वाकर्षण लोगों के प्रेम में पड़ने के लिए ज़िम्मेदार नहीं है। (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A szerelembe esés egyáltalán nem a legbutább dolog, amire az emberek képesek - de a gravitáció nem hibáztatható ezért. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Gravitasi tidak bertanggung jawab pada orang yang sedang jatuh cinta. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Dėl to, kad žmonės myli, gravitacija nėra kalta. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Grawitacja nie może być odpowiedzialna za to, że ludzie się zakochują. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A tisztelet, ami Gandhit az egész világon övezi, arra a jobbára öntudatlan felismerésre épül, hogy korunk a morális hanyatlás időszaka, és ebben ő volt az egyetlen államférfi, aki a politikai szférában az emberi kapcsolatoknak azt a magasabb koncepcióját képviselte, amelyre minden erőnkkel törekednünk kell. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La matematica si occupa esclusivamente delle relazioni tra i concetti senza considerare la loro connessione con l'esperienza. Anche la fisica si occupa di concetti matematici; tuttavia questi concetti assumono un contenuto fisico solo attraverso una chiara determinazione del loro rapporto con gli oggetti dell'esperienza. Questo vale in particolare per i concetti di moto, spazio, tempo. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Qabiliyyətsiz insanlar həmişə dahi insanlara əngəl törədirlər. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    All'ammirazione per quest'uomo sublime deve aggiungersi un altro sentimento di ammirazione e di venerazione che va non più a un essere umano, ma all'armonia misteriosa della natura nella quale siamo nati. Fin dall'antichità gli uomini hanno immaginato le curve rispondenti a leggi per quanto possibile semplici: fra esse, vicino alla retta, l'ellisse e l'iperbole. Ora vediamo queste forme realizzate nelle traiettorie descritte dai corpi celesti, almeno con grande approssimazione. Sembra che la natura umana sia tenuta a costruire indipendentemente le forme prima di poterne dimostrare l'esistenza nella natura. (RDF)
  • en: English
    You see, when a blind beetle crawls over the surface of a globe he doesn't notice that the track he has covered is curved. I was lucky enough to have spotted it. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kai aklas vabalas ropoja kreivos šakos paviršiumi, jis nepastebi, kad jo nueitas kelias iš tikrųjų yra kreivas. Man pasisekė, nes pastebėjau tai, ko vabalas nepastebėjo. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Когда слепой жучок ползёт по поверхности шара, он не замечает, что путь, который он проделывает, искривлён. Мне удалось это заметить. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Бог — это газообразное позвоночное». На самом деле слова принадлежат Эрнсту Геккелю и сначала высказаны им как ирония, высмеивающая тех, кто представляет себе Бога в форме человека . (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    el: El miaj malfruaj jaroj (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A történelem arra tanít meg bennünket, hogy az emberiség semmit sem tanul a történelemből. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Не е важно да знаеш всичко, важното е да знаеш къде да го намериш. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    یکنواختی و تنهایی یک زندگی آرام، ذهن خلاق را تحریک می‌کند. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    notai come la monotonia di una vita quieta stimoli la mente creativa. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Monotonia cichego życia pobudza umysł do twórczości. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    アインシュタイン名言集 (世界傑作格言集) (RDF)
  • kn: Kannada
    ಕನಸುಗಳನ್ನು ಸಾಕಾರಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಮಾಡುವ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮಿತಿಯನ್ನೂ ಮೀರಿ ನೀವು ಬೆಳೆಯುವಂತೆ ಮಾಡಿಬಿಡುತ್ತದೆ. - ೧೦:೩೬, ೩೦ ಮೇ ೨೦೧೫  ರಂದು ಪ್ರಜಾವಾಣಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರಕಟಗೊಂಡ ಸುಭಾಷಿತ. (RDF)
  • kn: Kannada
    ಕೆಟ್ಟ ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡುವವರಿಂದ ಜಗತ್ತು ನಾಶವಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ, ಆದರೆ ಅದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಏನೂ ಮಾಡದೆ ಸುಮ್ಮನೆ ಅವರನ್ನು ನೋಡುತ್ತಾ ಕೂರುವವರಿಂದ ನಾಶವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. - ೧೦:೦೦, ೩ ಮೇ ೨೦೧೬  ರಂದು ಪ್ರಜಾವಾಣಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರಕಟಗೊಂಡ ಸುಭಾಷಿತ. (RDF)
  • kn: Kannada
    ಯಶಸ್ವಿ ಮನುಷ್ಯನಾಗುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸುವ ಬದಲು ಮೌಲಿಕವಾದ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿತ್ವವುಳ್ಳ ಮನುಷ್ಯನಾಗಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸು. - ೦೪:೨೮, ೧೪ ಏಪ್ರಿಲ್ ೨೦೧೬  ರಂದು ಪ್ರಜಾವಾಣಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರಕಟಗೊಂಡ ಸುಭಾಷಿತ. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    మహాత్మాగాంధీ లాంటి ఒక వ్యక్తి నిజంగా మన మధ్య జీవించాడంటే రాబోయే తరాలవారు నమ్మలేరు. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'appartenenza a un sistema di sicurezza sovrannazionale non dovrebbe, a mio avviso, basarsi su alcun arbitrario parametro di democrazia. Il solo requisito da parte di tutti dovrebbe essere l'elezione popolare diretta dei rappresentanti destinati all'organizzazione sovrannazionale – parlamento e consiglio – per scrutinio segreto in ogni paese membro. Tali rappresentanti dovrebbero rappresentare il popolo piuttosto che i singoli governi, il che aumenterebbe la natura pacifista dell'organizzazione. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Ich betrachte es aber als durchaus möglich, dass die Physik nicht auf dem Feldbegriff begründet werden kann, d.h. auf kontinuierlichen Gebilden. Dann bleibt von meinem ganzen Luftschloss inklusive Gravitationstheorie nichts bestehen. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    considero tranquillamente possibile che la fisica non possa in realtà essere fondata sul concetto di campo, cioè su strutture continue. Nel qual caso non rimarrà niente, né di tutto il mio castello in aria, né della restante fisica contemporanea. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsanoğlunun en büyük zaafı, dünyanın kendi etrafında döndüğünü sanması. Hatta bütün yiyecekleri, hayvanları ve doğayı kendine sunulmuş bir nimet sanıyor. Evren dediğimiz bütün içerisinde, kendisini diğer canlılardan ayrı tutuyor. Çevreyi istediği gibi kullanıyor. Yıkıyor, yok ediyor. Halbuki insanoğlu bu evrende zincirin sadece küçük bir parçası. Bunu reddederek aslında kendisine bir hapishane yaratıyor. İnsanın bu yanılgıdan kurtulması en büyük özgürlük. Tabii bu da tam olarak mümkün olmayabilir ama bu çabanın kendisi de bir özgürlük. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ho sempre amato la solitudine, una caratteristica che tende ad accentuarsi con l'età. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Da un punto di vista gnoseologico schematico possiamo immaginare il processo evolutivo di una scienza empirica come un continuo processo di induzione. Le teorie appaiono come ricapitolazione di un gran numero di singole osservazioni entro leggi empiriche, dalle quali, mediante comparazione, si possono accertare le leggi generali. Sotto quest'aspetto lo sviluppo di una scienza ha qualche somiglianza con la compilazione di un catalogo. Costituisce, per così dire, un'impresa puramente empirica. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Этическое поведение человека должно основываться на сочувствии, образовании, и общественных связях. Никакой религиозной основы для этого не требуется. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Visos religijos, menai ir mokslai yra to paties medžio šakos. (RDF)
  • ro: Romanian, Moldavan
    Bi modutara bizi zaitezke: miraria ezertxo ere ez dela pentsatuz edota den-dena miraritzat hartuz. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Labai svarbu nesiliauti klausus. Smalsumas neatsitiktinai duotas žmogui. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. You cannot subjugate a nation forcibly unless you wipe out every man, woman, and child. Unless you wish to use such drastic measures, you must find a way of settling your disputes without resort to arms. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Personalitetet nuk krijohen me fjalime, por vetëm me punë dhe rezultate te vetë arritura. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Letero al Carl Seelig – Marto 11-a,1952. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il mio appassionato senso della giustizia sociale e della responsabilità sociale ha sempre contrastato curiosamente con la mia pronunciata libertà dalle necessità di un contatto diretto con altri esseri umani e comunità umane. Vado per la mia strada e non ho mai fatto parte con tutto il cuore del mio paese, della mia città, dei miei amici e neppure della mia famiglia più prossima; rispetto a tutti questi legami non ho mai perso un ostinato senso del distacco, del bisogno di solitudine – un sentimento che aumenta con il passare degli anni. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mano aistringas socialinio teisingumo ir socialinės atsakomybės jausmas visuomet buvo keistai kontrastingas aiškiam tiesioginio kontakto trūkumui su kitais žmonėmis ir žmonių bendruomenėmis. Aš esu vienišas keliautojas ir niekuomet nepriklausiau savo šaliai, savo namams, savo draugams ir net savo artimiausiems giminaičiams visa savo širdimi. Turėdamas visus šiuos ryšius aš niekuomet nepraradau atstumo jausmo ir vienatvės poreikio. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən yaxşı bilirəm ki, mənim xüsusi bir istedadım yoxdur. Özünütənqidlə birlikdə maraq, zəhlə tökmək və davamlı dözümlülük məni öz ideyalarıma gətirib çıxardı. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Amansız baxışları olan qocanı bu dünyada öz ideyalarına inamından başqa yuxuya apara biləcək bir illüziya yoxdur. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La ragione dà la struttura del sistema: in contenuto delle esperienze e le loro relazioni reciproche devono, grazie alle proposizioni conseguenti della teoria, trovare la loro rappresentazione. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Reallıqla mübarizədə yeganə silahımız fantaziyadır. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bu dünyada məni bir neçə adam başa düşdü, onlar da səhv başa düşdülər. (RDF)
  • ta: Tamil
    என்னுடைய அகவாழ்வும், புறவாழ்வும் என்னுடைய இனத்தாரின் இறந்தவரும், இருப்பவரும் உழைப்பினலேயே ஆக்கப்பட்டிருக்கின்றன என்பதை நான் நாள்தோறும் உணர்கிறேன். பிறர் உழைப்பால் நான் எவ்வளவு நன்மையைப் பெற்றாேனோ, அத்துணை நன்மையை நான் பிறருக்குச் செய்ய எவ்வளவு உழைக்க வேண்டும். (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Przeciwieństwem prawdy płytkiej jest fałsz, przeciwieństwem prawdy głębokiej może być inna głęboka prawda. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Всяко постижение в науката започва с опит и свършва с опит. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    A me sembra che dal punto di vista metodologico la cosa peggiore per una scuola sia far leva soprattutto sulla paura, sulla costrizione e sull'autorità artificiosa. Tale impostazione distrugge i sentimenti sani, la sincerità e la fiducia in se stessi degli alunni, producendo soggetti passivi. È relativamente semplice mettere al riparo la scuola da questo che è il peggiore di tutti i mali. Basta dotare gli insegnanti del minor numero possibile di strumenti coercitivi, in modo che per essi l'unica fonte di rispetto da parte dell'alunno siano le loro qualità umane e intellettive. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Najgorzej, gdy szkoła ucieka się do takich metod, jak zastraszanie, przemoc czy sztuczny autorytet. Metody te niszczą u uczniów naturalne odruchy, szczerość i wiarę w siebie, czyniąc z nich ludzi uległych. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O fato mais grave, me parece, é uma escola recorrer essencialmente ao medo, ao constrangimento e a uma autoridade artificial. Esse tratamento destrói nos estudantes o gosto pela vida, a sinceridade e a confiança em si mesmos. E gera pessoas servis. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Мой муж гений! Он умеет делать абсолютно всё, кроме денег. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Egli mi ha preceduto di poco nel congedarsi da questo strano mondo. Non significa niente. Per noi che crediamo nella fisica, la divisione tra passato, presente e futuro ha solo il valore di un'ostinata illusione. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Jis pasitraukė iš šio keisto pasaulio truputį anksčiau nei aš. Tai nieko nereiškia. Mums tikintiems fizikams, skirtumas tarp praeities, dabarties ir ateities yra tik stipriai įsišaknijusi iliuzija. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Ludzie tacy jak my, wierzący w fizykę, wiedzą, że różnica między przeszłością, teraźniejszością i przyszłością jest tylko uparcie obecną iluzją. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Para aqueles de nós que acreditam na física, esta separação entre passado, presente e futuro é somente uma ilusão. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Biz ikna olmuş fizikçiler için geçmiş, günümüz ve gelecek arasındaki fark yalnızca ısrarlı bir yanılsamadan ibarettir. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Tuttavia tutti quelli che hanno a cuore la civiltà e la giustizia devono esercitare tutta la loro forza per convincere i propri simili della necessità di sottomettere tutti i paesi a un obbligo internazionale di questo genere. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Per me, i più grandi geni sono stati Galileo e Newton. In un certo senso mi sembrano formare un'unità nella quale è stato Newton a compiere l'impresa più prodigiosa in campo scientifico. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Allah zər atmaz. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bir sistem mövcud bir sistem çərçivəsində həll edilə bilməyən bir məsələ ilə qarşılaşdıqda dağılır. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Kuni eksisteerivad suurriigid, on sõda vältimatu. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    כל עוד יש אנשים – תהיינה מלחמות. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Finché ci saranno gli uomini, ci saranno le guerre. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    사람이 있는 한 전쟁은 존재할 것이다. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kur yra Žmogus, ten bus karas. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Dopóki na świecie będzie istniał człowiek, będą też wojny. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nawet największa liczba pozytywnych eksperymentów nie dowodzi bezspornie słuszności teorii, ale już pierwszy negatywny staje się jej grobem. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Większość ludzi żyje codziennym życiem: na wpół przestraszeni, na wpół obojętni, patrzą na tę upiorną tragikomedię, która rozgrywa się na międzynarodowej scenie. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Yalnız özünə qayğı göstərən bir insan donuz adına layiqdir. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אם כל קוונט־אנרגיה של האור המעורר יעביר את האנרגיה שלו לאלקטרונים בצורה בלתי תלויה בשאר הקוונטים, הרי התחלקות מהירותם של האלקטרונים, כלומר איכותה של קרן הקתודה שנוצרה, תהיה בלתי־תלויה בעוצמת האור המעורר. מצד שני מספרם של האלקטרונים יהיה פרופורציונלי לעוצמת האור המעורר." ~ על יצירתן של קרני קתודה על ידי הארה (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie osiągnąłem zrozumienia fundamentalnych praw rządzących Wszechświatem dzięki racjonalnemu rozumowi. (RDF)
  • en: English
    In light of knowledge obtained, the happy achievement seems almost a matter of course, and any intelligent student can grasp it without too much trouble. But the years of anxious searching in the dark, with their intense longing, their alternations of confidence and exhaustion, and final emergence into light—only those who have experienced it can understand that. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non ci eravamo accorti che nell'uomo il midollo spinale ha un'azione assai più estesa e profonda di quella del cervello. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Nel giro di due settimane masse, come greggi, possono essere portate dai giornali a uno stato di furia eccitata tale che gli uomini sono pronti ad indossare l'uniforme, a uccidere e a farsi uccidere, in nome delle mire inutili di pochi gruppi interessati. Il servizio militare obbligatorio mi sembra il sintomo più disgraziato di questa mancanza di dignità personale di cui oggi soffre l'umanità civilizzata. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem olyan az egész filozófia, mintha mézzel írták volna? Első látásra élesnek tűnik, aztán újra odanézve eltűnik. Csak a maszlag marad. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non è come se tutta la filosofia fosse scritta con il miele? A prima vista, sembra chiara, ma quando la si guarda di nuovo, è scomparsa e resta solo la pappa. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La seconda cosa che colpisce il visitatore è l'atteggiamento gioioso e positivo verso la vita. Il sorriso sui volti della gente nelle fotografie è sintomatico di una delle più grandi qualità dell'americano. È amichevole, fiducioso, ottimista e senza invidia. L'europeo trova che il rapporto con gli americani è facile e gradevole. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Denok gara jenioak. Baina arrain bat zuhaitzetan gora igotzeko trebetasunagatik epaitzen baduzu, bizitza osoan gauzaeza dela pentsatuz biziko da. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    No creo, en el sentido filosófico del término, en la libertad del hombre. Cada uno obra no sólo por una coacción exterior, sino también por una necesidad interior. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non credo assolutamente nella libertà dell'uomo in senso filosofico. Ognuno agisce non solo sotto stimoli esterni, ma anche secondo necessità interne. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Ne verjamem v filozofskem pomenu besede v svobodo človeka. Vsakdo deluje ne le pod nasiljem od zunaj, temveč tudi iz notranjih nujnosti. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Müharibə insan birlikləri arasındakı qarşıdurmanın ən azğın formasıdır; eyni zamanda ən faciəvi. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'umiliazione e l'oppressione mentale da parte di insegnanti ignoranti ed egoisti provocano nello spirito del giovane devastazioni insanabili, che spesso esercitano un'influenza nefasta nella vita successiva. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    వ్యక్తిగా ప్రతీవారినీ గౌరవించు. కానీ విగ్రహంగా మార్చకు. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    possa egli riuscire a unire la teoria dei quanti all'elettrodinamica e alla meccanica, in un sistema costituente logicamente un tutto. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Müasir dünyada insan azadlığını krossvord həll edənin azadlığına bənzədirəm: nəzəri cəhətdən krossvord həll edən istənilən sözü krossvorda yaza bilər, amma o yalnız bir söz yazmalıdır ki, krossvord həll edilsin. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'origine psicologica del concetto di spazio, o della necessità di esso, è lungi dall'essere così ovvia come potrebbe apparire in base al nostro abituale modo di pensare. Gli antichi geometri trattano di oggetti mentali , ma non propriamente dello spazio in quanto tale, come più tardi è stato fatto dalla geometria analitica. Il concetto di spazio, tuttavia, è suggerito da certe esperienze primitive. Supponiamo che si sia costruita una scatola. Vi si possono disporre in un certo ordine degli oggetti, in modo che essa risulti piena. La possibilità di queste disposizioni è una proprietà dell'oggetto materiale "scatola", qualcosa che è dato con la scatola, lo "spazio racchiuso" dalla scatola. Questo è qualcosa di differente per le varie scatole, qualcosa che in modo del tutto naturale viene pensato come indipendente dal fatto che vi siano o no, in generale, degli oggetti nella scatola, Quando non vi sono oggetti nella scatola, il suo spazio appare "vuoto". Fin qui, il nostro concetto di spazio è stato associato alla scatola. Ci si accorge però che le possibilità di disposizione che formano lo spazio-scatola sono indipendenti dallo spessore delle pareti della scatola. Non sarebbe possibile ridurre a zero tale spessore, senza che si abbia per risultato la perdita dello "spazio"? La naturalezza di tale passaggio al limite è ovvia, e ora rimane al nostro pensiero lo spazio senza scatola, una cosa autonoma, che tuttavia appare così irreale se dimentichiamo l'origine di tale concetto. Si può capire che ripugnasse a Descartes il considerare lo spazio come indipendente da oggetti corporei, capace di esistere senza materia. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    A lui ella ora si cela, | che può fare egli in rimessa? | A lui ella con tutta l'anima | con un bacio si è tosto concessa. (RDF)
  • mr: Marathi (Marāṭhī)
    एतादृशान् अंशान् शिरसि अहं न वहामि यतः ते पुस्तकेषु सुलभतया उपलभ्यन्ते .... महाविद्यालयस्य शिक्षणस्य मौल्यं बहूनाम् अंशानां पठने न विद्यते अपि तु समीचीनतया चिन्तयितुं मनसः शिक्षणे विद्यते । (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il suo desiderio di promuovere una vita migliore per tutti gli uomini era forse anche più forte della sua bramosia per una pura illuminazione dell'intelletto. Così accadeva che dedicasse molto del suo tempo e della sua energia vitale all'illuminazione politica. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Tanulj a tegnapból, élj a mának és reménykedj a holnapban. A legfontosabb azonban, hogy ne hagyd abba a kérdezést. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Tanulj a tegnapból, élj a mának, reméld a holnapot. A fontos az, hogy mindig legyenek kérdéseid. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mokykis iš vakar, gyvenk šiandien, tikėkis rytojaus. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Uči se od včeraj, živi za danes, upaj za jutri. Pomembno je, da si vedno zvedav. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dünəndən öyrən, bu gün üçün yaşa, sabah üçün ümid et. Əsas odur ki, sual verməyə davam edin. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Keçmişdən öyrənin, bu gün üçün yaşayın, gələcək üçün isə ümid edin. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Quale varietà di stili nel tempio della scienza! E come diversi sono gli uomini che lo frequentano e diverse le forze morali che ve li hanno condotti! Più di uno si dedica alla scienza con la gioia di rendersi conto delle proprie superiori facoltà intellettuali: per lui la scienza è lo sport preferito che gli permette di vivere una vita intensa e di appagare le sue ambizioni. Ve ne sono anche molti i quali, unicamente allo scopo utilitario, vogliono portare la loro offerta alla effervescenza del cervello. Basterebbe che un angelo divino cacciasse dal tempio gli uomini di queste categorie e l'edificio rimarrebbe vuoto in modo inquietante, se non vi restassero alcuni uomini del presente e del passato: di questo numero fa parte il nostro ed è questa la ragione per cui lo amiamo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ho provato a leggere a mia sorella qualcosa dell'opera filosofica di Aristotele. In tutta franchezza: una delusione completa. Non fosse stata così oscura, così astrusa, questa pseudofilosofia non sarebbe durata così a lungo. Ma la maggior parte delle persone, per le parole che non riesce a comprendere, prova un sacro rispetto, e taccia invece di superficialità chi ha il torto di parlar chiaro. Quale toccante segno di modestia. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Kai vyrai veda moteris, jie tikisi, kad jos niekada nepasikeis. Kai moterys teka už vyrų, jos tikisi, kad jie pasikeis. Galiausiai abu lieka nusivylę. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Our experience hitherto justifies us in trusting that nature is the realization of the simplest that is mathematically conceivable. I am convinced that purely mathematical construction enables us to find those concepts and those lawlike connections between them that provide the key to the understanding of natural phenomena. Useful mathematical concepts may well be suggested by experience, but in no way can they be derived from it. Experience naturally remains the sole criterion of the usefulness of a mathematical construction for physics. But the actual creative principle lies in mathematics. Thus, in a certain sense, I take it to be true that pure thought can grasp the real, as the ancients had dreamed. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Necə də kədərli bir dövrandır. Nüvəni bölmək xurafatdan imtina etməkdən daha asandır (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    ప్రకృతికి దగ్గరగా ఉంటే ...జీవిత సత్యాలు వాటంతటవే తెలుస్తాయి. సంతోషమయమైన జీవితం గడపాలంటే, లక్ష్యాన్ని నిర్దేశించుకోవాలే కాని మనుషులను, వస్తువులను లక్ష్యంగా పెట్టుకోకూడదు. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La sfortuna si adatta incommensurabilmente bene al genere umano: meglio del successo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Bohr è stato qui e sono innamorato di lui quanto te. È come un fanciullo sensibilissimo che si muove in questo mondo in una specie di trance. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If I can't picture it, I can't understand it. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    על כל אדם לשפוט ולהחליט בעצמו, על פי מה שקרא והבין, ולא על פי מה שאחרים אמרו לו. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Problemem naszego wieku nie jest bomba atomowa, lecz serce ludzkie. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The physicists say that I am a mathematician, and the mathematicians say that I am a physicist. I am a completely isolated man and though everybody knows me, there are very few people who really know me. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    शरीरस्य घनराशिः तस्मिन् विद्यमानायाः शक्तेः मानं वर्तते । (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Gözəl gənclər təbiətin əsəridir, gözəl yaşlılar isə sənətin. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die Wissenschaft versucht, allgemeine Regeln aufzustellen, die den gegenseitigen Zusammenhang der Dinge und Ereignisse in Raum und Zeit bestimmen. Für diese Regeln, beziehungsweise Naturgesetze wird allgemeine und ausnahmslose Gültigkeit gefordert – nicht bewiesen. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mano pacifizmas – instinktyvus. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Aclıqdan qarnı quruldayandan dürüst siyasətçi olmaz. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Każda praca jest dobra, o ile jest dobrze wykonywana. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Rimane per molti versi il primo profeta del nostro tempo . Non c'è oggi nessuno che abbia il profondo discernimento e la forza morale di Tolstoj. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I received your letter of June 10th. I have never talked to a Jesuit priest in my life and I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies about me. From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    نامه روز دهم ژوئن تو را دریافت کردم. من در طول حیاتم با کشیش یسوعی صحبت نکرده‌ام، من از این گستاخی متحیرم که این چنین دربارهٔ من دروغ می‌گوید. از نظر کشیش یسوعی من آتئیستم؛ البته، که هستم و همیشه بوده‌ام. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Təxəyyül hər şeydir. Bu, gələcək hadisələrə öncədən baxmaqdır. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Masa i energija su različite pojave jedne te iste stvari – i to je nešto potpuno neobično za prosječni um. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A titokzatosnál nincs csodálatosabb. Alapvető érzés ez, ott áll az igazi művészet és az igaz tudomány bölcsőjénél. Aki nem ismeri, aki nem tud többé csodálkozni és nem érez meglepetést, az olyan, akár a halott, akinek lezáródott a szeme. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Gražiausi dalykai, kuriuos mes galime patirti, yra paslaptingi. Tai yra fundamentali emocija, kuri stovi prie tikro meno ir tikro mokslo lopšio. Tas, kas jos nežino, nebegali ilgiau žavėtis, grožėtis, yra toks pats, kaip miręs, ir jo akys yra užtemusios. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Pats nuostabiausias dalykas kurį galima išgyventi, yra paslaptingumas. Tai tikrojo meno ir mokslo šaltinis. Tas žmogus, kuriam šis išgyvenimas nepažįstamas, kuris daugiau nesugeba sustingti iš nuostabos ir aiktelėti iš pagarbaus susižavėjimo, yra beveik miręs, jo akys užmerktos. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sto lavorando freneticamente sull'elettrodinamica dei corpi in movimenti, che promette di diventare una memoria eccellente. Ti ho scritto che dubitavo della correttezza delle idee sul moto relativo, ma le mie riserve erano basate su un semplice errore di calcolo. Ora ci credo di nuovo e più di prima. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Visa, ką mes žinome apie realybę, prasideda ir baigiasi patyrimu. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Neanche tu ami più la vita filistea, vero? Chi ha assaporato la libertà non può più portare le catene. Sono talmente fortunato ad averti trovata, una persona che mi sta alla pari, forte e indipendente quanto me! Mi sento solo con chiunque altro tranne te. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O homem pode encontrar significado na vida, curta e perigosa como é, somente através do seu devotamento à sociedade. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מונוגמיה נוגדת את טבעם של הגברים. וגם של הנשים. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Estatu Batuetara etorri nintzen herri honetan askatasun handi, handia zegoela entzun nuelako. Estatu Batuak askatasunezko herritzat aukeratzean huts egin nuen, eta jada ezin dut nire bizitzan huts hori konpentsatu. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A desintegração do átomo transformou tudo, exceto nossa forma de pensar; por isso, caminhamos para uma catástrofe sem paralelo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Santo cielo, quel Johonzel! | Il desiderio l'ha reso folle! | Quando pensa alla sua Doxerl | il cuscino pare che bolle. || Se il mio tesoro è corrucciato, | io mi faccio tutto piccino, | ma ella alza appena le spalle | e non le importa neanche un pochino. || Ai miei vecchi queste cose | paiono solo una stupidata, | ma non osano fiatare | per timor di una sfuriata! || Il mio tesoro con la sua bocca, | canta ariette tenere e belle, | talché del cuore la corda mi tocca | e la mia voce raggiunge le stelle. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Sono convinto che alcune attività politiche e sociali delle organizzazioni cattoliche siano pregiudizievoli e perfino pericolose per la comunità nel suo insieme, qui e ovunque. Citerò soltanto la lotta contro il controllo delle nascite in un'epoca in cui la sovrappopolazione è diventata in vari paesi una seria minaccia alla salute della gente e un grave ostacolo a ogni tentativo di organizzare la pace sul pianeta. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həqiqətlə müqayisə edildiyində, elmdə çatdığımız səviyyə primitivdir, uşaq oyuncağıdır. Amma sahib olduğumuz ən qiymətli şey odur. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Įprastas suaugęs niekada negalvoja apie erdvės – laiko problemas. Aš – priešingai, vysčiausi labai lėtai ir nepradėjau klausinėti apie erdvę ir laiką iki tol, kol nebuvau suaugęs. Tuomet aš įsitraukiau į šią problemą žymiai giliau, nei koks nors kitas suaugęs ar vaikas galėjo tai padaryti. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that some spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe, one that is vastly superior to that of man. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Вечната загадка на света е, че е предсказуем . (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Самое непостижимое в этом мире — это то, что он постижим. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    dovremmo fare attenzione a non sopravvalutare la scienza e i metodi scientifici, quando si tratti di problemi umani; e non dovremmo presumere che gli esperti siano i soli ad avere il diritto di esprimersi su questioni riguardanti l'organizzazione della società. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Կյանքը հեծանվով ընթանալու պես մի բան է։ Եթե ձեզ համար դժվար է, ուրեմն դուք գնում եք դեպի վերելք։ (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ma nell'incolpare i russi gli americani non dovrebbero ignorare il fatto che nemmeno loro hanno rinunciato volontariamente all'uso della bomba come arma ordinaria, in attesa che si arrivi al controllo sovrannazionale, o nel caso non si arrivi a un controllo sovrannazionale. Così hanno alimentato negli altri paesi la paura che gli americani considerino la bomba atomica una componente legittima del loro arsenale bellico fintantoché gli altri paesi declineranno di accettare i termini da essi proposti per un controllo sovrannazionale. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az atomenergia felszabadítása mindent megváltoztatott, kivéve a gondolkodásunkat, s ez hajt minket fegyvertelenül a katasztrófa felé. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Energía equivale a la masa por la velocidad de la luz al cuadrado». . (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Paskutinio tyrimo duomenimis kiekvienas yra žmogus, ar tai būtų amerikietis, ar vokietis, ar žydas. Jei tik būtų įmanoma kiekvienam išlaikyti tik šį vertingą požiūrį, aš būčiau laimingas žmogus. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Keista ta mūsų situacija žemėje. Kiekvienas iš mūsų ateina į šį pasaulį tik trumpam, nežinodami kodėl, tačiau kartais mums atrodo dievišku tikslu. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Dziwna jest nasza sytuacja na tej Ziemi. Każdy przychodzi z krótką wizytą, nie wiedząc dlaczego, a jednak czasami wydaje się, że przeczuwa jej cel. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Newton fu il primo che riuscì a scoprire dei fondamenti formulati con chiarezza da cui poter dedurre un ampio campo di fenomeni a mezzo del pensiero matematico, a livello logico, quantitativo e in armonia con l'esperienza. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Dzieci zaczynają w końcu myśleć, że Bóg jest kręgowcem w gazowym stanie skupienia. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מי שחושב לא מפסיק לשאול. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    తెలివి,శక్తి కొద్ది సార్లే కలిపి విజయాన్ని సాధిస్తాయి. అది కూడా కొద్ది సేపు మాత్రమే. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Fonto: el letero al Eric Gutkind, 1954. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    ఒక వ్యక్తి ఏ పొరపాటు చేయలేదంటే అతను ఏ ప్రయత్నమూ చేయనట్లే. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsanların bir-birinə aşiq olmasına görə cazibə qüvvəsini günahlandırmaq olmaz. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Eşqə düşməyə görə məsuliyyəti cazibə qüvvəsi daşımır. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Conec alguna cosa sobre la naturalesa, però pràcticament res sobre els homes. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    對在錫蘭(今斯里蘭卡)首都科倫坡的看法: (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il vecchio aveva una visione acutissima: non si lasciava cullare dalle illusioni se non da una fiducia eccessiva nelle proprie idee. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Kur do të kesh jetë të lumtur, jepi vetes një qëllim. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    هیچ کاری برای انسان سخت‌تر از فکرکردن نیست. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Ainoa todella arvokas asia on vaisto. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    El: Seelig, C: Hela tempo – morna tempo. In memoriam Albert Einstein (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    כל מי שרוצה באמת לחסל את המלחמה, חייב לתמוך בתוקף בכך שמדינתו תוותר על חלק מריבונותה לטובת מוסדות בינלאומיים." ~ ועידת פירוק הנשק של 1932 (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Hay una fuerza motriz más poderosa que el vapor, la electricidad y la energía atómica: la voluntad. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    موتور قویتر از بخار و الکتریسیته و اتم موتور اراده انسان است. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Finché il contatto fra i due campi si limiterà ai negoziati ufficiali, vedo scarse prospettive di un accordo intelligente, specialmente dal momento che considerazioni di prestigio nazionale oltre che la tendenza a parlare alle masse da una finestra tendono a rendere pressoché impossibile ogni ragionevole progresso. Ciò che una parte propone a livello ufficiale è per ciò stesso guardato con diffidenza e persino fatto apparire come inaccettabile dall'altra. Inoltre dietro tutti i negoziati ufficiali si cela – per quanto velata – la minaccia del potere nudo e crudo. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Hogy megbüntessen a szaktekintélyek megvetéséért, a Sors belőlem is egy szaktekintélyt csinált. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Gizon bat ordubetez neska eder batekin esertzen denean, minutu bat izan dela dirudi. Baina utzi berogailu bero baten gainean minutu batez esertzen eta ordubete baino gehiago irudituko zaio. Hori da erlatibitatea. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הכסף מגביר את היצר האנוכי ומסית בכל כוח למעשים מקולקלים. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Fonto: Prelego nomita "The Goal" antaŭ la American Association of Theological Schools je la 19-a de Majo 1939. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Persino Chaplin mi guarda come se fossi una specie di creatura esotica e non sapesse che fare con me. Nella mia stanza si è comportato come se l'avessero portato in un tempio. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הרגע המשמח ביותר בחיי." ~ על גילוי עקרון השקילות שעליו מתבססת תורת היחסות הכללית. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני לא אתאיסט. אני לא חושב שאני יכול לקרוא לעצמי פנתאיסט. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Užitek je molitev. Miloščina ni naslada. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    سه قدرت بر جهان حکومت می‌کند: ۱-ترس ۲-حرص ۳-حماقت. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    La única fuente de conocimiento es la existencia. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    עבודה היא ערך חשוב. עבודה למען הכלל היא ערך עליון. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    ఒక సిద్ధాంతంలో,మనం గమనించిన సత్యాలు ఇమడకపోతే,వదలాల్సింది సిద్ధాంతాన్ని కాదు,సత్యాలనే. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    רק שיתוף פעולה ישיר עם הערבים יכול ליצור קיום בעל ערך ובטוח. אם היהודים לא יראו זאת יהיה מצבם הכללי של היהודים במכלול הארצות הערביות יותר ויותר בלתי נסבל. מעציב אותי פחות שהיהודים אינם חכמים מספיק כדי לתפוס את זה מאשר שאין בהם מידה מספקת של צדק כדי לרצות זאת." ~ מתוך הספר 'ברית שלום והציונות הדו-לאומית'. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Przemyślałem jednak tę kwestię. Może jednak Bóg jest perfidny. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Ето ги и фанатичните атеисти, чиято нетолерантност е от същия вид като нетолерантността на религиозните фанатици и произлиза от същия източник. Атеистите са като роби, които все още усещат тежестта на веригите си, вериги, които те са отхвърлили след мъчителна борба. Атеистите са същества, които поради злобата си срещу традиционната религия – т. нар. “опиум за народите” – не могат да изтърпят музиката на небесните сфери. Но Чудото на природата не става по-малко поради факта, че едни или други хора са неспособни да го схванат чрез стандартите на човешките цели и човешките нрави. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Przypadek – to Bóg przechadzający się incognito. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Některá tvrzení vašeho listu, týkající se mého života a mé osoby, jsou výhradně výplodem bujné redaktorské fantazie. Čtenář se pobaví další aplikací principu relativity. Takhle totiž současně platím v Německu za „německého vědce“ a v Anglii za „švýcarského Žida“. Představme si ale, že osud ze mě udělá černou ovci; pak budu „švýcarským Židem“ v Německu a „německým vědcem“ v Anglii. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Драма идей. ; имелось в виду направление в драматургии, представленное именами Ибсена и самого Шоу, в отличие от «драмы чувств».) (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Una volta che l'idea teorica sia acquisita, è bene seguirla finché conduce a una conclusione insostenibile. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Müvəffəqiyyətli bir insan olmağa çalışmayın, dəyərli bir insan olmağa çalışın. Müvəffəqiyyətli bir insan həyata verdiyindən çoxunu geri alır, qiymətli bir insan isə həyatdan aldığından artığını geri verir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mən atomu insanlığa xidmət etmək üçün kəşf etdim. Onlar bomba edib bir-birlərini yox etdilər. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Tu turėtum žinoti, kad dauguma vyrų iš prigimties nėra monogamiški. Gamtos šauksmas tampa dar įtaigesnis, kai tradicijos ir aplinkybės prieštarauja tam. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Gandhi, il più grande genio politico del nostro tempo ha dimostrato di quali sacrifici è capace l'uomo quando abbia trovato la via giusta. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    I principî fondamentali di Newton erano tanto soddisfacenti dal punto di vista della logica che furono necessari i fatti sperimentali per dare l'impulso a nuovi slanci. Prima di trattare quest'argomento, devo sottolineare che Newton stesso conosceva i lati deboli della sua costruzione meglio degli scienziati che lo hanno seguito. Questa circostanza mi ha sempre riempito d'ammirazione e di venerazione . (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La scuola dovrebbe sempre tendere a sfornare giovani dalla personalità armonica, non degli specialisti. Il che, a mio avviso, vale in un certo senso anche per le scuole tecniche, i cui studenti si dedicheranno a una professione del tutto specifica. Bisognerebbe sempre dare la priorità allo sviluppo di una capacità generale di pensiero e di giudizio indipendente, non all'acquisizione di una competenza specialistica. (RDF)
  • en: English
    In the matter of physics, the first lessons should contain nothing but what is experimental and interesting to see. A pretty experiment is in itself often more valuable than twenty formulae extracted from our minds. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Pierwsze lekcje nie powinny zawierać niczego poza tym, co jest eksperymentalne i interesujące do zobaczenia. Ładny eksperyment jest sam w sobie bardziej wartościowy niż dwadzieścia wzorów wydobytych z naszych umysłów. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Menjauhlah dari orang-orang negatif, mereka memiliki masalah untuk setiap solusi. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Προσπάθησε να γίνεις όχι επιτυχημένος άνθρωπος, αλλά άνθρωπος με αξίες. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Try to become not a man of success, but try rather to become a man of value. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Intenta no volverte un hombre de éxito, sino un hombre de valor. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    سعی نکن انسان موفقی باشی، بلکه سعی کن انسان ارزشمندی باشی. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    נסו לא להיות אנשים של הצלחה, אלא נסו להיות אנשים של ערך. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    एक सफल व्यक्ति बनने का प्रयास मत करो। बल्कि मूल्यों पर चलने वाले इंसान बनो। (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Pokušaj rađe da budeš čovjek od vrijednosti, nego čovjek od uspjeha. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ne sikeres ember próbálj lenni, hanem értékes. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Janganlah mencoba menjadi orang sukses. Jadilah orang yang bernilai. (RDF)
  • kn: Kannada
    ಯಶಸ್ವಿ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯಾಗಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಬೇಡಿ. ಮೌಲ್ಯಯುತ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯಾಗಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ. - ೦೭:೨೩, ೧೧ ಆಗಸ್ಟ್ ೨೦೧೫  ರಂದು ಪ್ರಜಾವಾಣಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರಕಟಗೊಂಡ ಸುಭಾಷಿತ. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Pasistenk nebūti žmogumi, kuriam sekasi, verčiau būk vertingu žmogumi. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Prøv ikke å bli vellykket, prøv heller å bli et verdifullt menneske. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie staraj się zostać człowiekiem sukcesu, lecz człowiekiem wartościowym. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Não tente se tornar um homem de sucesso, mas tente se tornar um homem de valor. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Mos tento të jesh njeri i suksesit, por njeri i vlerës. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Përpiqu të mos bëhesh një njeri i suksesit, por mundoju më mirë të bëhesh një njeri me vlerë. (RDF)
  • th: Thai
    อย่าเป็นคนที่มุ่งหวังเพียงความสำเร็จ แต่จงมุ่งหวังความเป็นมนุษย์ที่มีคุณค่า (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dəyər yaradın: Nailiyyətlər qazanmağa deyil, dəyərli olmağa çalışın. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    నా సాపేక్ష సిద్ధాంతం నిజమని తేలితే జర్మని వాళ్ళు నన్ను జర్మన్ అంటారు. కాకుంటే యూదు జాతియున్ని అంటారు. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bütün insani dəyərlərin təməli əxlaqdır. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Di fronte a tale dilemma pare che non vi sia modo di uscirne se non abbandonando o il principio di relatività o la semplice legge di propagazione della luce nel vuoto. Quanti fra i lettori hanno attentamente seguito la precedente discussione si attenderanno certamente che debba venir conservato il principio di relatività, il quale, per la sua semplicità e naturalezza, si raccomanda alla mente come pressoché irrefutabile, e che invece la legge di propagazione della luce nel vuoto debba venir sostituita da una legge più complicata che si conformi al principio di relatività. Lo sviluppo della fisica teorica ha dimostrato però che non possiamo seguire questa strada. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Ən pis tale heç kimin taleyi olmamaqdır... (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Xudo ayyordir, lekin yovuz emas. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Any man whose errors take ten years to correct is quite a man. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Un misterioso brivido coglie il non matematico quando sente parlare di entità "quadridimensionali": una sensazione non dissimile da quella risvegliata dall'apparizione di uno spettro sul palcoscenico. Tuttavia non esiste affermazione più banale di quella che il mondo in cui viviamo è un continuo spazio-temporale a quattro dimensioni. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mes mirtingieji, pasiekiame nemirtingumą po mūsų išliekančiuose dalykuose, kuriuos sukuriame drauge. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Noi onoriamo l'antica Grecia come la culla della scienza occidentale. Là, per la prima volta, è stato creato un sistema logico, meraviglia del pensiero, i cui enunciati si deducono così chiaramente gli uni dagli altri che ciascuna delle proposizioni dimostrate non solleva il minimo dubbio: si tratta della geometria di Euclide. Quest'opera ammirevole della ragione ha dato al cervello umano la più grande fiducia nei suoi sforzi ulteriori. Colui che nella sua prima giovinezza non ha provato entusiasmo davanti a quest'opera non è nato per fare lo scienziato teorico. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Una mente que se ha sido estirada por nuevas ideas, nunca podrá recobrar su forma original. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie wierzę w astrologię, bo jestem spod znaku Ryb, a Ryby nie wierzą w astrologię. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Todas as teorias físicas deveriam se prestar a uma tão simples descrição que até uma criança pudesse entender. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se almeno potessi trasmetterti un poco della mia felicità, per farti passare definitivamente la tristezza e l'ansia. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    शान्तिः अनुरोधेन न अपि तु अवगमनमात्रेण प्राप्तुं शक्या । कस्यचित् देशस्य आधीन्यम् आग्रहेण करणीयमिति चेत् तत्रत्यः सर्वः अपि पुरुषः, महिला, बालश्च मारणीयः भवेत् । तादृशं हिंसात्मकं विधानम् अनुसर्तुं यदि न इष्यते तर्हि शस्त्रोपयोगं विना समस्यापरिहारस्य मार्गः अन्वेष्टव्यः । (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'università che ventisette anni fa non era che un sogno e una debole speranza, questa università oggi è una cosa viva, una casa delle libera cultura, del libero insegnamento e del felice lavoro fraterno. Eccola là, su quel suolo che il nostro popolo ha liberato affrontando grandi asperità; eccola là, centro spirituale di una comunità fiorente e viva le cui realizzazioni hanno finalmente ottenuto il riconoscimento universale che meritavano. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Hamı bilir ki, nə isə ola bilməz, mümkün deyil, lakin bir adam tapılır ki, bunu bilmir və o da kəşf eləyir. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Če bi se res motil, bi bil en profesor povsem dovolj. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Yra pažinimo aistra, lygiai kaip aistra muzikai. Be šios aistros nebūtų nei matematikos, nei tiksliųjų mokslų. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mūsų prisiminimai suvokiami klaidingai, kadangi jie yra paveikti dabarties aplinkybių. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Trumpalaikis yra šis mūsų egzistavimas, kaip ir trumpalaikis yra apsilankymas svečiuose. Takas, kuriuo einame yra menkai apšviestas blyksinčios sąmonės, kurios centras yra ribojantis ir atskiriantis „Aš“... Kai grupė individų tampa „Mes“, harmoninga visuma, jie pasiekia aukščiausias aukštumas, kurias žmogus tik gali pasiekti. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non si può insegnare a un gatto a non cacciare gli uccellini. (RDF)
  • en: English
    May the conscience and the common sense of the peoples be awakened, so that we may reach a new stage in the life of nations, where people will look back on war as an incomprehensible aberration of their forefathers! (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    همه دین‌ها، هنرها و علم‌ها شاخه‌های یک درخت‌اند. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Mao não pode prevenir e preparar-se para a guerra ao mesmo tempo. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Kepandaian manusia ada batasnya tetapi kebodohan manusia mungkin tidak ada batasnya. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מעמדו של כלל ישראל המפוזר והמפורד הוא ברומטר מוסרי לעולם המדיני. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Everyone sits in the prison of his own ideas; he must burst it open, and that in his youth, and so try to test his ideas on reality. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Perché c'è molta verità nel detto che è facile elargire saggi e giusti consigli... agli altri!, ma difficile agire con saggezza e giustizia personalmente. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se mai possiamo affermare che oggi la schiavitù è stata abolita, dobbiamo tale abolizione agli effetti pratici della scienza. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se ha successo, l'avvelenamento radioattivo dell'atmosfera e quindi la distruzione di qualsiasi vita sulla terra rientrerà nell'ambito di ciò che è tecnicamente fattibile. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The words or the language, as they are written or spoken, do not seem to play any role in my mechanism of thought. The psychical entities which seem to serve as elements in thoughts are certain signs and more or less clear images which can be "voluntarily" reproduced and combined. There is, of course, a certain connection between those elements and relevant logical concepts. It is also clear that the desire to arrive finally at logically connected concepts is the emotional basis of this rather vague play with the above-mentioned elements. . . . The above-mentioned elements are, in my case, of visual and some muscular type. Conventional words or other signs have to be sought for laboriously only in a secondary stage, when the mentioned associative play is sufficiently established and can be reproduced at will. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Животът е като карането на колело: спреш ли, изгубваш равновесие. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. (RDF)
  • en: English
    :Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Կյանքը նման է հեծանիվով երթևեկելուն։ Հավասարակշռությունը պահելու համար պետք է շարժվել։ (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    زندگی مثل دوچرخه سواریست. برای حفظ تعادل باید حرکت کرد. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    החיים, זה כמו לרכוב על אופניים: אתה צריך להתקדם כל הזמן מבלי לעצור, כדי לא לאבד את שיווי המשקל." ~ מכתב לבנו אדוארד, 1930 (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Život je poput vožnje bicikla. Da bi održao ravnotežu, moraš biti stalno u kretanju. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az élet olyan, mint a biciklizés. Hogy megtartsd az egyensúlyod, mozgásban kell maradnod. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    人生とは自転車のようなものだ。倒れないようにするには走らなければならない。 (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A vida é como andar de bicicleta. Para manter seu equilíbrio você deve continuar em movimento. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Življenje je kot vožnja s kolesom. Da bi ohranil ravnotežje, se moraš premikati. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Jeta është si ngasja e një biçiklete. Për të mbajtur baraspeshën duhet të vazhdosh t'i japësh. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Cuộc sống cũng giống như đang lái một chiếc xe đạp, để giữ thăng bằng cần phải đạp không ngừng. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Siamo tutti consapevoli della difficile e minacciosa situazione in cui versa oggi la società umana – ridotta a un'unica comunità con un destino comune –, ma solo alcuni si comportano di conseguenza. Gran parte delle persone continua a vivere la propria vita ordinaria; per metà spaventate, per metà indifferenti, esse contemplano la cupa tragicommedia in atto sul palcoscenico internazionale davanti agli occhi e alle orecchie del mondo. Ma su quel palcoscenico, in cui gli attori recitano sotto i riflettori le proprie ordinate parti, si decide il nostro destino di domani, la vita o la morte delle nazioni. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Умните хора решават проблеми, гениалните ги предвиждат. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az okos emberek megoldják a problémákat, a zsenik pedig megelőzik őket. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    La palabra progreso no tiene ningún sentido mientras haya niños infelices. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Няма толкова висша цел, която да оправдае използването на всякакви средства. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Ningún propósito es tan alto que pueda justificar a mis ojos métodos indignos de lograrlo. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Ոչ մի նպատակ այնքան բարձր չէ, որպեսզի արդարացնի նրան հասնելու անազնիվ միջոցները։ (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Ükski eesmärk pole nõnda kõrge, et õigustaks väärituid vahendeid selle saavutamiseks. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Joks tikslas nėra toks kilnus, kad pateisintų negarbingas priemones. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non bevo, quindi per me fa lo stesso. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il tuo gatto dimostra che siamo in completo accordo sulla tua valutazione del carattere della teoria attuale. Una funzione psi che contiene tanto il gatto vivo quanto il gatto morto non può certo essere considerata una descrizione di uno stato di cose reale. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La maggior parte degli insegnanti perdono tempo a fare domande che mirano a scoprire ciò che l'alunno non sa, mentre la vera arte del fare domande mira a scoprire ciò che l'alunno sa o che è capace di sapere. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Dauguma mokytojų švaisto savo laiką klausdami klausimų, kurių tikslas – rasti tai, ko vaikas nežino. Tikrasis menas yra rasti, ką jis žino ir ką dar gali sužinoti. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Większość nauczycieli traci czas na zadawanie pytań, które mają ujawnić to, czego uczeń nie umie, podczas gdy nauczyciel z prawdziwego zdarzenia stara się za pomocą pytań ujawnić to, co uczeń umie lub czego jest zdolny się nauczyć. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני מאמין שהתקדמות רצינית תושג רק כאשר בני אדם יתארגנו ברמה בינלאומית ויתנגדו, כגוף אחד, לשרת בצבא ולהילחם בו." ~ 1931 (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Xırda şeylərdə həqiqətə laqeyd yanaşana əhəmiyyətli məsələlərdə də etibar edilmir. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El lia deklaro en la 3-a Pugwash-konferenco en Kitzbühel en 1958. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il rifiuto di mettere al bando la bomba finché ne detiene il monopolio procura a questo paese un'altra conseguenza negativa, impedendogli di tornare pubblicamente ai parametri etici bellici formalmente accettati prima dell'ultima guerra. Non si dovrebbe dimenticare che questo paese ha approntato la bomba atomica come misura preventiva; se ne voleva impedire l'utilizzo da parte dei tedeschi, in caso l'avessero scoperta. Sono stati i tedeschi a iniziare il bombardamento dei centri civili, seguiti dai giapponesi. A ciò gli alleati hanno risposto negli stessi termini – anzi, come è risultato, con maggiore efficacia – e ne avevano la giustificazione morale. Ma adesso, in assenza di alcuna provocazione, e in mancanza della giustificazione della rappresaglia o della ritorsione, il rifiuto di rinunciare all'uso della bomba se non per ritorsione rendo lo scopo del suo possesso prettamente politico. Il che è difficilmente perdonabile. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Każdy wiek ma swoje chwile. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Aš vis mąstau ir mąstau, mąstau mėnesius, metus. 99 kartus iš šimto aš klystu, tačiau vieną kartą esu teisus. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Bodaj najgenialniejszy uczony wszech czasów. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    اگر می‌دانستیم که چکار می‌کنیم که به آن تحقیق نمی‌گفتیم. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər nə etdiyimizi bilsəydik, buna araşdırma deyilməzdimi? (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    è un nazionalismo il cui obiettivo non è il potere ma la dignità. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bir alim səhvini görəndə mimoza, başqasının səhvini aşkarlayanda böyüyən aslan kimidir. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nasza poczta działa bez zarzutu. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    In un qualunque campo gravitazionale, ad ogni intorno infinitesimo di punto, si può associare un sistema di coordinate locale in uno stato di moto tale che rispetto ad esso non esista alcun campo gravitazionale . In termini di questo riferimento inerziale possiamo considerare i risultati della teoria della relatività ristretta corretti, in prima approssimazione, per questa regione infinitamente piccola. In ogni punto dello spazio-tempo vi è un numero infinito di questi sistemi di riferimento inerziali locali, tra loro legati dalle trasformazioni di Lorentz. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non credo che una guerra combattuta con le bombe atomiche spazzerà via la civiltà. Forse potranno rimanere uccisi due terzi della popolazione della terra. Ma resterebbe un sufficiente numero di uomini capaci di pensare e un sufficiente numero di libri per consentire di ricominciare daccapo e restaurare la civiltà. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La fede in un mondo esteriore indipendente dall'individuo che lo esplora è alla base di ogni scienza della natura. Poiché tuttavia le percezioni dei sensi non dànno che indizi indiretti su questo mondo esteriore, su questo «reale fisico», quest'ultimo non può essere afferrato da noi che per via speculativa. Ne deriva che le nostre concezioni del reale fisico non possono mai essere definitive. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A világ legnagyobb matematikai felfedezése a kamatos kamat. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Auklėtojams derėtų pasirūpinti, kad kartu su žmogaus individualiais gabumais būtų ugdoma ir atsakomybė savo artimiesiems. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mokslininkus bažnyčia vadino eretikais, tačiau jie buvo tikrai religingi savo tikėjimu į Visatos tvarką. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O problema do homem não está na energia nuclear, mas no seu coração. (RDF)
  • en: English
    No, this trick won't work. The same trick does not work twice. How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Xeyr, bu hiylə işləməyəcək ... Kimya və fizika qanunları ilk sevgi kimi vacib bir bioloji hadisəni necə izah edə bilər. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    יש יתרון של שלמות בטיפת מים יחידה מכל המכונות שהומצאו על ידי האדם. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אני טוען שהרגש הדתי הקוסמי, הוא המניע החזק והנעלה ביותר למחקר מדעי." ~ "כמו שאיינשטיין אמר", עמוד 135 (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    D'altra parte ritengo che il sentimento religioso cosmico sia il più forte e nobile incitamento alla ricerca scientifica. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Twierdzę, że kosmiczne przeżycie religijne stanowi najsilniejszą i najszlachetniejszą pobudkę do badań naukowych. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El: Mia mondkoncepto (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    el: Mia mondkoncepto (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ami Istent illeti, az én állásfoglalásom agnosztikus. Meggyőződésem szerint az erkölcsi alapelvek elsődleges fontosságának biztos tudata, ami által az élet jobb és nemesebb, nem igényel egy törvényhozót, főleg nem olyat, aki jutalmazásra vagy büntetésre alapozza törvényeit. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Minha posição a respeito de Deus é a de um agnóstico. Estou convencido de que uma consciência vívida da importância primária de princípios morais para a melhoria e o enobrecimento da vida não precisa da idéia de um legislador, especialmente um legislador que trabalha na base da recompensa e da punição. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Ich habe schon wieder was verbrochen in der Gravitationstheorie, was mich ein wenig in Gefahr setzt, in einem Tollhaus interniert zu werden. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La saggezza e la moderazione dimostrate dalle guide del nuovo stato mi fanno confidare nel fatto, tuttavia, che un po' alla volta si stabiliranno con il popolo arabo relazioni basate su una cooperazione proficua e su un mutuo rispetto e fiducia. Perché è questo il solo mezzo con cui entrambi i popoli potranno conseguire un'indipendenza dal mondo esterno. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Gəncliyimdə ayağımın baş barmağının gec-tez corabımda bir deşik açacağını aşkar etdikdən sonra, bir daha corab geyinmədim. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il posto dove si va ad abitare non è così importante . Io stesso ho vagabondato costantemente da un posto all'altro, straniero ovunque . L'ideale di un uomo come me è sentirsi a casa in qualunque posto. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    El que no posee el don de maravillarse ni de entusiasmarse más le valdría estar muerto, porque sus ojos están cerrados. (RDF)
  • ne: Nepali
    तृप्तस्य मनुष्यस्य सन्तोषः एतावन् भवति यत् सः कदापि भविष्यतः विषये न चिन्तयति एव । (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Jól érzem magam, figyelembe véve, hogy túléltem a nácizmust és két feleséget. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İki növ sabun- bu mənim üçün çox mürəkkəbdir. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    לעם היהודי, אליו אני משתייך בשמחה ושלמנטליות שלו אני חש שייכות רבה, אין איכות שונה בעבורי בהשוואה לכל העמים האחרים. עד כמה שניסיוני מגיע, הם אינם שונים מכל קבוצה אנושית אחרת, אף על פי שהם מוגנים מהסרטנים החמורים ביותר משום שאין להם כוח. מבחינות אחרות, אינני יכול לראות שום תכונה 'נבחרת' המיוחסת להם. (RDF)
  • en: English
    What is the meaning of human life, or of organic life altogether? To answer this question at all implies a religion. Is there any sense then, you ask, in putting it? I answer, the man who regards his own life and that of his fellow creatures as meaningless is not merely unfortunate but almost disqualified for life. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מה הטעם לחיינו? מהו הטעם לחיי היצורים בכלל? לדעת תשובה לשאלה זו – משמעו להיות דתי. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Mi az értelme a létezésünknek és mi az értelme egyáltalán az élőlények életének? Erre a kérdésre válaszolni tudni nem egyéb mint vallásosnak lenni. Te azt kérded: van egyáltalán értelme ezt kérdezni? Mire én azt felelem: aki saját és embertársai életét értelmetlennek találja, az nemcsak boldogtalan, hanem arra is alig képes, hogy éljen. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Qual è il senso della vita, o della vita organica in generale? Rispondere a questa domanda implica comunque una religione. Mi chiederete, allora, ha senso porla? Io rispondo che l'uomo che considera la propria vita e quella delle creature consimili priva di senso non è semplicemente sventurato, ma quasi inidoneo alla vita. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Jaki jest sens życia człowieka czy innych stworzeń? Znać odpowiedź na to pytanie oznacza być człowiekiem religijnym. Można więc spytać, czy w ogóle warto je zadawać? Odpowiadam, że człowiek, który uważa życie swoje i innych istot ludzkich za bezsensowne, jest nie tylko nieszczęśliwy, ale niezbyt zdolny do życia. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La meccanica classica permette di tracciare una distinzione fra moti non accelerati e accelerati; inoltre essa asserisce che le velocità hanno un'esistenza soltanto relativa , mentre le accelerazioni e le rotazioni hanno un'esistenza assoluta . Questa situazione può essere espressa così: secondo la meccanica classica esiste la «relatività delle velocità» ma non la «relatività delle accelerazioni. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הדבר היחידי שמדען מוכרח לדעת זה מיקומה של הספרייה הקרובה. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Alt har forandret sig, undtagen den måde, vi tænker på. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    סודה של הפצצה חייב להיות שייך לממשלה העולמית... האם אני חושש מרודנות של ממשלה עולמית? בוודאי. אבל יותר מכך אני חושש מהמלחמה או מהמלחמות העתידות לבוא. כל ממשלה יש בה גרעין של רוע מסוים. אבל ממשלה עולמית עדיפה על פני הרוע הנורא יותר של המלחמות." ~ מלחמה אטומית או שלום, נובמבר 1945, "כמו שאיינשטיין אמר", עמוד 117 (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Esperanto jest najlepszym rozwiązaniem idei języka międzynarodowego. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    బడిలో నేర్చుకున్న పాఠాలన్ని మర్చిపోయినా విద్య ఎప్పుడూ మిగిలే ఉంటుంది. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    תפיסתי את היהדות מתנגדת לרעיון של מדינה יהודית בעלת גבולות, צבא וכוח בר חלוף..." ~ "חובתנו לציונות", 1938 (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    ఉన్న జ్ఞానానికన్నా ఊహ గొప్పది. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    జ్ఞానికన్నా ఊహ గొప్పది. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It gives me great pleasure, indeed, to see the stubbornness of an incorrigible nonconformist warmly acclaimed. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'etere della teoria della relatività generale, quando lo si confronti con quello di Lorentz, ha questo di nuovo: in ciascun punto, il suo stato è legato a quello della materia e a quello dell'etere nei punti vicini secondo leggi esprimibili in forma di equazioni differenziali; viceversa, lo stato dell'etere di Lorentz, data l'assenza dei campi elettromagnetici, non è determinato da alcunché di esterno ed è ovunque lo stesso. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    לא צריכים להבין את העולם, אלא צריכים להתאים את עצמנו אליו. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem kell megértenünk a világot; elég, ha eligazodunk benne. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die Juden sind heute mehr eine Volksgemeinschaft als eine Religionsgemeinschaft (RDF)
  • en: English
    We may assume the existence of an aether; only we must give up ascribing a definite state of motion to it, i.e. we must by abstraction take from it the last mechanical characteristic which Lorentz had still left it. ... But this ether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable inedia, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Две неща са нужни за нашата работа: неуморна издръжливост и готовността да изхвърлиш нещо, в което си вложил много време и труд. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il comportamento etico di un uomo dovrebbe in realtà basarsi sulla solidarietà, l'educazione e i legami sociali; non è necessario alcun fondamento religioso. L'uomo si troverebbe in una ben triste situazione se dovesse venir trattenuto dalla paura di una punizione e dalla speranza di una ricompensa dopo la morte. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Moralność człowieka zależy od zdolności współodczuwania z innymi ludźmi, wykształcenia oraz więzi i potrzeb społecznych; żadna religia nie jest do tego potrzebna. Człowiek byłby zaiste żałosną istotą, gdyby kierował się w życiu wyłącznie strachem przed karą i nadzieją na nagrodę po śmierci. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O comportamento ético de um homem deve basear-se efetivamente na simpatia, educação e laços sociais; nenhuma base religiosa é necessária. O homem realmente ficaria em um péssimo estado se tivesse que ser contido pelo medo do castigo e esperança de recompensa após a morte. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    C'è qualcosa come "lo stato reale" di un sistema fisico che esiste obiettivamente, indipendentemente da ogni osservazione o misurazione e che in linea di principio si descrive con i mezzi di espressione della fisica . Questa tesi sulla realtà non ha il senso di un enunciato chiaro in sé, a causa del suo carattere "metafisico". Ha soltanto il carattere di un programma. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Abbiamo allora la legge seguente: la massa gravitazionale di un corpo è uguale alla sua massa inerziale. Peraltro questa importante legge è stata finora registrata dalla meccanica, ma non interpretata. Un'interpretazione soddisfacente si può avere soltanto se riconosciamo il fatto seguente: la stessa qualità di un corpo si manifesta a seconda delle circostanze come "inerzia" o "pesantezza. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La cosa veramente valida nello spettacolo della vita umana mi pare non lo Stato, ma l'individuo, creativo e sensibile, la personalità; solo lui crea ciò che è nobile e sublime, mentre il branco come tale resta sciocco nella mente e nei sentimenti. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Didžiausia demokratijos silpnybė yra ekonominė baimė. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    هیچ دشواری را نمی‌توان در همان سطحی که به وجود آمده از بین برد؛ باید یاد بگیریم که نگاهمان را به جهان تغییر دهیم. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'individuo è degradato a mero strumento; egli diventa «materiale umano». Con una concezione simile i normali fini delle aspirazioni umane svaniscono. Al loro posto, la mentalità militarista eleva il «potere nudo» a fine in sé, uno dei più sconcertanti inganni a cui gli uomini possano soccombere. Nel nostro tempo la mentalità militare si è fatta ancora più pericolosa che in passato perché le armi offensive sono diventate molto più potenti di quelle difensive. Perciò essa conduce di necessità alla guerra preventiva. L'insicurezza generale che ad essa si accompagna porta a sacrificare i diritti civili del cittadino al presunto bene dello stato. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    È noto, inoltre, che una lumaca può perdere il proprio guscio senza per questo cessare di essere una lumaca. L'ebreo che abbandoni la propria fede è in una posizione analoga. Resta un ebreo. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Dalla realizzazione della prima bomba atomica non è stato approntato nulla che rendesse il mondo più sicuro dalla guerra, mentre molto è stato fatto per accrescere la distruttività della guerra. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Quali speranze e paure il metodo scientifico comporta per l'uomo? Non penso che questo sia il modo giusto di impostare la questione. Qualunque cosa questo strumento a disposizione dell'uomo produrrà, essa dipenderà interamente dalla natura dei fini che l'umanità si sarà data. Una volta posti in essere gli obiettivi, il metodo scientifico fornisce i mezzi per realizzarli. Tuttavia esso non può fornire anche gli obiettivi. Il metodo scientifico non avrebbe condotto da nessuna parte, di per sé, non sarebbe nemmeno nato senza un appassionato sforzo di arrivare a una comprensione chiara. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Не се подчинявай на властта, ако това противоречи на принципите ти. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La teoria unitaria del campo, in sé è ultimata. Ma è così difficile da trattare matematicamente che, con tutta la pena che mi sono dato, non sono in condizione di verificarla in alcun modo. Questo stato di cose è destinato a durare per anni, principalmente perché i fisici hanno poca attitudine a capire gli argomenti logici e filosofici. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Ci ludzie coś widzieli. Nie wiem jednak, co to było, i wcale nie jestem tego ciekaw. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il nostro lettore ha certamente imparato a conoscere, sui banchi di scuola, il superbo edificio della geometria di Euclide, e ricorderà – più con reverenza che con amore, forse – quella grandiosa costruzione, di cui ha passo passo salito la maestosa scalinata, pungolato per innumerevoli ore da coscienziosi insegnanti. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. In our endeavor to understand reality we are somewhat like a man trying to understand the mechanism of a closed watch. He sees the face and the moving hands, even hears its ticking, but he has no way of opening the case. If he is ingenious he may form some picture of a mechanism which could be responsible for all the things he observes, but he may never be quite sure his picture is the only one which could explain his observations. He will never be able to compare his picture with the real mechanism and he cannot even imagine the possibility or the meaning of such a comparison. But he certainly believes that, as his knowledge increases, his picture of reality will become simpler and simpler and will explain a wider and wider range of his sensuous impressions. He may also believe in the existence of the ideal limit of knowledge and that it is approached by the human mind. He may call this ideal limit the objective truth. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    No esforço que fazemos para entender o mundo, somos um pouco como um homem que tenta compreender o mecanismo de um relógio fechado. Ele vê o mostrador e as mãos em movimento, ele ouve o tic-tac, mas ele não tem como abrir o gabinete. Se ele é engenhoso, ele poderá formar uma certa imagem do mecanismo, que servirá para responder por tudo o que ele pode observar, mas nunca pode ter certeza de que sua imagem é a única capaz de explicar suas observações. Ele nunca estará em condições de comparar sua imagem com o mecanismo real, e ele nem mesmo poderá representar a possibilidade ou a significação de tal comparação. Mas ele acredita certamente que, na medida em que seu conhecimento aumenta, sua imagem da realidade se tornará cada vez mais simples e explicará cada vez mais o domínio compreendido pelas impressões sensíveis. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Breve è questa esistenza, come una visita fugace in una casa sconosciuta. La via da seguire è scarsamente rischiarata dal lume tremolante della coscienza. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The physical world is real." That is supposed to be the fundamental hypothesis. What does "hypothesis" mean here? For me, a hypothesis is a statement, whose truth must be assumed for the moment, but whose meaning must be raised above all ambiguity. The above statement appears to me, however, to be, in itself, meaningless, as if one said: "The physical world is cock-a-doodle-do." It appears to me that the "real" is an intrinsically empty, meaningless category , whose monstrous importance lies only in the fact that I can do certain things in it and not certain others. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    इन्सान को यह देखना चाहिए कि क्या है, यह नहीं कि उसके अनुसार क्या होना चाहिए। (RDF)

Misatributed Quotations

Year Texts
  • en: English
    Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Ärge kunagi tegutsege südametunnistuse vastu, isegi siis, kui seda nõuavad riiklikud huvid. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    לעולם אל תעשה משהו הנוגד את מצפונך, אפילו אם המדינה דורשת זאת." ~ "כמו שאיינשטיין אמר", עמוד 173 (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ne činite nikad ništa što se protivi vašoj savjesti, pa čak ako to od vas i država traži. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Soha ne tegyél semmit a lelkiismereted ellenére, még ha az állam követeli is. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non fate mai nulla contro la vostra coscienza, anche se è lo Stato a chiedervelo. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Не чините никад ништа што се противи вашој савести, па чак ако то од вас и држава тражи. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Mos bëj kurrë ndonjë gjë kundër ndërgjegjes madje edhe po ta kërkoi gjendja. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Không bao giờ làm điều gì trái với lương tâm, cho dù hoàn cảnh bắt buộc điều đó. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life. To make this a living force and bring it to clear consciousness is perhaps the foremost task of education. The foundation of morality should not be made dependent on myth nor tied to any authority lest doubt about the myth or about the legitimacy of the authority imperil the foundation of sound judgment and action. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    המאמץ האנושי החשוב ביותר הוא השאיפה למוסריות בפעולותינו. האיזון הפנימי שלנו, ואפילו הקיום שלנו, תלויים בכך. רק מוסריות בפעולותינו יכולה להעניק לחיים יופי וכבוד. להפוך את הנ"ל לכוח קיים ולהעלות את זה למודעות זוהי אולי המשימה החשובה ביותר של החינוך. הבסיס למוסר אינו צריך להיות מושתת על מיתוסים או להיות מקושר לאיזושהי סמכות, שמא ספק כלשהו לגבי המיתוסים הללו או הלגיטימיות של הסמכות הזו יפגמו בבסיס לשיפוט ולפעולה שקולים ונבונים. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Najvažnija ljudska težnja je težnja za moralnošću u našem djelovanju. Naša unutrašnja ravnoteža, čak i naša egzistencija ovisi o tome. Jedino moralnost u našem djelovanju može dati ljepotu i dostojanstvo u našem životu. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Najvažnija ljudska težnja je težnja za moralnošću u našem djelovanju. Naša unutarnja ravnoteža, čak i naša egzistencija ovisi o tome. Jedino moralnost u našem djelovanju može dati ljepotu i dostojanstvo našem životu. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Најважнија људска тежња је тежња за моралношћу у нашем деловању. Наша унутрашња равнотежа, чак и наша егзистенција зависи о томе. Једино моралност у нашем деловању може дати лепоту и достојанство нашем животу. (RDF)
  • en: English
    About God, I cannot accept any concept based on the authority of the Church. As long as I can remember, I have resented mass indoctrination. I do not believe in the fear of life, in the fear of death, in blind faith. I cannot prove to you that there is no personal God, but if I were to speak of him, I would be a liar. I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil. My God created laws that take care of that. His universe is not ruled by wishful thinking, but by immutable laws. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ne vjerujem u teološkog Boga koji nagrađuje dobro a kažnjava zlo. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Не верујем у теолошког бога који награђује добро а кажњава зло. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Tôi tin tưởng rằng Chúa không gieo xí ngầu. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Науката без религия е куца, религията без наука е сляпа. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die Naturwissenschaft ohne Religion ist lahm, die Religion ohne Naturwissenschaft ist blind. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Η επιστήμη χωρίς τη θρησκεία είναι κουτσή. Η θρησκεία χωρίς την επιστήμη είναι τυφλή. (RDF)
  • en: English
    science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind (RDF)
  • en: English
    Religion and science go together. As I've said before, science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind. They are interdependent and have a common goal—the search for truth. Hence it is absurd for religion to proscribe Galileo or Darwin or other scientists. And it is equally absurd when scientists say that there is no God. The real scientist has faith, which does not mean that he must subscribe to a creed. Without religion there is no charity. The soul given to each of us is moved by the same living spirit that moves the universe. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Teadus ilma religioonita on pime, religioon ilma teaduseta on lombakas. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    دین بدون علم کور است و علم بدون دین لنگ است. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Luonnontiede ilman uskontoa on rampa, uskonto ilman luonnontiedettä on sokea. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מדע ללא דת הוא נכה. דת ללא מדע היא עיוורת." ~ מתוך כתבה בעיתון הארץ (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    מדע ללא אמונה הוא צולע, אמונה ללא מדע היא עיוורת. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Nauka bez religije je šepava, a religija bez nauke slijepa. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A tudomány vallás nélkül sánta, a vallás tudomány nélkül vak. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Ilmu pengetahuan tanpa agama adalah cacat, dan agama tanpa ilmu pengetahuan adalah buta. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Ilmu pengetahuan tanpa agama adalah pincang. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    la scienza può essere creata soltanto da chi sia totalmente vocato alla verità e alla comprensione. Questa fonte emotiva, tuttavia, scaturisce dalla sfera della religione. Ad essa appartiene anche la fede nelle possibilità che le regole valide per il mondo esterno sono razionali, cioè comprensibili per la ragione. Non riesco a concepire un vero scienziato che difetti di tale fede profonda. Possiamo esprimere la situazione con un'immagine: la scienza senza la religione è zoppa, la religione senza la scienza è cieca. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Mokslas be religijos – nevaisingas. Religija be mokslo – akla. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Наука без религије је шепава, а религија без науке слепа. (RDF)
  • nl: Dutch
    Wetenschap zonder religie is kreupel, religie zonder wetenschap is blind. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Vitenskap uten religion er lam, religion uten vitenskap er blind (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nauka bez religii jest kaleką, religia bez nauki jest ślepa. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Znanost brez vere je hroma, vera brez znanosti je slepa. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Shkenca pa fe është e çalë dhe feja pa shkencë është e verbër. (RDF)
  • ur: Urdu
    مذہب کے بغیر سائنس لنگڑی ہے اور سائنس کے بغیر مذہب اندھا۔ (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Khoa học mà thiếu đi tôn giáo sẽ trở thành khập khiễng, tôn giáo mà thiếu khoa học sẽ trở nên mù lòa. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Једном кад престанете да учите, почињете да умирете. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Да унищожиш предразсъдъците е по-трудно,отколкото да разделиш атома на частици. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    És més fàcil trencar un àtom que un prejudici. (RDF)
  • en: English
    原文:It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    ¡Triste época la nuestra! Es más fácil desintegrar un átomo que un prejuicio. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הרבה יותר קל לפרק אטום מאשר לפרק דעה קדומה. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Milyen sivár az a kor, melyben könnyebb egy atomot szétrombolni, mint egy előítéletet! (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Лакше је разбити атом него предрасуде. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    For en trist tid. Når det er lettere å oppløse et atom enn en fordom! (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Cóż za smutna epoka, w której łatwiej jest rozbić atom niż zniszczyć przesąd. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    É mais difícil quebrar um preconceito do que um átomo. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Que triste um período em que é mais fácil de esmagar um átomo do que um preconceito! (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Kako žalostni časi, ko je lažje razbiti atom kot predsodek. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Lakše je razbiti atom nego predrasude. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Është shumë më vështirë t'i ndryshosh bindjet, sesa të ndryshosh atomin. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Здрав разум е наборът от предразсъдъци, с които човек се е сдобил до 18-годишната си възраст. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Common sense is actually nothing more than a deposit of prejudices laid down in the mind prior to the age of eighteen. (RDF)
  • en: English
    :Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Terve järki on kokoelma ennakkoluuloja, jotka ihminen hankkii ennen kahdeksantoista vuoden ikää. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Zdrav razum je samo pregršt predrasuda koje smo usvojili do osamnaeste. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A józan ész a tizennyolc éves korunkra összegyűjtött előítéletek gyűjteménye. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    常識とは、18歳までに身に付けた偏見のコレクションである。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Sveiką nuovoką sudaro visi prietarai, išmokti iki sulaukiant 18 metų. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Здрав разум је само прегршт предрасуда које смо усвојили до осамнаесте. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Sunn fornuft er summen av fordommer samlet i en alder av atten. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Zdrowy rozsądek to zbiór uprzedzeń nabytych do osiemnastego roku życia. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Здравый смысл — это сумма предубеждений, приобретённых до восемнадцатилетнего возраста. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Zdrav razum ni nič drugega kot skupek predsodkov, ki se naberejo v možganih pred osemnajstim letom starosti. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and the spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Religia przyszłości będzie religią kosmiczną. Buddyzm odpowiada takiemu opisowi. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Религия будущего будет космической религией. Она должна будет преодолеть представление о Боге как личности, а также избежать догм и теологии. Охватывая и природу и дух, она будет основываться на религиозном чувстве, возникающем из переживания осмысляемого единства всех вещей — и природных, и духовных. Такому описанию соответствует буддизм. Если и есть религия, которая сможет удовлетворять современным научным потребностям, — это буддизм. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Intuicija je sveti poklon, dok je razum vjerni sluga. Stvorili smo društvo koje veliča slugu i zaboravilo je na poklon. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Rasional ağıl sadiq xidmətçi, intuitiv ağıl isə müqəddəs hədiyyədir. Müasir həyatın paradoksu ondan ibarətdir ki, biz xidmətçiyə sitayiş edib, ilahini isə ləkələyirik. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The most important decision we can make is whether this is a friendly or hostile universe. From that one decision all others spring. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others, it is the only means. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Dar ejemplo no es la principal manera de influir sobre los demás; es la única manera. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dünyada hər şey enerjidir. Enerji hər şeyin əsasını təşkil edir. Əgər siz özünüz üçün yaratmaq istədiyiniz reallığın enerji tezliyinə uyğunlaşarsınızsa, o zaman məhz uyğunlaşdırdığınız tezliyi alacaqsınız. Bu fəlsəfə yox, fizikadır. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Mindenki tudja, hogy bizonyos dolgokat nem lehet megvalósítani, mígnem jön valaki, aki erről nem tud, és megvalósítja. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wszyscy wiedzą, że czegoś nie da się zrobić. I wtedy pojawia się ten jeden, który nie wie, że się nie da, i on właśnie to coś robi. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The search for truth is more precious than its possession. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Tõe otsing on tähtsam kui tõe valdamine. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Dochodzenie do prawdy powinno być ważniejsze od wszystkich innych celów. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Gerçəyi axtarmaq onu əldə etməkdən daha qiymətlidir. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk? (RDF)
  • en: English
    Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İnsanlar çox ağıllı və çox yavaşdırlar, kompüterlər çox sürətli amma çox axmaqdırlar. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Jedan savremenik je s pravom rekao da su u ovom materijalistički obojenom dobu, ozbiljni znanstvenici jedini duboko religiozni ljudi. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Један савременик је са правом рекао да су у овом материјалистички обојеном добу, озбиљни научници једини дубоко религиозни људи. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit, aber beim Universum bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Two things are infinite: the Universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the Universe. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Two things are infinite: the universe and the human stupidity. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Hay dos cosas infinitas: el Universo y la estupidez humana, y de la primera no estoy seguro. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Այս կյանքում երկու անսահման բան կա՝ տիեզերքը և մարդկային տխմարությունը։ Ընդ որում՝ տիեզերքի հարցում ես վստահ չեմ (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Lõpmatud on vaid maailmaruum ja inimlik rumalus, seejuures on mul kahtlused esimese lõpmatuse suhtes. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    دو چیز بی‌پایان است: اول «کهکشان»، دوم «حماقت بشر»، در مورد اول زیاد مطمئن نیستم. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    فقط دو چیز لایتناهی هستند، دنیا و جهالت بشری! البته در مورد اولی اطمینان ندارم! (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Vain kaksi asiaa ovat äärettömiä - universumi ja ihmisten typeryys, enkä ole ensimmäisestä aivan varma. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    יש שני דברים אינסופים: היקום וטיפשותו של האדם. ואני לא בטוח לגבי היקום. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    दो चीजें अनंत हैं: ब्रह्माण्ड और मनुष्य कि मूर्खता; और मैं ब्रह्माण्ड के बारे में दृढ़ता से नहीं कह सकता। (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ljudska glupost i svemir su beskonačni, ali za ovo drugo nisam siguran. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Samo su dvije stvari na svijetu beskonačne, svemir i ljudska glupost, samo što za svemir nisam siguran. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Samo su dvije stvari beskonačne, svemir i ljudska glupost. Za svemir nisam baš siguran. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Csak két dolog végtelen: a világegyetem és az emberi hülyeség. De a világegyetemben nem vagyok olyan biztos. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Solo due cose sono infinite, l'universo e la stupidità umana, e non sono sicuro della prima. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    無限なものは2つ存在する。それは宇宙と、人間の愚かさだ。しかし、前者については断言できない。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Tėra du tikrai begaliniai dalykai: visata ir kvailystė. Ir dėl visatos aš nesu tikras. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Људска глупост и свемир су бесконачни, али мислим да за ово друго нисам сигуран. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    To ting er uendelig, universet, og menneskets dumhet, jeg er ikke sikker angående universet (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Tylko dwie rzeczy są nieskończone: wszechświat i ludzka głupota. Co do tej pierwszej są jednak pewne wątpliwości. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Existem apenas duas coisas infinitas - o Universo e a estupidez humana. E não tenho tanta certeza quanto ao Universo. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Есть только две бесконечные вещи: Вселенная и глупость. Хотя насчёт Вселенной я не вполне уверен. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Samo dve stvari sta neskončni: vesolje in človeška neumnost, ampak za vesolje nisem povsem prepričan. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Dy gjera nuk kane fund: Universi dhe budallallëku njerëzor, madje kam disa dyshime për universin. (RDF)
  • te: Telugu
    రెండే రెండు విషయాలు అనంతమైనవి.ఒకటి ఈ విశ్వం,రెండోది మానవుడి మూర్ఖత్వం.అయితే విశ్వం అనంతమో కాదో అన్న విషయంలో నాకు సందేహం ఉంది కానీ,మానవుని మూర్ఖత్వం విషయంలో లేదు. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Yalnız iki sonsuz şey var: kainat və axmaqlıq. Hərçənd kainatın sonsuzluğuna bir o qədər əmin deyiləm. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    İki şeyin sonsuz olduğunu bilirəm: kainat və insanın axmaqlığı. Birincisindən çox da əmin deyiləm. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Chỉ có hai điều là vô hạn: vũ trụ và sự ngu xuẩn của con người, và tôi không chắc lắm về điều đầu tiên. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Jew by the Jewish group. The Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world. The root cause is their use of enemies they create in order to keep solidarity. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    L'experiència més bella que podem tenir és d'allò misteriós. Es tracta d'un sentiment fonamental que és el bressol de l'art i de la ciència veritables. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Det mystiske er det mest vidunderlige, vi kan opleve. Det er kilden til al ægte kunst og videnskab. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Kauneinta mitä saatamme kokea on salaperäisyys. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Najljepše što možemo doživjeti je ono što je tajanstveno. To je temeljni osjećaj koji stoji u zametku svake umjetnosti i nauke... (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Најлепше што можемо доживети је оно што је тајанствено. То је темељни осећај који стоји у заметку сваке уметности и науке... (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Najpiękniejszym, co możemy odkryć, jest tajemniczość. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Najpiękniejsza rzecz, jakiej możemy doświadczyć, to oczarowanie tajemnicą. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A coisa mais bela que podemos experimentar é o mistério. Essa é a fonte de toda a arte e ciência. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Koliko je neki čovjek vrijedan za svoju zajednicu ovisi, u prvom redu, o tome koliko su njegovi osjećaji, misli i djela usmjereni na unapređivanje života drugih ljudi... (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Колико је неки човек вредан за своју заједницу зависи, у првом реду, о томе колико су његови осећаји, мисли и дела усмерени на унапређивање живота других људи... (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Είναι άποψή μου πως ο χορτοφαγικός τρόπος ζωής με τα αγνά φυσικά αποτελέσματά του στην ανθρώπινη ψυχοσύνθεση θα επηρέαζε με τον πιο ευεργετικό τρόπο τη μοίρα της ανθρωπότητας. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Besides agreeing with the aims of vegetarianism for aesthetic and moral reasons, it is my view that a vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would most beneficially influence a lot of mankind. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Вегетаријански|Вегетаријанство|Вегетаријански начин живота могао би крајње позитивно утицати на судбину човечанства, чисто физичким деловањем на темперамент људи. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wegetariański sposób życia, przez swoje czysto fizyczne oddziaływanie na ludzkie zachowanie, może wpłynąć na ludzkość w najbardziej dobroczynny sposób. (RDF)
  • en: English
    In December, 1947, he made the following statement: "I came to America because of the great, great freedom which I heard existed in this country. I made a mistake in selecting America as a land of freedom, a mistake I cannot repair in the balance of my life. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    La debilidad de actitud se vuelve debilidad de carácter. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    A debilidade de actitude vólvese debilidade de carácter. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    *"Nepostojanost stava postaje nepostojanost karaktera. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Nepostojanost stava postaje nepostojanost karaktera. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Sikap yang lemah akan menjadi karakter yang lemah. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Požiūrio trūkumai tampa charakterio trūkumais. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Непостојаност става постаје непостојаност карактера. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O tempo e o espaço são modos pelos quais pensamos e não condições nas quais vivemos. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Pokud fakta neodpovídají teorii, změňte fakta. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Αν τα γεγονότα δεν συμφωνούν με τη θεωρία, τότε αλίμονο στα γεγονότα. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Jos tosiasiat ja teoria eivät sovi yhteen, muuta tosiasioita. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ako činjenice ne odgovaraju teoriji, promijenite činjenice. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Jeigu faktai neatitinka teorijos, pakeiskite faktus. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Ако чињенице не одговарају теорији, промените чињенице. (RDF)
  • th: Thai
    หากข้อเท็จจริงไม่เหมาะกับทฤษฎี, จงเปลี่ยนข้อเท็จจริงนั้นเสีย "If the facts don't fit the theory, Change the facts. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Skal De beskrive sannheten, må De overlate elegansen til skredderen. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Če nameravaš opisati resnico, pusti eleganco krojaču. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It's not that I'm so smart,it's just that I stay with problems longer. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Nije da sam ja tako pametan nego samo ostajem s problemima duže i upornije. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem vagyok én olyan okos, csak többet foglalkozom a problémákkal. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nie jestem bardzo bystry, po prostu długo siedzę nad problemem. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dahiliyim çox ağıllı olduğuma görə yox, sadəcə problemlərin həllinə çox vaxt sərf etməyimdədir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Çox ağıllı olduğumdan deyil, yalnız problemlərin üstündə daha çox dayanıram. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bu mənim çox ağıllı olduğumdan yox, hər bir problemə başqalarından daha əhatəli yanaşmağımdandır. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Ратови ће престати када људи одбију да се у њима боре. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Ο κόσμος είναι επικίνδυνος, όχι εξαιτίας αυτών που κάνουν το κακό, αλλά εξαιτίας αυτών που τους κοιτάζουν χωρίς να κάνουν τίποτα. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    La vida es muy peligrosa. No por las personas que hacen el mal, sino por las que se sientan a ver lo que pasa». y «El mundo no será destruido por los que hacen el mal, sino, más bien, por aquellos que los vigilan sin hacer nada. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    העולם לא יושמד מאלה שעושים רע, הוא יושמד מאלה המסתכלים מהצד ולא עושים דבר. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Svijetu ne prijeti opasnost od ljudi koji čine zlo nego od onih koji to dopuštaju. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Svijet je opasno mjesto za život ne zbog ljudi koji čine zlo, nego zbog ljudi koji sjede i dopuštaju da se ono dogodi. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Svijet je opasno mjesto za život, ne zbog ljudi koji su zli, već zbog dobrih ljudi koji ništa ne poduzimaju. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A világ egy veszélyes hely, nem azok miatt, akik gonoszságokat követnek el, hanem azok miatt, akik ezt tétlenül nézik. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Свету не прети опасност од људи који чине зло него од оних који то допуштају. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Verden er en farlig plass å leve. Ikke på grunn av de onde, men på grunn av dem som ikke gjør noe med dem. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Świat jest w większym niebezpieczeństwie ze strony tych, którzy tolerują lub wspierają zło niż ze strony tych, którzy rzeczywiście je popełniają. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O mundo é um lugar perigoso de se viver, não por causa daqueles que fazem o mal, mas sim por causa daqueles que observam e deixam o mal acontecer. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Bota nuk rrezikohet nga njerëzit e këqij, por nga ata qe e lejojnë te keqen. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dünya şər işlər törədən insanlara görə yox, bunu seyr edib heç nə etməyən insanlara görə təhlükəlidir. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Um je poput padobrana - funkcionira jedino ako je otvoren. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    La mente è come un paracadute. Funziona solo se si apre. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Ум је као падобран - функционише једино ако је отворен”. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Sila je oduvijek privlačila ljude niska morala, i vjerujem da - bez izuzetka - genijalne tirane nasljeđuju nitkovi. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Sila je oduvijek privlačila ljude niska morala, i vjerujem da – bez izuzetka – genijalne tirane nasljeđuju nitkovi. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Сила је одувек привлачила људе ниска морала, и верујем да - без изузетка - генијалне тиране наслеђују ниткови. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Ein Geist, der sich für eine neue Idee öffnet, wird niemals zu seiner ursprünglichen Größe zurückkehren. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The mind that opens to a new idea, Never comes back to its original size. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    У средишту проблема леже могућности. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Za rješenje problema, moramo prestati razmišljati na onaj način kao kada je problem nastao. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    За решење проблема, морамо престати размишљати на онај начин као када је проблем настао. (RDF)
  • en: English
    It is high time the ideal of success should be replaced with the ideal of service. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Uğur idealını xidmət idealı ilə əvəz etməyin vaxtı çoxdan çatıb. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Šteta što nisam bolje znao matematiku. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Штета што нисам боље знао математику|Математика|математику. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Being a lover of freedom, when the revolution came in Germany, I looked to the universities to defend it, knowing that they had always boasted of their devotion to the cause of truth; but, no, the universities immediately were silenced. Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers whose flaming editorials in days gone by had proclaimed their love of freedom; but they, like the universities, were silenced in a few short weeks. Then I looked to individual writers who, as literary guides of Germany, had written much and often concerning the place of freedom in modern life; but they, too, were mute. Only the church stood squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign for suppressing truth. I never had any special interest in the church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration because the church alone has had the courage and persistence to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced thus to confess that what I once despised I now praise unreservedly. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Quando la rivoluzione scoppiò in Germania, come amante della libertà, mi aspettavo che le università la difendessero, dato che avevano sempre vantato il loro attaccamento alla causa della verità. Ma no, le università vennero subito ridotte al silenzio. Poi rivolsi le mie attese ai grandi direttori dei giornali, che in passato avevano proclamato nei loro ardenti editoriali l'amore per la libertà. Ma anch'essi, come le università, nel giro di poche settimane furono ridotti al silenzio. Infine guardai agli scrittori che, come guide intellettuali della Germania, spesso avevano scritto del ruolo della libertà nella vita moderna e constatai che essi pure tacevano. Soltanto la Chiesa si oppose decisamente alla campagna di Hitler per sopprimere la verità. Non mi ero mai interessato alla Chiesa prima di allora, ma adesso provo ammirazione e stima per la Chiesa, poiché sola ebbe il coraggio e la perseveranza di difendere la verità intellettuale e la libertà morale. Sono costretto ad ammettere che quel che una volta disprezzavo ora ammiro incondizionatamente. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Ko je revolucija prišla v Nemčijo, sem kot ljubitelj svobode upal, da bodo univerze to svobodo branile, saj sem vedel, da so se vselej hvalile s svojo zavezanostjo resnici; toda ne, univerze so takoj utihnile. Potem sem računal na velike izdajatelje časnikov, katerih ognjeviti uvodniki so svoj čas razglašali ljubezen do svobode. Vendar so bili, podobno kot univerze, v nekaj kratkih tednih utišani. Edino Cerkev se je neposredno upirala Hitlerjevi kampanji za utišanje resnice. Poprej me ni Cerkev nikoli posebej zanimala, zdaj pa občutim veliko naklonjenost in občudovanje, ker se je edino Cerkev pogumno in vztrajno zavzela za intelektualno resnico in nravstveno svobodo. Zatorej sem prisiljen priznati, da to, kar sem nekdaj preziral, zdaj brez pomisleka hvalim. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Не можем да решим проблемите, като използваме същия начин на мислене, който сме използвали, когато сме ги създавали. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Vi kan ikke løse vores problemer med den samme tankegang, som vi brugte til at skabe dem. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Τα σοβαρά προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζουμε δεν μπορούν να λυθούν αν μείνουμε στο ίδιο επίπεδο σκέψης που είχαμε όταν τα δημιουργήσαμε. (RDF)
  • en: English
    原文:The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. (RDF)
  • en: English
    We cannot solve the problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    No podemos resolver problemas pensando de la misma manera que cuando los creamos. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    مسائلی که به دلیل سطح فعلی تفکر ما بوجود می‌آیند، نمی‌توانند با همان سطح تفکر حل گردند. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    دشواری‌های بزرگی که ما با آن‌ها روبرو هستیم، نمی‌توان با همان دیدگاهی که آن‌ها را پدیدآورده است، از بین برد. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Emme voi ratkaista ongelmia ajattelemalla samalla tavalla kuin silloin, kun loimme ne. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    לא נוכל לפתור בעיות באמצעות אותה צורת חשיבה שהשתמשנו בה כשיצרנו אותן. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ne možemo riješiti probleme na isti način na koji smo ih stvorili. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nem oldhatjuk meg a problémákat, ugyanazt a gondolkodásmódot alkalmazva, amellyel megteremtettük őket. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A problémák, amelyekkel szembesülünk, nem oldhatóak meg azon a szellemi szinten, melyen akkor voltunk, amikor megteremtettük őket. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    我們不能用制造问题时同一水平的思維來解决问题。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Neįmanoma išspręsti problemų naudojantis tuo pačiu mąstymo būdu, kuriuo jas sukūrėte. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Не можемо решити проблеме на исти начин на који смо их створили. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Istotne problemy naszego życia nie mogą być rozwiązywane na tym samym poziomie myślenia, na jakim byliśmy, kiedy je tworzyliśmy. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Problemet e vështira që përballojmë, nuk mund të zgjidhen me të njëjtin nivel mendimi që kishim kur i krijuam ato. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Интелектът е това, което остава, когато забравим всичко, което сме научили в училище. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    Educació és el que queda després d'oblidar el que s'ha après a l'escola. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Bildung ist das, was übrig bleibt, wenn man alles, was man in der Schule gelernt hat, vergisst. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Education is that which remains, if one has forgotten everything he learned in school. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Կրթությունն այն է, ինչ մնում է, երբ մոռացվում է դպրոցում սովորածը։ (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    آموزش چیزی است که بعد از فراموش کردن چیزهایی که در مدرسه آموخته‌اید باقی می‌ماند. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    آموزش آن چیزی است که فرد پس از فراموشی آنچه در مدرسه آموخته، به یاد می‌آورد. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    החינוך הוא מה שנשאר, כאשר שוכחים את כל הדברים שלמדנו בבית־הספר. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'istruzione è ciò che rimane dopo che si è dimenticato tutto ciò che si era imparato a scuola. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    学校で学んだことを、すべてを忘却してもなお残っているもの。それが、教育である。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Išsilavinimas yra tai, kas lieka, kai užmirštame visa, ko mus mokė. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Educação é aquilo que fica depois que se esquece tudo que se aprendeu na escola. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Edukata është ajo që mbetet kur njeriu harron atë që ka mësuar në shkollë. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Təhsil, insanın məktəbdə öyrəndiyi hər şeyi unutduqdan sonra yerində qalandır. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books - a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    אנחנו כמו ילד קטן שנכנס לספרייה ענקית המלאה בספרים בכל מיני שפות, הילד יודע שמישהו היה צריך לכתוב את הספרים האלה, אבל הוא לא יודע איך. הילד לא מכיר את השפה שבה הספרים כתובים. הילד מבחין בסדר מסתורי של הספרים, אך עדיין לא מכיר את הכותב. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Perfekcija misli i konfuzija ciljeva je izgleda naš najveći problem. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Перфекција мисли и конфузија циљева је изгледа наш највећи проблем. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Nuclear power is a hell of a way to boil water. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Има два начина да изживееш живота си. Единият е като мислиш, че не съществуват чудеса. Другият е като мислиш, че всяко нещо е чудо. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Existují pouze dvě cesty, jak žít svůj život: buď s vědomím, že nic není zázrak, nebo s vědomím, že všechno je zázrak. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Der findes kun to måder at leve livet på. Den ene er, som om ingenting er et mirakel. Den anden er, som om alting er et mirakel. (RDF)
  • en: English
    There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Elada võib kahte moodi. Üks on nõndaviisi, justkui poleks miski ime. Teine on see, et kõik meid ümbritsev on imeline. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Կյանքն ապրելու երկու եղանակ կա. առաջին՝ կարծես հրաշքներ գոյություն չունեն, երկրորդ՝ շրջապատում միայն հրաշքներ են։ (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    On kaksi tapaa elää: joko niin, että mikään ei ole ihmeellistä, tai niin, että kaikki on ihmeellistä. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Csak kétféleképpen élheted az életed. Vagy abban hiszel, a világon semmi sem varázslat. Vagy pedig abban, hogy a világon minden varázslat. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Ci sono solo due modi di vivere la propria vita: uno come se niente fosse un miracolo; l'altro come se tutto fosse un miracolo. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Gyvenimą gali nugyventi dvejopai: taip, tarsi nieko nėra stebuklingo, arba taip, tarsi viskas yra stebuklinga. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Yra tik du būdai, kaip gyventi. Vienas – galvoti, jog stebuklų nebūna. Kitas – galvoti, jog viskas yra stebuklas. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Są tylko dwa sposoby przejścia przez życie. Jeden, jakby nic nie było cudem, i drugi, jakby wszystko było cudem. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Existem apenas duas maneiras de viver a vida. Uma é tal que nada é um milagre. Na outra, tudo o é. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həyatda yaşamağın iki üsulu var. Birinci üsul ondan ibarətdir ki, güya dünyada möcüzə yoxdur. İkinci üsul- güya bütün ətrafımız möcüzələrlə doludur. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Həyatı yaşamanın iki yolu var. Biri heç bir şey möcüzə deyilmiş kimi yaşamaq... Digəri hər şey möcüzəymiş kimi yaşamaq. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Лудост: да правиш едно и също нещо отново и отново, и да очакваш различни резултати. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Definice šílenství je dělat věci stále dokola stejným způsobem a přitom očekávat, že to přinese jiné výsledky. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Ուղղակի խելագարություն է՝ անել նույն բանը և սպասել ուրիշ արդյունքների։ (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Hullumeelsus - see on korrata ühte ja sama asja ootuses saada erinevaid tulemusi. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Անիմաստ է անել միևնույն բանը և սպասել ուրիշ արդյունքների։ (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ludost: raditi istu stvar iznova x puta i očekivati drukčije rezultate. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Ludost: raditi istu stvar iznova više puta i očekivati drugačije rezultate. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Az őrültség nem más, mint ugyanazt tenni újra és újra, és várni, hogy az eredmény más legyen. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Kegilaan adalah mengerjakan sesuatu dengan cara yang sama berulang-ulang lalu mengharapkan hasil yang berbeda. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Follia è fare sempre la stessa cosa ed aspettarsi risultati diversi. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Vienas pamišimo požymių tas, kad daromi tie patys dalykai, bet tikimasi kitokio rezultato. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Didžiausia beprotybė yra nuolat darant tą patį tikėtis kitokių rezultatų. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Axmaqlığın ən böyük dəlili, eyni şeyi dəfələrlə edib fərqli bir nəticə əldə etməyi ümid etməkdir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Dəlilik eyni şeyi təkrar təkrar edib fərqli nəticələr gözləməkdir. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Večer u kojoj se svi prisutni sasvim slažu izgubljena je. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Večer u kojoj se svi prisutni posve slažu izgubljena je. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Вече у којој се сви присутни сасвим слажу изгубљено је. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Ajo mbrëmje ku te gjithë të pranishmit kanë mendim të njëjtë, është mbrëmje e humbur. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Единственото ценно нещо е интуицията. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The really valuable thing is intuition. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    La única cosa realmente valiosa es la intuición. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Satu-satunya hal yang paling berharga adalah intuisi. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Τίποτα δεν θα ευεργετήσει την ανθρώπινη υγεία και θα αυξήσει τις ευκαιρίες επιβίωσης της ζωής στη Γη περισσότερο όσο η εξέλιξη σε ένα χορτοφαγικό διαιτολόγιο. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Niente aumenterà le possibilità di sopravvivenza della vita sulla Terra quanto l'evoluzione verso un'alimentazione vegetariana. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Niekas kitas neduos tiek naudos žmonių sveikatai ir padidins tikimybę išgyventi žemėje kaip perėjimas prie vegetarinės dietos. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Ништа неће толико помоћи људском здрављу нити повећати изгледе за опстанак живота на Земљи као прелазак на вегетаријанску исхрану. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Nic nie przyniesie większej korzyści ludzkiemu zdrowiu oraz nie zwiększy szans na przetrwanie życia na Ziemi w tak dużym stopniu jak ewolucja w kierunku diety wegetariańskiej. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Nada beneficiará tanto a saúde humana e aumentará as chances de sobrevivência da vida na terra quanto a evolução para uma dieta vegetariana. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Vejetaryenliğin yayılması kadar insanlığın sağlığına ve dünyada hayatta kalmalarına fayda sağlayacak başka bir şey yoktur. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Không có thứ gì mang lại lợi ích cho sức khỏe con người và làm tăng cơ hội sống còn trên thế gian này bằng phương pháp phát triển một chế độ ăn chay. (RDF)
  • en: English
    You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Ensin sinun täytyy oppia pelin säännöt ja sen jälkeen pelata paremmin kuin kukaan muu. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Tanuld meg a játékszabályokat, aztán már csak játszanod kell - persze mindenkinél jobban. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Reikia išmokti žaidimo taisykles. Tada pradėti žaisti geriau už kitus. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər oyunun qaydalarını öyrənsəniz, o zaman hər kəsdən yaxşı oynayacaqsınız. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əvvəlcə oyunun qaydalarını öyrənmək lazımdır, sonra da hər kəsdən yaxşı oynamağı. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Etməli olduğunuz iki şey var: Birincisi, oynadığınız oyunun qaydalarını öyrənmək; ikincisi isə oyunu hər kəsdən yaxşı oynamağı istəmək. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Въображението е по-важно от знанието. (RDF)
  • ca: Catalan; Valencian
    La imaginació és més important que el coneixement. El coneixement és limitat. La imaginació envolta el món. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Phantasie ist wichtiger als Wissen. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Η φαντασία είναι σημαντικότερη από τη γνώση. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Imagination is more important than knowledge. (RDF)
  • en: English
    :Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world,and all there ever will be to know and understand. (RDF)
  • en: English
    จินตนาการสำคัญกว่าความรู้ "Imagination is more important than knowledge (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Երևակայությունն ավելի կարևոր է, քան գիտելիքները։ Գիտելիքները սահմանափակ են, երևակայությունը՝ անսահման։ (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    تخیل مهمتر از دانش است. علم محدود است اما تخیل دنیا را دربر می‌گیرد. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Mielikuvitus on tärkeämpää kuin tieto. (RDF)
  • fr: French
    L'imagination est plus importante que le savoir. Le savoir est limité alors que l'imagination englobe le monde entier, stimule le progrès, suscite l'évolution. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    דמיון חשוב יותר מידע; כי הידע מוגבל אך הדמיון חובק עולם. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    ज्ञान से ज्यादा कल्पना जरूरी है। (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Mašta je važnija od znanja. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A képzelőtehetség fontosabb, mint az ismeret. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A képzelet fontosabb, mint a tudás. A tudás véges. A képzelet felöleli az egész világot. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Imajinasi lebih penting dari sebuah pengetahuan. Pengetahuan itu terbatas, sedangkan imajinasi meliputi seluruh dunia, merangsang kemajuan, dan akan melahirkan evolusi. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    L'immaginazione è più importante della conoscenza. La conoscenza è limitata; l'immaginazione racchiude il mondo. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    想像力は知識よりも重要である。知識に限界があるが為に、想像力が世界をとりまき、発展を刺激しつづけ、進歩に息を吹き込みつづけているのだから。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Fantazija yra svarbiau už žinias, nes žinios yra ribotos. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Машта је важнија од знања. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Fantasi er vel så viktig som kunnskaper. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wyobraźnia jest ważniejsza niż wiedza, bo choć wiedza wskazuje na to, co jest, wyobraźnia wskazuje na to, co będzie. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Wyobraźnia jest ważniejsza od wiedzy, ponieważ wiedza jest ograniczona. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A imaginação é mais importante que o conhecimento. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve o mundo, estimulando o progresso e dando origem à evolução. Ela é, de maneira rigorosa, um fator real na pesquisa científica. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A imaginação é mais importante que o conhecimento porque o conhecimento é limitado. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Përfytyrimi është më i rëndësishëm se dituria, sepse dituria ka kufi, ndërsa përfytyrimi rrok të gjithë botën, duke nxitur përparimin, e duke i dhënë jetë zhvillimit. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Imagjinata është më e rëndësishme se dituria. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Trí tưởng tượng quan trọng hơn tri thức. Vì tri thức chỉ giới hạn trong những gì ta hiểu biết, trong khi trí tưởng tượng bao trùm cả thế giới, và cả những gì ta sẽ hiểu biết. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Единственото, което обърква познанията ми, е моето образование. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Միակ բանը, որ ինձ խանգարում է սովորել, իմ ստացած կրթությունն է։ (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    A única coisa que interfere com meu aprendizado é a minha educação. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Mənim oxumağıma yeganə əngəl təhsil almağımdır. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Thứ duy nhất cản trở việc học hành của tôi chính là nền giáo dục. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Αν ήξερα, θα είχα γίνει κλειδαράς. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Jos vain olisin tiennyt, olisin ryhtynyt lukkosepäksi. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Ha tudtam volna, inkább órásmesternek megyek. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Gdybym tylko wiedział, powinienem był zostać zegarmistrzem. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Belə olacağını bilsəydim, bir ayaqqabı təmirçisi olardım. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Die Astrologie ist eine Wissenschaft für sich. Aber eine wegweisende. Ich habe viel aus ihr gelernt und vielen Nutzen aus ihr ziehen können. Die physikalischen Erkenntnisse unterstreichen die Macht der Sterne über irdisches Geschick. Die Astrologie aber unterstreicht in gewissem Sinne wiederum die physikalischen Erkenntnisse. Deshalb ist sie eine Art Lebens-elixier für die Gesellschaft! (RDF)
  • en: English
    You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Sabes, a liña de telégrafo é como unha especie gato de moi, moi longo. Tiras da súa cola en Nova Iorque e a súa cabeza está miañando en Os Anxos. Compréndelo? E a radio opera exactamente do mesmo xeito: envías sinais aquí, e eles recíbenas aló. A única diferencia é que aquí non hai gato. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    متوجه هستید که تلگراف سیمی به‌نوعی یک گربهٔ بسیار بسیار درازی است که وقتی دم‌اش را در نیویورک می‌کشید، سرش در لوس‌آنجلس میومیو می‌کند. این را می‌فهمید؟ و رادیو هم دقیقاً به همین شکل کار می‌کند؛ شما پیام‌هایی را از اینجا می‌فرستید و آنها در جایی دیگر دریافتشان می‌کنند. تنها تفاوت در این است که دیگر گربه‌ای وجود ندارد. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    חוט טלגרף הוא כמו חתול מאוד מאוד ארוך. אתה מושך את הזנב שלו בניו יורק, והראש שלו מיילל בלוס אנג'לס... רדיו הוא בדיוק אותו הדבר: אתה שולח אותות במקום אחד, ומקבלים אותם במקום אחר. ההבדל היחידי הוא שאין חתול. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Nézzék, a távíró nem más, mint egy nagyon-nagyon hosszú macska. Meghúzzák a farkát New Yorkban és a feje Los Angelesben nyivákol. Értik ezt? Namármost, a rádió pontosan ugyanígy mûködik: itt beküldik a jelet, ott pedig megkapják. Az egyetlen különbség, hogy itt nincsen macska. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Видите ли, проводной телеграф — это как очень, очень длинный кот. Вы тянете его за хвост в Нью-Йорке, а его голова мяукает в Лос-Анджелесе. Понимаете? А радио работает так же: Вы посылаете сигналы тут, их принимают там. Вся разница — нет никакого кота. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Teleqraf çox uzun pişik kimi bir şeydir: siz onun quyruğunu Nyu-Yorkda dartırsınız, başı isə Los Ancelesdə miyoldayır. Radio da eynidır: müəyyən bir yerdən siqnalı ötürürsən, o, başqa yerdə qəbul olunur. Yeganə fərq- burada heç bir pişik yoxdur. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Най-трудното за разбиране нещо на света е данъкът върху доходите. (RDF)
  • en: English
    The hardest thing in the world to understand is income taxes. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Lo más difícil de entender en el mundo es el impuesto sobre la renta». . (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    سخت‌ترین کار در دنیا درک مالیات بر درآمد است. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Vaikein asia maailmassa ymmärtää on tulovero. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    הדבר הקשה ביותר להבנה בעולם הוא מס הכנסה. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A legnehezebben megérthető dolog a világon a jövedelemadó. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Hal yang paling sulit dimengerti di dunia adalah pajak penghasilan. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    世界上最让我难以理解的就是所得税。 (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    세상에서 제일 이해하기 어려운것은 소득세이다. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Sunkiausiai pasaulyje suprantamas dalykas yra pajamų mokestis. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Den vanskeligste ting at forstå i denne verden, er indkomstskatten. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Rzeczą, którą najtrudniej w świecie zrozumieć, jest podatek dochodowy. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Thứ khó hiểu nhất thế giới chính là thuế thu nhập. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Ако пчелите изчезнат от лицето на земята, на хората няма да им останат повече от четири години живот. Няма повече пчели, без повече опрашване... не повече мъже! (RDF)
  • de: German
    Wenn die Bienen verschwinden, hat der Mensch nur noch vier Jahre zu leben; keine Bienen mehr, keine Pflanzen, keine Tiere, keine Menschen mehr. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination ... no more men! (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Se l'ape scomparisse dalla faccia della terra, all'uomo non resterebbero che quattro anni di vita. (RDF)
  • no: Norwegian
    Forsvinner biene vil vi bare ha fire år igjen å leve. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    “Se as abelhas desaparecerem da face da terra, a humanidade terá apenas mais quatro anos de existência. sem abelhas não há polinização, não há reprodução da flora, sem flora não há animais, sem animais não haverá raça humana (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Son arı yoxa çıxdıqdan sonra insan yalnız bir neçə il yaşayacaq. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    Two vördz: ze smart meterz (RDF)
  • en: English
    Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. (RDF)
  • fa: Persian
    هرکس می‌تواند هر چیزی را بزرگتر، پیچیده‌تر و خشن تر کند. برای حرکت در عکس کمی نبوغ نیاز است. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Nikada do otkrića nisam došao isključivo racionalnim razmišljanjem. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Nikad do otkrića nisam došao isključivo racionalnim razmišljanjem. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Никад до открића нисам дошао искључиво рационалним размишљањем. (RDF)
  • cs: Czech
    Je-li nepořádek na stole odrazem nepořádku v mysli, co potom odráží prázdný stůl? (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əgər masanın üstündəki qarışıqlıq başdakı qarışıqlığı bildirirsə, o zaman boş masa nəyi bildirir? (RDF)
  • en: English
    Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem—in my opinion—to characterize our age. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Caracteriza a nuestra época la perfección de medios y la confusión de fines. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Savršenstvo sredstava i zbrka ciljeva čini se, po mom mišljenju, obilježavaju naše doba. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Савршенство средстава и збрка циљева чини се, по мом мишљењу, обележавају наше доба. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Совершенные средства при неясных целях — характерный признак нашего времени. (RDF)
  • en: English
    I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Temo il giorno in cui la tecnologia andrà oltre la nostra umanità: il mondo sarà popolato allora da una generazione di idioti. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Temo o dia em que a tecnologia supere nossa interação humana. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Texnologiyaların sadə insan ünsiyyətini üstələyəcəyi günün mütləq gələcəyindən qorxuram. O halda dünya yaramazlardan, gicbəsərlərdən ibarət bir nəsildən ibarət olacaq. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Korkarım ki bir gün teknoloji, insan iletişiminin ve yakınlaşmasının önüne geçecek ve aptal bir nesil ortaya çıkacak. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Ikke alt, der kan tælles, tæller, og ikke alt, der tæller, kan tælles. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Από όσα μετράνε δεν μπορούν να μετρηθούν όλα, και από όσα μπορούν να μετρηθούν δεν μετράνε όλα. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Tidak semua yang dapat dihitung diperhitungkan dan tidak semua diperhitungkan yang dapat dihitung. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non tutto quel che conta può essere contato e non tutto quello che può essere contato conta. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Qiymətli olan hər şey ölçülə bilməz, ölçülə bilən hər şey qiymətli deyil. (RDF)
  • nl: Dutch
    Shopping wìz ze hwoman! (RDF)
  • en: English
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    प्रत्येक इंसान जीनियस है। लेकिन यदि आप किसी मछली को उसकी पेड़ पर चढ़ने की योग्यता से जज करेंगे तो वो अपनी पूरी ज़िन्दगी यह सोच कर जिएगी की वो मुर्ख है। (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Semua orang itu jenius. Tetapi jika Anda menilai ikan dengan kemampuannya untuk memanjat pohon, percayalah itu adalah bodoh. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    사람은 누구나 천재다. 하지만 나무타기 실력 같은 것으로 물고기를 평가해서는 안된다. 만약 나무타기 실력으로만 물고기를 평가한다면, 그 물고기는 평생 자신을 바보라고 생각할 것이다. (RDF)
  • sq: Albanian
    Të gjithë janë gjeni. Por nëse e gjykon peshkun sipas mundësisë për tu ngjitur në trung, do të jetojë tërë jetën duke besuar së është budalla. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Əslində hər kəs dahidir. Amma bir balıqdan ağaca dırmanmaq istedadı tələb olunarsa, o, bütün ömür boyu özünü axmaq hiss edəcək. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Otkriće atomske lančane reakcije ne treba dovesti do uništenja ljudskoga roda, jednako kao što to nije ni otkriće šibica. Potrebno je samo učiniti sve da spriječimo zloupotrebu sredstva. Pri sadašnjem stepenu tehničkog razvoja mogu nas zaštititi samo nadnacionalne organizacije povezane sa zadovoljavajuće jakom izvršnom moći. Uvidim li to, naći ćemo i snage za žrtve potrebne za osiguranje budućnosti čovječanstva. Svako od nas bio bi kriv ukoliko se do tog cilja ne dođe na vrijeme. Postoji i opasnost da svako besposleno čeka na to da drugi djeluje za njega... (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Откриће атомске ланчане реакције не треба довести до уништења људског рода, једнако као што то није ни откриће шибица. Потребно је само учинити све да спречимо злоупотребу средства. При садашњем степену техничког развоја могу нас заштитити само наднационалне организације повезане са задовољавајуће јаком извршном моћи. Увидим ли то, наћи ћемо и снаге за жртве потребне за осигурање будућности човечанства. Сватко од нас био би крив уколико се до тог циља не дође на време. Постоји и опасност да сватко беспослено чека на то да други делује за њега... (RDF)
  • en: English
    Fairy tales and more fairy tales. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Contempt prior to investigation is what enslaves a mind to Ignorance. (RDF)
  • en: English
    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot. (RDF)
  • hu: Hungarian
    A kevés tudás veszélyes. A sok is. (RDF)
  • en: English
    You can recognize a really good idea by the fact that its implementation seems impossible in the first place. (RDF)
  • en: English
    If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies (RDF)
  • en: English
    Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Kõige tugevam jõud universumis on liitintress. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Lãi gộp là lực mạnh nhất trong vũ trụ. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Nationalisme er en børnesygdom. Den er menneskehedens mæslinger. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. (RDF)
  • en: English
    :Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Natsionalism on lastehaigus, inimkonna leetrid. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Kansallisuusaate on lastentauti. Se on ihmiskunnan tuhkarokko. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    לאומיות היא מחלת ילדות. זאת החצבת של האנושות." ~ הצהרה לג. ס. וירק, 1952 (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Nacionalizam je dječija bolest. To su ospice čovječanstva. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il nazionalismo è una malattia infantile, il morbillo del genere umano. (RDF)
  • ja: Japanese
    国家主義は、小児病気である。それは、人類のはしかである。 (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Nacionalizmas – tai vaikiška liga, tymai, kuriais serga žmonija. (RDF)
  • lt: Lithuanian
    Nacionalizmas yra infantilus liguistumas. Tai yra žmonių rasės tymai. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Национализам је дечија болест. То су оспице човечанства (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O nacionalismo é uma doença infantil: é o sarampo da humanidade. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    O nacionalismo é unha enfermidade infantil. É o sarampelo da humanidade. (RDF)
  • ru: Russian
    Национализм — детская болезнь. Это корь человечества. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Milliyətçilik bir uşaq xəstəliyidir - bəşəriyyətin qızılcası. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    U moralnosti nema ničeg božanskog, to je posve ljudska stvar. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    U moralnosti nema ničeg božanskog, to je posve ljudska stvar... (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Non vi è nulla di divino nella moralità, è una faccenda puramente umana. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    道德毫無神聖之處;皆因只是人之常情。 (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    У моралности нема ничег божанског, то је тотално људска ствар... (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Две неща ми вдъхват страхопочитание — сияещото небе отгоре и поучителната Вселена, в която се намирам. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Two things inspire me to awe: the starry heavens and the moral universe within. (RDF)
  • id: Indonesian
    Dua hal yang membangkitkan ketakjuban saya – langit bertaburkan bintang di atas dan alam semesta yang penuh hikmah di dalamnya (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Всеки мъж, който шофира безопасно и в същото време целува хубаво момиче, не отдава достатъчно внимание на целувката. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Qualsiasi uomo che guida in maniera sicura mentre bacia una bella ragazza è un uomo che non sta dando al bacio l'attenzione che merita. (RDF)
  • pt: Portuguese
    Quando um homem é capaz de guiar o automóvel em perfeita segurança enquanto beija uma mulher bonita, simplesmente deixa de dar ao beijo a atenção que merece. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Gözəl bir qızla öpüşərək maşını təhlükəsiz idarə edə bilən kişi, deməli öpüşə lazımi əhəmiyyət vermir. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Bugünə köklənin: gözəl bir qızı öpərkən avtomobil idarəedən birisi həmin öpüş sahibinə haqq etdiyi diqqəti verməyi bacarmalıdır. (RDF)
  • bg: Bulgarian
    Информацията не е знание. Единственият източник на знание е опитът. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. (RDF)
  • fi: Finnish
    Ainoa tiedon lähde on kokemus. (RDF)
  • he: Hebrew (modern)
    המקור היחיד לידע הוא הניסיון. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Thông tin không phải là kiến thức. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. (RDF)
  • et: Estonian
    Համընկնումների օգնությամբ Աստված պահպանում է անանունությունը։ (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Le coincidenze sono il modo di Dio per rendersi anonimo. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Allah anonimliyini təsadüflərin köməyi ilə saxlayır. (RDF)
  • da: Danish
    Læg din hånd på en varm kogeplade i et minut, og det vil føles som en time. Sid med en flot pige i en time, og det vil føles som et minut. Det er relativitet. (RDF)
  • el: Greek, Modern
    Όταν ένας άνθρωπος κάθεται με ένα όμορφο κορίτσι για μια ώρα, φαίνεται σαν ένα λεπτό. Αλλά αφήστε τον να καθίσει σε μια καυτή σόμπα για ένα λεπτό και θα φαίνεται σαν περισσότερο από μία ώρα. Αυτό είναι σχετικότητα. (RDF)
  • en: English
    When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute and it's longer than any hour. That's relativity. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Si un hombre se sienta una hora con una chica bonita, el tiempo le parece como un minuto. Pero si está sentado sobre una estufa caliente, entonces le parece que un minuto dura más que cualquier hora. Esto es la relatividad». y . (RDF)
  • hi: Hindi
    जब आप एक अच्छी लड़की के साथ बैठे हों तो एक घंटा एक सेकंड के सामान लगता है।जब आप धधकते अंगारे पर बैठे हों तो एक सेकंड एक घंटे के सामान लगता है। यही सापेक्षिकता है। (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Kad čovjek sjedi jedan sat s lijepom djevojkom, to vam se čini kao minuta. Ali neka sjedi jednu minutu na vrućoj peći - to je duže od jednog sata: To je relativnost. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Kad čovjek sjedi jedan sat s lijepom djevojkom, to vam se čini kao jedna minuta. Ali kada sjedi jednu minutu na vrućoj peći - to je duže od jednog sata. To je relativnost. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Quando un uomo siede due ore in compagnia di una bella ragazza, sembra sia passato un minuto. Ma fatelo sedere su una stufa per un minuto e gli sembrerà che siano passate due ore. Questa è la relatività. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Кад човек седи један сат са лепом девојком, то вам се чини као једна минута. Али нека седи једну минуту на врућој пећи - то је дуже од једног сата. То је релативност. (RDF)
  • sl: Slovene
    Dajte svojo roko v vročo peč za minuto – zdela se bo kot ura. Sedite z lepim dekletom za eno uro in zdela se bo kot minuta. To je relativnost. (RDF)
  • th: Thai
    1 ชั่วโมงที่ชายหนุ่มนั่งเคียงหญิงสาวผ่านไปไวราวกับ 1 นาที แต่ 1 นาทีที่เขานั่งบนเตาที่ร้อน ผ่านไปราวกับ 1 ชั่วโมง นี่คือสัมพัทธภาพ (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Qızmış sobanın üstündə bir dəqiqə oturanda adama elə gəlir ki, bir saat keçdi. Amma gözəl bir qız dizinin üstündə bir saat oturanda isə sanki bir dəqiqə keçdi. Nisbilik nəzəriyyəsi. (RDF)
  • vi: Vietnamese
    Khi bạn ngồi với một cô gái xinh xắn trong hai giờ, nó cứ như hai phút. Khi bạn ngồi trên một cái bếp lò nóng trong hai phút, nó cứ như hai giờ. Đấy là thuyết tương đối. (RDF)
  • de: German
    Mein politisches Ideal ist das demokratische. Jeder soll als Person respektiert und keiner vergöttert werden. (RDF)
  • es: Spanish; Castilian
    Mi ideal político es el democrático. Cada uno debe ser respetado como una persona y nadie debe ser divinizado. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    Moj politički ideal je demokratija. Poštujmo svakog čovjeka kao biće i ne pravimo ni od koga idola. (RDF)
  • hr: Croatian
    “Moj politički ideal je demokracija. Poštujmo svakog čovjeka kao biće i ne pravimo ni od koga idola. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il mio ideale politico è la democrazia. Che ogni uomo sia rispettato come individuo e che nessuno venga idolatrato. (RDF)
  • ko: Korean
    我的政治理想是民主主义。我不希望社会中产生任何让人膜拜的偶像,而讓每個人都作為個人受到尊重。 (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Мој политички идеал је демократија. Поштујмо сваког човека као биће и не правимо ни од кога идола. (RDF)
  • pl: Polish
    Moim ideałem politycznym jest demokracja. Chciałbym, żeby każdy człowiek był szanowany jako jednostka i żeby nikogo nie wynoszono na piedestał. (RDF)
  • en: English
    Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. (RDF)
  • mk: Macedonian
    Не постоји ни најмањи наговестај да је нуклеарну енергију могуће обуздати. То би значило да би атоме могли да цепамо по вољи.”- 1932. године (RDF)
  • en: English
    International law exists only in textbooks on international law. (RDF)
  • it: Italian
    Il diritto internazionale esiste soltanto nei manuali di diritto internazionale. (RDF)
  • tr: Turkish
    Beynəlxalq qanunlar yalnız beynəlxalq qanunlar toplusunda mövcuddur. (RDF)